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Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:32 pm
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Keeping in mind the possibility that it's simply an advanced TW process used by the UWW to allow spellcasting through the armor with less detrimental effects, I'd guess that maybe the armor incorporates a very small quantity of gantrium into its construction. The metal is known in the Three Galaxies for it's excellent magically conductive properties and I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in one of the 3G books that there is a gantrium rush in the Anvil Galaxy, the main stomping grounds of the UWW.

The Rings of Elder, introduced in SoT1, are also made of gantrium, IIRC. Those half PPE cost of spells and double their range/duration.

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:18 pm
by Hot Rod
See Book of Magic FAQ (P21). Any PA made of non-metallic materials (such as Ceramic and Plastic are specifically mentioned) does not hamper spell casting, the same rules apply to basic body armor as well.

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:25 pm
by Carl Gleba
In the Black Vault book there is a suit of leather armor that one of my players always tries to get for his magic users. It has good MDC and some version have built in regeneration. I've tweaked it on occasion, but they have to go to Splynn to get a suit.

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:40 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Carl Gleba wrote:In the Black Vault book there is a suit of leather armor that one of my players always tries to get for his magic users. It has good MDC and some version have built in regeneration. I've tweaked it on occasion, but they have to go to Splynn to get a suit.

Did it ever occur to him that bio-regenerating leather that you get from Splynn most likely does so because it's still alive :eek:

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:10 pm
by Carl Gleba
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Carl Gleba wrote:In the Black Vault book there is a suit of leather armor that one of my players always tries to get for his magic users. It has good MDC and some version have built in regeneration. I've tweaked it on occasion, but they have to go to Splynn to get a suit.

Did it ever occur to him that bio-regenerating leather that you get from Splynn most likely does so because it's still alive :eek:

Yeah and he would be the type to have a faerie PPE batter in his pocket to power it if he had too :clown:

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:23 pm
by Johnathan
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Carl Gleba wrote:In the Black Vault book there is a suit of leather armor that one of my players always tries to get for his magic users. It has good MDC and some version have built in regeneration. I've tweaked it on occasion, but they have to go to Splynn to get a suit.

Did it ever occur to him that bio-regenerating leather that you get from Splynn most likely does so because it's still alive :eek:

Don't spook the chitlens, Neky. Let them believe it's all magical...

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:53 am
by DhAkael
Johnathan wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Carl Gleba wrote:In the Black Vault book there is a suit of leather armor that one of my players always tries to get for his magic users. It has good MDC and some version have built in regeneration. I've tweaked it on occasion, but they have to go to Splynn to get a suit.

Did it ever occur to him that bio-regenerating leather that you get from Splynn most likely does so because it's still alive :eek:

Don't spook the chitlens, Neky. Let them believe it's all magical...

*EBIL GRINZ* :demon:

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:49 am
by glitterboy2098
mysteries of magic explains the reason metal armor disrupts spellcasting as due to the fact that metal actually has a strong affinity to magic energy.. basically the metal armor absorbs and channels the PPE away before it can manifest the spell.

it also says that in PFRPG's history, steel used to be made by enchanting wrought iron. this magic steel had no effect on spellcasting, because the magic used to make it negated the metal's normal PPE affinity.

apparently, in PFRPG, when the Dwarves discovered how to make steel using non-magical means, magic steel fell out of favor because the magic kind took longer and was more expensive to make. and then, IIRC, during the elf-dwarf wars the secret to magically made steel was misplaced.

no reason why another culture like the UWW couldn't have discovered how to make such magical refined metals, and used them in their space suits and powered armor in order to help preserve the spellcasting abilities of the user.

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:18 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
glitterboy2098 wrote:mysteries of magic explains the reason metal armor disrupts spell casting as due to the fact that metal actually has a strong affinity to magic energy.. basically the metal armor absorbs and channels the PPE away before it can manifest the spell.

it also says that in PFRPG's history, steel used to be made by enchanting wrought iron. this magic steel (1) had no effect on spell casting, because the magic used to make it negated the metal's normal PPE affinity. (2)

apparently, in PFRPG, when the Dwarves discovered how to make steel using non-magical means, magic steel (1) fell out of favor because the magic kind took longer and was more expensive to make. and then, IIRC, during the elf-dwarf wars the secret to magically made steel was misplaced.

no reason why another culture like the UWW couldn't have discovered how to make such magical refined metals, and used them in their space suits and powered armor in order to help preserve the spell casting abilities of the user.

(1) The text in the MoM 1 book says magically produced Iron. It is this magically produced iron that the discovery of mundanely produced steel moved out of the common place for the dwarves. Page 13 very last paragraph.

(2) There is no mention of the magically produced & strengthened Iron being magic friendly. in the same place the magically produced & magically enhanced iron is mentioned. The same last paragraph on page 13 of MoM1.

Now if I missed something, please show us where you found it.
On another note,
The UWW produces the warlock marine power armor, what spells can be cast through, at -50% penalties for some aspects.

Was just reading in the black Market (BM) book In the mirage power armor, in an all inclusive sounding statement, that 'Magic can not be cast through Any power armor. Not even Magic power armors.' (mote did not use full " " so the former is not a direct quote.)

My opinion is that the statement made is full of carp. From day one mages have been able to cast through magical PA's because they were magical.

Not this they can't cause they were 'fully enclosed'. :crane:
Magic is not some particle that can not travel through the physical barrier. :roll:

That mages can not cast in metal is not a problem with me. It is a problem when they go about changing things that are established concepts of canon.

But I could look at it this way, "the RBM book is so filled with mistakes and typos I can just toss the whole book out of canon because it would take a whole rewrite to fix everything." or "burn it like I did with Rifts china books because they were so :crane: bad."

Re: Magic Friendly Materials

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:17 pm
by Hot Rod
I've run into so many arguments about this at the table I'd love to see Kevin define what a mage can and cannot wear (BoM no longer being the newest, but still the one I trust most).

1. What EBA can Mages wear?
2. What non-humanoids have to pay for modified armor? (and what Mages pay for special materials to cast through)
3. Can creatures of Magic survive a vacuum? (If not what does a fae or dragon do in a PW setting?) Other MDC beings?
4. TW PA should already be magic friendly, after all, it is magic yet the books (Arzno, TBM) contain blanket statements that 'magic cannot be cast in PA' that contradict BoM. The RMB Mystic Power Armor was caster friendly?


1. Any: 75% to 100% extra for special materials.
2. +25% for each extra appendage, +30% per foot in height over 6' (multiplicative with special materials if required)
3. The statement that they are sustained by magic, and the 'sustain' spell alleviates the breathing requirement, Creatures of Magic should be fine. (Demons & Gargoyles are also explicitly stated as able to survive in space)
4. Unless the main body is over 500 MDC, TW & mage friendly materials will allow it to be cast through.