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What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:09 am
by Hotrod
Ok, this one's been stewing in the back of my brain for a while, and I haven't come up with a solution that makes practical sense. There's a picture of a Brodkil chopping through an NGR soldier's head in Mindwerks, but I don't recall reading any official word on this.

This could have some ramifications for other types of MDC blades as well.

Any ideas?

EDIT: For those that select the SDC/HP options... what if the weapon is wielded by a creature with supernatural strength?

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:12 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Option one, as per page 51 of Rifts: Chaos Earth.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:20 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Rappanui wrote:as i'm not familliar with pg 51 of chaos earth, in VU Vibro weapons merely Added 2d6+3 to SDC damage of the weapon.

It's a quick and clean, almost painless cut that inflicts no trauma to surrounding tissue.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:13 pm
by Mercdog
My houserule is that against SDC/Hit Point targets, any MD capable weapon inflicts double its damage direct to hit points. If the target has 100+ SDC, then the damage is reduced by 1 MD per every full 100 SDC. Otherwise, SDC under 100 is instantly wiped out.

So, a Juicer with 200+ SDC hit by a vibroblade for 6 MD will take 10 damage direct to hit points. (6*2=12-2=10).

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:23 pm
by glitterboy2098
slices through effortlessly, but the vibration effect that allows that causes widespread trauma around the wound.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:37 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I chose other, but largely because I don't think the flesh is pulped. The vibroblade does MD damage. So it'd be like a hot Sword through soft butter. If anything even cleaner. (( much like the pic of the NGR guy getting the top of his head sliced off.

For me I just picture them 'cutting' much like a light saber without the cauterization. So clean cuts, and when you hack off a limb, well blood's gonna come a gushing. If you stab it in and yank it around yeah you'll shred. But stabs are different from cuts.

I use "Wilks laser swords" anyway so for me the woulds are partially cauterized as per... well the light saber that it is. lol

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:40 pm
by Hystrix
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I chose other, but largely because I don't think the flesh is pulped. The vibroblade does MD damage. So it'd be like a hot Sword through soft butter. If anything even cleaner. (( much like the pic of the NGR guy getting the top of his head sliced off.

For me I just picture them 'cutting' much like a light saber without the cauterization. So clean cuts, and when you hack off a limb, well blood's gonna come a gushing. If you stab it in and yank it around yeah you'll shred. But stabs are different from cuts.

I use "Wilks laser swords" anyway so for me the woulds are partially cauterized as per... well the light saber that it is. lol

I agree. I have no idea why a vibro blade would pulp anything. It should be a clean slice.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:48 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I think people might be picturing the 'vibration's as bigger than they are. Vibro blades don't jump around in your hand like a revving chainsaw. The 'vibration' is very high frequwncy but minute. Like.. microns back and forth. Not Cm's or inches.

I think some people are thinking "Chainsaw" or "power tool" and that's why they may think "Pulp" but that is speculation.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:57 pm
by glitterboy2098
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I think people might be picturing the 'vibration's as bigger than they are. Vibro blades don't jump around in your hand like a revving chainsaw. The 'vibration' is very high frequwncy but minute. Like.. microns back and forth. Not Cm's or inches.

I think some people are thinking "Chainsaw" or "power tool" and that's why they may think "Pulp" but that is speculation.

even microns back and forth can cause shockwaves and such that will mess up tissues though. this why i answered the way i did. though i see the truama caused by the slice as being more microtrauma, with destroyed blood vessels, ruptured cell walls, and other such invisible to the naked eye effects that add up to serious damage over all. visually though it would just look like a deep cut, lots of blood, and really bad bruising around the cut..

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:20 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Hmm I go for chainsaw type cut only more cleaner

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:47 pm
by PhellaOne
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I chose other, but largely because I don't think the flesh is pulped. The vibroblade does MD damage. So it'd be like a hot Sword through soft butter. If anything even cleaner. (( much like the pic of the NGR guy getting the top of his head sliced off.

