The Dark Elf wrote:arouetta wrote:Okay, I didn't feel comfortable using the PF world as written so while I am using the rules, races, general landscapes and towns from the books, I'm using my own continent, so anything goes, worldwise. I've got a changeling disguised as a human necromancer, an elf that thinks she's a really tall dwarf (hit on the head) wizard, a wolfen mercenary, a human stage magician, and sometimes an elf thief. Right now the group as a whole are wanting horses and the necromancer is wanting body parts, which is where I've got an idea for a long-term campaign. I started with an upcoming border war being orchestrated by a noble wanting to take over, and since they're not nibbling yet, I'm switching to a seek-rare-item mission for an alchemist. I do appreciate the filler ideas though.
Ty Arouetta. Hate to ask more questions but-
Still need alignments and since its a self made world I need more info (because I know zero about it). Climate, Kingdoms, races, laws magic etc etc. Are you against them travelling? What made you pick a continent not described?
How does the group feel about necro magic? Does the dwarf hate magic or just distrust it? The elf/dwarf doesnt use any of his powers then as dwarves arent wizards? Why is the group together? What binds them? What is the item theyre seeking? why are they seeking it?
Who was in the war? What side are the players on (geographically)? What was it over? what do you intend the outcome to be if the players arent involved?
I made my own continent because I didn't think I could do the books justice. I would have to memorize the whole line and learn everything, and I don't think I'm capable of that. Doing a different continent, I could cherry-pick what I want and wing the rest. I expect the group will travel, so the continent goes all the way from the antarctic to the tropical.
The war hasn't happened yet, it's still winding up to that point. In the GM notes, diplomacy is still being pursued, but is breaking down because both sides are accusing each other of border raids. In truth a third group is disguising themselves as soldiers and conducting the raids. On one side is an empire that has already conquered another kingdom but is still dealing with freedom fighters and guerilla warfare, on the other is a kingdom worried about being the next to be swallowed up. A distant cousin to the king of the second kingdom is orchestrating it so that the nobles' opinion of the king will dip and he can then gain the popularity needed to usurp the throne.
The elf wizard does use her powers. The necromancer was bedded by the wizard almost on sight and has saved the group's hides a couple of times, so he's accepted. What binds them together is money, pure and simple. They've already had a couple of interactions with an alchemist so I was planning on a magic pigeon sent their way offering rewards for a rare flower that I totally made up that can only be found in the jungle regions, roughly 1000 miles away. Since in my maps, the border cuts through the jungle, I can use that to get them to the border and have them present for a border raid.
Right now, they're in an area predominantly, but not exclusively, human.
The Dark Elf wrote:I think that your players have a great selection of OCCs that will simply make their own fillers if you leave them in a large enough town. The necro will go on hunting expeditions (and poach the lords best flock), the presti will perform acts in the square (and if it goes wrong, maybe anger a member of the audience who's item he's used in the trick), the thief will plans heists and pick pockets and cheat at cards (theives guild encounters are just the best!), the merc can pick up any "to do list" in the nearest square or will get attacked on site by wolfen racists (depending on where you are) and the wizard may try to walk into a dwarven bar in the dwarven only district (and get into loads of trouble). No plots needed just some roleplaying their charcters and once they get in trouble with one crew, follow up encounter write themselves.
Thanks for the ideas!