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Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:17 pm
by ZombieSlayer01
You and your group sheltered a friendly Shepard of the Damned that you have encountered before. He tells you that a rumor is going around that there is an abandoned millitary base near your current location. Clear of zombies and risk free and its just a treasure trove waiting to be salvaged and taking. He dosnt know where the rumor originated but he does know where the base is. Do you take the risk or just ignore it?

Re: Rumor

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:29 pm
by Grell
Tempting offer, but my inherently distrusting nature would probably prevail. Even if it is zombie free, rumors spread like wildfire and it would be likely that the wrong kind of folks would've also heard about it. And knowing how bad bases got hit during the Wave, what kind of Shepard would even offer to take you there without checking the zombie status themselves first?

Too many problems with this scenario, definitely would not be inclined to go.

Re: Rumor

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:42 am
by Icefalcon
I would at least run a recon mission first.

Re: Rumor

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:24 pm
by Cybermancer
If a rumor is going around, then other people have heard of it before you.

Therefore there are only two possible scenarios.

Either it is zombie free and cleared out or it is infested with zombies.

Re: Rumor

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:10 pm
by eliakon
I would suspect the rumor to be a ploy to clean out the base....keep sending in armed teams and hope they kill more then their number in zombies....eventually one of the teams will not trigger a moan, and you will know its time to go shopping. :D

Re: Rumor

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:49 am
by Icefalcon
Rumors can be dangerous, especially if you start them to deal with others.

Re: Rumor

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:34 am
by SittingBull
"Making a zombie eat normal food slowly changes them back." (Like that?)

Re: Rumor

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:43 am
by Icefalcon
No, like there is a untouched gun safe in a certain basement if only someone had the tools to just get it open, I would gladly give you have of what we find. Get to the house and hang back so all of them go in first and find that the house is filled with 4 juggernauts and about 40 slouchers then lock the door behind them.

Re: Rumor

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:40 pm
by DevastationBob
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.