For me I just picture them 'cutting' much like a light saber without the cauterization. So clean cuts, and when you hack off a limb, well blood's gonna come a gushing. If you stab it in and yank it around yeah you'll shred. But stabs are different from cuts.

Yep. :bandit:

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:49 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Would use the HU:AU damages for V-blades for their SD scores when attacking SDC/HP or SDC.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:20 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I don't understand that. Do you convert lasers and plasma rifles and particle beams and rail guns to SDC when hitting SDC creatures as well?

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:22 pm
by dragonfett
I as a GM would rule that it does damage directly to HP (I personally would say double) and limb is severed off completely and with ease, followed by a save vs. pain. I say this because I don't see why it should do full MD damage to the whole body. Now if vitals (main body or head) get hit, I would also require a save vs. coma/death and (IF successful) and THEN ask for a save vs. pain.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:37 pm
by Incriptus
Which ever is more awesome at the time! This is Palladium, it's an art not a science.

If my mercinary wants to slice off a mooks hand and wants a clean cut . . . assuming there is no reason not to allow it . . . I'll give it to him. I'll probably deplete the guys SDC and leave him with a fraction of his hit points. What fraction, I doubt it'll be relivent so i'll burn that bridge when I get there.

If my villian wants to brutally murder a civilian in spectacular fasion that same vibro blade will rip through that guys body like a chain saw in a gruesome orgy of blood and guts.

If my Player & Main Antagonist are in combat and it comes down to that last unarmored strike with the vibro blade. Unless one or the other goes specifically goes into over kill, well the loser is clinically messed up . . . but might survive with heroic effort by an ally. . . but he might not.

What ever is maximun fun. What ever is most appropriate at the time. Am I playing for Horror? for Action? for Drama? for Tragedy? for Verisimilitude? for World Building? Regardless, it's more of a guidline than a rule

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:56 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I don't understand that. Do you convert lasers and plasma rifles and particle beams and rail guns to SDC when hitting SDC creatures as well?

Would only do it with edged weapons. :roll:
With a bit a GM discretion thrown in. More V-Knives than anything else>

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:07 am
by zaccheus
Correct me if I'm wrong but:

Rue pg 259 "All vibro-blades are blade weapons surrounded by an invisible, high-frequency energy field that gives them Mega-Damage capabilities."

Leads me to believe that the actual "blade" doesn't cause any damage at all. It's actually an energy weapon, similar to a lasar or Ion beam, therefore the wound it would cause would be along the same lines, and in rifts even the wilk's laser pistol causes a squishy SDC target to explode, therefore I would rule the same would happen with a vibro blade as well. Also I rule that because the actual thing causing the damage is an energy field and not the blade or the force behind the blade then the attacker does not do any bonus damage due to strength.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:12 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Vibro-blades have a high freq. Vibrational field. Which does not extend very far from the blade itself. Field defined as area that the vibrations cause the blade to be in from time to time. Yes, I'd be inserting "Real Science" into things with this. But when the books 'dumb things down' so everybody can get the basic 'idea', it takes away from what they 'Are'.

"If you are nicked on the arm by a V-blade would it just make a scratch or blow the whole arm off?" *rhetorical question to make you think about it*

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:20 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
zaccheus wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but:

Rue pg 259 "All vibro-blades are blade weapons surrounded by an invisible, high-frequency energy field that gives them Mega-Damage capabilities."

Leads me to believe that the actual "blade" doesn't cause any damage at all. It's actually an energy weapon, similar to a lasar or Ion beam, therefore the wound it would cause would be along the same lines, and in rifts even the wilk's laser pistol causes a squishy SDC target to explode, therefore I would rule the same would happen with a vibro blade as well. Also I rule that because the actual thing causing the damage is an energy field and not the blade or the force behind the blade then the attacker does not do any bonus damage due to strength.

