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How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:50 am
by Nether
I have noticed for a while now that there is many posters that have mentioned how they don't play Rifts anymore, or it has been a very long time sinse they last did (year +) and others that come across as more interested in the game but dont play at all.

This includes playing in online groups.

So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)
Do you play regularly?
Do you like the game but don't play at all?
Have you played in the past but not anymore?

I am just curious to see how many posters (dedicated fans) on these boards actually dont play the game at all anymore.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:52 am
by Blindscout
I'm currently running a game. Most recent session was Friday the 5 of October, 2012.

We try and have the game weekly, but sometimes life gets in the way.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:54 am
by Killer Cyborg
Nether wrote:So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)


Do you play regularly?


Do you like the game but don't play at all?


Have you played in the past but not anymore?

Not a great question.
I have played in the past.
I will presumably play in the future.
I have not played lately, and likely will not play in the near future.
But I wouldn't say that I "won't play anymore," because I tend to get a handful of games in every year.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:30 am
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. I don't play Rifts. I played a small handful of times in the past. While I don't recall the exact number of games, if they can't be counted on my fingers they could probably be counted on my fingers and toes (that's total Rifts games played ever). That was ... probably a decade ago now. If we include Megaversal homebrew (a mish-mash of every game line, with lots of homebrewed material, that occasionally touches on Rifts Earth or some other Palladium setting), that number would increase and become more recent, but it's not really Rifts anymore.

Truth be told, I don't like Rifts (but I do like Palladium and am a huge fan of Palladium Fantasy). Now, I openly admit that it's been some bad experiences. I've seen (though not played in) games where players were walking around with like 4 rune weapons each, and just going through the game for another one. I've been in games where everyone (myself included) was a M.D. being with a few hundred M.D.C. and bioregeneration and like 3D6x10 M.D. weapons ... except for that one poor human head hunter who if he ever left his armor would become instant paste (even with his armor he was outmatched). Stuff like that gave me a VERY negative view of Rifts, and for a time I had a ban against the setting in general.

Ironically, the reason I started coming to this forum (I came to the Message Boards because of the chat, signed up as a requirement to join the chat, and eventually started reading the PF forum and slowly expanded out to a few others) because a friend posted here from time to time, so I came to read her posts and follow those threads. Otherwise, I'd have never touched the yucky icky Rifts forum. :P

Now, with that said, I'll say I've also played in a game where I was normal human alongside a cosmo-knight, and still found a way to be useful (this was in Megaversal). So a lot of it will come down to the player and how they handle things. I'll also say since coming to this forum, I've learned a lot. I've not only learned various rules and became more familiar with the books, but also seen other styles of play, some of which I think I might actually be able to enjoy. For example: I've seen some of Killer Cyborg's talks about Rifts and his games (a darker more post apocalyptic game where M.D.C is still rare, S.D.C. has a purpose, there's not another M.D.C. being around the corner as at times it looks like the books), and I actually see a game I might think would be fun. I can handle having my brains splattered across the wall for being stupid, such as picking a fight when I should've thought of the consequences. However, that type of game doesn't really suit my current playing group (which is fine, because I can live with their play style as long as it's NOT Rifts).

Anyways, I kind of went on a rant there. The short answer is no, I don't play Rifts and no I'm not likely to play again (but I do still play Palladium). I still come here out of habit, and because I like learning new things (and I continue to learn things about Palladium and its games on this forum) and from time to time I'm actually able to help someone out. That's all for now. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:56 am
by mobuttu
Nether wrote:So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)


Nether wrote:Do you play regularly?

At least, once a year for a short campaign. That's the way our group play every game, btw.

Nether wrote:Do you like the game but don't play at all?

I do like and play it as much as I can. In fact, 'till last campaign it has reached our Top 10 favourite games.

Nether wrote:Have you played in the past but not anymore?

