Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Oddball creatures and other Insanity

Unread post by kiralon »

This is where i'll be leaving my creations, feel free to post more here but if they are standard ones they would probably be better off in Stone Gargoyles thread.

Warning, these Creatures are created in a hybrid of 1st and 2nd ed palladium with extra house rules on the top, if there is anything that doesn't make sense or seems to not match the book just ask and i'll explain it.

I have expanded faeries out to have to courts, seelie and unseelie, light and dark, winter and summer.
There is a queen, three princesses and a king for each side
They live in their own area of the ethereal plane that humans can sometimes get through too. (Think walk around the fairie mound widdershins thrice)
They also come in 2 classes, trooping, which all have their own similar weaknesses as they tend to band together, and solitary, which might make small groups but never work well in large numbers, these tend to be very individual.

I have expanded the multiverse view to inside the multiverse and outside the multiverse. The things from outside the multiverse i call creatures of the outer dark (CotOD) and they are nasty. Way back when there was nothing all was equal, then there was something and all the beings scrambled around gathering power (mostly by eating the other beings), when they got powerful enough they entered this multiverse, those first creatures we call the old ones. After an incredible amount of time these old ones were fully accustomed to the comforts of reality and denied access to the others. The Others(CotOD) still want in.

These two will probably feature heavily with some elemental additions.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

Unread post by kiralon »

Creatures of the Outer Dark
Imagine that the world you lived in was one of billions, and the plane you exist in one of an infinite amount. These different planes of existence wrap around the palladium world like the layers of an onion and at the centre of these is The Palladium World (That's why the old ones chose the palladium world as their home base, it was at the centre of reality, with the cracks (rifts) leading to many other places. The next physical layer is rifts earth, and it shares that layer with earth N&S, and robotech earth. Lubricating the lot is the astral plane, and the squidgy ball at the centre is the ethereal plane.
The outer planes slowly rotate in as the inner planes rotate out, but the earths and palladium stay where they are. (This is what caused the nightbane effect, the world where this occurred had been knocked out of rotation and ended up partially outside reality, that's why it is so hard to get to).
The elemental planes, demon and devil planes, angelic planes and some of the deific planes all rotate to the outer edge, and when they do it is war, as there are creatures outside of reality that want in where it is warm and full of juicy little meatsacks. Worse still it's not a random just trying to bash our way in, there is a malevolent force directing or controlling these things, and whatever this being was it fought the Old Ones for ownership of the know multiverse, and lost - just. In fact if it wasn't for the malevolent force attacking the old ones the Alliance of Light would have lost.
(The spell that the three cast was always assumed to be an uber sleep spell, on the guys who made magic . . . really, on the creatures that made magic, well everything. What really happened was in their greatest despair the three cast a great magic that opened a portal to the outer dark, which is really, really hard as their rules of physics/life or whatever aren't the same and magic (not just magic unfortunately) often doesn't work or works differently there (and on them). This entity came in and made itself known, and immediately attacked the old ones and put them to sleep in a magical battle that lasted about 10 seconds, as XY was already down for the count and XY was the one responsible for removing the entity last time the others were overwhelmed rapidly. Fortunately a plan that XY had came to fruition and prevented the apocalypse as King of the Outer Dark was heroically forced back out where it belongs, mostly. Over time they found little fragments left behind but apparently XY had foreseen this and had hidden information and items around the world on how to disrupt, destroy or deny existence to these fragments, but every now and again some make it through the defences to the palladium world, and in the palladium world these fragments can drain the slumbering old ones of their power, and if they gain enough power they will be able to recreate the portal and allow all the entity/ies? through.
That's where we come to the creatures of the outer dark, they come in all shapes, sizes and powers. Their major plan is to open the door to the darkness permanently, and will always be working towards this end even if they aren't specifically working together.

The Creatures of the Outer Dark (CotOD) don't belong here, and because of this there are things that break down their power structure, effectively killing them. They are only fully vulnerable in their manifested form, if they are possessing someone or something it is a lot harder to effect them with their particular vulnerabilities, but this is offset by the fact the the CotOD are a lot weaker when they possess somebody.
Vulnerability: Music
Music is an anathema to CotOD, well played music (especially sung, harped or fluted, they do +2 damage per round) hurts them and hurts them bad, but the musician has to be almost perfect, average tavern musician need not apply, The top paid opera singers, harpist's and flutist's are what you need. For every %10 the person succeeds in their music roll over the base %50 (you have to make your music roll by %50 or they don't even flinch) they do 1d6 damage straight to HP. If its vs a possessed, its only 1pt of damage. Multiple singers don't do extra damage. The music or singing rolls have to be made each round because the unreality of the CotOD is very distracting, and it always wants to distract you.
While the music is still going the CotOD's natural AR drops by 2d6 for 1 hour per level of the player, regeneration stops, and it loses 15 points of damage reduction, can only be overridden by higher level musicians (the theory there is they are better).
Really good poetry is a potent attack form. Each successfully spoken line (effectively an attack per melee) has +IQ to strike, does 3d6 + wil damage. If you have an MA of 21 or higher you also hit it with a D.O.T. (damage over time) of 2d6 for your level in rounds. There can be only one D.O.T. per person. Same as music, your poetry/prose roll has to be made by %50 or more to be of any effect. Range is 20ft per level.
If your public speaking score is high enough you can tell heroic stories which somehow interact with the unreality of the CotOD and sort of become reality, while successfully telling a story the story teller gives the following bonuses. This is the only type that requires the person to be stationary.
Make roll by %50 or more
gain second attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD.
Impervious to fear generated by CotOD
Make roll by %60 or more
as above +
Gain third attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD
these bonuses are cumulative.
Make roll by %70 or more or a natural %1 roll
as above +
Gain fourth attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD
each blow from a CotOD that does damage instantly heals 1d6 hp or sdc.
Gain Range attack vs CotOD only for 1 minute per level
300ft range
+3 (and any other bonuses to strike)
does your level d6 damage
does 1 hp damage.

Obviously Blood strike requires the Unreality of a CotOD to be in the vivinity still to do.

Surprisingly gold isn't good for their health either, they cannot pass through it ethereal, astral or any ***al. Weapons made out of gold do double damage and ignore their armour. Molten or Burning gold does max damage (which is doubled) and the CotOD has to make a saving throw vs pain/unconsciousness or be paralysed until the end of round.

Lasers (You never know when this might be handy)
True Lasers do x4 damage, and ignore natural AR. The rest of technologically advanced weaponry does half damage, just like almost everything else.

Fertility Rituals
Anything expressing the affirmation of life (making love counts, prostitution or worse doesn't) creates a 50ft diameter per 4 people (1-4 people 50ft, 5-8 people 100ft etc) radius area of protection while it is occurring. During this time the CotOD or its magic cannot enter the area nor can it even notice the area to affect it.

Elemental attacks and magic do normal damage, rather than halved.

Angel attacks and magic do normal damage, rather than halved.

Faerie magic attacks at normal for faerie strength, weapons made in palladium do half damage, weapons made in faerie do normal damage.

Ignore CotOD's natural AR.
Demon Locusts do normal damage
Balrogs do x2 normal damage.

Elvis is king, so he smites CotOD's with impunity, he can destroy 1d6 CotOD's per round.

Footsoldier of the Outer Dark
These are tiny shards of the creature of the outer dark that have manifested a body or have possessed someone (possession is preferred)
Manifested Body
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: I.Q. 1d6(d6), M.E. 1d6(d6), M.A. 1d6(d6), P.S. 1d6(d6), P.P1d6(d6), P.E. 1d6(d6), P.B. 1d6(d6), Spd 1d6(d6), Wil: 1d6(d6) Per: 1d6(d6), Luck: 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. + (1d6)
S.D.C.: Base 2d6 + PE+10. Then 2d6 per level
Natural A.R.: 8+2d6 , or by armour.
Horror Factor: 1d6+14 unless possessing someone
P.P.E.: They have 1d8-2(x10) ppe available per round, changes round to round.
Attacks Per Round: 1d6 + 2 per round. Changes round by round
Damage: 1d6(d6), might be tentacle, tooth or weapon
Bonuses: 1d12-3 to Strike, Parry, Dodge, Damage, and all Saves
Magic: Roll 1d6, 1-2 no, 3-4 wizard, 5-6 warlock. 1d6+2 lvls.
Natural Abilities: 1/2 damage from everything, Prowl 80%, swim 110%. Darkvision 500 feet.
Vulnerabilities: special, see above notes
Psionics: non direct damage psionics do nothing, evil eye is reflected back at caster. Direct damage psionics do max damage (no need to roll)
Average Life Span: doesn't technically have a life
Value: Unknown
Habitat: Unreality
Languages: Elven, giantish, Faerie, Elemental, Demonic.
Enemies: Everyone who likes living
Allies: Other critters of the outer dark
Physical Appearance: Look like all the bad things you ever imagined were lurking in the dark,
waiting for their prey . . . waiting to carve pain into your very being. For inspiration for looks google cthulu images or geiger images.
Size: 1.5-12 feet tall
Weight: 30-1400 pounds
Manifested bodies are killing machines, they have multiple bladed limbs for scything, mouths full of razor sharp teeth, ooze acid slime, spit fire. They are wholly unpleasant beings that like to see if they can cut out enough of your tendons to make you a marionette. However, the outlook isn't all bleak, when they are in their "real" forms they are also vulnerable to certain things, and these things can kill them a lot quicker.

