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Great characters you've never played

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:29 pm
by Mack
Ever have an idea for a really good character, but never got a chance to play it? Here's one that I've been thinking of:

A Kremlin Cyborg Rogue Scientist. (Note, you'll need to read the racial write-up in D-Bees of N.A., not the one on Coalition War Campaign.)

The character would start out as a member of one of the original exploration teams sent to Earth. His mission would be to explore different communities, map the area, and take notes on people who live there. His science skills would focus on understanding other cultures, so Anthropology and Archeology (and other social science skillls) would be foremost. While a full conversion borg, he would not be outfitted for pure combat. He'd carry a variety of sensors, with just a few internal weapons. Think Indiana Jones meets Ford Prefect.

After the events described in D-Bees of N.A., his mission would change into finding a place on Earth that his people could call home.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:24 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
I always wanted to play a Human Spoiling Witch from Mystic Russia in a North America Campaign - tell all the other players that I am a Vagabond - leaving the truth to me and the GM. I use to have a more complete vision for this character, but it's slowly faded into memory because I haven't gotten to play it yet.

~ Josh

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:53 pm
by SittingBull
I think a Dwarven Techno-Wizard would be neat.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:46 pm
by Mack
Another one I thought would be interesting:

An artificial intelligence Robot OCC (from SB1r) that's Techno-Wizard powered. Add on a small PPE battery (not much, like 50 PPE) that can be refueled at a ley line, and give 'him' a few simple TW features: Armor of Ithan, Lightning Arc, etc...

The character wouldn't know where he came from. He just woke up on a ley line just as a ley line storm was ending, and he has no memory prior to that. Exactly where he's from is unknown. Might be from a really good TW, or from another dimension, or Atlantis, or just about anything. Was he an experiment? Is he one of a kind? Might he run into other versions of himself? Did that ley line storm somehow make him sentient?

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:33 pm
by Johnathan
I always thought it would be cool to play one of the Empire of Suns OCCs/RCCs. You know, all those tweaked out Nazca characters? Yeah! Those guys. The Nazcan Demigods and the Rune Warriors always seem to spike my interest when I peruse that book.

It's unfortunate that most avoid South America like the plague...

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:33 pm
by Akashic Soldier
Awesome thread idea. I tried starting one like this in "All Things Palladium" but it didn't take off. Heck, I don't think it even got one post other than my own. :lol:

I've got a fair few character's I am rather proud of--though a lot of them are PCs from my games.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:42 am
by Nightmask
A mutant animal raccoon Fleshscupter, always thought that would be fun. That and a Godling mutant animal fox with Wu Shih and Ley Line Walker for their magical abilities, a product of a Chinese and Western god left struggling between the two vastly different worldviews.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:03 pm
by 13eowulf
An Ogre Phaeton Juicer, who has a transporter-like courier business for those who want to move small packages long distance and who dont trust magic or teleporting.
Vehicle of choice would a customized Rolling Thunder.

Vagabond Sea Inquisitor who is a Lazlo or Old Bones bicycle courier.

sadly neither have fit into a campaign I have been available to play. A variation of the first has wound up as an NPC in one of my games though.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:15 pm
by badges89
ive actually played a mutant honey badger merc, he is pretty awesome, the campaign got named badges and friends.

ive always liked the warbabies from i cant rember which rifter, who was all hooah hooah for war in africa, till he got a kratos like incident with his family and gets a major vendetta againts all the horseman

that or a cs trooper that gets a change of heart after seeing the war with tolkeen and eventually tries to start a revolution against the cs

or perhaps what would be really fun would be a hero from hu2 rifted, but he is the golden age hero who fights for truth justice and the american way, and see how he would deal with being in that messed up world or center

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:32 pm
by DevastationBob
Ogre Maxi-Man dispatched to Vampire Kingdoms for intelligence and vampire buttkicking by Splugorth Overlords.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:56 pm
by Qev
Mutant porcupine with Mystic Object granted powers of APS: Metal, Immune to Magic, and Extraordinary ME. Our GM liked to gank us with ridiculously overpowered magic/psi opponents, so... :p

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:57 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
Here's one I'd love to try, Sword Fist Body Doc/proctologist.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:59 pm
by say652
H.U.alien experiment.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:37 pm
by Mack
Another one that I thought would be interesting:

Start with a master level psychic (I would take a Super Spy) who belongs to the CS's Psi-Battalion. After getting critically injured, the character is left with little option but to become a partial cyborg. Psi-Bat is actually happy because the one arm of the CS millitary it's had a hard time getting psychics into is the cyborg corps (for obvious reasons).

So the character has:
1) to struggle with his new life as half-man, half-machine
2) to learn to be efficient with his powers, since he now has half his ISP
3) a ton of pressure from Psi-Bat to do well
4) to prove his worth to the normal 'borgs, without freaking them out.

