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Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:53 pm
by Akashic Soldier
The title says it all.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:44 am
by DhAkael
Haven't met a GM who truly has made me enjoy playing Rifts.
Beyond the Supernatural (First Edition; not the half-asped excuse for a 2nd ed.)? Oh hell yeah. Sadly the gent in question gave up gaming in any form about 5 years ago :P

No seriously; even going by book-canon (and yes, I actually CAN play canon...and not rage quit) Rifts, I have yet to meet a GM who can truly explore the full potential of just Rifts Terra, let alone any of the connected megaversal off-shoots and make the setting "LIVE".

My present GM I game under on Thursdays comes the closest, but even then... *shrug* still not singing; more like really pleasent humming and accapella rather than a 9th symphony if you know what I'm saying.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:28 am
by TechnoGothic
Most fun playing Rifts ??

It was way back in the 90s sad to say. In our longest going Rifts game. We all started playing as Headhunters. I stole some great lines from a movie. Noone else saw the movie (for years afterwards), and i gave the lines great in character. The other players thought I was brillient.
Hint the movie was about a suitcase, and a merc group was hired to retrieve it. We never find out what is in the suitcase in the movie. Great movie. :D

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:53 am
by Incriptus
Its sad but I to have not had a really fun Rifts game since the 90's. Part of it is ofcourse that there are so many competing games, and our D&D games have been particularly great, so Rifts hasn't been in the circulation too much. The other part is that I'm the primary GM when Rifts does come up, so i'm not really "playing" Rifts. [If you count GM'ing as Play'ing, then I've had two great Rifts games]. So in the last 10 years I've played in 2 short Rifts Campaigns. Neither of them really captured the magic of the other games I've played in.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:22 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I've had alot of great times playing rifts.

One of the most fun was a game where I played a Dog boy Cyberknight. Had a ton of very 'heroic' adventures with that one.

Another of the great ones was when I played a Lone Star Mutant Porcupine trained as a Paratrooper. "QUILLS FROM ABOVE!!". That game was around Lone Star. We were a group of Mercs, outfitted by a company in NG, that worked as a sort of 'underground railroad' for Mutant animals out of Lone Star.

Had a great time playing a Honey Badger commando once (( I forget the exact class. Probably Special forces out off Merc books)).

I've had a number of games playing as CS troops. I've played the Military Specalist, and Juicer, but the most fun from that vector would be a toss up between a CS Ranger or CS commando.

Played the ranger during an exploratory group that was striking out west and trying to get over the mountains to find out what was in Cali. (( Periodic air drops for equipment and such)) The CS Commando was when we played through the Tolkeen war. Ended up killing a platoon of 'bad' CS during that one. They'd gone evil amidst the war. So our Unit had to put them down.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:53 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
I always had a great time GMing and they kept coming back for more.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:28 pm
by escargotini
Back in the early 90s I had a Juicer that everybody hated. The GM actively tried to kill him off, but I always survived, so they hated him more. Eventually his character sheet "disappeared" :x

In my previous group, one player made a character based on Johnny Cash. He wore all black, was a Line Walker (groan) and took professional level singing and guitar playing. As GM this was a great source of amusement. I created a sidekick, an NPC ex-Dead Boy named Tsu. :lol: I think I had him fall into a ring of fire at some point. What made it funnier was that half the group didn't get the references.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:38 pm
by taalismn
anapuna wrote:i had a 6 inch mouse/rat. 6 inches is the smallest size on the BIO-E chart, size 1. since i was so small i was allowed the cheesy ability to be a psi-tech. noone really thought that this was going to work and waited to see what i was going to do. the team piled out of the ATV and fought a baddy, it was the thing from the beginning of the psyscape book that marks whoever it fights for its master. or something like that. i was thinking what to do. i looked at the stats for the ATV in the book it gives attack stats for running over things and the ATV has these huge MD tires i want to say it was it was 1D6x10MD. so playes are firing 2or3D6 rifles and i hop on the control panel and take over the vehicle and mentally drive thing over the monster. 40 MD. next action, put it in reverse. 60MD. next action. forward. 50MD. this thing loses actions evertime i run it over. so i just keep squashing it. i kill it in like 30 seconds and i take out over half the MDC of the thing. GM tallys the damageand awards me the most XP for the kill and i am the only player not marked for harvesting by the big baddy. some one rolls a lore check and gets it well. the group finds out about the marking process and heads to psyscape to get unmarked. everyone looks at me like really! took it out and did not get marked! who's your rat daddy! i was originally going to be covert about placing bugs in places and spying wioth the bunny. we ended up on a quest to build a 14 inch glitter rat and have me run around the battlefield firing lasers and stuff. we thought about making a mortal launcher that would require me to anchor down gust like a boom gun. but it would be claws on all 4 legs and the frame lockin up to fire and take the recoil.

