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Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:26 pm
by cyberdon
With stats and etc.

Any background information is welcome but not necessary.

Re: Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:32 am
by sirkermittsg
listing all the stats is abit of a pain.... however my favorite OCC and MOS combination so far is the Military Specialist / Robot Commander from Rifts Chaos Earth. they are heavy in the fighting skills, they have most of the skills of an operator, they can pilot robots and power armor such as a samas, AND they get to bring along a half a dozen or more robots such as a combat bot (skellbot).

Re: Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:04 am
by cyberdon
Awesome Johnnycat93!

Re: Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:47 pm
by Rockwolf66
Silviana Thrasher
The Demigoddess who calls herself Silviana Thrasher was born in 92 PA. Her mother Hedda Okamura was a talented shifter who worshipped the old Celtic Pantheon. Her father is the god Gwyn ap Nudd although Silviana tells people that he is a being called the Keeper of Shadows. Sadly when she was three her mother was pulled into another dimension by a demon lord that her mother was in the process of banishing. This left her and her brother in the care of Wade, a friend of their mother's and a wilderness scout. Over the next several years it became obvious to both her brother, John, and her guardian, Wade, that she was a supernatural being. Given the few types of supernatural beings that can impregnate a human, it became obvious that Silviana was a demigoddess. When she was seven some unknown being hired a group of local thugs to try and kill her. Her brother and his friends annihilated the thugs and drove off the being sponsoring them. A couple of years latter her brother left to go off adventuring and Silviana started training to follow somewhat in his footsteps. Her thirteenth birthday brought her two things, an increase in psychic power to full fledged Burster status and after performing several coming of age rituals Shifter magic. This awakening of supernatural power caused a shift in her training from combat to supernatural lore. She completed her training and took an Iron Horse to Juarez to see her friend and Lover, Chula. She found the city to be too backwards and ignorant for her tastes. Heading north again along the Colorado river she met Cleo. They had both signed up as guards for a merchant heading North. Durring the trip they found themselves preparing for the same ritual. Finding that Cleo effectivly worshiped her family, Silvie asked Cleo to join her. Soon Silvie had deflowered and taken the Widowmaker as her lover. The pair have settled in a box canyon in Colorado and have been working Together on jobs. Normally they get along great together, but occationally they have cultural isues. Most recently it was because Silvie accepted a girl by the name of Rosita Li as payment for a job.

