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What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:15 pm
by gaby
Tell Me What do you think of the Lucky psychic.

What do you think is ther Best ability.

Re: What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:49 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Which rifter?

Re: What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:01 pm
by gaby
Rifter 53,I think.

Re: What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:24 pm
by eliakon
I love them personaly. I dont have a 'favorite' ability myself but if I had to pick just ONE, I would pick the ability to alter dice rolls. I have had a few used in my games, and have yet to have one be disruptive, fun yes, disruptive no.

Re: What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:03 am
by mrloucifer
eliakon wrote:I love them personaly. I dont have a 'favorite' ability myself but if I had to pick just ONE, I would pick the ability to alter dice rolls. I have had a few used in my games, and have yet to have one be disruptive, fun yes, disruptive no.

Awesome. I really tried to make their abilities fun without being disruptive or causing problems in the game. I'm glad that seems to be the case. :-D

Re: What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:30 am
by sirkermittsg
mrloucifer wrote:
eliakon wrote:I love them personaly. I dont have a 'favorite' ability myself but if I had to pick just ONE, I would pick the ability to alter dice rolls. I have had a few used in my games, and have yet to have one be disruptive, fun yes, disruptive no.

Awesome. I really tried to make their abilities fun without being disruptive or causing problems in the game. I'm glad that seems to be the case. :-D

Eliakon had the pleasure to play with you at open House, and I observed for part of it. it was quite enjoyable. I also got the chance to go to the home of the guy that did the artwork for "Lucky" the guy with the hat. got him to autograph my rifter.

personally, I love the lucky psychic and in my estimation, the best part is that it can be combined with a O.C.C. I did a character recently for a few games that was a Lucky Psychic / Trickster Mage - IT ROCKED !

Re: What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:47 am
by mrloucifer
sirkermittsg wrote:
mrloucifer wrote:
eliakon wrote:I love them personaly. I dont have a 'favorite' ability myself but if I had to pick just ONE, I would pick the ability to alter dice rolls. I have had a few used in my games, and have yet to have one be disruptive, fun yes, disruptive no.

Awesome. I really tried to make their abilities fun without being disruptive or causing problems in the game. I'm glad that seems to be the case. :-D

Eliakon had the pleasure to play with you at open House, and I observed for part of it. it was quite enjoyable. I also got the chance to go to the home of the guy that did the artwork for "Lucky" the guy with the hat. got him to autograph my rifter.

personally, I love the lucky psychic and in my estimation, the best part is that it can be combined with a O.C.C. I did a character recently for a few games that was a Lucky Psychic / Trickster Mage - IT ROCKED !


Re: What do you think of the Lucky Psychic.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:02 pm
by Hunterrose
I just bought a bunch of Rifter's off of DrivethroughRPG and I think this OCC is great.
I'm running a lowlevel'ish Heroes campaign and I want to make this guy a main NPC to interact with the characters.

He'll be a Police Detective.
I've wanted something like this for a while, and I tried creating a character using Karma/Jinx powers but it never quite did what I wanted. I think this OCC will work for what I want.

As an NPC (But not necessarily antagonist) his powers will be subtly revealed at first but depending on how much or how little the PCs interact with him, I'll be able to start really flexing the applicaitons.