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Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:20 pm
by Hibik
Yes, I'm starting this a bit early, for certain reasons.

Gotham Witch (which some of you know as Mel) will be down in Mexico pursuing leads related to the Darkling Cult (which Cybermancer so kindly highlighted here. As such she will be out of the New York City (and the United States) area for awhile.

As well, she would be soliciting help for this one and would be quite happy to drop information to any interested parties. If anyone feels a need to indirectly or directly help with this plotline, either let me know here, PM me here or on Lazlo (Gotham Witch). If there was more interest on pursuing leads regarding this cult outside of Mexico (North America, Europe, Asia, etc), contact Cybermancer.

My Russian-American pyrokinetic Sparks continues her bartending and one-off gigs in lower Manhattan. If anyone is in the Mid-Atlantic/New England area and needs muscle for an investigation, do let me know. While GW is more of a detective and precision troubleshooter, Sparks really likes to mix it up :D

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:25 pm
by glitterboy2098
i'd offer, but none of my characters would be of help right now. Mr.E is still MIA (i'm taking my time to build up a decent storyline there before i start posting anything), and Lt. Joe wouldn't be much help outside the Navajo rez. (Navajo nation police don't have authority outside the rez)

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:41 am
by Jefffar
We should finally find out what is happening with Cybthia and Ron in October. Also Hannah's sabbatical will take a twist soon.

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:31 am
by Lord Z
I should be able to participate some in the upcoming month. I don't know how I would yet. It would likely be some minor involvement in the storylines of others than something new and ambitious for my own characters. Professor Ali (Sensitive & scholar of Middle Eastern history) is still in the deserts somewhere in North Africa, exploring ruins and being a sneaky sellout puppet of the Court. He can still consult from a distance. Raven Davenport (Latent, boss at After Midnight News Agency) is available. I guess that Raven will slowly be working himself back into the Darkly Cult story arc, but for now he is up for anything be it a vacation to Mexico City, a Navajo reservation, or wherever. Also remember that Raven can summon a reporter or informant NPC to assist a Society agent just about anywhere in the world.

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:15 pm
by Hibik
In the midst of writing up an encounter Sparks had with some creepy children with black eyes. Probably just going to do one shots with her for a bit - Z, suggestions on a sneaky vague Court of the Tarot lead or NPC for my pyromancer to have some sort of runin with?

Mel's still in Mexico (and still open for any aid regarding that matter for those interested).

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:27 am
by Antimony
Hibik wrote:In the midst of writing up an encounter Sparks had with some creepy children with black eyes. Probably just going to do one shots with her for a bit - Z, suggestions on a sneaky vague Court of the Tarot lead or NPC for my pyromancer to have some sort of runin with?

Mel's still in Mexico (and still open for any aid regarding that matter for those interested).


Chupacabra infesting the Death Cult? :angel:

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:55 pm
by Lord Z
First of all, I apologize for doing zilch on A schedule change has kept me away from home a heck of a lot recently. I am only home for about 7 hours per day, and I spend that time sleeping. The .org still hates my mobile browser, so posting while away from home is not really an option.

To answer the question about the Court, how about running into Professor Ali? He is a known friend of the Society but he was turned by the Court nearly a year ago. He is supposed to be in Libya right now on an archeological dig, and he will later deny that he was in the U.S.A. at this time. Professor Ali is a Psychic Sensitive from Afghanistan, and addicted to every vice you could imagine.

As far as human agents go, Professor Van Dragen from the Court of Tarot article hasn't been used for anything yet (as far as I know). He is a psychic who uses a combination of Mind Bond, Erase Memory, Insert Memory, Hypnotic Suggestion, and Total Recall. With these powers, he buys, steals, erases, and resells memories, including entire skill sets like languages and lores. He is known as the Memory Broker in Europe and is wanted by Interpol for conspiring with mobsters to commit many, many crimes. He speaks with a thick Georgia Cracker accent (which he got by stealing English from an American), and he joined the Court as part of a deal to protect him from the authorities.

If that doesn't work for you, the Court does a lot of exploiting of supernatural creatures including spirits. The agent of the Court might be an entity which was sent by a Court Medium or Summoner to perform a specific task. Ghouls are also fun henchmen. If the job is important, the Court will send a paramilitary strike team armed with unfamiliar psi-devices and weapons.

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:56 pm
by Lord Z
Oh yeah, Mr. Loucifer has a Court agent-character who is a former U.S. Army officer and expert in demolitions. Boom = fun.

Re: Lazlo Plots for October

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:56 am
by Hibik
S'okay Z, we've been quiet on that front too.

Cyber through Daichan gave a request for aid here. Ideally the plan was to have all 'real time' events settled by a bit before Thanksgiving, since certain other events related to the darklings happen next month. It won't necessarily mean the cultists in Mexico are entirely done and dusted (they are broken into 3 different factions in a very large country) but their organization can be shattered to the point that local psychics and arcanists who are aware of the danger can deal with them.

There are three branches of said cult - one in Chihuahua (affiliated with narcotics gangs - and currentyl being dealt with), one in Mexico City, and another in the Yucatan Peninsula in the Puuc region. The last one, the smallest and most secretive is made up of a sizable number of arcanists with an extensive, though esoteric and strange, corpus of magical knowledge. If that sounds like something the Tarot folk would be interested in acquiring, I think something can be worked out - it could even spawn into its own plot unrelated to the darkling thing really.