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Psionic Enhancements and Crystal/Psionic Items

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:33 am
by VR Dragon
Something came up during one of my talks with a fellow gamer. There is little in the game to really enhance a psionicist's power pool much as similarly as the magic users have. Mainly I have not found much of anything that allows a psionicist to store ISP in some sort of crystal or what not like a wizard can with PPE talismans. Sure there are some items in phase world, but that not something many GMs allow outside a phase world setting.

Are there any rules in a rifter or any other setting book for that talks about a psychic attuning crystals or empowering them to store some extra juice somehow? I know there is some crystal stuff listed in the PF: Island at the edge of the world book, but nothing there expands on it beyond basically psionic rune weapons.

Re: Psionic Enhancements and Crystal/Psionic Items

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:05 pm
by Grand Paladin
There is Psylite crystals that are a component of Noro weapons and equipment that is presented in the Rifts Phase World setting, and I believe that it has some of the characteristics you were looking for, but probably not all of them. I think that it's really worth expanding, and begs a Rifter article at the least!

Re: Psionic Enhancements and Crystal/Psionic Items

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:20 am
by X'Zanthar
Not my speciality, but the Western Empire book has magic items that store ISP I think.

Re: Psionic Enhancements and Crystal/Psionic Items

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:31 am
by drewkitty ~..~
DiceMan wrote:
X'Zanthar wrote:Not my speciality, but the Western Empire book has magic items that store ISP I think.

The Idrantine Circlet. Western Empire, page 162. They can store up to 100 I.S.P.

And most of them are non-rechargeable.
There are three places that talk about constructing Psi-Devices in all the PB game books: 1) The PF1 book talks about "Psi-Magic" devices w/o any Class associated with them, and 2) the "psi-devices" made by the Akimi Stonemen (psi) gizmoteer Racial Char Class in Rifts South America 2.

Third place is a class found in BTS1, NB:BTS, BTS2, and Rifts Psyscape, the PCC Psi-Mechanic that built psi-devices for themselves. But these are more limited in scope then the 1st two types.

There is the psi-tech in psyscape but that is more like a more Psi oriented Operator.

Other then those places there are no detailed places that the text talks about psi's making Psi-Device"-like stuff.

side note: there are some psi-mech "psi-devices" in one of the rifters, in an article talking about Chaos Earth in Britain.