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Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:23 pm
by cyberdon
No need to list stats. ;)

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:27 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
CS military specialist (RMB). Recon, It explained why he was out and about with the misfit adventuring group. Was fun times.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:47 pm
by Johnathan
Atlantean Undead Slayer. He met with the business end of a collapsing building... Good times...

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:06 pm
by ffranceschi
Juicer OCC, the classic from the first book.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:07 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
First concept characters all three were created right after the other back in 89

20th human who was a Borg, just a every day guy rifted into rifts earth, ended up a Borg,

Native American Juicer, standard story revenge story for him , but his armor was styled after the Cobra's alley viper orange and blue version.

Last one was a city rat,born and raised in chi-town, a punk kid who loves to embarrass any coalition official he can.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:08 pm
by Glistam
A vagabond with superpowers. She met her end at the hands of War in Africa.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:20 pm
by JuliusCreed
My first Rifts character... a New West Gunslinger with minor psi abilities (Sixth Sense and Empathy) and a few elements from Spirit West thrown in for spice, namely an animal totem spirit, particularly Rattlesnake. I came up with a good back story for it so the GM allowed it. When it was all said and done, he was faster on the draw than a Juicer (final Initiative bonus came up to +17 for the first round and +11 after) and even would have eventually ended up with an Auto-Dodge thanks to HtH Commando. Sadly, I only got to play him once before the GM decided running Rifts wasn't his thing. :frust:

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:51 pm
by jaymz
Bot RCC from the Unrevised Sourcebook One.....

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:01 pm
by Neo
Headhunter from the old grey Rifts core book, he ended up leaving the group after trying to sell body parts from another adventurer.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:04 pm
by Sureshot
Elven Ley Line Walker

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:17 pm
by dragonfett
Evil human Shifter with a natural PB of 30, MA of 23, had insanity that made her believe she was a certified psychologist (even though she never had any training), and was on the verge of opening her own interdimensional travel agency (that doesn't promise a return at all). The only thing that stopped her from opening her travel agency was that I moved when I left the military.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:04 pm
by psam_rage
First designed- A phase world Oni Ley Line Walker. [Still Unplayed]
First Palladium Character played: An E.B.S.I.S. sleeper agent Destroid Pilot (set pre Invid invasion) [Death by friendly fire.]
First Rifts character played: Zephyr, a greed gunslinger hunting for next big score. The party kept forgetting she was following them. (I missed 3-4 game session because of school) She is currently in the Colorado Baronies with her awesome new gold pernese fire lizard...

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
A wilderness scout.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:29 pm
by cyberdon
Never played in a game (I'm currently gamemastering one).

But I did roll up an awesome cyber samuai a few years back.

Gods, but I'd love to play him.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:02 pm
by Natasha
City rat. His name was Gibson.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:18 pm
by Icefalcon
I played a Native American Wilderness Scout working for the Coalition tracking down D-Bee's.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:54 pm
by Jay05
First PC was a Titan Cyber-Knight, he died in combat with War of the horsemen in Africa. That reminds me how much I liked him, might roll up another Titan Knight.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:40 pm
by Slight001
First active PC was a CS Juicer... death by 'friendly' fire direct to the head... word to the wise always watch the group mechanic when he's working on your helmet... "a little tight, but fine" my ace...

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:46 pm
by cyberdon
Slight001 wrote:"a little tight, but fine" my ace...


Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:03 am
by Grand Paladin
My very first character was a transferred intelligence Robot RCC, from Sourcebook One. He was an Operator OCC that was able to transfer his intelligence to two different robots; a heavy combat model and a human sized robot that used a holographic projection system that projected the image behind a forcefield. He was able to come and go, with as many as 20 different people/images stored in memory.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:24 am
by Incriptus
Morg was a headhunter with an ultimax power armor. He was fun because like any 12 year old, he started off with his highest attribute being P.S. but then I realised it didn't matter how strong a power armor pilot was. So I switched it to IQ, skill bonuses after all. Well I forgot to change his weight from his original "worlds strongest man" physique. So he was now in the 350 pounds range with a PS of 10. So, I just rolled with it. He became a slovenly morbidly obese mercenary, he would blow all his earnings on feasts.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:06 am
by cyberdon
Lol :-D

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:15 am
by mobuttu
Human LLW.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:46 am
by Hound
A African Medicine Man by the name of Ducky. Fied by friendly fire fighting Famine... they really hated his hat...