Name: Silviana Thrasher
Alignment: Unprincipled
Race: Demigoddess with a Human Mother
I.Q.: 16
M.E.: 17
M.A.: 19
P.S.: 25
P.P.: 21
P.E.: 20
P.B.: 19
Spd.: 25
Hit points: 80
SDC: 160
MDC: 100
Height: 6 feet 0 inches (1.83m), Weight: 165 lbs. ( 75.3kg). Age: 9 in PA 101, 17 in PA 108
PPE: 114 , ISP: 137
Horror Factor: 10 when recognized as a supernatural creature
Experience Level: 2nd level Momano Headhunter
Experience points: 3,877
OCC Skills: Demon & Monster lore (55%),Magic and Ley Line Lore (50%/40%/35%), Psionics Lore(45%), Art(60%), Photography( 60%), Basic Mathematics(70%), Basic Radio(65%), Computer Operation(60%), Tracking Humanoids(50%), Land Navigation (54%), Wilderness Survival(50%), Read Sensory Equipment(50%), Automobile(74%),
OCC Related Skills: Armorer(55%), Basic Mechanics (50%)
Secondary Skills: cooking (45%), Sewing(50%)
Languages: American(82%), Demongogian(74%), Japanese(75%), Dragonese(75%),
Weapons Proficiencies: Sword, Assault Rifle, Energy Rifle, and Sub-Machinegun.
Special Abilities: Impervious to fire, Electricity resistant(Half Damage), cold resistant( half damage), 1D6X5 MD regeneration per minute, Defic Shifter,
OCC Abilities: Burster
Sensitive: Mind Block, See Aura, and Telepathy.
Extinguish fires(range: 120 feet over a 400 foot radius. ISP: 4)
Flame burst(Duration: four minutes, ISP: 4)
Firebolt(range: 240 feet, ISP: 2)
Fire Eruption(range: 140 feet, Skill: 56%, ISP: 10, Radius of effect: 30 feet)
Sense fire(ISP:2)
Super Fuel Flame (ISP:8)
Spell Knowledge: Calling (8), Call Lightning (15), Compulsion (20), Constrain Being (20), Dimensional Portal (1,000), Energy Bolt (5), Energy Field (10), Exorcism (30), Repel Animals (7), Re-Open Gateway (180), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (4), Trance (10), Shadow Meld (10), Summon and Control Canines (50), Summon and Control Rodents (70), Sustain (12), Time Slip (20), Turn Dead (6), Tongues (10), Banishment (65), Charm (12), Close Rift (200), Commune with Spirits (25), Control and Enslave Entity (80), D-step (50), Desiccate the Supernatural (50), Dimensional Teleport (800), Dispel Magical Barriers (20), Distant Voice (10), Domination (10), Energy Disruption (12), Energy Sphere (120), Expel Demons (35), Force Bonds (25), Influence the Beast (12), Ley Line Transmission (30), Locate (30), Magic Pigeon ( 20), Mystic Portal (60), Phantom Mount (45), Plane Skip (65), Power Bolt (20), Protection Circle: Simple (45), Protection Circle: Superior (300), Reality Flux (75), Rift to Limbo (160), Rift Teleportation (200), Sheltering Force (20), Tame Beast (30), Teleport: Lesser (15), Teleport: Superior (600), Time Hole (210), Summon Greater Familiar (80), Summon Shadow Beast (140), Summon & Control Animals(125), Summon Lesser Being (425), Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350), Blinding Flash (1), Cloud of Smoke (2), Death Trance (1), Globe of Daylight (2), Lantern Light (1), See Aura (6), See the Invisible (4), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (4), Thunderclap (4), Aura of Power (4), Befuddle (6), Chameleon (6), Cleanse (6), Cloak of Darkness (6), Concealment (6), Detect Concealment (6), Extinguish Fire (4), Fear (5), Heavy Breathing (5), Levitation (5), Manipulate Objects (2+), Mystic Alarm (5), Shatter (5), Throwing stones (5),
Combat training: Hand to hand Martial arts
Attacks per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses: +5 on initiative, +2 save vs. piscine attack, +1 save vs. Insanity, 55% chance to invoke trust or intimidate, +10 to damage, +6 to strike, +6 to Parry, +6 to dodge, +30% to save vs., coma/death, +3 to save versus poison, +5 save versus magic, 45% chance to charm or impress, +12 save vs. Horror factor, +3 to pull punch, +5 to roll with punch/ fall/impact, +4 save vs. possession, +1 to perception, +3 to save vs. mind control.
Equipment: Desert BDU's, night camouflage BDU's, civilian clothing, silver pentacle, web belt, gas mask,1 quart canteens(x2), gunsmithing tool kit, PC-3000 hand-held computer, portable language translator, PDD pocket audio recorder/player, pocket laser distancer, field radio, pocket flashlight, signal mirror, RMK kit, IRMSS kit, tinted goggles, hatchet, knapsack, pup tent, backpack, duffel bag, combat rations (3 week supply), personal items(think of things found in purses).
Crusader EBA
* MDC: Helmet: 35/35 Main Body: 55/55 Arms: 20/20(L), 20/20(R) Legs: 30/30(L), 30/30(R)
* No mobility penalties
* Market cost: $40,000

Branaghan overcoat
* MDC: Main Body: 28/28 Arms: 8/8(L), 8/8(R) Legs: 12/12(L), 12/12(R)
*-5% to prowl, gymnastics. acrobatics, and Swim.
* Market cost: $12,000

DPM D0 Dog Boy riot armor
* MDC: Main Body: 50/50 Arms: 12/12(L), 12/12(R) Legs: 20/20(L), 20/20(R)
* No mobility penalties
* Market cost: $18,000

Weight: 3 lbs.( 1.4kg), SDC Damage: 2D4 Market Cost: $500

Mk 14 Mod 1(Note: This is a modernized version of the M14 battle rifle. It retains the origional reciver but the rest of the weapon is improved. A bipod and telescopic sight are mounted on Silvie's.)
Weight: 10lbs. 6oz. (4.73kg.) SDC Damage: 5D6 Rate of Fire: standard Range: 3,280 feet(1,00M) Payload: 5, 10,20, 25 round magazine, or 50 round drum Bonuses: +2 to strike on an aimed shot, Market Cost: $2,500
20 Round Magazine(X5)
7.62mm M-62 Tracer: 40 rounds
7.62mm M-80 Full Metal Jacket: 80 rounds
7.62mm M-993 Armor Piercing: 80 rounds

NG-P7 Particle Beam Rifle
Weight: 21lbs. (9.45kg.) MDC Damage: 2D4X10 Rate of Fire: standard Range: 1,200 feet( 365M) Payload: 6 or 10 shot Magazines or a 40 shot power pack Market Cost: $22,000
Long Energy Magazines(X5)