If he manages all that well, then Psi-Bat would see that he's rewarded and would encourage other injured psychics to be converted. If he fails, he becomes an outcast from Psi-Bat (who kinda disowns him--"he's just a 'borg now") and never integrates into the cyborg corps either ("that weirdo they forced onto us").

And there's that minor problem of staying alive while on Special Ops missions...

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:26 pm
by Kagashi
Akashic Soldier wrote:Awesome thread idea. I tried starting one like this in "All Things Palladium" but it didn't take off. Heck, I don't think it even got one post other than my own. :lol:

That's because everybody knows all Palladium games are just dimension books for Rifts.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:13 pm
by say652
SittingBull wrote:I think a Dwarven Techno-Wizard would be neat.

if you used an asgardian dwarf i might even allow the character possess the knowledge to create runeweapons.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:14 pm
by DevastationBob
Flooper Titan Juicer

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:36 pm
by DhAkael
Technowizard (not EXACTLY true; but the GM was a douche...LOOOONNNG story).
CS Battlecat.
1st edition Cyberkannigit.

Those are the ones I can list off the top of my head.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:22 pm
by Hotrod
I never played a CS character. The Nazi/anti-literacy angles just didn't agree with me. That said, there is a lot of room for some interesting characters, particularly dog boys, psi-stalkers, grunts, and some of the non-combat specialist-types are interesting. EOD in particular would be fun to role-play out ("Danger UXB" meets inter-dimensional weapons... sign me up!).

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:31 pm
by Witchcraft
I've always wanted to try out a "hero of the megaverse" from the sourcebook but I've never been in a campaign where it was appropriate.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:41 pm
by Jay05
One that I have a personal love for and haven't had the chance to play
Name: Markus Heracleus son of Heracles (obviously) and the Sumerian goddess Ishtar

Basic background: As established in Pantheons, Heracles is an adventurer even millenia after ascending to godhood. So on his travels, he runs into Ishtar somewhere in the Megaverse in the middle of a pitched battle with some nearly overwhelming force. Herc jumps in for three reasons, love of battle, the fact that their two Pantheons have an old alliance, and finally the possibility of earning the favor of the hot blooded, beautiful war goddess. I could go further, but won't belabor the thread. Suffice to say Markus is raised between Olympia and Sumer since his parents (for obvious reasons) did not stay together long. But remained friendly. When it's decided he's old enough (however long that is for godlings) it's agreed by Zeus and Marduk that he should venture forth to earn his place among the gods. (Open ended quest which leaves him open to join a PC group.
I've used the character as an NPC before, but never had the chance to play him.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:48 pm
by flatline
I always thought it would be interesting to play a group of "immigrant" villagers or farmers who got rifted to Rifts Earth from Palladium Fantasy (or similar primitive setting). Just common people, no mages, no master psychics, no starting equipment worth hundreds of thousands of credits, no adventurer OCCs.

How does a group of primitives go about finding a place to settle, finding or growing food, and defending the village and fields from external threats?

Would take a special group to actually try this. I think typical gamers would get bored quickly.


Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:53 pm
by Hotrod
Perhaps an analogy to a weak man surviving in a maximum security prison would be appropriate. They'd have to find some kind of protector/s and provide some sort of service to him/her/it/them. This is how I see most people getting by.

Either that, or they'd have to be very solitary, living somewhere where threats don't go.

You know, a post-Siege-on-Tolkeen refugee campaign could explore most of the same themes.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:21 pm
by flatline
Hotrod wrote:Perhaps an analogy to a weak man surviving in a maximum security prison would be appropriate. They'd have to find some kind of protector/s and provide some sort of service to him/her/it/them. This is how I see most people getting by.

Either that, or they'd have to be very solitary, living somewhere where threats don't go.

You know, a post-Siege-on-Tolkeen refugee campaign could explore most of the same themes.

You would have to be careful, although if you house-rule away MD (as some of us do), then it would be a little easier. Even so, swords and arrows aren't very effective against guns are EBA.


Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:36 pm
by badges89
Maybe a slayer who has been turned(vampire or lycan) and been given a blessing by their god to resist their inner demons as long as they went to mexico and eat sleeped and breathed killing vamps

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:27 pm
by SAMASzero
Not so much a character but a character group.

The Icebergs: a squad of mercenaries made up primarily of Algor Frost Giants. A mix of high-tech and magic OCCs, one of the most notable being a Headhunter with his bionic limbs being made from Giant Robot parts.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:01 pm
by Mack
A Witch OCC. The character starts off with a very selfish alignment, and makes the pact for the power. However, over time he discovers the pact was made with a good alien intelligence, not an evil one. And over time he is slowly forced into becoming a hero, despite himself. I've toyed around with the idea of granting additional magic/powers each time the character improves his alignment.

Re: Great characters you've never played

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:13 pm
by Zamion138
Ratling mystic knight, struggles to. Prove himself with the bigger guys, goes or the top on being ruthless to kinda show hes tough.

Ive always wanted to play this ice and cold version of the burster i wrote up.

Headhunter robo slammer