When a footsoldier possesses someone or something it gains the following.
Natural AR: 12
+15 HP
+(3d6)-(1d6) to all physical stats, roll for each.
+1 attack per melee
+2 all saves
triple endurance (go 3 nights without sleep, run 3 times longer etc).
Loses vulnerabilities to poetry, storytelling, and gold.
Last edited by kiralon on Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

Unread post by kiralon »

The Wild Hunt

The wild hunt is a collection of faeries (good and bad surprisingly enough) that race through the woods and over the hills and plains chasing whatever takes their fancy, which is unfortunate for whomever they chase because it rarely ends well for the quarry. Saying that the first target of the Hunt if they weren't summoned is a worthy opponent, preferably supernatural evil. If the target manages to lose the hunt it will then generally hunt whomever it can find. The Master of the Hunt is excellent wielder of the bow , and spear and light shield, and can do amazing tricks on his horse not even possible for the best human riders. It is said that if he wills it, the hunt can take to the air, to help catch the more elusive foes. If the Hunt comes across another hunter the Master of the Hunt has a charm ability a lot like the spell, except that it works on everything and has a bonus 5 spell strength on top of the already formidable magic strength wielded by fairies (-8 to save all told or 20 or higher). Those charmed will find a horse waiting for them with appropriate weapons and garb, and they will feel the cadence of the hunt in thunder and lightning that can precede them. If you are ever chased by the Hunt you have a few choices. 1 Slay the Master of the Hunt (Hunt disappears), 2 evade the hunt until sunup (Hunt then disappears), 3 Join the hunt (not often available), 4 Throw yourself on the mercy of the Hunt (who aren't known for mercy, this almost never works so be prepared to be chewed, then speared, and chewed some more then crapped onto the ground)

The Hunt is made up of two main groups, the first are the trooping faeries who ride nightmares with Lord Cernunnos the Erl King. These carry bows, spears and swords with which to dispatch their quarry, and much honour and gifts are given to he who brings the quarry down.
The second group are the hounds of the hunt, these are the faerie equivalent of Hell Hounds and are probably more fearsome, they snort fire when running hard, can leave burning footprints and if the Master of the Hunt wills it they can fly.

Cernunnos the Erl King
OCC: Lvl 12 Longbowman
Alignment: Aberrant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 18, M.E: 18 , M.A. 18, P.S: 24, P.P: 24, P.E: 24, P.B: 24, Spd: 42 running, 60mph/100kph flying, Wil: 18, Per: 22, Luck: 20
Hit Points: 200
S.D.C.: 200 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 14 normal 18 on hunt
P.P.E.: 600
Magic: All Wizard Spells lvl 1-8.
Charm Being. When hunting Cernunnos can charm a being into joining the hunt, said being has to make a saving throw vs spells at -6 to the roll or they will join him in the hunt, the Erl King will provide a magical steed if they have none.
Summon Steed. The Erl King can summon as many Nightmare steeds as required for the hunt.
Psionics: None.
Skills of note: Track %160, ID Tracks %180, Swim, Horemanship Palladin @ lvl 12
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 600 feet (~300m). Track by Scent (blood) %200 Trick shots. 1500ft range with his hair, horn and hide shortbow.
Special Abilities: 1/2 damage from Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, 1/2 damage from fire.
Spear Mastery, when using his spear and an opponent strikes at him and doesn't draw blood he gets a free attack then and there. Heal 1d6x10hp(or sdc) 12 times a day.
Call Hunt: This lets the Erlking summon and control the Hunt.
Attacks Per Melee: 6+ special
Weapons: Spear 4d6+3 criticals on a 15-20, Bow 3d6+3 shoots 2 arrows at once, Fists 2d6, Antlers 3d6, x3 when charging.
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +8 to strike, +12 to parry, +8 to dodge, and +6 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +10 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Pollution weakens him by %5 -%50 depending on the pollutant. (Heavy metals dissolved in water are the worst for him)
Average Life Span: Immortal and if struck down will reappear again the next night.
Value: The Erl King is a very powerful nature spirit, his bits can be substituted where anything from a faerie would be used.
Habitat: Faerie, but likes walking through autumnal forests.
Language: All
Enemies: Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils, Supernatural Evil, Necromancers.
Allies: Fae
Physical Appearance: Graceful elfin features, Shaggy brown hair full of leaves (actually growing out of his head) and a magnificent set of antlers. Likes wearing browns and olives on the hunt. He Looks to be about 16 - 18
Size: 6'4, but can change size at will up to 20ft and down to 3ft
Weight: 200lbs
The Erl King is the leader of the Hunt, the hunt can be summoned by the queens or lords of faerie, some good gods and some secret druidic rituals. The hunts preferred enemy are necromancers and supernatural evil, but will settle pretty much for anything if preferred prey isn't found.
When summoned the hunt will look for its target. If the target isn't found it will move on 2 miles over easy terrain or 1 mile over hard and look again. It will do this 7 times in total and if the target isn't found will then start hunting any mortal foolish enough to be out when the hunt is on.
If the target is found the hunt will close on the target, with the hounds using either the fear howl to make the target run at the last second, or the paralysing howl to make them freeze. The hounds then disable the target so it cannot run, and the Erl King (or a "Guest") will dispatch the prey.
The hunt will not kill those of principled alignment, hurt, chase all night and maim is fine, beat down and take all their goods is fine, but no killing.

Hounds of Cernunnos
The Hounds of Cernunnos are mean looking, huge black Rottweiler types, they have magical abilities for bringing their prey down in a hunt, and are good at doing so

Alignment: Any, but lean towards Selfish and Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6+10, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 5d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 1d6 + 40, Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6+3, Luck: 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. +40
S.D.C.: 80
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 15
P.P.E.: 4d6+40
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, track 120%, Track Magic %80, swim 90%. Leap 10 feet high and 15 feet long. Nightvision 500 feet.
Attacks Per Round: Three per round.
Damage: Bite does 1d12+4 points of damage, claw rake does 1d8+4 points of damage, or by weapon. Special Hamstring Attack, every critical also reduces speed by the amount of damage doneas well as the damage done. If any 2 connect with a bite in one round and they latch on the target he has to make a PS +d20 check and beat a PS +d20 check from the hound or be dragged to the ground and made prone (no dodge or parry bonuses)
Bonuses: Autododge, +4 damage(doesnt include ps bonus), +2 initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to dodge
Magic: Fear Howl - Save vs spells at -3 or run for 3d6 minutes.
Paralysing Howl, Save vs spells at -3 or cant run or walk (can crawl) for 1d4 rounds.
Howl Range: 500ft
Vulnerabilities: Weapons made out of silver or Rowan ignore sdc and do damage straight to HP. St Johns Wort will prevent them from tracking for 1/2 an hour (this enrages the Erl King though)
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 5000 years
Value: 50000gp+
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + Three of choice (+15%)
Enemies: None per se; bipedal humanoids in general
Allies: The Hunt
Physical Appearance: Look like 5ft at the shoulder 7 ft long rottweilers with shark teeth and burning red eyes..
Size: 4-6 feet tall, 6-8ft long (no tail)
Weight: 100-300 pounds
Notes: The Hounds are %100 loyal to Cernunnos and would take a deific level event to sway them from their master. They are bloodthirsty, loud and fast but will not harm Principled people or children under the age of 2. Preferred targets are living necromancers and witches.