Not at all.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:10 am
by Giant2005
I play regularly.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:13 am
by Snow Hawk
I love RIFTS.
I GM a game every other week with 7 players and on the off weeks 2 of my players take turns running games one in an over the top godling game and the other is in RIFTS Russia

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:09 am
by ffranceschi
Nether wrote:So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)
Do you play regularly?
Do you like the game but don't play at all?
Have you played in the past but not anymore?

1) No.
2) No.
3) Yes. And SPLICERS too.
4) Yes.

Why don't I play anymore? My friends and players since 1984 have emigrated to Europe and USA during the last economic crisis in Uruguay (2002). There are very few people who plays RPGs in my country and I don't have time to make new acquaintances. Besides I have a 7 years old boy who takes a lot of time, and he is into the LEGO NINJA GO thing right now...perhaps in a few more years, but first he should learn English after Spanish (native tongue) and German (he goes to a German School because my wife is Austrian).

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:50 am
by The Beast
Nether wrote:So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)

I've been playing in a game on Skype run by Reotep the past few Saturdays.

Do you play regularly?

The game's been pretty regular since we started. This past weekend's the first one that we skipped playing, and we've been playing for a month so far.

Have you played in the past but not anymore?

Prior to that I was in a game on the PB chatrooms run by Nursahburen for about two months before the slow pace of chat overcame my patience. Before that the last time I played was in 2006.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:11 pm
by The Dark Elf
Play a Palladium line weekly

Not playing Rifts atm

Own all the books

Will play Rifts soon, maybe.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:32 pm
by DhAkael
TRYING to run a campiagn on-line in the PCR. begining of re-caps and ---> ...continuing on up to last session.
Down to only 3 players and one keeps having bad luck happen to her (or her parrents keep harrassing her on the phone despite fact she's like 3/4 of a state awat from 'em).
Had at least 3 others.
TWO wussed out (and one of them got himself perma-banned on thus here forum site :badbad: ) and a third has been personae non-boogie almost half a year for reasons undisclosed. :thwak:

So yeah, kinda difficult when you have a small ammount of players and can't find RELIABLE new ones. :frust:

That being said, I do attempt to keep up with the Rifts game thing. :ok:

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:33 pm
by Looonatic
I'm currently running three campaigns. Two in the same setting involving two different groups of players each representing a squad of a mercenary group called "Zero's Defects" and a third set in a separate setting involving a transdimensional aircraft carrier and the adventures of the crew as they battle a megaversal threat across space and time.

I also cook. :)

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:41 pm
by Icefalcon
I just recently finished running a Rifts game, writing a new one and still running a Dead Reign campaign.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:53 pm
by keir451
I don't play currently, mainly due to a lack of Palladium gamers in the region I'm in.
My most recent foray back into Rifts was at the OH this year.
I still like Rifts and buy the books when I've the money.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:50 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime

So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)

Been a long while!!

Do you play regularly?

I wish, life seemed to got in the way of playing.

Do you like the game but don't play at all?

Nope, I love this game

Have you played in the past but not anymore?

Yup, half my crew is out of state now, and being an adult has got the rest of us, man it sucks getting old.

I am just curious to see how many posters (dedicated fans) on these boards actually dont play the game at all anymore.

me too

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:24 pm
by Chronicle
I am GMing a rifts in chat on wednesdays, a player in a heroes game on tursdays, and on mondays i play in IRL game with my cousin and about 4 other friends

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:25 pm
by Ronin78
have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)
I have not played Rifts in a while. (about 2 years)

Do you play regularly?
I have a regular BTS - Nightbane game going right now.

Do you like the game but don't play at all? Have you played in the past but not anymore?
I ran Rifts a lot in the past. Its just not what we are playing at the moment. Well get back to it at some point.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:57 pm
by flatline
Nether wrote:I have noticed for a while now that there is many posters that have mentioned how they don't play Rifts anymore, or it has been a very long time sinse they last did (year +) and others that come across as more interested in the game but dont play at all.

