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And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:09 am
by Jay05
I read on a HU thread that a member spoke to "A writer at a con" that said writer was working on a tech book for HU2, after said writer was done working on N&SS2! Then NMI posts an affirmative on the former and does not deny the latter and affirms that the aforementioned writer is Greg Diaczyk! Now, based on most of what I've heard RE Lemuria, this excites me no end! Would love to see N&SS get some love! This was the first I'd heard of this possibility, so I figured I'd share in case those who frequent this specific page hadn't heard. By the way, this is third hand info on my part, so I may be incorrect. Perhaps NMI (who always seems to have his ear to the ground) or Greg himself could confirm or deny? :)

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:21 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Eh. Not too excited. While I am happy to see both get some love after so long, Lemuria was rather underwhelming for me. Not that Eric Wujcik's shoes would be easy to fill for any man.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:53 pm
by green.nova343
Would be nice. Even if they decided to treat it as an expansion book for HU2, it would be really nice.

Looking over it, there wouldn't need to be too many changes made. The primary changes I can see:
-- increased attacks/melee. We're long past the days of the "+2 attacks vs. no +2 attacks" debate, and if we didn't update that we'd end up with the HU2/RUE/BTS2/Shadow Chronicles version of HTH: Martial Arts being more powerful than the HTH: Agent Martial Artist variant. The quick & logical choice would be to just add 2 additional attacks to each martial art form, but you probably don't need to tweak 99% of the other bonuses/special moves listed.
-- skills need adjusted. We've seen a lot of adjustments in the skill lists themselves, as well as how certain skills are handled (especially Language & Literacy with recent titles). Going for a more unified skill list, especially one that can work at least with HU2 if not BTS2 would be wonderful. At the same time, I think some of the skills as listed in N&SS have some potential to remain (Microcomputer Electronics, for example, makes me think of a nice midpoint between Basic Electronics & Electrical Engineer, & captures more of the feel of the Gizmoteer Agents than either one).
-- along with skills, updating the O.C.C.s & skill programs. Some of the Gizmoteer skill programs are very repetitive, with the same 3-5 skills found in every single program. A better option might be to make certain skills part of the Gizmoteer O.C.C.s themselves, while still having separate skill programs for particular specialties.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:05 pm
by Jay05
I can see both your points. I honestly don't own Lemuria yet so I can't give Greg's writing a fair assessment. Still... As for relegating N&SS to a HU2 (source book) I know many people do that already, myself included; but I'd rather see an expansion of the game setting itself.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:21 pm
by The Dark Elf
Jay05 wrote: I honestly don't own Lemuria yet so I can't give Greg's writing a fair assessment.

I can. It's really good! Lemuria was a "worth the wait" book and we waited a looong time.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:35 pm
by Jay05
Ok, so what do you think of Mr. Diaczyk wrighting a N&SS source book?

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:18 pm
by The Dark Elf
Jay05 wrote:Ok, so what do you think of Mr. Diaczyk wrighting a N&SS source book?

Not sure a second ed is needed but gregs writing will do it whaever justice there can be. I have faith in his books and would buy any just with his name on the cover. You can relax. And I am just stating up my next rafter submission which is for N&S so I am a fan!

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:11 am
by Jay05
The Dark Elf wrote:
Jay05 wrote:Ok, so what do you think of Mr. Diaczyk wrighting a N&SS source book?

Not sure a second ed is needed but gregs writing will do it whaever justice there can be. I have faith in his books and would buy any just with his name on the cover. You can relax. And I am just stating up my next rafter submission which is for N&S so I am a fan!
what I read didn't sound like a 2nd ed so much as a N&SS 2 as a sourcebook. But your saying this makes me hope it's true! I would definitely love to see some support for this line.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:40 pm
by NMI
I dont recall anyone saying that Greg was working on N&SS material.. got a link to a post?

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:06 am
by Jay05

Here's the post and your reply. If I'm in error, I apologize.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:11 pm
by DevastationBob
There wasn't that much fluff in the original N&SS. It's a lot of crunch. Be interesting to see how he'd handle it.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:56 pm
by Jay05
Indeed! Would love to see it fleshed out as a setting.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:48 am
by slade the sniper
I would love N&SS to be updated and expanded. There is a bit of a hole where Warpath should have gone, but if we want to do N&SS in an updated way, I would like to see a few more military/special operations/contractor style OCCs using the MOS mechanic that was used in the new Robotech books.

I have been updating my personal N&SS campaign stuff bit by bit over the years, but this setting could really use the love, and if they can add to the setting...I would buy this book...immediately!


Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:52 pm
by Mercdog
I've been tinkering and toying with the idea of attempting a N&SS update/revamp. I've got quite a few notes scattered about, but I can never seem to find the time or energy to actually sit down and really work on it.

Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:51 am
by slade the sniper
Mercdog wrote:I've been tinkering and toying with the idea of attempting a N&SS update/revamp. I've got quite a few notes scattered about, but I can never seem to find the time or energy to actually sit down and really work on it.

Over in the Recon forum, I did some math that hacks out the differences between Recon and the Megaversal system. Bottom line, the character creation process (stats) is really the big difference.

I am going to spend some time doing up some MOS tables (similar to both Recon and Robotech) for PC creation. I can do that for the US side, and with some research can knock out a fair bit of other military forces as well...but for PMCs and mercenaries and bodyguards, etc...I don't have a clue how to do it. Basically, I just want to update Recon and turn it into an military/merc add on to an updated N&SS...


Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:12 am
by slade the sniper
Other than the technology and some of the skill descriptions, is there anything that needs to be done to the core of the game to update it?


Re: And here I thought this was a dead setting!

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:37 am
by Mercdog
Mephisto wrote:
slade the sniper wrote:Other than the technology and some of the skill descriptions, is there anything that needs to be done to the core of the game to update it?


The styles need some serious reworking. Also the OCC system is interesting of itself but I don't know how well it holds up next to the HU2 Special Training or BTS Occupation skillsets. Also it would make Mystic China an even bigger weird anomoly in the Megaverse with a truly unique OCC system as well.

In some of my notes, I reworked it so that each OCC has their base skill sets (Usually about 10 or so skills plus a couple of Basics like Math and Native Language) like those In Rifts or Dead Reign, but instead of choosing OCC Related Skills players would roll for educational level to determine a number of skill programs and secondary skills ala HU2. It makes things somewhat skill heavy, especially if your character is highly educated/trained. BTS/Dead Reign style Skill sets become skill programs (with some editing). IIRC, I ended up with over 110 skill programs to choose from.

I'd also gone through the various Martial Forms, but beyond changing number of attacks (adding one or two to most styles), I didn't change much aside from trying to meld some of the multiple interpretations of some styles (like Ninjitsu or Monkey Style Kung Fu) found in different Palladium titles into single cohesive forms. I had toyed with the idea of 'Quickie' styles where you gain only the Level based bonuses and powers, but none of the skills, starting Martial Powers, or Weapons Training of the Full form. Oh, and reworking Weapon Katas from simple proficiency with a weapon into actual Martial Arts powers.

Part of the plan was to have a total of 50 Martial Arts styles (including Palladium's regular five Hand to Hand combat styles like Basic, Expert, etc.) and adding two new OCCs. An actual Ninja OCC and the Civilian/Innocent OCC.