You asked for it. You're wrong. :)

Vibro-blades, without the high frequency energy field, are weapons made of MDC material that inflict SDC damage, and do not cause limb explosions or the like. I'll point to Chaos Earth page 51 once more where the exact description of what happens when a vibro-blade meets flesh is given.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:27 am
by drewkitty ~..~
He is talking about the medical application of v-blades section.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:37 am
by Pepsi Jedi
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Vibro-blades have a high freq. Vibrational field. Which does not extend very far from the blade itself. Field defined as area that the vibrations cause the blade to be in from time to time. Yes, I'd be inserting "Real Science" into things with this. But when the books 'dumb things down' so everybody can get the basic 'idea', it takes away from what they 'Are'.

"If you are nicked on the arm by a V-blade would it just make a scratch or blow the whole arm off?" *rhetorical question to make you think about it*

Now this I agree with in part. If someone hits you in the arm with a vibro blade or laser sword, you don't 'die'. It's very likely the arm goes flippin' off like in Starwars (( man we Jedi loooove to cut off limbs. But it's better than straight killing I guess. A stab/cut to the head or torso would likely kill, but yeah limbs would just get cut off and what not. Even though "one MD" could kill most humans. Hacking off an arm doesn't equate to instant death.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:41 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Panomas wrote:
zaccheus wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but:

Rue pg 259 "All vibro-blades are blade weapons surrounded by an invisible, high-frequency energy field that gives them Mega-Damage capabilities."

Leads me to believe that the actual "blade" doesn't cause any damage at all. It's actually an energy weapon, similar to a lasar or Ion beam, therefore the wound it would cause would be along the same lines, and in rifts even the wilk's laser pistol causes a squishy SDC target to explode, therefore I would rule the same would happen with a vibro blade as well. Also I rule that because the actual thing causing the damage is an energy field and not the blade or the force behind the blade then the attacker does not do any bonus damage due to strength.

A laser blast shot from a laser gun has Penetration at serious velocity.
A knick or graze on the arm from a laser blast or a vibro-knife will not make someone explode! Lol
In general laser blasts are meant to mean that the blast itself is hitting the main body-and passing through it.
It's hard to imagine a vibro weapon traveling the same velocity.

no, but if you catch an SDC creature with MD "In the arm" like a laser blast or Vibro blade, the arm is going to be severed and flying through the air. lol

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:03 am
by GenThunderfist
I said "Other"

Basically it depends on the situation. Just from looking at some "Surviving MD combat" rules I noticed that limbs can be sacrificed in order for a Player Character to live. Well all run of the mill, generic, enemy NPCs are not Player Characters, so these don't work really because not every single villain is going to sacrifice limbs and save versus coma and death, that really is more"for players only" - even if it can be used on NPCs without a problem. However in my case of "other" as long as the Main Body and/or head/neck area are not hit by the blade, then the opponent will live.

As a note, this next explanation all requires the player's intent to be that of just severing an extremity, not an average called shot!

I don't see that happening without at least a called shot and a nat. 20 OR a called shot and a successful role to restrain. The idea is that in a combat situation a person is not looking to just hit extremities and isn't lining up his shots vary carefully, even if called. Most characters (low level) have somewhere between 4-6 combat actions while higher level characters have many more than that, and everything is happening in 15 seconds...15 seconds is fast in terms of a fight. They aren't really swinging this sword with unique unmatched precision, the hit box varies within around 1 foot of range, and that's the difference between a severed leg and running through half of a person's lower body. The called shot is a must to aim for a specific limb, but that still leaves that foot or so of error, which brings up the Nat. 20 OR the successful role to restrain. The Nat. 20 would represent hitting the person perfect within that foot of range meaning that you just severed the arm or leg without any meaningful damage to the main body of the opponent, while anything lower kills the man. The role to restrain means the character took extra time into lining up and preparing a precise strike, just like you would with a restrained punch, allowing him to just sever the limb. If you fail, full damage and the poor man is again, dead.

After the extremity is severed (assuming success in aiming and/or restraint) then the damage is pretty much all but a few HP points (like 1 or 2 D6 at best) and bleed out damage is occurring, the opponent will go into shock from massive blood loss and probable pain, and he/she will need immediate medical attention, but they will be alive for now.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:34 am
by zaccheus
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:
zaccheus wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but:

Rue pg 259 "All vibro-blades are blade weapons surrounded by an invisible, high-frequency energy field that gives them Mega-Damage capabilities."