This includes playing in online groups.

So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)


Do you play regularly?

It's been roughly 10 years since I've played Rifts at all. 15 years since I played regularly.

Do you like the game but don't play at all?

I love the settings. I Don't care for the system, but systems are a dime a dozen. Compelling settings are hard to find.

Have you played in the past but not anymore?

I played regularly until college. I played sporadically during college. I haven't really played at all since moving here since I don't know any players and none of the people that I do know are interested in trying it out.


Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:20 pm
by Bill
I'm running an intro game on Wednesday. I'll generally run a couple Rifts campaigns every year.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:35 pm
by dragonfett
Nether wrote:I have noticed for a while now that there is many posters that have mentioned how they don't play Rifts anymore, or it has been a very long time sinse they last did (year +) and others that come across as more interested in the game but dont play at all.

This includes playing in online groups.

So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)
Do you play regularly?
Do you like the game but don't play at all?
Have you played in the past but not anymore?

I am just curious to see how many posters (dedicated fans) on these boards actually dont play the game at all anymore.

1) Yes and no. I play Rifts through a play-by-post forum over at Palladium Knights. I have not played in a tabletop game in quite some time.
2) I make weekly posts on PK, but other than that, I have not played in a Rifts game (or any game for that matter) in quite some time.
3) I like the game but do play.
4) I have played in the past in tabletop Rifts games, and would like to do so again (hopefully soon).

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:40 pm
by cyberdon
Currently running a weekly game via SKYPE.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:44 pm
by Dunia
Nether wrote:So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)

No, I stopped playing Rifts and any Palladium Books Game about 10 months ago. Started to play in 2009.

Nether wrote:Do you play regularly?

We used to have two campaigns, one that I GMed every saturday and one that was played every other Wednesday.

Nether wrote:Do you like the game but don't play at all?

I used to like it, the setting is pretty good and the back story is fantastic but I did not like the rules, all the contradictions in the books and the MDC/SDC system.

Nether wrote:Have you played in the past but not anymore?

Yep, I was done with the game after I bought WB1: VKr and the Vampire sourcebook never saw the light of day, even though it was just a week from being sent to the printers. By that time I published my own RPG game and my friends converted their characters to that system and we sold our Rifts books.

But I must say, that KS was a visionary at one time, he had a great idea, but in my opinion, the world became to Sci-Fi and too little post apocalypse for me. To many pre-apocalypse groups, too populated with cities in the millions dotted out everywhere and too unrealistic combat system. Though I know that there are those who are still as much in love now as they were in 1992, and I do not say that they are wrong - This is just not the post apocalyptic game I thought it was when i bought it.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:50 pm
by Razzinold
Nether wrote:So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)

Sort of, we switched from Rifts to HU a few months back.

Nether wrote:Do you play regularly?

We try and game once/twice a month, but life has a funny habit of getting in the way. Also it's hard to find reliable players (seems quite the common theme on these boards). For example, had 3 players (my buddy and his 2 friends) ready to join up and make their characters, now my buddy has dropped out before they even started and I assume the other 2 will as well because we've never met before because, like I said they are friends of my friend.

Nether wrote:Do you like the game but don't play at all?

I do like the game, and will go back to it but for now a change of scenery was in order.

Nether wrote:Have you played in the past but not anymore?

Rifts was the game to get me started in RPGs way back in high school, as mentioned above I'm sure we'll go back to Rifts again but I've played in off and on for 16+ years so it's time for something new.

Nether wrote:I am just curious to see how many posters (dedicated fans) on these boards actually dont play the game at all anymore.

Me too. IMO seems like lots of people comment on these boards about Rifts but don't actually play Rifts. I'm not saying this makes their comments invalid (also not saying it makes them valid :twisted: ) I'm just....saying is all, :lol:

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:45 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Do you play regularly? is currently in a weekly rifts game
Do you like the game but don't play at all? I like to play PF better then Rifts.
Have you played in the past but not anymore? I was a part of an IRL group, has been playing online for the past 15 years exclusivly.