we had a blast

A GlitterRat?
You have my attention.
Your character justifies an entire product for me, good sir. :D

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:31 pm
by Faceless Dude
TechnoGothic wrote:Most fun playing Rifts ??

It was way back in the 90s sad to say. In our longest going Rifts game. We all started playing as Headhunters. I stole some great lines from a movie. Noone else saw the movie (for years afterwards), and i gave the lines great in character. The other players thought I was brillient.
Hint the movie was about a suitcase, and a merc group was hired to retrieve it. We never find out what is in the suitcase in the movie. Great movie. :D

So what is the color of the boathouse at Hereford?

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:36 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Evil Genius Prime wrote:Sadly, I've never "played" Rifts. I'm always the GM. But I have had a lot of fun running games for various groups over the years.

My best campaign was one in which the PC's were working for an Extra-Dimensional Entity, that turned out to be "THE" God from the Bible. They went on a global artifact hunt that allowed me to use the first 10 world books and world books 13 - 17. It was a lot of fun. The game lasted two years, with us meeting between 3 to 4 times a month. It was epic. The campaign came to a close with the PC's taking on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (suped up versions).

That still counts. Youre still playing Rifts youre just not playing IN Rifts.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:51 pm
by Zamion138
we ended up on the bottom of the sea fighting some squid demons inside of a giant howitzer robot and ate dolphins on the coast to prove we were tough enough to join some raiders. used diminsional pockets to steal all their weapons, then sold them to a rival gang with bombs in the butt stocks... wiped both sides out, didnt get paid by the "king". broke and low on armor and gear we beat feet out and chualk it up to settling a latter day. it never happened. hahahaha was a real fun game.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:24 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
anapuna wrote:2000-2003 had some awesome games for me. RIFTS NA. we had Sir Hut, football fanatic cyber knight human that rode a cyber steed that had beer chilled under the saddle bags in the horse when you were thirsty you just lifted the saddle bag up and dug your arm in up to the elbow and pulled out a cold one. big juicer foot ball fan and actually fought using football moves. talked like he was from chicago and was always talking about his team. 'da bears!

the skinny mexican psi-stalker that would say " i keel you. i keel you good. you not know when or why, but i wheel." also some princes bride quotes. you know the ones. " i am ... now prepare to die." he was always failing his prowl rolls so he just gave up prowling and became a bragart.

mutant chimera bunny saloon gal / spy had the ability to alter musk gland to entice people... GM and player actually played out an elf whipping it out in the bar. at first i was like oh jeez stop. but they did it funny as crap. we capped the level of smut after that. we had a running joke afterwards , "when in doubt elf it out." or the player would say i am going to make him elf it out and rolls for seduction.

