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Renamed: Poll What magic do you allow (or are allowed)?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:32 pm
by Hot Rod
We are given a few cross class spells, but is there a compilation of all? Is there actually a restriction besides what is listed?

Invocations: Practically everyone, x2 cost to cast for specialists (like necromancers)
Temporal Magic: Can be learned by shifters past L10. "Not commonly available to other casters of magic" (other than the T-Wizard, T-Raider, T-Warrior)
Nazca Line Magic: 1-2 'Line magics' can be learned by other casters but cost double PPE.
Necromancer Specific magic: Any (learned) caster can learn them, but double PPE to cast.
Space Magic: (depends on campaign?) x2 cast cost if not 'familiar' with 3G.
Dolphin Magic: Exclusive to Dolphins/Whales & porpoises.
Cloud Magic: Exclusive to Lyn-Srial & good characters of the Cloudweaver or Sky Knights class.
Blue Flame Magic: Any can learn, but only taught is a remote location.
Tattoo magic: difficult to acquire, limit to how many a caster can acquire & remain a caster.
Whale singer Spellsongs: 10% Range, an must be cast as a ritual (1d6x10 min) for non-whales/dolphins/porpoises
T.M.N.T. Wizard and Temporal Magic: Campaign specific, but not uncommon when it exists at all.
PFRPG Circle Magic: Summoner exclusive (Used to be learnable at great expense by diabolist, not sure why this was removed, particularly as wizards get summon entity spells to call all the same crap without the expensive components)
PFRPG Diabolist: Unique form of written magic requiring creative usage (and a lenient GM) to be effective away from a 'home base'

I'm also curious what all would be learned by the 'being staked to the tree of knowledge' (in Norse Mythology, whatever its name was)

The V1 LLW had the listed ability to learn any (non-divine or warlock) spell he could get ahold of. Newer books overrode that with restrictions on types of magic.

The main questions are however for those that run campaigns:
What do you allow your basic LLW to learn?
How often do you let them gain extra spells? (beyond the 1 from list & 1 choice of new level or lower)
Do you find LLWs outshining the other PCs often? (or are they resorting to 'I shoot my gun at it')
Do you allow frequent access to Ley Lines, or are they rare (less than 1 per day of travel).
What is your opinion on allowing other tradition spells into your LLW's book perhaps as a quest reward etc...?

For PCs who want to participate I offer the following questions: (My own answers to both will be posted in a few days to try to get an unbiased sample)
What motivates your LLW/ other Caster? (& if its credits what are the credits for?)
Do you find your spells are all frequently used, or is there only 1 or 2 that get used alot & the rest are too situational?
Do you often find yourself out of PPE during a battle? Before a Battle?
What method do you rely on to do the most damage in a fight: Weapons, Spells, TW-Weapons
Have you ever been granted a spell not "traditionally" on the LLWs list of invocations?

Re: Which Witch(any caster) Learns Which (Spell)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:20 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Being staked to Yggdrasil, if survived, grants all standard, temporal, and necromatic magic (Normal, not double cost) up to his current level and each gained level will learn all spells of his new level of those three schools. Additionally they receive all the OCC abilities of a ley line walker.

Re: Which Witch(any caster) Learns Which (Spell)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:51 pm
by Tor
I don't recall, where does it say that necro spells don't cost double to Yggdrasilers? Do temporal spells normally also cost double? Didn't recall.

Re: Which Witch(any caster) Learns Which (Spell)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:57 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Tor wrote:I don't recall, where does it say that necro spells don't cost double to Yggdrasilers?
because they're not learning them as a standard mage learning necromatic spells, they're learning them as necromancy spells.
Do temporal spells normally also cost double? Didn't recall.
Temporal spells never cost double, either you have a class that can cast them or not, or again, simply learning them via plot device.

Re: Which Witch(any caster) Learns Which (Spell)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:31 pm
by Tor
Ah okay, reread post and now understand the 'not double' part was only in relation to the necro magic.