Mini-Uzi (Note: this weapon has been in the Thrasher Family since the Great Cataclism. It has been used by both hero and Villan alike. It was given to Silvie by her brother with the hopes that she uses it better than the last family member who owned it.)
Weight: 5lbs. 15oz. (2.70kg.) SDC Damage: 2D6 Rate of Fire: standard Range: 492 feet(150M) Payload: 20, 25, 32,or 40 round magazines Market Cost: $900
Shoulder Holster
32 round Magazine(X5)
9mm Jacketed Hollow Points: 300 rounds

Silver Plated Vibro Sword
Weight: 4 lbs.( 1.8kg), MDC Damage: 2D6 Market Cost: $16,500

wooden Stakes(12)
Money: 13,582 credits, She's trying to find a perminant home and equip Rosita.
Vehicle: She currently owns a M1165 HMMWV.

Re: Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:21 pm
by cyberdon
TOTALLY cool Rockwolf66.

Re: Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:56 pm
by Rockwolf66

Re: Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:16 pm
by Bood Samel
Two that I've lost the sheets for long long ago.

Palo, a pecos bandit with the luckiest dice rolls ever. Crit. hit with a heavy fusion block at a super SAMAS while raiding lone star and dodging out of the blast radius. Retired at 5th level to open a bar in the chi-town burbs with all his money and turned into a NPC.

Kalki a mystic knight, a real mystic knight. Played him till 7th level. Total epic ass kicker.

Re: Share your favorite Rift's character.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:08 am
by Akashic Soldier
I am sure you are already familiar with this gentleman Cyberdon but I wanted to present him in the spirit of sharing anyway. :)

Warning: The following character is the property of Liam Gray. (I just wanted him to be in a cool red box) :P

GrÜz Maømb
Last Son of the Warlock King Geirrød and Trollop Grýla
4th Level Earth Warlock

History: GrÜz is the youngest in a long line of Trolls born to the tenacious and ancient Warlock Geirrød prior to transferring his essence into a crafted stone body to cheat death and become the eternal Mountain King of The Great Barrier. Unsurprisingly, GrÜz's childhood was brutal (like that of most Trolls) and other than being indoctrinated into the secrets of stone GrÜz and his siblings had little to do with their father. Unlike his parents or siblings GrÜz is a gruff but kind Troll who finds little value in the "Might Makes Right" attitude and senseless ruthlessness of his heritage. And so upon reaching the age of Manhood GrÜz has ventured out into the world and hopes to acquire a treasure that will rival and surpass the spanning caverns of gold and precious gems that belong to his father.

Motivation: GrÜz is entirely motivated by the acquisition of precious metals, gems, and jewelry. He greedily snatches up everything he can so that he can sell it. In Trollish culture a man's status is defined by his treasure horde and a Troll with little is not worthy of siring children. As his race nears extinction on this world it is his responsibility to continue his cruel fathers linage as his new stone body makes it impossible. Secretly GrÜz hopes to one day surpass the wealth and power acquired by his father through entirely just and reasonable means.

Alignment: Scrupulous (Good)
R.C.C.: Troll
O.C.C.: Warlock (Earth)
Level: 4th
Horror Factor: 12
Natural M.D.C. 99
P.P.E.: 130
Height: 9'2"
Weight: 485lbs
Place of Origin: The Great Barrier.

I.Q.: 17 -- GrÜz possesses the trademark cunning of his Trollish ancestors.
M.E.: 10 -- GrÜz's tries to be patient and keep his impulses in check.
P.S. 33 (Supernatural) -- Although GrÜz is a runt in comparison to his older brothers and father, he (like most Trolls) possesses an uncanny strength that rivals that of True Giants. GrÜz can lift a whopping 3,300lbs above his head and throw anything under 826lbs up to 165 feet!
P.P.: 19 -- Despite his hulking appearance, like many Trolls GrÜz is exceptionally limber and has the natural grace of a Chimpanzee.
P.E.: 19 -- Meager by Troll standards. GrÜz was the least hardy and physically tough of all his kin.
P.B.: 11 -- GrÜz is one of the more handsome Trolls on the planet but inherited his looks from his mother the Trollop Grýla.
SPD: 8 -- It should be no real surprise that this lumbering D-Bee is no track runner.
--Swimming: 99 -- GrÜz natural strength and Trollish aptitude for swimming makes him remarkably quick in the water (74 MPH!)