i had a 6 inch mouse/rat. 6 inches is the smallest size on the BIO-E chart, size 1. since i was so small i was allowed the cheesy ability to be a psi-tech. noone really thought that this was going to work and waited to see what i was going to do. the team piled out of the ATV and fought a baddy, it was the thing from the beginning of the psyscape book that marks whoever it fights for its master. or something like that. i was thinking what to do. i looked at the stats for the ATV in the book it gives attack stats for running over things and the ATV has these huge MD tires i want to say it was it was 1D6x10MD. so playes are firing 2or3D6 rifles and i hop on the control panel and take over the vehicle and mentally drive thing over the monster. 40 MD. next action, put it in reverse. 60MD. next action. forward. 50MD. this thing loses actions evertime i run it over. so i just keep squashing it. i kill it in like 30 seconds and i take out over half the MDC of the thing. GM tallys the damageand awards me the most XP for the kill and i am the only player not marked for harvesting by the big baddy. some one rolls a lore check and gets it well. the group finds out about the marking process and heads to psyscape to get unmarked. everyone looks at me like really! took it out and did not get marked! who's your rat daddy! i was originally going to be covert about placing bugs in places and spying wioth the bunny. we ended up on a quest to build a 14 inch glitter rat and have me run around the battlefield firing lasers and stuff. we thought about making a mortal launcher that would require me to anchor down gust like a boom gun. but it would be claws on all 4 legs and the frame lockin up to fire and take the recoil.

we had a blast

Ok. Glitterrat made me smile. Have you seen the CS and Trax robo rat spy bots? lol

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:25 pm
by escargotini
Evil Genius Prime wrote:My best campaign was one in which the PC's were working for an Extra-Dimensional Entity, that turned out to be "THE" God from the Bible. They went on a global artifact hunt that allowed me to use the first 10 world books and world books 13 - 17. It was a lot of fun. The game lasted two years, with us meeting between 3 to 4 times a month. It was epic. The campaign came to a close with the PC's taking on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (suped up versions).

Whoa, the campaign I'm running is eerily similar to that. The catalyst is the Shifter retrieving an artifact to complete her Link to the Supernatural. Eventually the party will fall in with a group from Lazlo to collect more artifacts and eventually take on the Four Horsemen.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:43 am
by GenThunderfist
My favourtie moment was in Dead Reign acutally. I was the GM and it was one of the best GMing experiences ever. I didn't have to do anything and the players were already screwing themselves over. One of the players had taken a tree trimming saw, gas powered. They were in the sewers and he turns it on. Instantly the sounds of moaning and splashing could be heard over the din of the saw. Then he threw the thing in the water, causing more noise! It was so awesome....

The best time I had in's either the time I played a fallen cosmo knight and beat up everything that came my way. Or the time I was playing a blade mage and got two really great kills on some Panther Shark warmounts - I stared death in the face and killed it...although I lost my arm soon after that...but you win some, you lose some :lol:

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:11 am
by earthhawk
DhAkael wrote:Haven't met a GM who truly has made me enjoy playing Rifts.
Beyond the Supernatural (First Edition; not the half-asped excuse for a 2nd ed.)? Oh hell yeah. Sadly the gent in question gave up gaming in any form about 5 years ago :P

No seriously; even going by book-canon (and yes, I actually CAN play canon...and not rage quit) Rifts, I have yet to meet a GM who can truly explore the full potential of just Rifts Terra, let alone any of the connected megaversal off-shoots and make the setting "LIVE".

My present GM I game under on Thursdays comes the closest, but even then... *shrug* still not singing; more like really pleasent humming and accapella rather than a 9th symphony if you know what I'm saying.

Maybe you should try to run the type of game you are looking to play?

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:11 pm
by dragonfett
Most fun I have ever had playing Rifts was as a Promethean Godling (or was he/she/it a Demi-God) in a campaign where everyone was a Godling/Demi-God. My character had all the abilities of a Phase Mystic and our group was in a temple looking for an artifact when we came upon an obviously trapped hallway with no way around and no way to disarm the traps, so I tell the GM "My character walks down the hallway, stepping on all of the tiles to set off all of the traps (which dropped large stone blocks from the ceiling)".

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:22 am
by DhAkael
earthhawk wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Haven't met a GM who truly has made me enjoy playing Rifts.
Beyond the Supernatural (First Edition; not the half-asped excuse for a 2nd ed.)? Oh hell yeah. Sadly the gent in question gave up gaming in any form about 5 years ago :P

No seriously; even going by book-canon (and yes, I actually CAN play canon...and not rage quit) Rifts, I have yet to meet a GM who can truly explore the full potential of just Rifts Terra, let alone any of the connected megaversal off-shoots and make the setting "LIVE".