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:51 pm
by flatline
First character I played in Rifts was an insane HU:Revised Experiment with APS:Electricity and Vibration.

I don't know what my first real non-conversion Rifts character was. Probably a cyberknight.


Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:50 am
by Tor
I honestly don't remember... probably some kinda spellcaster though.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:47 am
by Kinghawke
Crazy named Zari with an alternate personality: her boyfriend Zar. they are unaware of the insanity & will kill anyone who "tries to break them up" by revealing the truth.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:56 am
by Akashic Soldier
Kinghawke wrote:Crazy named Zari with an alternate personality: her boyfriend Zar. they are unaware of the insanity & will kill anyone who "tries to break them up" by revealing the truth.

I like that. I like that a lot.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:06 am
by Kinghawke
Akashic Soldier wrote:
Kinghawke wrote:Crazy named Zari with an alternate personality: her boyfriend Zar. they are unaware of the insanity & will kill anyone who "tries to break them up" by revealing the truth.

I like that. I like that a lot.

I can post stats upon request

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:22 am
by Akashic Soldier
Kinghawke wrote:I can post stats upon request

Stats don't mean a lot to me but I'd love to hear more about the character's adventures, exploits, memorable moments, etc.?

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:41 am
by Necrite
My first character was an Operator named Clyde. I was introduced to an existing party when the GM kicked the ever-loving **** out of them, and they limped into my shop for repairs. The GM gave me about 8 hours of game time - which patched up the worst damage on the Glitter Boy and Combat Borg - before the person they were fighting did a flyby and dropped a salvo of missiles into my shop. I can't remember what she was wearing, but it was something similar to a SAMAS. Most of the group couldn't fly, so those that could chased her, while the rest tried to find a fire escape to follow her.
I was understandably upset to have my shop destroyed, so I grabbed my "security system" from under the front counter and followed after the group, looking for some payback. The entire time, I was (in character) chewing the party out for bringing this onto my doorstep and trashing my shop.
The Aberrant Evil Juicer in the group passed a note to the GM and rolled a natural 20 on a d20 in the middle of the table. The GM handed me the note which read "I hit the whiny little ***** in the back of the neck with my vibro axe". I wasn't wearing a helmet.
Less than 2 hours. :/ Not a great intro to Rifts.

When the rest of the party realized what had happened, they engaged in a little bit of PVP which the Juicer didn't survive, and he wasn't invited back into the group. They salvaged my head, and transferred my brain into a full-conversion Borg on their dime, and I stuck with them for a while even though I didn't really enjoy the forced character change. The GM dropped the party through a Rift a few sessions later, which for some reason shorted out my power supply and nuked me. Apparently, it wasn't as well shielded as the Combat Borg's, so he wasn't similarly affected, nor were the power armors. I was further annoyed, but the GM was an old friend, so I trusted him and rolled with it. It was later revealed that we had been rifted to my character's homeland, and about 5 years earlier, before I had moved to where they first met me. And the party, badly injured found their way to the nearest town and limped their way into the local Operator's shop...

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:45 am
by Akashic Soldier
Necrite wrote:"I hit the whiny little ***** in the back of the neck with my vibro axe". I wasn't wearing a helmet.
Less than 2 hours. :/ Not a great intro to Rifts.

And this is why I frown on interparty conflict. Its just isnt plausable. When was the last time you hit someone in the back of the head with an axe because they were upset and *****?

Not fun. Sorry to hear it man but that character wasnt aberrant--they were psychotic.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:06 am
by Kinghawke
Crazy: female, Zari. 4'3". very hyper-active & spastic. she thinks she's the Hottest woman alive & acts like it. I wouldn't say she has ADD. I would say she has ADOh Shiny!!
most traumatic experience in her life: almost drowned in a lake by juicer she pushed too far after much taunting and saying "go jump in a lake!" She grew up in the Old Town Burbs' with no future being the illegitimate child of a higher class man, so she became a Crazy. she prefers the company of non-humans as opposed to humans because humans are so booooring & the aliens are Very Interesting to get to know. ;)
she gets very violently frightened of Creepy Crawlies. she is an attention-hound & loves puppies...with ketchup. she also LOVES shinies!! she is very proud that she became a Crazy.
Her favorite weapons are the neural mace, because you can taunt them while beating them senseless; and her energy pistol.
Her first adventure she snuck up (prowl roll 01%) on a mad-man, her identical twin, while saying loudly "I'm a Ninja! I'm a Ninja!" repeatedly. she seduced & took him to bed. turns out, he is an alternate personality of hers. if anyone tries to tell them that they are the same person, they die for "trying to break them up!". she gets angry if you ignore her advances but her boyfriend gets annoyed if she is successful. she shot at an annoying MDC Hamster who had a magic mask, which reflected the shot back & blew off her left arm. she also found an invisibility ring. at the end of the adventure, she kept the "boyfriend" personality & got rid of the damages/ring per GM ruling. the adventure took place inside of a magical house, each room being random & potentially dangerous.
any questions/comments?