Nightmares of Cernunnos
The Nightmares of Cernunnos are mean looking, huge black Arabian horse types, they have magical abilities and are just plain mean, make sure you know how to ride before climbing on the back of one or you will be in for a surprise or two.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Evil
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 4d6+10, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 5d6, P.B. 6d6, Spd 3d6 + 40, Wil: 3d6, Per: 3d6 Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. +80
S.D.C.: 120
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 16 (awe, they are pretty)
P.P.E.: 80
I.S.P.: 100 + ME
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 2000 feet, Fly, Breathe Fire (4d6 damage)
Attacks Per Round: 3 per round. (2 front and 1 rear)
Damage: Front Kick does 2d6+ps points of damage, Rear Kick does 5d6+ps points of damage
Bonuses: Autododge, +4 damage(doesn't include ps bonus), +2 initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to dodge.
Magic: Any nightmare riding within 300 ft of a dreamer can choose to enter the dream of said sleeper and turn his dreams to nightmares which stop him from getting a full nights rest (Target will wake up fatigued, like he has been running all day)
Vulnerabilities: Weapons made out of silver or Rowan ignore sdc and do damage straight to HP
Psionics: All lvl 1-3
Average Life Span: 1000 years
Value: 250000gp+
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + Three of choice (+15%)
Enemies: None per se; bipedal humanoids in general
Allies: The Hunt
Physical Appearance: Look like huge black Arabian horses, they are very graceful and beuatiful to watch, but have a nasty streak a mile wide.
Size: 6-8 feet tall, 9-14ft long
Weight: 500-1300 pounds
Notes: The Nightmares are %100 loyal to Cernunnos and would take a deific level event to sway them from their master. They love to cause bad dreams amongst men, for this Mabh tends to like them a lot
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

Unread post by kiralon »

The Faery Queens of the the Unseelie Court
The Queens of ice are a cold, hard and unyielding bunch, bring trouble to their door and find out why they are queens of a bunch of sadistic savage psychopaths. They follow the rules of the Fae nobles so they can't lie to you or kill you outright (but can torture you until you wish for death) unless you involve yourself in their affairs. They love to see mortals making difficult life or death choices. Don't seek them out, talk to them or attract their attention and you will have a happier life, very few that get involved with them come out on the better side of things (or even the living side of things). However they tend to only be active in their times of the months/seasons and do tend to rest during the opposite season. Generally its only the king that can change their minds when they are set, and sometimes even the king (Aillil) can't. Mabh is the mother of Maillaidh and Macha, and is more powerful then either however both can infuence her. Aillil is the father to both and are the only two progeny that aillil hadwith mabh. There are more children but they are either Aillil's children with another or Mabh's children with another. During summer Mabh's power is reduced by half, unless she is with Aillil or extraordinarily involved, in that case she can work at full power during the night but must sleep during the day. If any of the Queens are killed they will reform\reappear during their aligned time of the year, unless the were killed by something extremely powerful (%99.99 of the rune weapons don't make the class, neither do dragons, the summer faeries or demon\devil lords, for it to stick it has to be done by Godlike entities.

Mallaidh (MAL-ee), Dark Queen of Autumn, mistress of the harvest.
Alignment: Aberrant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 16, M.E: 18 , M.A. 22, P.S: 25, P.P: 25, P.E: 18, P.B: 30, Spd: 28 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 1200 (600 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 800 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 18 when smiling (awe), 16 when angry
P.P.E.: 1500
Magic: All Air Elemental @ lvl 8, all wizard 1-6 @ lvl 8, All cold based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 10
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 600 feet (~300m).
Special Abilities: Immune to Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes double damage from fire. Can conjure things out of ice like a conjurer for no cost. Has godlike powers like demon lords (see dragons and gods). 6th level illusionist
Attacks Per Melee: 8
Damage: Ice spears do 3D6+4+ps bonus dam, Ice Sickle does 2d6 + 2d6 cold damage and returns when thrown.
damage + P.S. attribute bonus (if any).
Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +8 to strike, +12 to parry, +8 to dodge, and +6 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +10 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Hot ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from heat and fire. Mallaidh is weakest during spring, and gets her magical abilities halved during this time.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Maeve is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie, but likes walking through autumnal forests.
Language: All
Enemies: Faeries of light (Technically, she is on the best terms with the light faeries out of the 3 queens of dark), Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils.
Allies: Fae
Physical Appearance: Graceful elfin features, Reddish auburn hair, likes wearing golds browns and greens. Looks to be about 18
Size: 6'4, but can change size at will
Weight: You ask, im not, i like my life.
Mallaidh is the nicest of the Dark queens and sometimes takes a mortal lover, who generally doesn't live through the process but dies happyish anyway. Mallaidh is the one that relates to mortals most out of the three, and likes the process of mortal emotional discovery due to mental state alteration. Also throws awesome parties that are the envy of the heavens. Extremely Jealous of any that interfere with her current "man" she will got at great lengths to stick in the knife ... and twist it sideways.

Mabh (MEEV or Mab), Dark Queen of Winter, Mistress of all that is Cold and Dark
Alignment: Crazy psycho Hosebeast
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 26, M.E: 22 , M.A. 22(normal 28 when angry), P.S: 30, P.P: 26, P.E: 24, P.B: 31 (18 when angry as she takes on a demonic cast), Spd: 36 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 3000 (1500 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 2000 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 16 when smiling, 22 when angry
P.P.E.: 3000
Magic: All Air Elemental @ 12lvl, all wizard 1-12 @ lvl10, All cold based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 12
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 2000 feet (~660m).
Special Abilities: Immune to Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes double damage from fire. Can conjure things out of ice like a conjurer for no cost. Has godlike powers like demon lords (see dragons and gods). Induce nightmares, 10th level illusionist
Attacks Per Melee: 12
Damage: Ice Claws do 4D6 dam x2 vs supernatural creatures and beings , Ice Mourning Star (spelt correctly in this case) does 3d8+6 and save vs spells at or be frozen solid (like petrify, doesnt work on non-mortals).
damage + P.S. attribute bonus (if any).
Bonuses: +10 to initiative, +12 to strike, +16 to parry, +10 to dodge, and +8 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +12 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Hot ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from heat and fire. During summer Mabh stats are halved, unless in the company of Aillil. She can function at full strength during the summer night, but then has to sleep during the summer day to make up for it.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Mab is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie, doesn't like the "real" world very much.
Language: All
Enemies: Faeries of light, Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils, Angels. In fact pretty much everyone who isn't dark fae.
Allies: Dark Fae.
Physical Appearance: The most beautiful crazy psycho hosebeast you have ever met. Long thin features, elfin grace, Platinum hair. Looks to be about 30 - 35, can raise the interest of a dead man. Faeries are fertility spirits, and it shows, especially in Mabhs case. A fair few men would do(and have done) pretty much anything to spend some quality time with her.
Size: 6'10, but can change size at will
Weight: not polite to ask, in fact the last person who asked had his spine ripped out.
Mabh is the powerhouse of the unseelie court, and isn't afraid to do what is needed to be done to whomever its needs to be done to. Is cold and calculating but revels in bloodshed and destruction and only feels hatred for those whom are lesser. She is also willing to work with her enemies when the need has arisen, but has usually come out the better in those situations as she basically killed or neutered (sometimes literally) the others involved.

Macha (MAH-ka), Dark Queen of Spring and War.
Alignment: Miscreant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 20, M.E: 22 , M.A. 20, P.S: 28, P.P: 26, P.E: 24, P.B: 20, Spd: 24 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 800 (400 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 600 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 16
Horror Factor: 16
P.P.E.: 3500
Magic: All Air Elemental @ 8lvl, all wizard 1-6 @ lvl 6, All cold based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 8
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 1000 feet (~300m). Metamorphosis at will,
Special Abilities: Immune to Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes double damage from fire. Conjurer lvl12, things made out of ice are no cost. Has godlike powers like demon lords (see dragons and gods). 9th level illusionist
Attacks Per Melee: 12
Damage: Ice shards (range 500ft) do 5D8 dam, Ice Flamberge does 5d6 +3d6cold damage.
damage + P.S. attribute bonus (if any).
Bonuses: +10 to initiative, +10 to strike (includes WP), +10 to parry, +10 to dodge, and +10 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +10 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Hot ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from heat and fire. Autumn is the time of year when Macha is weakest, and this halves her hth combat abilities.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Mab is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie, doesn't like the "real" world very much.
Language: All
Enemies: Has fought pretty much everyone.
Allies: Dark Fae.
Physical Appearance: Older looking (50-55) but still good looking. Likes martial outfits in black and red (harder to see blood stains you see)
Size: 7', but can change size at will
Weight: not prudent to ask, she might actually tell you.
Macha is violent, very violent. She likes to watch blood slowly cool and freeze. She is the Dark Faeries Grand Marshal, and has the horn of Caillech, which she uses to rouse the unseelie court to war. Macha responds to any questioning of her power by using whatever weapons she has at hand to prove them wrong, and then usually calms down when watching her opponents die. She also likes martial tunes and they have been known to occasionally turn her wrath (to someone else usually) and not kill the music maker.
Has a personal redcap guard, who are very loyal and will defend her with their lives.