Leads me to believe that the actual "blade" doesn't cause any damage at all. It's actually an energy weapon, similar to a lasar or Ion beam, therefore the wound it would cause would be along the same lines, and in rifts even the wilk's laser pistol causes a squishy SDC target to explode, therefore I would rule the same would happen with a vibro blade as well. Also I rule that because the actual thing causing the damage is an energy field and not the blade or the force behind the blade then the attacker does not do any bonus damage due to strength.

You asked for it. You're wrong. :)

Vibro-blades, without the high frequency energy field, are weapons made of MDC material that inflict SDC damage, and do not cause limb explosions or the like. I'll point to Chaos Earth page 51 once more where the exact description of what happens when a vibro-blade meets flesh is given.

Maybe I'm wrong but:

Chaos earth p. 51 "The cut from a Vibro-Blade, when done correctly, can amputate a limb, even a leg, with a single stroke...Note: All vibro-blades are weapons surrounded by an invisible high-frequency energy field that give them mega-damage capabilities"

Therefore the surgical aplications of vibro blades being used are from what I can tell only under the right conditions "when done correctly". I personally would put it in the same category as a wilk's laser scapel, when in the right conditions (being used by a surgeon who is trained) otherwise I'd treat it like any other e-weapon. I'm not saying that if the SDC person get's hit in the hand it's insta death per say, but I wouldnt rule that way with a laser pistol either, however I would say it's just as messy as a laser pistol. High frequency energy field to me does not mean micro vibration of the blade, the blade from everything I've read is stationary, really just an emitter of the energy field; High frequency to me would mean something more along the lines of Microwaves, gamma rays and the name vibro knife has somethign more to do with either the sound it makes when it's turned on or the way it feels while holding it or whatever but not actually meaning the blade vibrates. I also want to reiterate I'm not sure why energy weapons cause targets to explode when hit by them, particullarly lasers but I'm pretty sure that is Rift's canon, and because Vibro blades are energy weapons, very similar to say a wilk's laser sword, wounds from them should be treated the same as all energy weapons; that's at least how I handle it in my games just to be consistent as possible.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:14 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
A vibro-blade isn't used to amputate a limb by holding it between the thumb and pinky while tapping your heels together and whistling dixie.

Where it says "when done correctly" it obviously means that a cut is made to deliberately pass through the flesh and bone in such a way as to remove the limb. That same weapon will not explode the limb if a lengthwise cut is made, it will just open a long, deep cut that bleeds profusely to no beneficial effect.

If you consider your obtuse application of the rules to be consistent, then I wish your players luck...

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:28 am
by Killer Cyborg
If anybody has a strong, well-supported explanation for how vibro-blades work, then let's hear it.
Either something in canon beyond "high-frequency energy field," which could mean about anything, OR a source that details how vibro-blades are supposed to normally work in science fiction (Palladium didn't invent them), the science and physics behind the concept.

Without that, it's all just guesswork.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:46 pm
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Rappanui wrote:real life vibro blades do exist, they're called ultrasonic scalpels....
and they basically are a wire that emits ultrasonic waves in a very tight area.
Today they are used in facial plastic surgery.

No faces have exploded so far, I assume? :P

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:06 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Ectoplasmic Bidet wrote:
Rappanui wrote:real life vibro blades do exist, they're called ultrasonic scalpels....
and they basically are a wire that emits ultrasonic waves in a very tight area.
Today they are used in facial plastic surgery.

No faces have exploded so far, I assume? :P

Have you BEEN to a state fair?

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:31 pm
by glitterboy2098

ramp one of these up by an order of magnitude and you have rifts style vibroknives..

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:48 pm
by zaccheus
So I'm going to respond to several of the above posts in one reply without quotes because I'm on my phone so I apologize in advance.