I am just curious to see how many posters (dedicated fans).. Is not a dedicated fan, Rifts is the bane of the PB system even thou its the PB's cash cow.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:52 pm
by Lord_Dalgard
The Rifts game is currently on hold as we're playing Hackmaster 4e. We'll switch after the 1st of the year, as usual. We flip between the two every 6 months or so.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:59 pm
by Balabanto
I play Rifts, Champions, and Pathfinder. We play what we have people for, and play 2-3 times a week.

What goes on depends on who's present and what people want to play.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:59 pm
by Noon
If only threads had an option to have a poll!

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:02 pm
by EmeraldToucanet
Played just last week, generally do once a week (occasionally skipping a week). I played back when I was in high school to, but after that skipped playing for many years.

Prysus wrote:
Truth be told, I don't like Rifts (but I do like Palladium and am a huge fan of Palladium Fantasy). Now, I openly admit that it's been some bad experiences. I've seen (though not played in) games where players were walking around with like 4 rune weapons each, and just going through the game for another one. I've been in games where everyone (myself included) was a M.D. being with a few hundred M.D.C. and bioregeneration and like 3D6x10 M.D. weapons ... except for that one poor human head hunter who if he ever left his armor would become instant paste (even with his armor he was outmatched). Stuff like that gave me a VERY negative view of Rifts, and for a time I had a ban against the setting in general.

Ironically, the reason I started coming to this forum (I came to the Message Boards because of the chat, signed up as a requirement to join the chat, and eventually started reading the PF forum and slowly expanded out to a few others) because a friend posted here from time to time, so I came to read her posts and follow those threads. Otherwise, I'd have never touched the yucky icky Rifts forum. :P

In my current Rifts games, we're all MD critters, most with at least 100mdc, some with quite a bit more. We have had in the past SDC beings in our party of otherwise mostly MDC (some fairly heavy MDC) and the SDC characters have managed to be very highly useful characters. On the other hand I've had some stronger MDC characters that have ended up not being particularly useful. In my experience a character's skills and simply how you play the character tends to be more important than whether they are uber powerful MDC brutes or not. Currently we are all playing MDC beings and yes, while we've encountered other powerful MDC critters (and there will always be plenty of more powerful critters out there than you, or at least that's how it is in the game I play in), and brought them down, and it can be fun to have a straight forward bad**** MDC creature vs. MDC creature fight, the less powerful physically powerful beings have proven to be an interesting challenge to deal with. Why? Because humans, and similar races tend to be more organized, and innovative than demons and other more chaotic but powerful MDC beings, and when it comes to them, our motivations are very different (we want to kill the demons, we don't want to kill the humans, or similar mortal beings, but they may want to kill us).

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:19 pm
by Colt47
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Do you play regularly? is currently in a weekly rifts game
Do you like the game but don't play at all? I like to play PF better then Rifts.
Have you played in the past but not anymore? I was a part of an IRL group, has been playing online for the past 15 years exclusivly.

I am just curious to see how many posters (dedicated fans).. Is not a dedicated fan, Rifts is the bane of the PB system even thou its the PB's cash cow.

I don't exactly call it the bane of the PB system, but it's incredibly difficult to run right and requires a lot of correct moderation on the GM's part (something I've observed is a rarity.) I've been pondering creating some adventures based on Fatal Frame 2 for the Magic Zone (it's kind of perfect for it) and running on the PB Chat for a while now, but University life has proven very time consuming.

Other than that I'm running with Nursa at the moment, though I might end up leaving at some point. :-?

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:46 pm
by Jay05
Played regularly for 15 years, love it, HU and NB, not so big on pure fantasy games anymore. Love magic and such in games, but also want my sci-fi fix in there as well. I can't seem to find a group within decent driving distance (less than 45 minutes) or I'd play weekly!