All the queens have been collecting for centuries, so they basically have pretty much any magic item they need, but do tend to rely on their own abilities as they can conjure up most things anyway.
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Asrai or Ashray
Asrai are water faeries found in the colder and lonesome parts of the coast, and this isn'tthe only thing that makes them hard to find, as direct sunlight will melt them into rainbow coloured pools of water. They are also usually fairly shy of land dwellers as they cant leave the sea themselves. Asrai like to walk across calm seas singing beautiful songs to the moon, who will sometimes reply, and if a lucky mortal is nearby he/she can ask a question of the moon as well. As solitary faeries they make no friends and generally seem to be in a world of their own. Asrai look to be translucent bluish ghosts, and are sometimes mistaken for such, but they are solid enough if you provoke them.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 4d6, M.A. 4d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6+4, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6 (on or in water), Wil: 5d6 Per: 3d6+3, Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. +30
S.D.C.: 20
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 13 (Awe, they look pretty, male or female)
P.P.E.: 125
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, swim 110%. Nightvision 500 feet, Watervision 500 ft.
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Water Dagger does 2d4, otherwise by spell or weapon
Bonuses: +3 Dodge (don't actually dodge, just become less solid, works like autododge except attacks just pass straight through them, and any dodge bonuses are added)
Magic: All Water Elemental Magic Lvls 1-5
Vulnerabilities: Weapons made out of driftwood ignore sdc and do damage straight to HP.
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: For the elixer 30000gp +
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: None-Leave them alone and they will return the favour
Allies: None
Physical Appearance: Look like 5-6ft tall ethereal youths wearing transclucent blue white robes walking on the sea, singing and looking a little melancholy unless playing with the denizens of the sea.
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 30-140 pounds
Notes: Are a solitary faerie. The Asrai celebrate the full moon with singing between the hours of 12 and 2, after they finish singing they actually tell their sorrows to the moon, and the moon replies, when this occurs a pc can sneak up and ask the moon 1 question for every song they successfully sing up to 3, can get an answer to a question. The moon is almost all knowing about things it has "seen". (i.e. underground things, or things that have never seen the light of the moon won't be answered).
Also drinking the dissolved fluids of an a Asrai will give you the powers of a 5th level water elementalist until sunup, however most good creatures find this distasteful.
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Moss People
The moss people are small flying faerie folk who's wings look like leaves, and they are divided up into clans who's wings have the shape of particular trees. They prefer dense woodlands and hills as they are fairly shy around the big people. They are also a source of luck to those that they call friend and a source of discomfort for those who harass them.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 2d4+4 on land, x10 flying., Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6, Luck: 5d6
Hit Points: P.E. +40
S.D.C.: 10
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 10 in large numbers if you know what they are, otherwise they do tend to look like swirling leaves from a distance.
P.P.E.: 40
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, Nightvision 500 feet, Track %90, Trap humanoids %80, ID plants/fruits %95, ID Tracks %80, When a mossman wraps his/her wings around himself he looks like a leaf (camouflage %90, unless in a different tree type %50). Anyone who has offered elderberry sweets or wine has a %50 chance of gaining 1d4 bonus luck points for the day, these fade at sundown and can be used as rerolls)
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Mossman arrows are the equivalent of human shortbows. Mossman Sword 1d4+2, Mossman Stone Greataxe 1d6+3 (magical).
Bonuses: +2 Strike, +4 dodge, +1 Parry, +3 to save vs magic and psionics.
Vulnerabilities: Will do just about anything for elderberry wine or sweets.
Psionics: None
Magic: Grow Plants, animate plants, wind rush, circle of rain, hopping stones, quicksand, repel animals, faeries dance. +3 spell strength, same magic limitations as book.
Average Life Span: 1000 years
Value: Unknown
Habitat: Faerie, Dense Woodland Forests
Language: Fairie, + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Dark Faeries and evil creatures, woodpeckers.
Allies: All good aligned folk
Physical Appearance: Look like 6-8 inch tall, leaf winged faeries, like most faeries are graceful and beautiful.
Size: 6-8 inches tall.
Weight: 1/2 pound
Notes: Are a trooping faerie and have the same negatives as all trooping fae. The Moss People enjoy midday feasts and have been known to invite friendly humanoids into these as long as they don't make and quick or dangerous looking movements. They make little houses hanging of the sides of tall trees and like to hang shinies in the branches.
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The Grant
Certain isolated villages around the palladium world have come under the protection of these strange creature. They look like foals standing upright and erect on their hind legs, with sparkling red eyes that lend a hellish bent to its looks, to help with this demonic horse look there are times when it will dash around a village, setting the dogs to barking and the cats to hissing, and if it can will leads the village dogs out towards a particular direction. Those of religious bent have been known to try to cast the fire demons down, and when that happens they do just leave as they actually are one of the seelie court, and the ruckus they make warns of impending doom from the direction the try to lead the dogs, and only fools ignore them. If the villagers immediately respond to the warning and always keep up the required gifts, the Grant will even help out if there is a fight.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd, Wil: 3d6 Per: 4d6, Luck: 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. +50
S.D.C.: 20
Natural A.R.: 10
Horror Factor: 12 (Look like demon horses standing on their back legs)
P.P.E.: 150
Natural Abilities: Impervious to fire, Prowl 80%, swim 90%. Nightvision 500 feet, See Invisible, Track by scent %60, Track %85
Attacks Per Round: Two Physical and Two Magical per round. (cant swap between them either)
Damage: Front hooves do 1d6+ps +2d4 fire damage. Back hooves do 4d6+ps+2d6 fire damage.
Bonuses: +4 Strike, +4 Dodge, +2 parry.
Magic: All Fire Elemental Magic Lvls 1-4 at 6th level proficiency. 16 spells per day.
Vulnerabilities: Standard
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 2000+ years
Value: Unblemished skin is worth 10000+gp.
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + and five of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Those who disturb the ones they have chosen to protect
Allies: Good creatures
Physical Appearance: Look like a 5-6ft tall glinting red eyed black foals walking on their hind legs. Rather scary really.
Size: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 200-400 pounds
Notes: The Grant doesn't like villages over 200, nor does he like villages with militia armed with iron. He likes milk, beer and bread and will stay as long he gets some of the above left out for him every new moon. The grants skin can be tanned and made into strong soft leather that has the attributes of chainmail, and is fire resistant.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Titania (tih-TAHN-yuh), Queen of the Endless Summer
Alignment: Scrupulous, mostly
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 26, M.E: 22 , M.A. 22(normal 28 when angry), P.S: 30, P.P: 26, P.E: 24, P.B: 32, Spd: 36 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 5000
Natural A.R.: 15
Armour: Deò-Ghrèine - Sunbeam, The armour of the Queen of summer is made from the sun itself.
AR: 19
SDC: 800
Armour Special Abilities: At the end of every round in sunlight the armour fully regenerates. Sheds true daylight out to a mile (controlled at will and is dimmable). Can burst into flame as spell at will. The armour can increase the ambient temperature locally by 10 degrees a round. Everything that comes within 15ft radius takes 20pts of fire damage (this burns away bullets, arrows etc)
Horror Factor: 20 (Awe)holy wake the dead batman
P.P.E.: 8000
ISP: 600
Magic: All Fire Elemental @ 12lvl, all wizard 1-12 @ lvl10, All earth based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 12, Is also a 15th level illusionist and can spend 1000 ppe to make an illusion real.. Can perform all prototypical deific powers at standard costs.
Psionics: All lvl 1-3 and she can detect when someone uses psionics around her within 300ft.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 1000 feet (~660m). Can regenerate 1d6x10hp/sdc a round, metamorphosis animal, metamorphosis humanoid, turn invisible at will, see invisible constanty, impervious to standard poisons, double damage from Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes no damage from fire and half damage from holy fire.
Special Abilities: Can make illusions real. Lasts between hours and months. Charm Circle, If you get withing 50ft of Titania you have to make a saving throw vs spells at -8, if failed you will neither harm nor attack her, and are susceptible to her suggestions as per hypnotic suggestion but work like faerie spells, only once per day per person.
Attacks Per Melee: 10
Damage: Summersword, This sword has a ray of sunlight for a blade. 4d6 Damage x 3 vs evil, 1d6x10+10 vs supernatural evil. Creatures susceptible to sunlight are affected by the light shed from the weapon, which can be up too 500ft radius.
Bonuses: +12 to initiative, +12 to strike, +16 to parry, +10 to dodge, and +8 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +12 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Cold ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from cold. During winter Titania's stats are halved, unless in the company of Oberon. She can function at full strength during the winter night, but then has to sleep during the winter day to make up for it.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Titania is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Wherever she is, is home.
Languages: All
Enemies: supernatural evil.
Allies: Faeries of light, Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils, Angels. In fact pretty much everyone who isn't dark fae, even then not all dark fae.
Physical Appearance: The most beautiful women you have ever met. Ethereal features, elfin grace, Golden hair. Looks to be about 30 - 35, can raise the interest of a dead man. Faeries are fertility spirits, and it shows, even when she tries to hide it. A fair few men would do(and have done) pretty much anything to spend some quality time with her. (Where is Thomas)
Size: 6'8, but can change size at will
Weight: Unsure
Titania cares for the entirety of her race, and it grieves her that some of her kind fell to darkness, never to return, but ever does she seek their return. This has gotten her into trouble in the past as she has tried to reintegrate some of the less fractious evil faeries.
Titania is a strong believer in mercy and redemption, if you are being hunted by something like the wild hunt you can appeal to her for aid, but beware her wrath as she can destroy things with the best of them, and has a temper like a summer storm. However she is mostly known for healing and help. Thinks mortals need help and shepherding on their way to their destination so often listens to the appeals of mortals who have gone looking for her.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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kiralon wrote:Creatures of the Outer Dark

If your public speaking score is high enough you can tell heroic stories which somehow interact with the unreality of the CotOD and sort of become reality, while successfully telling a story the story teller gives the following bonuses. This is the only type that requires the person to be stationary.
Make roll by %50 or more
gain second attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD.
Make roll by %60 or more
as above +
Gain third attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD
these bonuses are cumulative.
Make roll by %70 or more or a natural %1 roll
as above +
Gain fourth attack per round
+2 S/P/D/Dam vs CotOD
+2 to all saves from things originating from the CotOD
each blow from a CotOD that does damage instantly heals 1d6 hp or sdc.
Gain Range attack vs CotOD only for 1 minute per level
300ft range
+3 (and any other bonuses to strike)
does your level d6 damage
costs 1 hp damage.

