germ of a campaing idea

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germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by tmikesecrist3 »

I think this is the right place for this, not sure.

but any way, I am kind of kicking around in idea. for a possible campaign cold war/ww3. I think I can come up with milatary classes in pb for the pc's and npc's can even come up with small arms. the problem I run into though is with vehicles. I am not talking a bout jeeps or Humvee s. But tanks, apcs, ships, gunboats, and air craft... I think a tank would probly have about 800-1400 sdc and an AR of about 18. I know in the cold war tanks had any where form a 76mm main gun two a 120mm main gun... how much damage do they do?.... what about TOE missiles stingers and RPG's

What are would the stats be for a Huey, or a cobra. or even a black hawk... or a hind. The only Vhicels like this I have stats for... I can get some of the aircaft form rifts books making them sdc should not be to hard... but the only tank is the M48 patten, and the only APC is the bradly, so of any one has any ideas to help me find what I am looking for thank you
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Re: germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

tmikesecrist3 wrote:I think this is the right place for this, not sure.

but any way, I am kind of kicking around in idea. for a possible campaign cold war/ww3. I think I can come up with milatary classes in pb for the pc's and npc's can even come up with small arms. the problem I run into though is with vehicles. I am not talking a bout jeeps or Humvee s. But tanks, apcs, ships, gunboats, and air craft... I think a tank would probly have about 800-1400 sdc and an AR of about 18. I know in the cold war tanks had any where form a 76mm main gun two a 120mm main gun... how much damage do they do?.... what about TOE missiles stingers and RPG's

What are would the stats be for a Huey, or a cobra. or even a black hawk... or a hind. The only Vhicels like this I have stats for... I can get some of the aircaft form rifts books making them sdc should not be to hard... but the only tank is the M48 patten, and the only APC is the bradly, so of any one has any ideas to help me find what I am looking for thank you

Palladium's Compendium of Contemporary Weapons is a good place to start, though the vehicles, tanks and APC's in it are horribly outdated by a couple decades. And, unfortunately it only covers ground based vehicles, no aircraft or boats/ships. There's also a ton of stats on tank weapons and anti-tank weapons, TOW missiles, mortars ranging from the Bradley's 25 MM Bushmaster all the way up to the 125 mm main gun of the Russian T-72. While the info in the book is outdated by nearly 30 years, it should at least provide a decent springboard for you to start from.
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Re: germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by tmikesecrist3 »

well 30 years would be late cold war if I rember correctly so that's not so bad. Rember I said I was looking for Soviet era gear. Trying to rember how much ammo do most rifle men carry on combat ops?

of course I am not sure where that book is right now lol or even if I still have it. any way if I rember right that book did not list A.R. for vehicles or body armor. but most armored vehicles would like tanks or apc's are going to have like an A.R of 18 becouse your not going to hurt them in any meaning full way with small arms fire. The hind likely has a high A. R as well on modern body armor I would guess at AR of about 15. with the Vetnam era flak jackets being porbly about A.R 10-12
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Re: germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by NMI »

Does this document help you?
It was created by someone else, but I am hosting it.
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Re: germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by tmikesecrist3 »

Mr. Deific NMI wrote:Does this document help you?
It was created by someone else, but I am hosting it.

Yes yes that dose help.. got US gear. kind of leave out the rest of nato. but that is a good start. and it does not even touch soviet block gear.
I know some of nato uses older us gear but that is not always the case. for example the German Air force used the Candair vearent and even the us verson of the F-86 saber into the early 60s. and the soviet block would porbly be using about 3 or 4 generations of the mig at one time.

Also when would be a good time to set this type of campaign In my group there are two females whom like to play female characters. so short of have the ELA get ratified into the constation. when would be the best chance to get femals in the us armed forces for example to 1) get depolyed to combat. or 2) get depoyed to central Europe only to find them selves in a combat zone before they or command realize there in a combat zone
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Re: germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Looking for the same thing - whats RECON got in it?
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Re: germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by tmikesecrist3 »

I do not have recon. it does not use the megaversel system for one thing. it would really only be useful I think form about 1960 to about 1974 ish about the time when we pulled out of Vietnam
"Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
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Re: germ of a campaing idea

Unread post by tmikesecrist3 »

thanks for the help, I still need to fill out some Soviet Gear, maybe I should make a list

stats for the old M1 Abrams with the 105mm rifled main gun

The BMP.

Reoter wing
the Ospra
the Hind

jet fighters and stake aircraft
the F-86 saber (and the candair verren)
the f-100 super saber
the thunder chief
the Mirage III
the hunter (British supersonic fighter)
The Javelin
The CF-freadom fighter
the F-4 phantom 2
the corsair II
the thunder striek
the starfighter
the mig-15
the mig-17

bascly I am looking for things form the cold war that where in use form 1960- 1988
"Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the six hundred."
The charge of the light Brigade, By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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