I thought you had to be of the necro occ to pay double though.

I'm not sure what you mean as 'learning them as necromancy spells'. I think they're necromancy spells regardless of who learns them, but a non-necromancy doesn't cast them as efficiently.

Re: Which Witch(any caster) Learns Which (Spell)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:03 pm
by Hot Rod
Typically, Specialists have to pay double casting time for magic outside their specialty (but only if the optional Rifter rules on channeling magic are used).

I'll be posting my answers to the questions later, trying to get a reasonably unbiased sample, and there is a purpose behind it.


Re: Which Witch(any caster) Learns Which (Spell)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Hot Rod wrote:Typically, Specialists have to pay double casting time for magic outside their specialty (but only if the optional Rifter rules on channeling magic are used).

I'll be posting my answers to the questions later, trying to get a reasonably unbiased sample, and there is a purpose behind it.


Typically only common magic (invocation) mages pay double for casting Necro. magic spells.

Outside of that, mages pay 2.49 (two and a half) times the base cost of spells outside their specialty that they have converted to their magic, & the spell level is +5 for them. Which is otherwise not available to them. See the specialty magic conversion rules in Through the Glass Darkly.

Re: Which Witch(any caster) Learns Which (Spell)

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:21 am
by Hot Rod
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Hot Rod wrote:Typically, Specialists have to pay double casting time for magic outside their specialty (but only if the optional Rifter rules on channeling magic are used).

I'll be posting my answers to the questions later, trying to get a reasonably unbiased sample, and there is a purpose behind it.


Typically only common magic (invocation) mages pay double for casting Necro. magic spells.

Outside of that, mages pay 2.49 (two and a half) times the base cost of spells outside their specialty, & the spell level is +5 for them. See the specialty magic conversion rules in Through the Glass Darkly.

Ah, Thanks. Never played Nightspawn (But still have the book around here).

But is anyone willing to answer the important part of the query? (Sorry, the classifications of magic was just to get people thinking along lines of magical divisions, not to distract from the issues to be discussed)

The main questions are however for those that run campaigns:
What do you allow your basic LLW to learn?

How often do you let them gain extra spells? (beyond the 1 from list & 1 choice of new level or lower)

Do you find LLWs outshining the other PCs often? (or are they resorting to 'I shoot my gun at it')

Do you allow frequent access to Ley Lines, or are they rare (less than 1 per day of travel).

What is your opinion on allowing other tradition spells into your LLW's book perhaps as a quest reward etc...?

For PCs who want to participate I offer the following questions: (My own answers to both will be posted in a few days to try to get an unbiased sample)

What motivates your LLW/ other Caster? (& if its credits what are the credits for?)

Do you find your spells are all frequently used, or is there only 1 or 2 that get used alot & the rest are too situational?

Do you often find yourself out of PPE during a battle? Before a Battle?

What method do you rely on to do the most damage in a fight: Weapons, Spells, TW-Weapons

Have you ever been granted a spell not "traditionally" on the LLWs list of invocations?

There is a point to this 'study' and would welcome all the answers I can get.


Re: Renamed: Poll What magic do you allow (or are allowed)?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:10 pm
by eliakon
Okay, here is my answer for my games
I allow a ley line walker to learn any magic that doesnt explicitly say its restricted
so: Ocean Magic, Battle Magic, Whale Songs, Line Drawings, Necromancy, Temporal Magic, Space Magic, Living Flame, Blue Flame, Koralyte, Invocation (duh), Chaos Magic, and Mirror Magic, Mortification Magic, Zodiac Magic, and if they meet requirements Chi Magic (if not they have to convert it first)

I have restricted
Spirit/Shaman Magic, Cloud Magic, Elemental Magic, Flesh Sculpting, Circles, Wards,

Does that help?

Re: Renamed: Poll What magic do you allow (or are allowed)?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:16 am
by SittingBull
They get to choose from basic spells. I might be old fashioned but that's why they are basic. /shrug