My present GM I game under on Thursdays comes the closest, but even then... *shrug* still not singing; more like really pleasent humming and accapella rather than a 9th symphony if you know what I'm saying.

Maybe you should try to run the type of game you are looking to play?

I do...quite frequently (disenters not withstanding; the campaign has been going strong nearly 6 years on-line, and the meta plot since Rifts 1st Ed. 1st. Printing).
No, the problem is, I DO like playing. A lot.
...and sadly, very few GM's I've been with have, well, re-read my original post (oh n'er mind. It's here in the reply. How convienent :D ).

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:27 pm
by Myrrhibis
During an admittedly high-powered game, the PCs encountered Deathmist going incognito... we were going after the same McGuffin.

Anyhow, the item got destroyed/removed by third party, and Deathmist was leaving w/ most of his posse on a TW airship/skiff. We had enough time that my D-Bee Assassin was able to get a shot off w/ a BFG w/ modified ammo provided by Iglix. (I did say it was a high-powered game)

Had modifiers up the whazoo, was aiming for the engines - rolled a Nat 20... then got equivalent for 300MD.

Skiff & Deathmist go *boom*.

Needless to say, that PC group is persona non grata in most of the FoM, and we're now looking over our shoulders waiting for Deathmist to be reborn. Cuz you *know* Dunscon is gonna find some chick to 'have his baby' to speed up the return of Deathmist ^_^

But in a more mundane way, this group I've been playing/running with for almost 20 years in various configurations. We're all Fantasy & SciFi buffs, so as long as you can present a semi-logical background/how the hell a race got to RIFTS/Megaverse, and stat-roll something workable, it can work. Our "group" tends to use a home-grown mix of RDF/Jedi/divine with True Atlantians as an uniting element. Again, MEGAverse where anything is possible.

The Assassin in question is from a SF series w/ a human paidhi.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:23 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
anapuna wrote:14 inch glitter rat. that is all i got to say.

Just for you.

http://blog.geeksaresexytech.netdna-cdn ... irrel2.jpg

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:39 pm
by Greyaxe
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:I have only played three sessions this far: I am a RCSG Scientist (level 2 at the moment) who has defected from Lone Star, where i used to live and work. For some reason (unknown to me at the moment , i have began to doubt the administrator (Bradford/Bedford/something like that) and the Coalition States and has fled with a very loyal Psi-Dog/Dog girl, played by a friend) and it appears that both of us has been tampered with by genetical engineering outside the norm of that place.

So this far, we have eluded the Coalition State troops, and have arrived to a small village where there are a few magic users and some DeeBees and it has become quite fun and interested in hiding among those who we consider enemies and threats to the humans/Psi-Dogs and I try to act as racist as i can and at the same time trying to hide my dislike and arrogance so that they do not throw us out. The Psi-dog is constantly growling at all the alien DeeBees and showing its dislike while the people are doubting our lies and it is just exciting...

Does your GM dictate how your character should feel? Or does he just give clues?

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:56 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:He has given me doubts that the administrator might not be in his right senses. My character was assisting in one experiment ans thinks that he is doing illegal research and unethical stuff. (She is unprincipled alignment) and stuff that the Emperor might not accept, but at the same time, the Emperor seems to put all trust in him, but there are other things, as well. I was ordered to kill perfectly healthy puppies (dog boys) by injecting them with a very vicious disease just to look on how they would die in pain and report it. Stuff like that, but that is mainly back story. We started playing when we were about to sneak out of the big underground complex after falsifying orders and such. Trying to cover as much distance between us and them as we could before they noticed that we were awol.

Does anyone else think this is awesome?

Your GM is doing an awesome job! Play this out, enjoy the experience!

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:23 am
by DhAkael
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
Amanda-Cha'at wrote:I have only played three sessions this far: I am a RCSG Scientist (level 2 at the moment) who has defected from Lone Star, where i used to live and work. For some reason (unknown to me at the moment , i have began to doubt the administrator (Bradford/Bedford/something like that) and the Coalition States and has fled with a very loyal Psi-Dog/Dog girl, played by a friend) and it appears that both of us has been tampered with by genetical engineering outside the norm of that place.