How do you exceed roll by more than 70%?
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say you have %110 (with bonuses) to a skill, if you roll %40 or lower on your skill check roll you have made by at least %70
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Ok- I was going with PF canon that says nothing higher than 98%
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under %28 then for second ed players then (fairly sure thats a second ed rule), i sort of play that rule except that a roll of 99-100 is always a failure (and 00 is a critical failure), rather then no skill can get above %98. The version of palladium i play is more 1st ed with 2nd ed stuff brought in then 2nd ed with first ed stuff brought in, ie occ choices, hth styles, psionics and magic are from first ed. I use some magic, some skills, a few slect psionics, equipment and races (stat rolls and racial special abilities) from second.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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The person has to sing to the moon as well and the theory was that the moon would respond to your song like it does to the Asrai, so it sings back to you the information, no-one other then nearby Asrai or the singer can hear the moons reply, Unless the situation is very dire and then it will put words directly in your mind (I added this bit from stardust when i saw it, good movie if you haven't seen it, im not musically talented and trying to sing info to people was amusing for me and probably made their ears bleed/permanent brain damage). In the northern wilderness book there is an adventure where you work for the spirit of the land, i had the pc's working for the spirit of the moon and the Asrai were on of the intermediaries they could use.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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no court of winter?
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Just after the wild hunt good sir. I have been busy with work, but ill put another couple of faeries this week.
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First off in my world the Ophids Grasslands have extremely good horse riders and they literally have the best horses in the world, as the horses they have are descandents of the faerie horses that were used as mounts in the war against the old ones and were kept there as part of the garrison forces. After the light cavalry was forced out of the northern mountains the remnants of that garrison made home in the ophids grasslands and remember sort of where they come from in stories, and remain vigilant for incursions from the Land of the Damned. Over time the remnants found that the horses were very very smart and after a while the wilder tribes were being lead by the horses themselves (not that this is made public). These horses aren't for sale (obviously) and very rarely take up with pc's, and try to keep the image that the humans are in control. Not that its a bad life for the humans and elves, far from it, but some people freak when they find out the horses are in charge.

For those horse lovers out there, here is a compiled list of different abilities, colours and other things that make horses the unique people that they are. (My mother in law left her bedroom door open one day, and her horse came in and jumped on the water bed).

First thing we need to do is decide on colour

Google horse colours and you will see charts on horse colours.

So roll %1d100 (anything over %100 is Ophidian horses only)
1 Standard Chestnut (Sorrel)
2 Black
3 Bay
4 Primitive Bay (Wild Bay, Faded Bay)
5 Standard Brown
6 Seal Brown
7 Red Dun
8 Grullo
9 Dun
10 Palomino
11 Black Buckskin
12 Buckskin
13 Cremello
14 Smokey Perlino
15 Perlino
16 Gold Champagne
17 Classic Champagne
18 Amber Champagne
19 Gold Ivory Champagne
20 Classic Ivory Champagne
21 Amber Ivory Champagne
22 Red Taffy
23 Chocolate Flax
24 Silver Dapple
25 Blue Taffy
26 Pearl (Barlink, Apricot)
27 Flaxen Chestnut
28 Pangaré
29 Chestnut 'Strawberry' Roan
30 Black 'Blue' Roan
31 Bay Roan
32 Brown 'Blue' Roan
33 The 'Catch A Bird' Anomaly
34 Fleabitten Grey with Blood Mark
35 Dapple Grey
36 White-Grey
37 Sooty
38 Lemonsilla
39 Brindle
40 Rabicano
41 Tobiano
42 Overo
43 Splashed White
44 Sabino
45 Normal White Markings
46 Ermine Spots
47 Dominant White
48 Varnish Appaloosa
49 Snowflake Appaloosa
50 Snowcap Blanket Appaloosa
51 Spotted Blanket Appaloosa
52 Near-Leopard Appaloosa
53 Leopard Appaloosa
54 Few-spot Appaloosa
55 Manchado
56 Birdcather Spots
57 Chubari Spots (Tetrarch Spots)
58 Lace Markings (Giraffe Markings)
59 Badger Face
60 Smuts (Bend Or Spots)
61 Gulastra Plume
62 Mosaicism
63 Standard Chestnut (Sorrel)
64 Black
65 Bay
66 Primitive Bay (Wild Bay, Faded Bay)
67 Standard Brown
68 Seal Brown
69 Red Dun
70 Grullo
71 Dun
72 Palomino
73 Black Buckskin
74 Buckskin
75 Cremello
76 Smokey Perlino
77 Perlino
78 Gold Champagne
79 Classic Champagne
80 Amber Champagne
81 Gold Ivory Champagne
82 Classic Ivory Champagne
83 Amber Ivory Champagne
84 Red Taffy
85 Chocolate Flax
86 Silver Dapple
87 Blue Taffy
88 Pearl (Barlink, Apricot)
89 Flaxen Chestnut
90 Pangaré
91 Chestnut 'Strawberry' Roan
92 Black 'Blue' Roan
93 Bay Roan
94 Brown 'Blue' Roan
95 The 'Catch A Bird' Anomaly
96 Fleabitten Grey with Blood Mark
97 Dapple Grey
98 White-Grey
99 Sooty
100 Lemonsilla
101 Brindle
102 Rabicano
103 Tobiano
104 Overo
105 Splashed White
106 Sabino
107 Normal White Markings
108 Ermine Spots
109 Dominant White
110 Varnish Appaloosa
111 Snowflake Appaloosa
112 Snowcap Blanket Appaloosa
113 Spotted Blanket Appaloosa
114 Golden Appaloosa
115 Leopard Appaloosa
116 Few-spot Appaloosa
117 Metallic Blue
118 Metallic Green
119 Metallic Red
120 Metallic Canary Yellow
121 Metallic Silver with Silver Mane
122 Metallic Silver with Golden Mane
123 Metallic Gold with Silver Mane
124 Metallic Gold with Golden Mane

Facial Markings
1d10 for optional face markings
1-5 None, There is nothing unusual about the face.
5 Blaze A wide band of white ranges from the top of the horses head to the tip of his nose.
6 Star A white diamond is set on the horses forehead, right between the eyes.
7 Stripe A narrow band of white ranges from the top of the horses head to the tip of his nose in an elongated diamond shape.
8 Star/Stripe There is a small white diamond on the forehead between the eyes and a short, narrow band in the shape of an elongated diamond down toward the animals nose.
9 White face A large white patch covers the horses entire face, including both eyes and the muzzle.
0 Skull A large white skull shaped mark covers the top of the head and partway down to the nose. Re-roll if the horse isn't ophidian.

Quick note on food
Everyone knows that horse will graze on grasses and other leafy greens, because that's the way they evolved over time, but making a hard travelling horse just eat grass is like telling the Best Olympic athletes that they are only allowed to eat celery and water, and you only have time enough to eat for 20 mins a day(and worse still, no steroids). For a horse eating just grass is almost a days work. Thats where grains, oats and fresh fruit and veges come into things.

Height/Food Loose Grains Grains
Roll 1d6 Food Required Inactive Hardworking

1 13 Hands 10kg 0.5 to 1kg 1-2kg
2 14 Hands 11kg 2-3kg 5-6kg
3 15 Hands 12kg 4-5kg 7-8kg
4 16 Hands 13kg 6-7kg 9-10kg
5 17 Hands 14kg 8-9kg 11-12kg
6 18 Hands 15kg 10-11kg 13-14kg

For a draught horse add +2 to the roll
For a Warhorse add 2 to the height (hands)
One hand = 10cm
I do believe this is shoulder height and not head height.

Maximum Jumping Capability in feet
1d100 Height Length
01-20 3' 10'
21-50 4' 12'
51-75 5' 14'
76-95 6' 16'’
96-00 7' 18'

Training and Traits
I am not a horse person so please take all this with a grain of salt.
Training a horse is like training anything else, a time consuming practice were you have to spend multiple hours a day working with the animal, and the length of time depends on whether the animal was raised with humans or is wild caught. Wild Caught take longer as they have to be familiarised with their masters. This is enough training to ride the horse or use it as a packhorse.

To Train a domestic horse takes 1d8 + 10 weeks, and goes off the second part of your horsemanship skill, roll at the end of the time. with a negative of-2% for every days training missed during this period, and if 2 weeks pass without training its time to start again.

To Train a wild horse takes 2d6 + 10 weeks, and goes off the second part of your horsemanship skill, roll at the end of the time. with a negative of-4% for every days training missed during this period, and if 1 week passes without training its time to start again.

Just like people are different, so are horses, roll 2d4 traits for horses and 1d4 for mules and donkeys.

Roll 2d20
Rolls not done in front of the DM do not count.