I've actually used real world vibro scalpels in an histopathology lab while in bet school. We used it to make amazingly thin slices of tissue suspended in paraffin do they could be looked at under a microscope. I've also done cat declaws with a laser scalpel. I cannot for the life of me see any relation between a wills laser rifle destroying a modern day tank and a laser scalpel, just like I can't relate the vibro blade I used at school with one that can also destroy a modern tank with one hit. I get your point about it being able to make surgical like cuts, but for some reason energy weapons in rifts have impressive energy transference abilities to their targets. A laser beam probably about the size Of the laser scalpel I've used causes tanks to explode instead of just putting a tiny pin hole (or barrel hole i guess) through it. The vibro sword does the same amount of damage therefore it (as far as I can tell) also destroys tanks. So when you hit someones wrist with it, in combat not in medical situations, I'd say the result is messy just due to the amazing ability of rifts e-weapons having such amazing damage transference abilities.

In my defense I'm not trying to be obtuse in my consistancy just saying how I interpret the rules with what was meant to be a little bit of snark

One more thing I'd like to note everyone on these boards (my self included) is incredibly inconsistent with realism in the game. On one topic someone will try to argue real world physics while someone else is saying no its rifts metaphysics so real world doesnt apply and those same people will argue the exact opposite on some other topic

One more one more thing. I've amputated several limbs using electrocautery and maybe rifts lasers or light sabers do something different but you can't cauterize large vessels effectively, for example using cautery with a hind leg amp on a medium sized dog is awesome it cuts down the sx significantly because of all the skin and muscle vessels dont have to be ligated. However the femoral artery and vein still do. If you cut them and then try to cauterize the dog will be dead in less than one minute from hemorrhage. Id imagine the same is true with lopping a guys arm off with a light saber. The major arteries are just too large

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:49 pm
by zaccheus
So I'm going to respond to several of the above posts in one reply without quotes because I'm on my phone so I apologize in advance.

I've actually used real world vibro scalpels in an histopathology lab while in bet school. We used it to make amazingly thin slices of tissue suspended in paraffin do they could be looked at under a microscope. I've also done cat declaws with a laser scalpel. I cannot for the life of me see any relation between a wills laser rifle destroying a modern day tank and a laser scalpel, just like I can't relate the vibro blade I used at school with one that can also destroy a modern tank with one hit. I get your point about it being able to make surgical like cuts, but for some reason energy weapons in rifts have impressive energy transference abilities to their targets. A laser beam probably about the size Of the laser scalpel I've used causes tanks to explode instead of just putting a tiny pin hole (or barrel hole i guess) through it. The vibro sword does the same amount of damage therefore it (as far as I can tell) also destroys tanks. So when you hit someones wrist with it, in combat not in medical situations, I'd say the result is messy just due to the amazing ability of rifts e-weapons having such amazing damage transference abilities.

In my defense I'm not trying to be obtuse in my consistancy just saying how I interpret the rules with what was meant to be a little bit of snark

One more thing I'd like to note everyone on these boards (my self included) is incredibly inconsistent with realism in the game. On one topic someone will try to argue real world physics while someone else is saying no its rifts metaphysics so real world doesnt apply and those same people will argue the exact opposite on some other topic

One more one more thing. I've amputated several limbs using electrocautery and maybe rifts lasers or light sabers do something different but you can't cauterize large vessels effectively, for example using cautery with a hind leg amp on a medium sized dog is awesome it cuts down the sx significantly because of all the skin and muscle vessels dont have to be ligated. However the femoral artery and vein still do. If you cut them and then try to cauterize the dog will be dead in less than one minute from hemorrhage. Id imagine the same is true with lopping a guys arm off with a light saber. The major arteries are just too large

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:06 pm
by glitterboy2098
zaccheus, weaponized lasers don't burn, they 'punch'. their energy is imparted in such a way that the material they hit explodes and shatters

the lasers used for surgery are designed to burn, presenting their energy constantly over time so that you heat the point aimed at.
weaponized lasers impart their energy in microseconds, with the beam pulsed thousands of times a second.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:36 pm
by zaccheus
glitterboy2098 wrote:zaccheus, weaponized lasers don't burn, they 'punch'. their energy is imparted in such a way that the material they hit explodes and shatters

the lasers used for surgery are designed to burn, presenting their energy constantly over time so that you heat the point aimed at.
weaponized lasers impart their energy in microseconds, with the beam pulsed thousands of times a second.