So this far, we have eluded the Coalition State troops, and have arrived to a small village where there are a few magic users and some DeeBees and it has become quite fun and interested in hiding among those who we consider enemies and threats to the humans/Psi-Dogs and I try to act as racist as i can and at the same time trying to hide my dislike and arrogance so that they do not throw us out. The Psi-dog is constantly growling at all the alien DeeBees and showing its dislike while the people are doubting our lies and it is just exciting...

Does your GM dictate how your character should feel? Or does he just give clues?

He has given me doubts that the administrator might not be in his right senses. My character was assisting in one experiment ans thinks that he is doing illegal research and unethical stuff. (She is unprincipled alignment) and stuff that the Emperor might not accept, but at the same time, the Emperor seems to put all trust in him, but there are other things, as well. I was ordered to kill perfectly healthy puppies (dog boys) by injecting them with a very vicious disease just to look on how they would die in pain and report it. Stuff like that, but that is mainly back story. We started playing when we were about to sneak out of the big underground complex after falsifying orders and such. Trying to cover as much distance between us and them as we could before they noticed that we were awol.

Schweet... More nuanced than I've seen in quite some time.
This looks most promissing.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:28 am
by DevastationBob
The best was the last campaign we played in. I had a Quick-Flex gunfighter who didn't get hit for two levels. Due to a missed game, I was "knocked out" when my environmental armor failed and I suffered smoke inhalation during a fight with bandits. I was taken to a hospital while the party reconned the area. They were nice enough to leave a pistol under my pillow. This came in handy when some bandits attacked the hospital looking for the pesky adventurers that were spoiling their fun. Wearing nothing but a hospital gown, I took out both armor wearing bandits.

Later while investigating some ruins, we were attacked by a Spiny Ravager. It attempted to bite me and I asked the GM if i could dodge INTO it's mouth. He allowed it and I shoved a vibro blade into it's tongue with one hand and started dropping fusion and HE grenades down it's gullet with the other. My armor was torn to shreds while this happened, but it held out long enough to down the beastie.

We rigged a tree with fusion blocks, then dropped it on a column of zombies and other nasties that were on their way to attack a town.

We left a horse in charge of a town.

I chased down a juicer on my hoverbike and 20'ed him in the back of the head at point blank range.

While under fire from a guy in Predator armor and running, I over the shouldered an energy rifle at him, nat 20, set off all his missles and blew him out of the sky.

With a full pulse rifle and sweet damage rolls, I took the head off a charging thornhead demon. His antlers adorn previously mentioned hoverbike.

Good times.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:00 pm
by Jay05
Most fun in over ten years is the online game I'm currently in! Thanks, to D and my fellow players ya'll know who you are!

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:49 pm
by dragonfett
chokepoint wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I've had alot of great times playing rifts.

One of the most fun was a game where I played a Dog boy Cyberknight. Had a ton of very 'heroic' adventures with that one.

Another of the great ones was when I played a Lone Star Mutant Porcupine trained as a Paratrooper. "QUILLS FROM ABOVE!!". That game was around Lone Star. We were a group of Mercs, outfitted by a company in NG, that worked as a sort of 'underground railroad' for Mutant animals out of Lone Star.

Had a great time playing a Honey Badger commando once (( I forget the exact class. Probably Special forces out off Merc books)).

I've had a number of games playing as CS troops. I've played the Military Specalist, and Juicer, but the most fun from that vector would be a toss up between a CS Ranger or CS commando.

Played the ranger during an exploratory group that was striking out west and trying to get over the mountains to find out what was in Cali. (( Periodic air drops for equipment and such)) The CS Commando was when we played through the Tolkeen war. Ended up killing a platoon of 'bad' CS during that one. They'd gone evil amidst the war. So our Unit had to put them down.

"The honey badger is such a bada$%... Honey badger doesn't give a s&*%... He's so nasty!"