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:43 am
by DhAkael
Jay05 wrote:Played regularly for 15 years, love it, HU and NB, not so big on pure fantasy games anymore. Love magic and such in games, but also want my sci-fi fix in there as well. I can't seem to find a group within decent driving distance (less than 45 minutes) or I'd play weekly!

Are you opposed to online IRC / Palladium-Chat-Room games?

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:23 am
by MikelAmroni
So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)

I personally run an online play by post Rifts game (see my Sig - Brown Water Blues), and I play in many more. I'm not counting, but it probably totals close to a dozen when you count Robotech in the mix (one of the Big ones is the OTHER one in my Sig). I haven't played a face to face table top game in a while because my group doesn't like the mechanics. They have said they'd try it because I am a really popular GM in the group, but I've got stories a plenty to run in D&D of all stripes plus old World of Darkness and Shadowrun, so no real rush.

Do you play regularly?


Do you like the game but don't play at all?

That for me would be Splicers, HU, or Dead Reign

Have you played in the past but not anymore?

That would apply to Ninjas and Superspies, Nigthbane and Palladium Fantasy. I love all three, but don't play much of any of them.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:45 am
by Jay05
DhAkael wrote:
Jay05 wrote:Played regularly for 15 years, love it, HU and NB, not so big on pure fantasy games anymore. Love magic and such in games, but also want my sci-fi fix in there as well. I can't seem to find a group within decent driving distance (less than 45 minutes) or I'd play weekly!

Are you opposed to online IRC / Palladium-Chat-Room games?

Opposed to? No, however my current pc sucks and my net connection isn't great which is a bit prohibitive. And honestly I really prefer the face to face interaction of tabletop. Which might be a bit weird considering I'm an IT guy. But if/when I get an upgraded pc and a faster net connection I really might have to consider it. I really miss role playing man!

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:36 am
by Grell
I run a RIFTS campaign taking place in Russia about once a month and play in a Phase World campaign with about the same frequency. I also run a Dead Reign campaign every two weeks. :)

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:49 am
by DhAkael
Jay05 wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
Jay05 wrote:Played regularly for 15 years, love it, HU and NB, not so big on pure fantasy games anymore. Love magic and such in games, but also want my sci-fi fix in there as well. I can't seem to find a group within decent driving distance (less than 45 minutes) or I'd play weekly!

Are you opposed to online IRC / Palladium-Chat-Room games?

Opposed to? No, however my current pc sucks and my net connection isn't great which is a bit prohibitive. And honestly I really prefer the face to face interaction of tabletop. Which might be a bit weird considering I'm an IT guy. But if/when I get an upgraded pc and a faster net connection I really might have to consider it. I really miss role playing man! first bit second bit up to present.
If y'all interested when you get better net connection, PM me.
... and I hear ya about face-to-face IRL table-topping but sadly most of my crew got old fat & borring (gave up the gaming mojo) :nh: ... or moved halfway across the continent to seek their fortunes (and are up to their eyeballs in debt and under-paid. Karma; she be a harsh mistress).

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:31 pm
by earthhawk
I havent played Rifts in about 10-15 years. Whenever I mention a Rifts game people either:

A) cringe.

B) laugh in my face.

C) they thought Palladium went out of business several years ago.

D) all of he above.

I've tried to get games going but it seems for the moment people play Pathfinder or D&D.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:44 pm
by DhAkael
earthhawk wrote:I havent played Rifts in about 10-15 years. Whenever I mention a Rifts game people either:

A) cringe.

B) laugh in my face.

C) they thought Palladium went out of business several years ago.

D) all of he above.

I've tried to get games going but it seems for the moment people play Pathfinder or D&D.