2 Fear of Water - Wont Cross rivers or streams, %-25 to force horse to cross.
3 Strong Swimmer - Loves water. +%20 to swim for horse.
4 Dislike certain Race - Will bite, kick or rear and whinny when they come near.
5 Dislikes certain Animal - as above but might flee as well. Needs Horsemanship roll at -%15 to stop horse from attacking/fleeing/rearing.
6 Dislike Certain Sex - 1-3 male, 4-6 female. Will constantly rear, biute kick stomp etc until person is removed.
7 Desires Freedom. If not tied it will run for the hills, slightly unco-operative - %5 to horsemanship checks.
8 Sickly - Half the running time. (1/2 round per PE point rather then 1)
9 Exceptional Intelligence. %1- %70 are 1d3+1 IQ or %71-%100 1d4+2 IQ. Each IQ point over 2 is a bonus trick slot
10 Freezes when frightened. Horsemanship check at -%HF of whatever is scaring it to make it move again. Without Horsemanship it won't move until the object of fear is removed.
11 Vengeful, if wronged will bide its time and will get revenge.
12 Affectionate, Bonds with its master and is +%10 to horsmanship rolls when ridden by its master.
13 Intolerant of violence, will go berserk for 1d6 minutes if cropped, whipped or mistreated.
14 Loves particular foodtype, to the point it can overcome training %50 of the time (stay etc) to get
said food type.
15 Sure Footed. %50 less likely to slip or fall in adverse conditions.
16 Gentle. This is a good horse for children and inexperienced riders. Riders get +5% to horsemanship
checks but reduce top speed by %10
17 Curious, Tolerant of suprises. Very unlikely to rear in fright or to run unless physically injured.
(Then will bolt %25 of the time)
18 Strong - Horse can carry 1d4x%5 more without penalty.
19 Skittish. Horse is likely %75 to balk,bolt or run at the first (small) sign of danger or strangeness
or loud noises.
20 Fearless. This horse will have a staring competition with a Dragon and not flinch. Wont get skittish
around undead or monsters. Perfect Trait for a warhorse.
21 Exceptionally Fast. add 2d6 mph to horses speed
22 Accepts master only, Will fight, rear kick and more to prevent other from mounting. Unlike the
trained ability you can't command the horse to accept someone else.
23 Weak Jumper. The horse can jumps 1ft lower and 2ft shorter then normal.
24 Tough Constitution. The horse can travel at high speeds for twice the amount of time as normal.
Also +20 hp.
25 Exceptional Jumper. The horse can jump 2ft higher and 4ft longer then normal.
26 Headstrong. There is a 25% chance each hour of being ridden that this horse either attempts to
head in a direction different than the rider desires, or that it pauses to either eat or drink for a
full turn, ignoring all attempts to make it do otherwise. Increase this chance to 80% for who don't
have horsemanship. Those who are proficient can make a check to determine whether or not they can regain control of the horse.
27 Hates Encumbrance. Won't take a second rider or more then 1/4 of its carrying capacity without a
fight. Will rear (%25) Stop Dead and not move (%50) or roll over on its back (%25) likely breaking
thing in the saddlebags and saddle.
28 Bone jarring Gait. This horse is terrible to ride on for any period. Rider has to rest for 5mins for
every hour of travel or be at -2/-%10 until missed rest time is used.
29 Bucks Unexpectedly. This horse like watching riders tumble to the ground. Will rear/buck when the
rider is least expecting it eliciting a -%25 to horsmanship check, if failed dumps the rider for 2d6
damage and stands there laughing its horsey laugh.
30 Bites. The horse is likely to bite anyone near (%20) when not moving. (stableboys beware)
31 Stomps on feet. The horse is likely to stomp anyone near (%20) when not moving.
(stableboys beware). Does 1d4 hp and 1d6 spd damage (speed returns after hp have)
32 Chews on everything. Like a goat. Can be a sign of stomach distress, or the horse knows it
irritates you and enjoys it.
33 Kicks. (%20) likely to kick at those who are near its hindquarters.
34 Mischevious. Usually comes with an intelligent horse. Has a (%20) to change a random trait to
another random trait. Can happen in stressfull situations or roll once every 3 months.
35 Refuses to gallop - Unless beaten or cropped will not get over %75 of speed.
36 Fast Metabolism. The Horse eats %25 more than normal.
37 Slow - The horse is a little bit slower then average for its breed -1d6mph to speed.
38 Slow Metablism. The horse eats %25 less than normal
39 Won't Jump - Has to be forced to jump, -%25 to jump rolls.
40 Roll twice ignoring this roll the second time.

Training for specific tricks
This requires a lot of hard work on the side of the trainer, each trick takes 1d4 weeks to learn, and if even 1 day is missed you will have to start again. All war horses, riding horses, and wild horses can be taught 1d4+1 specific tricks, plus one for each point of the animals Intelligence over 2. Draft horses, mules, ponies, and the like can learn
only 1d4-1 tricks. The number of tricks any animal may learn is determined only once, and that number is the maximum number of tricks the animal can ever learn. The roll for number of tricks has to be done while the DM is watching. Learning to carry baggage or a rider does not count as a specific trick; it is considered to be separate training. Each specific trick requires 1-4 weeks of training, at a cost of 250 gp per week, unless the character is training the animal himself. At the end of the allotted time, the trainer or the character makes his horsemanship roll to determine whether the horse has learned the desired trick. No more than one trick may be taught to a horse during any training period. Exceptionally intelligent horses add a %+10 bonus to the animal trainer's skill for every point of Intelligence over one.

Kicks/bites in battle The horse assists the rider in combat by lashing out with its front hooves and biting
during each combat round
Tramples enemy "When charging into combat, the horse deliberately rams into enemies and attempts to trample
them beneath its hooves. Enemies under attack must make a Physcial Prowess check or suffer
double the damage a normal hoof attack (i.e., both hooves) would do and leaves the enemy
prone. The horse may trample only one man-sized or smaller enemy per round. This attack form
cannot be used in the same round that the horse is using its standard bite and kick attacks."
Directed with knees "All war horses must be trained to respond to knee pressure, which allows the rider to
use both a weapon and a shield while maneuvering the animal."
Alerts master of danger "The horse neighs, snorts, and generally makes a ruckus to alert its master to the
approach of enemies, a spreading fire etc"
Responds to call "The horse comes to its master when its name is called, when its whistled for, or when
summoned in any other manner, as long as it is within hearing distance."
Stops on command The horse comes to an immediate halt when commanded to do so.
Climbs stairs/steep incline "The horse is capable of climbing up stairs or steep inclines as long as there is adequate
footing. The rider must make a Horsemanship roll at %+10 roll to remain in his seat."
Walks backward This trick is useful on narrow mountain paths and the like
Walks sideways/reverse "This trick can be employed in crowd control to sweep compact groups of people out of
the way, using the horse’s bulk."
Knows way home "At night, or when carrying a weary or injured rider, this horse can take its passenger
home if given control of the reigns."
Protects master "The horse guards a fallen or injured rider until help arrives, and it attacks all enemies
who threaten its charge."
Fetches on command The horse can be sent to fetch a particular item it is familiar with.
Counts "The animal can accurately count, using its hoofs to stamp out answers to simple
addition and subtraction problems that are given to it."
Rears on command This is a very impressive trick to be used when leading armies or just before riding out of
Lies down when ordered "This trick is useful for injured characters trying to reach equipment or climb back into
the saddle after a fall."
Keeps silent on command "The horse uses as much stealth as possible when ordered to remain quiet, walking
slowly and avoiding any vocalization for a full turn."
Jumps "A horse trained to jump properly adds 1' to the maximum height and 2’ to the maximum
length it is normally allowed to jump."
Pirouettes "The horse can turn in place in a circular motion that is useful aracter caught in a tight
place or who wishes to whirl the animal about to face an approaching enemy."
Piaffes This is the ability to perform a spectacular elevated trot in place,— impressive to behold.
Finds water The horse can lead its master to fresh water if there is any to be found nearby.

Colour description
Standard Chestnut (Sorrel)
One of the two basic horse colors. Chestnut horses produce no eumelanin (black pigment) in their hair, causing their coats to be reddish with a copper sheen. Chestnut comes in many shades, but the most common is standard chestnut, characterized by a carroty brown body with a mane and tail the same shade or only slightly lighter or darker.

The second basic horse color. Black horses produce both eumelanin and pheomelanin (red pigment). They are uniformly black, save for the sunburnt brown hairtips of fading blacks.

A bay horse is a black horse whose black pigment is restricted to its "points" - mane, tail, legs, and ears. The result is a red-brown horse with a black mane, tail, and legs.

Primitive Bay (Wild Bay, Faded Bay)
A primitive bay horse has markedly less distinct black points than a typical bay horse. Black on the legs in minimal and tends to be concentrated around the pastern, knee, and hock.

Standard Brown
Many researchers consider brown simply a shade of bay. A brown horse is a black horse that has been lightened to brown, most noticeably in the "soft parts" - the muzzle, girth, flank, and quarters.