Honey Badgers should have the special ability Total Immunity to Horror Factor/Awe.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:12 pm
by Glistam
DevastationBob wrote:We left a horse in charge of a town.


Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:13 pm
by The Jack
The absolute most fun I had playing Rifts was after our group was sitting around one day and it came out in discussion that after years of playing, no one had ever gotten a character above 10th level. Either the characters died, a new campaign took everything in a different direction so we needed new characters, or (sadly most common) players simply wound up going their separate ways and a new group would form. At that point, I declared that everyone was to roll up a 9th level character. Nothing was off limits and starting equipment could be just about anything within reason, but naturally the GM was the almighty arbiter of what was reasonable. The only stipulation was that every player was required to type a minimum two page backstory on their character and we would read them to each other at the beginning of the first session.

Two pages of backstory is par for the course for me, but doing something like that had never even occurred to some of the guys. They were excited enough about starting out at such a high level, though, that they muted the grumblings and got to work. It was (and I think I can speak for most there) the absolute most fun I've had roleplaying in any game. I still remember everyone's character there as though they were old friends, to say nothing of my own (although my character was specifically designed to be a "Hand of God" type NPC and keep them from getting in over their heads).

We had a drunken Russina demi-god Gambler O.C.C. whose mother (to whom he was a great disappointment) was a Mystic Kuznya. He was an enormous bear of a man (P.S. was around 60 IIRC), and his weapon was an huge war hammer his mom made for him. Someone made an Earth/Air Warlock nicknamed Dr. Apocalypse because of the mess he left behind. One person made a simple Rogue Scientist, who was probably turned out to be the most valuable member of our party in spite of how powerful everyone else was.

My character was an Abberant Promenthean assassin, who was struggling to become Scrupulous. I will spare you the whole two pages, but here's the short version:
For centuries, Elan was one of the most feared assassins in the Three Galaxies. Elan did the dirty work and protected the political interests of Phase World with ruthless efficiency. Phase and Temporal powers combined with his uncanny skills as a sniper made Elan a killer without peer. As the time approached for Elan to move on to the Second Stage of Promethean life, however, it was made clear by the Elders that he was not ready. Elan was told that he was too immature, and needed to develop his conscience before he would be considered for the Test.
Elan was sent to a powerful Shawnee Paradox Shaman, Matthew Wise-Raven, to be guided in his emotional development in preparation to test for the Second Stage. In Matthew’s adventuring days he fought alongside a Phase Adept who had moved on to become a Second Stage Promethean. Matthew was known to them for his wisdom and heart as fierce proponent of balance and justice in the universe. For over a decade, Elan lived a simple existence as a student of the shaman. Elan learned of balance and harmony in nature, as well as the value of all life. When Matthew passed away, Elan bid farewell to the tribe and intended to make his way back to the Three Galaxies, but wound up joining forces with an honorable group of Earth adventurers. He carried a Great Luck Fetish, which was a gift from his time with the tribes and only functions when the bearer acts with honor to helped to guide his heart. He also made his own sniper rounds which included crafting a phase field onto traditional kinetic S.D.C. rifle rounds.

Coincidentally, the NPC driving the plot on this adventure I mentioned in another thread just the other day:
Eons ago, the Archive was created to be an assistant and repository of knowledge for some powerful magic user, perhaps even a god. While its creator has been lost to the ages, the Archive lived on as a powerful sentient machine. Its venerable circuitry contains the knowledge of all Wards, Circles, Celestial Calligraphy and Tattoo Magic. Some speculate that all of these forms of magical writing share a common ancient ancestor, but if the Archive knows it isn't telling. It powers all of the writings with an unique and indestructible runic Vajra that is attuned only to the Archive.
This being contracted the players to follow rumors of a rare and lost circle magic, which was a very fun Indiana Jones-type archeological adventure.