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:09 am
by Necrite
Kinghawke wrote:any questions/comments? ... 6/asdf.jpg
No, I think you covered everything.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:20 am
by Kinghawke
Necrite wrote:
Kinghawke wrote:any questions/comments? ... 6/asdf.jpg
No, I think you covered everything.

I think I forgot to mention that after she got her arm blown off, the hamster's big bear friend pinned down my Crazy, pooped in her eye while she screamed the many ways it would die, & ended the campaign by seeing Me. the Gamer, in the clouds. she was happy to see me.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:49 am
by Johnathan
Johnathan wrote:Atlantean Undead Slayer. He met with the business end of a collapsing building... Good times...

Since you requested adventures and exploits, I tell ya how this Undead Slayer methis unhappy end by the business end of a collapsing building.

A buddy of mine got me into RPGs, RIFTS in particular. Well, he introduced me to the group he was playing in, all of the other players and the GM were, at LEAST ten years older than us. Looking back on it now, I must have seemed like such an ignorant child...

Anyway, the GM was kind of a douche about a lot of things and generally upset me for how he seemed to fail at allowing the "newbie" any sort of discretional lee-way. In either case, my friend's character was a Wired Gunslinger. Well, my character, accidently, spooked him something fierce while the group was in an abandoned building. Following his character, he pulls his guns and started blasting anything that moved.

Well, my Undead Slayer tried to stop him but failed... miserably. Every attempt to stop the Gunslinger from shooting resulted in him successfully auto-dodging and firing some more. The other PCs just ran for cover... Well, a couple melees (and several botched combat rolls) later... and the building collapses on the entire PC group, killing everyone. Those that were SDC died instantly, those that were in MDC armor, or were naturally MDC, had the dubious pleasure of dying of suffocation, slowly and painfully.

... I didn't return to the group afterwards and never played another game with my buddy, ever again. He and I remained friends. However, he had this really bad tendency of playing Anarchist and Miscreant characters that general had the "The world can kiss my rear, I'm going to do whatever I want" mentality. In ourdiscussions, I don't think he had a character last longer than six games... ever.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:06 am
by Kinghawke
Johnathan wrote:
Johnathan wrote:Atlantean Undead Slayer. He met with the business end of a collapsing building... Good times...

Since you requested adventures and exploits, I tell ya how this Undead Slayer methis unhappy end by the business end of a collapsing building.

A buddy of mine got me into RPGs, RIFTS in particular. Well, he introduced me to the group he was playing in, all of the other players and the GM were, at LEAST ten years older than us. Looking back on it now, I must have seemed like such an ignorant child...

Anyway, the GM was kind of a douche about a lot of things and generally upset me for how he seemed to fail at allowing the "newbie" any sort of discretional lee-way. In either case, my friend's character was a Wired Gunslinger. Well, my character, accidently, spooked him something fierce while the group was in an abandoned building. Following his character, he pulls his guns and started blasting anything that moved.

Well, my Undead Slayer tried to stop him but failed... miserably. Every attempt to stop the Gunslinger from shooting resulted in him successfully auto-dodging and firing some more. The other PCs just ran for cover... Well, a couple melees (and several botched combat rolls) later... and the building collapses on the entire PC group, killing everyone. Those that were SDC died instantly, those that were in MDC armor, or were naturally MDC, had the dubious pleasure of dying of suffocation, slowly and painfully.

... I didn't return to the group afterwards and never played another game with my buddy, ever again. He and I remained friends. However, he had this really bad tendency of playing Anarchist and Miscreant characters that general had the "The world can kiss my rear, I'm going to do whatever I want" mentality. In ourdiscussions, I don't think he had a character last longer than six games... ever.