Seal Brown
Another shade of brown. This coloration is frequently mislabeled black. Seal brown horses are indeed very black, but they have brown hairs on their muzzle and other soft parts. This qualify them as brown.

Red Dun
A red dun horse is a chestnut horse affected by the dun dilution. This dilution lightens the horse's body and gives it darker points and a dorsal stripe (a stripe down its back). Many duns also have shoulder stripes and zebra striping on their legs. A few also have cobwebbing on their foreheads, shadowing, and pale guard hairs.

This is a black or dark brown horse affected by the dun dilution. It is sometimes called blue dun. The body is murky brown-gray to gunmetal silver with black points and markings.

The classic dun color, a bay horse under the influence of the dun dilution. It very closely resembles buckskin, but it possesses the tell-tale marking of a dun: a dorsal stripe. The horse pictured here also has a shoulder stripe, leg barring (zebra striping), and pale guard hairs around the mane and tail.

A palomino horse is a chestnut horse possessing one cream dilute allele and one "normal" allele. The red pigment of the coat is lightened to give the horse a golden body and a white mane and tail. Unlike the similar-looking flaxen chesnut, palominos have a silver, not a copper, sheen.

Black Buckskin
A black buckskin horse is a horse possessing one cream dilute allele and one "normal" allele. The cream dilution only minimally affects black pigment so the horse can appear to be a dark, murky color (as pictured here) or it can appear to be nothing more than a faded black.

A buckskin horse is a horse possessing one cream dilute allele and one "normal" allele. Its body is lightened to a cream or golden color, but it keeps its black points. Like palominos, buckskins have silver sheens, not copper, which helps discern dark buckskins from light bays.

A chestnut horse with a "double-dose" of the cream allele is lightened to a cremello. This pale cream coloration is often mistaken for white or albino (albinism does not exist in horses).

Smokey Perlino
A black horse with a cream "double-dose." It is noticeably darker than the cremello, and typically has a mane and tail darker than its body.

The bay version of cremello is called perlino. Though perlinos typically have a darker mane and tail than cremellos, they are indiscernible in many cases and require pedigree analysis to determine their true color.

Gold Champagne
A gold champagne horse is a chestnut horse affected by the champagne dilution. It resembles a palomino with a metallic sheen, but can be discerned from a true palomino by its pink, usually speckled, skin.

Classic Champagne
This is a black horse under the influence of the champagne dilution. Its body is murky gray-brown to rich chocolate with dark brown points. Its skin is pink and speckled.

Amber Champagne
The bay version of champagne, this pink-skinned horse is cream with dark brown points.

Gold Ivory Champagne
This horse is a palomino under the influence of the champagne dilution. It is almost indiscernible from cremello, but its speckled skin gives it away.

Classic Ivory Champagne
This is a smokey perlino horse with the champagne dilution. It has a pale body with reddish to warm grey-brown points. Its skin is pink and speckled.

Amber Ivory Champagne
An amber ivory champagne horse is a perlino horse affected by the champagne dilution. It is, many times, indiscernible from perlino, but it has tell-tale speckled skin and its mane and tail are typically chocolatey.

Red Taffy
A red taffy horse is a bay horse affected by the silver, or taffy, dilution which affects only black pigment (having no affect on chestnut-based colors). It appears to be a bay horse with a pale mane and tail (often streaked with black hairs). It is frequently mislabeled as flaxen chestnut, but it has dark legs, which flaxens lack.

Chocolate Flax
This horse is a silver dapple that lacks dapples.

Silver Dapple
The silver dapple is another shade of taffy on a black/dark brown base. It is a warm chocolate color with an ivory mane and tail and cream dapples throughout the coat.

Blue Taffy
A blue taffy horses is a black or dark brown horse under the influence of the silver/taffy dilution. This horse is bluish-grey or murky brown-grey with a silvery mane and tail. It may display dappling, though the pictured horse does not.

Pearl (Barlink, Apricot)
A recently discovered horse color, pearl governed by a recessive, "cream-activated" gene. In single doses (heterozygous), it does not manifest itself unless the horse possesses a cream allele (palomino, buckskin, black buckskin), in which case it will act like a second cream allele and cause the horse to appear cremello, perlino, or smokey perlino. When not interacting with the cream gene, pearl only manifests in double-doses (homozygous). The horse pictured here is homozygous pearl on a chestnut base.

Flaxen Chestnut
This is a chestnut horse under the influence of the flaxen gene. This gene only affects pheomelanin (red pigment), so it is only expressed in chestnut-based colors. It lightens the mane and tail and, many times, the lower legs. The horse represented here is a flaxen honey chestnut.

This is a modifier that strikingly lightens a horse's underbelly, insides of the legs, forearms, buttocks, and muzzle. It can also lighten the area around the eyes and the entire lower legs. The horse pictured here is a flaxen chestnut with Pangaré modifications.

Chestnut 'Strawberry' Roan
A strawberry roan horse is a chestnut horse affected by the roan modifier. Roan horses have white hairs interspersed with base color hairs throughout their coats (though not on the head and legs). If injured, the hair that grows from the wound as it heals will be dark. For this reason, many roan horses have dark spots on them marking past scratches, kicks, and bites.

Black 'Blue' Roan
A black (blue) roan is a black horse affected by the roan modifier, giving the horse's body a pale bluish color.

Bay Roan
A bay roan horse is a bay horse affected by the roan modifier.

Brown 'Blue' Roan
A brown (blue) roan is a brown horse affected by the roan modifier, giving the horse's body a pale bluish color.

The 'Catch A Bird' Anomaly
Catch A Bird was an unusual thoroughbred stallion that appeared to be brown with white hairs arranged in vertical stripes throughout his coat. He had no unusually colored horses in his well-documented pedigree and, when bred, produced true roan horses. True roan did not previously exist in thoroughbreds (although "roan" is frequently used to describe graying chestnut or bay thoroughbreds, this is a misnomer). Catch A Bird was most likely a spontaneous mutant, a mosaic, or both. Other horses have been seen with a similar pattern, but testing is needed to determine their colorations' true natures.

Fleabitten Grey with Blood Mark
Some greys never fully grey (become white), but are instead covered in tiny flecks of their base color (the horse pictured here is a chestnut). Rarely, these flecks condense to form a patch known as a blood mark.

Dapple Grey
Grey horses are born normally pigmented, but as they age, their hairs lose pigment causing them to gradually turn grey or white. Dapple gray horses grey in such a way that it forms a spotted pattern over their bodies.

A white-grey horse has fully greyed so that is has no color left in its coat. White-grey horses are often mislabeled as white, but their dark skin and black muzzles prove them to be greys.

The sooty modifier causes the color of a horse to be considerably darkened and is usually accompanied by seasonal dappling. Sooty can severely distort a horse's true color.

Lemonsilla is an unusual coloration caused by the sooty modifier on a palomino horse. It appears to be a dull gold horse with a dark mane and tail.

This is a very rare horse coloration, characterized by dark vertical striping over the entire body. Several brindle horses have been found to be genetic mosaics.

Rabicano is an unusual modifier that seems to be closely linked to sabino. It is characterized by roan-like ticking originating from the belly, and white barring at the base of the tail.

Tobiano is a form of piebaldism (patches of no pigment) in which white seems to descend vertically from the spine and covers the legs. The head and chest tend to be dark, the withers and legs tend to be white, and the mane and tail tend to be bi-colored. It is pictured here in four degrees. Medicine hat is so named for the tendency of a largely white tobiano to retain pigment in the form of a "hat" on its head.

Overo is a form of piebaldism in which white does not tend to cross the spine or cover the legs, but instead stays to the middle of the body and covers the head, spreading horizontally. It is pictured here in four degrees.

Splashed White
Splashed white is a very rare form of piebaldism, characterized by a white lower half and dark upper half, as well as a completely white head. It is pictured here in three degrees. Splashed white horses tend to have blue eyes, and most, if not all, are deaf.

Perhaps my favorite horse coloration, sabino is a form of piebaldism in which white appears to vertically ascend the body in jagged peaks. It is characterized by the presence of a chinspot, speared white on the legs, and white on the belly. It is pictured here in three degrees. The sabino-white is the true white horse. Its coat is pure white, its skin is pink, and its eyes are dark. It is not a true albino, as albinism does not exist in horses and albinos have pink eyes.

Normal White Markings
Normal white markings occur in solid colored horses and are restricted to the head and legs. It may or may not have a genetic basis. These markings include star (white spot on the forehead), stripe (narrow stripe down the face), snip (white on the nose, between the nostrils), blaze (very broad stripe down the face), stocking (white extending from the hoof to at least the knee), sock (white extending from the hoof, above or on the fetlock, but not to the knee), pastern (white extends from the hoof to below the fetlock), and coronet (a white ring above the hoof). Pictured here is a horse with a blaze and two socks. Incomplete sabino markings are frequently confused for normal white markings. However, sabino horses, no matter how little white they show, tend to always have a white chin. Horses with normal white markings tend to have dark chins, even if they sport a full blaze. Flash markings are aberrent white markings on the legs that do not extend down to the hoof.