We went on tho play a number of other adventures with these characters, but I don't think any of them quite got to 15th level before the group split up. This was the game that made me learn how to make an adventure playable for disparate power levels, which I have come to believe is both the challenge and the fun of playing Rifts.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:56 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
The most fun I've had (thusfar) is too twisted and perverted for these boards.
I'll say this much:
It took place in a Coalition town's red light district and involved hardened veteran prostitutes, randy Dog Boys on leave and squeaky toys.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:34 am
by SmilingJack
I simply love playing RiftS

My favorite Time playing Rifts was actually earlier this year with my brothers and cousin, over a 3 day weekend (Monday holiday)

I'm 30 now, And most of the people I associate with are generally my age and have children so getting together without outside obligations was awesome

Then there was the adventure; A sprawling escapade over the 3 day week end, and the coolest thing was, it didn't focus solely on combat, but instead added elements of chance, with gambling scenarios, intricate puzzles, Riddles, and situations which legitimately put the characters in Peril , where they actually might die

the combat that we did have occurred In unique situations, such as a chariot race on cyborg horses in a hippodroma, or gauntlet wrestling matches, and even a rifts version of american gladiators assualt

We even had baseball games utilizing characters various skills

I think what made it so fun was the free flowing nature and the non linear path

I love a game where anything can happen and it does!

Rifts is simply the greatest RPG game ever, take the concept add in your house rules, use the books as general guides, and honestly there is nothing more fun in the world

Ive been playing for 19 years and the game is as fresh and fun as it was the first day i played

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:15 pm
by Alrik Vas
One of the most fun games i played was when i was still lvl 11. It was a 3 session game of tactical espionage in a secret coalition base. I had to infiltrate past the security measures, take out guards and dog boys without causing a racket, jam their communications and steal blueprints for a new SAMAS model to be flown for spec ops using psionics, then blow up the base. It was a hell of a ride. Had to fight one of the SAMs and it's psy-pilot, a new recon skelebot that thinks like a true predator and all this while already low on ammunition. What a great time.

Re: Most Fun You've Had Playing Rifts!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:12 pm
by Razzinold
One game I can't give too many details on because of conversions was truly epic! I started out as a PA pilot from the Triax/NGR book (can't remember what the other guy was). Long story short, part way through the campaign we were experimented on and I was fused with a Guyver unit and the other guy was turned into a Zoalord (spelling?). We played those characters for years (happened 16 years ago when I was like 17 at the time)

Another game was pretty cool as well. We had just picked up Free Quebec and we decided to play a game were we were an elite squad made up enitrely of the new Glitter Boy variants (the story went that we were a trial squad to see if how the variants could stand up without any other support). My guy was a little nuts, picture him like Murdock from the A-Team movie that came out in 2010 except I played this years before the movie came out.

Anyway, we had an awesome bar fight in the local bar (the base we were stationed out of was only a few miles away) and it turned into a huge brawl. My guy had actually managed to sneak in a laser pistol, which was a good thing because eventually the fight got out of hand and two largely muscled dudes were about 3 seconds away from beating one of our guys to death with a leg from the now broken pool table. One guy was holding him down on the ground and the other guy had the leg lifted above his head and was about to swing when I shot it with the pistol.

Now by this time the bartender had phoned the base and the MP's were on the way (we weren't recognized as soldiers because we had just transferred to that base but he recognized a few regulars who were soldiers and involved in the fight as well) so we decided to high tail it out of there.
The GM actually had us play out the 3 mile hike back, we had to prowl and sneak to dodge the MP's because they were patrolling the area with Jeeps and sweeping the are with spotlights. Luckily for us it was a small town and there were some woods for us to go through in some parts between the town and base. It was a lot of fun ducking from building to building (sometimes taking a short cut through buildings by finding them unlocked or blowing open the lock) to make it to the edge of town then navigate the forest to make it back to base.

Luck was on our side that night and we made it back to base and into our barracks without being caught. Since we were an elite squad we had our own barracks (I think there was 4 or 6 of us) so no court marshal for us. The funny thing is, I can't even remember why we were going to the bar in the first place (maybe because our mission was starting the next day and it was to blow of some steam) but we were supposed to be a covert squad and we almost got arrested and then our cover would have been blown because we would have been forced to identify ourselves as soldiers lol.