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Where should I set my game?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:44 pm
by talmor
So, I had a really strong idea for a home-brew setting using the Palladium rules for my upcoming Palladium game. But then me, in my love of randomness and tables, decided to use Heroes of Legend for my PC's background, and well, hell--it's a lot more interesting than what I intended.

So, after some comments here, I decided to try the ACTUAL Palladium setting for a change.

But I don't know WHERE to set the game, since I don't know much about the actual setting.

The setup, to put it simply, is that one of the characters married a duke in exile. Her husband let a revolt against the usurper(?) and had his rebellion quickly crushed. The players are now rebels on the run, with the widow having an extremely tenuous, but still possible legitimate claim to the duchy.

She may or may not have a son, in order to justify her rebellion even further. That's still in discussion.

Other characters are a cursed Warrior Monk, a Mercenary who has vowed to Isis to keep a copy of a book of the Old Ones safe from their cutists, a Druid on the run for an accidental murder, and a Thief who constantly finds himself fighting the good fight for the Gods of Light, even as it only brings him greater tragedy.

I was thinking of setting it in the Western Empire, but none of the provinces really inspire me. Is there a better place to set these people?

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:10 pm
Like I said in your other thread, I'd go with the Eastern Territory; there's plenty of room there for booming small kingdoms of your own design. Send me a PM with your email addy and I'll send you my medieval organization rules.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:12 am
by Cinos
Both the Eastern Territory's and the Western Empire would be good spots for a story line of such, I'd recommend the the West's Old Kingdom Frontier, a good spot to shake things up politically, and there is a near by large temple of Light in that area to tie in the merc / monk / thief, and the Veriqueel woods not too far from it all for the druid to have a tie in as well.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:24 am
by The Dark Elf
Eastern Territory as mentioned.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:02 am
by zyanitevp
I again agree with DE & Madman... Eastern Territory, as previously seconded/thirded.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:15 am
by pblackcrow
Eastern Territories!

I'm somewhat picturing a port town or possibly city state along the highback plane. South East of the spot that I chose to put my quite large mages tower and town in a campaign. At or around the point east by slightly northeast of Wisdom is the point I'm talking about. And also, in my games, I have put a light house along the edge of that point. Which, as everyone knows or should know, no one in their right mind screws with the keepers of any lighthouse! If they do, they will get absolutely every sailor who hears of it mad at them.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:13 pm
by St. Evil
Depending on the scope of things you could jump start the adventure in the Free City of Troker in media res. (sorry if my latin is off) The Thief and Merc could have acquired the book & trying to get out of Troker while rest of the group the monk, druid & noble, are "laying low" because they are in hiding from your main villain. Not realizing the other 2 can't help but get into this trouble. I would assume they all were part of this rebellion & are helping the noble & all are branded criminals by the main baddy. From here many avenues of adventure can happen.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:32 pm
by Shawn Merrow
I would also go with the Eastern Territories as the best place.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:54 pm
by J. Lionheart
I'm surprised not to hear a suggestion of Land of the South Winds yet. It's not laid out in any book, so you're free to integrate the setting as you please. What we do know of it is that it's full of squabbling feudal lords, and a sovereign dukedom with a usurper sounds like a solid fit.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:52 am
by zyanitevp
The setting given screams Eastern- if it was less known I would go South Winds or Old Kingdom, but that is not the case.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:44 am
J. Lionheart wrote:I'm surprised not to hear a suggestion of Land of the South Winds yet. It's not laid out in any book, so you're free to integrate the setting as you please. What we do know of it is that it's full of squabbling feudal lords, and a sovereign dukedom with a usurper sounds like a solid fit.

Where are you getting this information? To my recollection, The Land of the South Winds has not be described with more than a paragraph in any of the official material...

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:33 pm
by The Dark Elf
J. Lionheart wrote:I'm surprised not to hear a suggestion of Land of the South Winds yet. It's not laid out in any book, so you're free to integrate the setting as you please. What we do know of it is that it's full of squabbling feudal lords, and a sovereign dukedom with a usurper sounds like a solid fit.

Where are you getting this information? To my recollection, The Land of the South Winds has not be described with more than a paragraph in any of the official material...

Library of Bletherad under the monetary system. Three ruling Ducals.

Re: Where should I set my game?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:56 pm
The Dark Elf wrote:
J. Lionheart wrote:I'm surprised not to hear a suggestion of Land of the South Winds yet. It's not laid out in any book, so you're free to integrate the setting as you please. What we do know of it is that it's full of squabbling feudal lords, and a sovereign dukedom with a usurper sounds like a solid fit.

Where are you getting this information? To my recollection, The Land of the South Winds has not be described with more than a paragraph in any of the official material...

Library of Bletherad under the monetary system. Three ruling Ducals.

Thanks, I suspected it might be there, but didn't see anything in the index...