Or White Rabid Mutt games (re;White-Wolf). :roll:
There are a number of other reasons potential players have been driven away from Rifts & PBooks in general, but I've already had the narcs mod-hammer me for saying them here, " I just gonna be a good boy and sit in a corner." :thwak:

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:39 pm
by wyrmraker
Not anymore. Our GM (who has such a love affair with everything Palladium) ran it wrong. Very wrong. His errors were large and numerous, but his biggest one was his constant insistence for 'realism' in his Palladium games.
Given that the only 'realistic' area in Palladium is Fantasy, you can see our consternation. Now we play GURPS.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:31 pm
by Malakai
So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)

Yep, every other week for the time being

Do you play regularly?

See the above, though at times we've switched to other systems

Do you like the game but don't play at all?

No, I like the game - it actually gives a place for just about any style of play all within a single setting AND makes it (somewhat) reasonable

Have you played in the past but not anymore?

I am sure at some point we will switch to another system, just as sure at some point we will be back to it. The group I game with has been through a few systems - Rifts, Shadowrun, Serenity, Phaseworld, Heroes Unlimited, and back at Rifts. Our current GM has asked about doing a Dresden Files game (with me running), but I haven't had time to really go over the materials yet. Someday.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:50 pm
by Kovoston
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:.

So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)

Been a long while!!

Do you play regularly?

I wish, life seemed to got in the way of playing.

Do you like the game but don't play at all?

Nope, I love this game

Have you played in the past but not anymore?

Yup, half my crew is out of state now, and being an adult has got the rest of us, man it sucks getting old.

I am just curious to see how many posters (dedicated fans) on these boards actually dont play the game at all anymore.

me too


Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:01 pm
by Shorty Lickens
Not much recently. And by recently I mean 4 whole years.
Tried selling my books on ebay and nobody wants to pay 300 for a complete collection. Cost me about 3000 dollars.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:17 am
by DhAkael
an addendum... one game I'd LOVE to run again concurrent with my Rifts campaign is 'Mekton Zeta'.
HOW-ev-AH, R.Talsorian games nose dived into suck when the CEO decided to bail then return and turn all his books into Barbie-doll catelougues. (I'm serious BTW; the last edition of Cyberpunk replaced all the beautiful B&W line art with monochrome low-rez photo's of Barbie & Ken dolls with Afro's)

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:54 am
by cchopps
For the last 5 years, I've had 2-4 long weekend marathon sessions a year.

C. Chopps

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:54 pm
by Hot Rod
PbP for years, but no Palladium games in the local areas I've been in (Lots of 4e or Pathf....r groups).

I suppose I collect the dead tree books because I like the settings and have fond memories of playing back when Robotech came out... Also handy when I want to look up stuff in my PbP game of course but 1-2 posts a week is hardly playing.


Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:01 am
by dpenwood
I play regularly. I run a game that meets bi-weekly.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:02 pm
by Noon
Sometimes playing once a fortnight, sometimes once a month.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:14 am
by sirkermittsg
In answer to your questions:

I play almost exclusively online. I have at various times been involved in a robotech game, a rifts game, and a phaseworld/rifts game. At the moment I am only actively involved in a weekly rifts game (which Drew Kitty amoung others is a part of late night saturday nights)

Online gaming is a great way to play when you cant get a group together in real life. there are games going on in palladium chat pretty much every single night of the week.

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:52 pm
by Sir Dellis
Nether wrote:So have you played Rifts recently? (2-4 weeks)
Do you play regularly?
Do you like the game but don't play at all?
Have you played in the past but not anymore?



Like the game, never had the chance to play

Never played Rifts before, but have read some of the books

Re: How many people here actually play Rifts?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:02 am
by Daeglan
keir451 wrote:I don't play currently, mainly due to a lack of Palladium gamers in the region I'm in.
My most recent foray back into Rifts was at the OH this year.
I still like Rifts and buy the books when I've the money.

this is the struggle I have. I have recently been able to get together with an online group. But players near me are hard to find. And I largely blame Palladium for that. The problems that people complain about go largely ignored by Palladium. So now many gamers ignore them.