You are kind of illustrating my point in two ways. One that relating a weaponized Laser to a laser scalpel is pretty moot. They just aren't similar outside of both being lasers. Simply "scaling" up Just doesn't work. I would assume this applies to rifts megadamge dealing vibro swords and a modern day ultrasonic scalpel just as much as it does to lasers. So using an ultra sonic scalpel as a reference point is an exercise in futility when trying to determine what a vibro blade does.

The second point it illustrates is that how damage is resolved in rifts doesn't correspond to the physics of the actual declvice. If youre correct lasers should infect just make a nice clean barrel sized hole through their target not cause them to be destroyed, misted or have a basketball sized hole in their chest similar to what happened in Kung pow enter the fist

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:47 pm
by TechnoGothic
Take a look at the Guyver Anime TV series or Manga for what Vibro-blades could do ... excellect example.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:27 pm
by glitterboy2098
zaccheus wrote:The second point it illustrates is that how damage is resolved in rifts doesn't correspond to the physics of the actual declvice. If youre correct lasers should infect just make a nice clean barrel sized hole through their target not cause them to be destroyed, misted or have a basketball sized hole in their chest similar to what happened in Kung pow enter the fist

actually, weaponized lasers are designed to blow big ragged holes into things. a sufficiently powerful beam hitting a human being would blow them to chunky salsa.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:15 pm
by flatline
glitterboy2098 wrote:
zaccheus wrote:The second point it illustrates is that how damage is resolved in rifts doesn't correspond to the physics of the actual declvice. If youre correct lasers should infect just make a nice clean barrel sized hole through their target not cause them to be destroyed, misted or have a basketball sized hole in their chest similar to what happened in Kung pow enter the fist

actually, weaponized lasers are designed to blow big ragged holes into things. a sufficiently powerful beam hitting a human being would blow them to chunky salsa.

This is exactly correct. Weaponized lasers fire microsecond pulses spaced sufficiently that the debris and gases from the previous pulse has sufficiently cleared to not obstruct the current pulse. The result is a chain of explosions, each one deeper in the target than the one before it.

A constant beam is extremely inefficient since most of the energy of the beam is absorbed by the debris and gases that have already been successfully blasted off the target. It's like chopping of someone's hand and then continuing to attack the hand, rather than the target. Sure, it really destroys the hand, but does less damage to the target than if you attack the target after you remove the target's hand.


Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:30 pm
by Tor
Hystrix wrote:no idea why a vibro blade would pulp anything. It should be a clean slice.

One should not underestimate vibrators.

You see...

The damage vibration may do is unpredictable..

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:48 pm
by Alrik Vas
Messy deaths are fun though...

I'd like a vibro-blade that causes blood to mist about from the vibration and make ragged wounds. Yet if you're skilled, why not be surgical if you can?

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:07 pm
by say652
I add the supernatural strength damage to the vibro knife. But vs sdc targets one or two hits and your dead. Unless your mdc.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:09 pm
The cut from a Vibro-Blade, when done correctly, can amputate a limb, even a leg, with a single (STRIKE)
stroke. The cut is so quick and clean that the patient/target feels only the s lightest sensation of pain and (if) medical personnel can immediately work to tie off arteries and seal the wound with an instant spray-on bandage to have the patient ready for transport in a matter of minutes. Some can even be evacuated on crutches under their own power.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:13 pm
by eliakon
The cut from a Vibro-Blade, when done correctly, can amputate a limb, even a leg, with a single (STRIKE)
stroke. The cut is so quick and clean that the patient/target feels only the s lightest sensation of pain and (if) medical personnel can immediately work to tie off arteries and seal the wound with an instant spray-on bandage to have the patient ready for transport in a matter of minutes. Some can even be evacuated on crutches under their own power.

