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mounted combat on horse back

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:46 pm
by Gthomas41571
You would think a full charge on horseback cause more damage just from the impact and the inertia from a horse running at full speed, anyone have any thoughts on how to add more dmg to this?
Example: Palladin on horseback with a long sword 2-12+2 TO STRIKE charging a target at full speed,and he rolls a 3 and a 6 so 9 pts of dmg +2= 11.... the math adds up but not the Total dmg for the situation..
how do other GMs solve this?
Xtra6 sided for Dmg
or staright + or - for players and if so how much?

Re: mounted combat on horse back

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:57 pm
by kiralon
I find the movement speed of whatever is charging, and i add a plus to damage equal to whatever the equivalent PP plus to strike would be, so if you charged at speed 24 you would do +5 damage. So a horse charging at 50 would be about +18 damage, but they have to make a successful riding skill check to do so. They also have to have moved at least 100ft (on horse) or 30ft (on foot) to get the bonus

Another way of doing it would to be to make a charge attack an automatic critical (not natural 20) and do double damage.

Re: mounted combat on horse back

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:48 am
by Soldier of Od
Gthomas41571 wrote:You would think a full charge on horseback cause more damage just from the impact and the inertia from a horse running at full speed, anyone have any thoughts on how to add more dmg to this?
Example: Palladin on horseback with a long sword 2-12+2 TO STRIKE charging a target at full speed,and he rolls a 3 and a 6 so 9 pts of dmg +2= 11.... the math adds up but not the Total dmg for the situation..
how do other GMs solve this?
Xtra6 sided for Dmg
or staright + or - for players and if so how much?

Um, it's already in the book. You do an extra 1D6 damage with a charge attack. If you have horsemanship: knight you can do an extra 2D6 and horsemanship: palladin an extra 3D6.

Re: mounted combat on horse back

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:15 pm
by green.nova343
Soldier of Od wrote:
Gthomas41571 wrote:You would think a full charge on horseback cause more damage just from the impact and the inertia from a horse running at full speed, anyone have any thoughts on how to add more dmg to this?
Example: Palladin on horseback with a long sword 2-12+2 TO STRIKE charging a target at full speed,and he rolls a 3 and a 6 so 9 pts of dmg +2= 11.... the math adds up but not the Total dmg for the situation..
how do other GMs solve this?
Xtra6 sided for Dmg
or staright + or - for players and if so how much?

Um, it's already in the book. You do an extra 1D6 damage with a charge attack. If you have horsemanship: knight you can do an extra 2D6 and horsemanship: palladin an extra 3D6.

Pretty close. Regular riders (Horsemanship: General) add +1d4 to their attacks, +1d6 on charges where they use a lance, spear or pole-arm. Knights do more (+1d6 mounted, +2d6 for charges), & Paladins are the best (+6 mounted, +3d6 for charges).

So, the mounted Paladin in the example would actually do 15 S.D.C. (2d6: 3+6=9, +6 = 15). Had he picked the lance (2d6+2), he could have potentially doubled or tripled his damage (2d6+2: 3+6+2 = 11, with another 3d6 potential).