I know a guy who games like that. he loves to argue for the sake of arguing, is overcontrolling, and impatient. all of which are very bad when RPGing. especially when you're just a player, not the GM. but his characters have the same results. they die frequently or are kept alive out of necessity due to their skills.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:34 am
by Ice Dragon
Ice Dragon hatchling I'm still playing today :-D.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:34 am
by Eclipse
Dragon Hatchling. Used the tactic of landing on people so they couldn't do anything - a hatchling (great horned, and partially guessing the size relative to the adult) weighs too much for a human in body armor to do anything once they're pinned. Had limited abilities otherwise (level 1).

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:20 pm
by G
A GB pilot with the proper choice of cybernetics making him very effective outside the GB. When inside the GB used non standard tactics Ie. he didn't just stand there shooting from a distance all the time as thats boring!

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:08 am
by Bobboky
An Operator who got a hold of a GB (the rest of the group were playing GB Pilots and Borgs). We led raids on the Colations states for a few gaming sessions until we were able to purchase a bunch of missiles... shot them all at Chi-Town (400+ Long range, with a greater number of Medium Range). Before hightailing it to Atlantis to engage in a highly epic and unrealistic battle to the death. The average age of the players was 13 and the DM at 15 was the oldest. He just liked Epic Battles, ignored any rules that made battles less epic and generally figured it was his job to make the story fun, grant bragging rights, and memorable.... not realistic in the least though.

Before that we played around in Robotech. I preferred Destroids and the others preferred Veritechs. The DM used the same lack of realism and sense of epic wonder in that game too. Almost 20 years latter I still collect, dream, and play Rifts and Robotech because of it.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:38 am
by Kinghawke
Bobboky wrote:An Operator who got a hold of a GB (the rest of the group were playing GB Pilots and Borgs). We led raids on the Colations states for a few gaming sessions until we were able to purchase a bunch of missiles... shot them all at Chi-Town (400+ Long range, with a greater number of Medium Range). Before hightailing it to Atlantis to engage in a highly epic and unrealistic battle to the death. The average age of the players was 13 and the DM at 15 was the oldest. He just liked Epic Battles, ignored any rules that made battles less epic and generally figured it was his job to make the story fun, grant bragging rights, and memorable.... not realistic in the least though.

Before that we played around in Robotech. I preferred Destroids and the others preferred Veritechs. The DM used the same lack of realism and sense of epic wonder in that game too. Almost 20 years latter I still collect, dream, and play Rifts and Robotech because of it.

my dad has us grow up on Robotech. that is an awesome first experience!

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:32 am
by Greyaxe
A Coalition Full conversion Borg named George Burns. He smoked cigars and told jokes.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:45 pm
by stankind
A dwarf operator from Conversion Book 1. He had a Bradley APC.
He joined up with some D-Bee (don't remember what RCC) that had Naruni Armor that turned him invisible.

Dran (my dwarf) was extremely paranoid and was overly superstitious.

We went on one adventure to save a kidnapped Dwarven child.
My buddy realized that some monsters can see the invisible the hard way.

My favorite part was that the DM (our friend) said that the monster looks directly at your character to our "cloaked" D-Bee friend.
"But, I'm invisible!", he exclaimed.
DM: I didn't say that you weren't. <insert sinister laugh>

My dwarf saved his butt by shooting full-auto bursts from his Bradley at the monster.
Hoping, as I stated over the comm-link, "Hopefully, your character is out of the way, because I can't see him!"

The DM and I still laugh about that one. :)

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:00 am
by Myrrhibis
Blind Altaran Warrior woman. Had a blast with that character.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:01 pm
by lockup6669
Wilderness scout with superpowers. Enhanced speed and strength.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:55 pm
by nilgravity
A burster named Hellhound. I was in middle school and wanted Hellhound to be a burster/dog boy but my GM wouldn't allow it.

Re: Your first Rifts character

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:13 pm
by wyrmraker
My first actual Rifts character was a slave-borg that ended up getting refitted by an Operator. Vibro-generators in his hands for a high-tech Knife Hand attack, and a Triax Pump Pistol in an... indiscreet location that was reinforced with a piercing-style vibro-generator.
We were 19, military, and pretty dirty minded. And yes, he would do 'that' to kill tanks.