So....called shot to a limb with a MD implement. Check.
It doesn't HAVE to be MD though, if your using it carefully, surgically, then you can, more or less, pull the damage. But that's the difference between surgery and sword fighting...even though they both use blades.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:21 pm
by popscythe
It lightsabers you.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:34 pm
by say652
Juicers have 100's of sdc few stabs with a vibro blade will put roidrage down quick like. Using a normal knife...... you'd most likely pass out from exhaustion.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:02 pm
by Slight001
It's not quite Rifts... but IIRC Chaos Earth has it down that the origins of vibro weapons were as surgical systems. It was only the failure to miniaturize the technology down to scalpel scale that prevented that goal. As it is it is specifically noted as making clean cuts and is used to rapidly remove damaged/trapped limbs... if it cavitated the body then it wouldn't be getting used for such tasks.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:22 am
by eliakon
Slight001 wrote:It's not quite Rifts... but IIRC Chaos Earth has it down that the origins of vibro weapons were as surgical systems. It was only the failure to miniaturize the technology down to scalpel scale that prevented that goal. As it is it is specifically noted as making clean cuts and is used to rapidly remove damaged/trapped limbs... if it cavitated the body then it wouldn't be getting used for such tasks.

Which may or may not have relevance. I doubt that the surgical lasers vaporize huge chunks out of the people....but scaled up to weapons they probably do.
But MD doesn't HAVE to mean chunky salsa. It just means you take hideous amounts of damage, and normal die. If your arm is cut off and you bleed to death in seconds it doesn't really matter a great deal if the cut was clean, or if its ragged. Your still dead.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:52 am
by Thinyser
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I chose other, but largely because I don't think the flesh is pulped. The vibroblade does MD damage. So it'd be like a hot Sword through soft butter. If anything even cleaner. (( much like the pic of the NGR guy getting the top of his head sliced off.

For me I just picture them 'cutting' much like a light saber without the cauterization. So clean cuts, and when you hack off a limb, well blood's gonna come a gushing. If you stab it in and yank it around yeah you'll shred. But stabs are different from cuts.

I use "Wilks laser swords" anyway so for me the woulds are partially cauterized as per... well the light saber that it is. lol

I picked other for nearly identical reasons. They are mechanical (ie vibrational) lightsabers that don't cauterize. They slice they dice they julianne but they don't cook or pulp.

You always swing mid torso against Squishies even if they parry with a SDC weapon it could still cut through the weapon and through them. I say could because I would rule that if the parry was way above the strike roll that the parry hit the flat of the vibroblade and knocked it away as intended, if it was equal to or less than 5 points above the strike roll then the vibroblade slices through the blocking weapon and into/through the opponent. So basically to parry vibroblades with SDC blades you have to be at least 6 points higher than the strike roll. Doable but not easy for most.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:38 pm
by Alrik Vas
I put the field 100% around the blade. The edge of the weapon seems meaningless to me. It's the vibration doing the killing. Don't parry unless you want to lose your SDC weapon, imo.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:50 pm
by wyrmraker
I have always ruled that against SDC flesh, the vibrational field causes bone and tissue to essentially liquefy, much like an earthquake will turn a concrete highway into essentially a liquid-like powder.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:14 pm
by Thinyser
Alrik Vas wrote:I put the field 100% around the blade. The edge of the weapon seems meaningless to me. It's the vibration doing the killing. Don't parry unless you want to lose your SDC weapon, imo.

I'd rather give the defender using an SDC weapon at least a slim chance to parry a few of the strikes.

Re: What does a vibro-blade do against bare SDC flesh?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:22 pm
by eliakon
Meh. The palladium parry rules have always been....wonky. I don't give vibro-weapons any boost. If you parry, you parry. If you don't, your hit. Simple. I try to avoid opening bottomless cans of worms of exceptions and differences in my game.