R.C.C./O.C.C. Abilities
Nightvision (60ft; Total Darkness)
Climbing (75%)
Climbing (65%)
Swimming (60%)
Speak Elemental (98%)
Sense Elementals (40%) or (60%; Earth Elementals only)
Recognize Minerals (68%)
Holistic Medicine (50%)
Identify Plants and Fruit (50%)
Earth Sense (40 Mile radius)
--Sense Tremor (46%)
--Underground Direction Sense (86%)
The Brotherhood: Elementals will do not harm to GrÜz and assist him however they are able.
Summon Earth Elemental (20%) or (30%; on a Ley Line) or (40%; at a Nexus)

R.C.C./O.C.C./Skill Bonuses
Attack/Actions +1
Dodge +1
Parry +1
Roll with Impact +1
Spell Strength: 13
Save vs. Horror Factor +5 (+8; Elementals)
Save vs. Magic +1

Modified Combat Statistics
Attacks/Actions: 6
Initiative +0
Strike +4
Pull Punch +6
Disarm +4
Entangle +2
Damage: 4D6 M.D. (standard attack)/1D4×10 M.D. (power attack) -- or weapon whichever is higher; see Supernatural P.S.
Dodge +6
Parry +6

Noteworthy Combat Advantages
Automatically Pin/Incapacitate on 18, 19, or 20!
Critical Strike on a Natural 20!

O.C.C. Skills and Bonus Skills from R.C.C.
Language (Native): Troll (98%)
Language (Native): Giantese (98%)
Language (Native): Gobblery (98%)
Language (Other): American (74%) -- Noteably a second language. GrÜz sometimes garbles his words. "Who is what I said Humie."
Language (Other): Dragonese (74%) -- Learned as the Language of Magic when learning the power of the runes as an Earth Warlock.
Literacy (Other): Dragonese (74%) -- See above.
Land Navigation (61%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters (58%)
Lore: Faeries and Creatures of Magic (52%)
Pilot: Hovercraft (73%)
Wilderness Survival (61%)

Related Skills ~ Because GrÜz was unable to physically compete with his kin during his training he focused on learning how to be productive; even so some conflict was inevitable and growing up in the hostile environs of The Great Barrier turned GrÜz into a skilled wrestler.
Appraise Goods: Professional (73%)
Carpentry (53%)
Gemology (53%)
Salvage (63%)
Skin and Prepare Animal Hides (45%)

Secondary Skills ~ Likewise, GrÜz spent much of his time honing more productive skills, scheming and planning, so he might one day acquire a horde that would put his brutish Clansmen and the ruthless edicts of his Immortal Father to shame.
Athletics: General
Masonry (58%)
Mining (63%)
Whittling and Sculpting: Professional (48%)
Pilot: Truck (44%)
Leather Working (50%)

Weapon Proficiencies
Blunt (+2 to strike/+2 to parry)
Shield (+1 to Strike/+2 to Parry)
Whip (+2 to Shield/+2 to Disarm/+2 to Entangle/+2 to Parry)
Shotgun (+2 to Strike)
Heavy M.D. Weapons (+2 to Strike)


1st level Spell Selection--
1st: Create Wood: Very useful for Carpentry and Whittling
1st: Dust Storm: GrÜz Trademark spell
1st: Mystical Fulcrum: By chanting an incantation GrÜz can invoke the strength of the land and lift a mind-blogging 5,500lbs!

2nd level Spell Selection--
1st: Rock to Mud: Allows the creation of Mud which assists in calling forth Mud Mounds from their home dimension!
2nd: Create Dirt or Clay: Very useful for Carpentry and Sculpting
2nd: Wall of Clay: Creates a 32 foot tall × 32 long and 16 foot thick wall of Mega-Damage Clay (with 40 M.D.C.!)

3rd level Spell Selection--
Armor of Earth: Sheaths anyone standing on the ground in a protective M.D. stone armor (force field) with 48 M.D.C.!
Dig: Conjures an invisible elemental force that digs for 5 minutes per level and can move 10 feet of earth per melee (15 seconds), 5 feet of clay, or 2 feet of stone. Cannot dig through solid walls.
Wall of Stone: Identical to wall of Clay except it creates a wall of stone instead and has an impressive 200 M.D.C.!

4th level Spell Selection--
3rd: Encase Object in Stone: The ability to sheath any small object within 10 feet in a cocoon of M.D.C. stone with but a gesture (5 M.D.C.)
3rd: Eat Earth: The ability to consume and gain nourishment from earth and stone (So GrÜz can save a handful of credits each week that he would normally have to waste buying food).
4th: Quicksand: The ability to tansform normal earth or stone into a pool of quicksand. Anyone stepping in it will find themselves in serious trouble!