Ermine Spots
Ermine spots are dark spots within the white of a sock, pastern, or stocking. They tend to concentrate around the coronet.

Dominant White
Dominant white horses are pure white with pink skin and dark eyes. They may exhibit freckling in certain areas of their body, particularly around the genitalia. Dominant white horses appear so similar to sabino-whites, it may be impossible to visually tell the two colors apart. DNA testing for the W gene will provide the answer.

Varnish Appaloosa
Varnish appaloosa is a modifying pattern in which the horse appears to be frosted with white over its bony prominences.

Snowflake Appaloosa
Snowflake appaloosa is a spotting pattern characterized by little white spots throughout the coat.

Snowcap Blanket Appaloosa
Snowcap appaloosas appear to have large white globs congregating on their coats. A congregation over the rump is called "blanket."

Spotted Blanket Appaloosa
This is a spotting pattern resembling snowcap, but has spots of the base color throughout the white patches.

Near-Leopard Appaloosa
A near-leopard appaloosa is largely white with base color spots through the coat, as well as a head and legs that are the base color.

Leopard Appaloosa
A leopard appaloosa is completely white with base color spots throughout its coat.

Few-spot Appaloosa
A few-spot appaloosa is completely white with base coat spotting restricted to only a few areas, typically the face, legs, girth, and flank. The mane and tail are typically dark.

Manchado is a very rare, nonheritable coloration that has only been found in a few unrelated Argentinian horses. It is believed to be caused by environmental factors. Manchado horses appear to be white have large dark patches the color of their base coats concentrated around their heads and legs. The largest spots appear on their barrel, towards their loins.

Birdcather Spots
Birdcatcher spots are round, white spots that resemble splattered paint when in high concentrations. They may appear anywhere on the body, but have been seen to concentrate around the elbow. They may have no genetic basis.

Chubari Spots (Tetrarch Spots)
Chubari spots are large, pale, egg-shaped spots that sometimes appear on graying horses.

Lace Markings (Giraffe Markings)
Lace markings are rare white markings that resemble netting. They tend to appear later in a horse's life and grow with age. They spread from the spine (particularly the withers and croup) outward.

Badger Face
Badger faces appear as reverse blazes - a large dark stripe down the face surrounded by white. They tend to be linked to sabino patterns.

Smuts (Bend Or Spots)
Odd dark spots on a normal solid base coat. These spots may not have a genetic basis.

Gulastra Plume
A Gulastra plume is an unusually blonde tail. The famous racehorse Cigar sported a Gulastra plume.

A mosaic is an individual composed of two or more genetically distinct populations of cells. If these populations belong two separate genetic individuals, the mosaic is called a chimera. Mosaic and chimeric horses may exhibit strange colorations if their populations of cells are not the same color. Pictured here is a horse with broad, distinct populations of chesnut cells and brown cells. Different mosaics may exhibit very different patterns, however. Some mosaics are brindled and others exhibit lacey, irregular patterns
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Alven are water faeries found in rivers and ponds in great forest tracts. Their bodies are are an alabaster white and while they don't have wings they can fly inside magical water bubbles. They protect night-blooming river and riverside plants plants and will harm any human that attempts to destroy any of these plants. They are a shy folk but like Big Folk honey-nut treats and will often overcome their shyness to get said treats.
Alignment: Any, but lean towards Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 4d6, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 3d6 on land, x5 flying., Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6, Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. +20
S.D.C.: 20
Natural A.R.: 10
Horror Factor: none
P.P.E.: 100
Natural Abilities: Prowl 90%, Nightvision 120 feet, Track %60, ID plants/fruits %95, ID Tracks %80, General Repair %70 and carpentry %85. Create Magical water bubble, is AR: 12, sdc: 35 gives flying ability at x5 ground speed.
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Alven mostly rely on very good quality spears 1d6 damage +2s +2p +2dam.
Bonuses: +2 dodge, +3 to save vs magic and psionics.
Vulnerabilities: As Trooping Faerie
Psionics: None
Magic: Grow Plants, animate plants, wind rush, circle of rain, quicksand, repel animals, and any 4 spells from elemental air or water@lvl 10 profiency, faeries dance. +3 spell strength, same magic limitations as book.
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: Water from their flying bubble can cure any disease. 10000gp+. A living alven is worth 5000-20000gp because they make great sacrificial beings.
Habitat: Faerie, Woodland Forest rivers and ponds
Language: Fairie, + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Dark Faeries and evil creatures especially wolverines.
Allies: All good aligned folk
Physical Appearance: Look like 12 inch tall, faery statues made out of a very white stone, like most faeries are graceful and beautiful.
Size: 12 inches tall.
Weight: 1/2 pound
Notes: Are a trooping faerie and have the same negatives as all trooping fae. The Alven enjoy evening meals, and it is a pastime of theirs to annoy honey bee hives to get the honey.
The Alven are also very good woodcrafters, equivalent to dwarves for bonuses when working with wood and can make weapons with bonuses like dwarves.
Unfortunately because of their high P.P.E they are in demand for ritual sacrifices.
The 2 most secret plants that they guard (and they do guard other rare plants) are known as the Jade Vine, and the Ghost Orchid. The Alven have a secret recipe that uses both plants and when done correctly can revive the dead, return sight to the blind and limbs to the limbless and permanently half the casting cost of p.p.e based spells (%1-50) or double the strength of all p.p.e based spells (%51-100). No one other then the Alven have been able to make this elixir to date, and they have given it to a very rare few.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Sorry updates arent coming faster, sometimes RL happens

Here is a Solitary Evil faery to play with

Far Darrig
Far Darrig "Red Man", a solitary faery who wears a red cap and and a red coat and likes to indulge in gruesome practical jokes. However, farmers consider him lucky to have around.
Translated, the name means "red man", and people have mistaken them for redcaps before, even though they aren't. They are also known by the name Rat Boys, largely due to their appearance; they have dark, hairy skin, long snouts, skinny tails and are rather fat. Even their clothing looks as though it might have been scrounged from a sewer, being extremely torn and shabby.
The far darrig wears his torn and worn red cap and coat as if it wear the grandest clothes in history, and busies himself by being the practical joker of the otherworld and has been known to play tricks on pucks. Unfortunately of all the solitary, and mainly evil fairies, there are few more wretched than the far darrig. Like many other faeries, they presides over evil dreams.
Some legends hold that the far darrig is an unlucky former human who wandered into fairy land by mistake and now attempts to warn others from making the same mistake.
Despite this apparently good natured move, they revel in cruel and gruesome practical jokes, which they play upon those who have made the mistake of irritating them. A favorite trick is to make some poor mortal tramp over hedges and ditches, carrying a corpse on his back, or to make him turn it on a spit.
Possessing a similar lack of taste in their choice of foodstuffs, far darrigs consume carrion as their main staple.
Most active in winter, and found along polluted coastlines, in swamps, marshes and coastal ruins, it is best to avoid these creatures at almost any cost. Occasionally they venture into the land of humans, where they delight in startling people by knocking upon their doors in the dead of night and asking to warm themselves at the fire. Never refuse such a request, as it is exceedingly bad luck and you may wake to find a changeling in your child's crib or that your cows have come down with the pox, but remember to tell him he is only welcome to enter if he brings no harm to house or occupants and he will be friendy, otherwise you might wakeup with a horse head in your bed.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Evil
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 3d6, Spd. 3d6 ,Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6, Luck: 5d6
Hit Points: P.E. +30
S.D.C.: 15
Natural A.R.: 9 Natural
Red Coat and Hat
AR: 12 SDC: 60 : 60. Coat heals wearer 1d6hp per round. Can be repaired with non-magic thread and cloth soaked in blood.
Horror Factor: 12 (Can be mistaken for wererats)
P.P.E.: 40
Natural Abilities: Prowl 85%, swim 95%. Nightvision 200 feet, See Invisible, Track by scent %70, Track %90.
Attacks Per Round: 2
Damage: Claws do 1d6+ps. Bite does 2d4 + PE check at -2 or gain random disease.
Bonuses: +1 Strike, +4 Dodge, +3 parry.
Magic: Animate Object, Animate Plant, Carpet of Adhesion.
Vulnerabilities: Will not come within 100ft of a rowan tree. Damage from Rowan wood can be healed by the cloak.
Psionics: Minor
Average Life Span: 2000+ years
Value: The disgusting Red coat they wear
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Common and 1 of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Good Faeries, Redcaps, and wingtips.
Allies: Other downtrodden dark fae, these guys are the hobgoblins of the faerie world.
Physical Appearance: Look like 4-6ft tall humanoid rat men wearing shabby Red Coats and Red Hats.
Size: 4-6 feet tall
Weight: 100-300 pounds
Notes: The Far Darrig wanders the moors looking for things to happen too, but if you leave a plate of food and some fresh water out for him each night he will clean up any carrion you have and also kill foxes rats and other vermin that cause a farmer problems. However if you then miss a night it will slaughter 2d6 animals, leave their heads in the kitchen and move on. Also if you kill one you can wear the cloak, and it will heal 1d6 hp per round, but every night it needs 4 pints of blood soaked into it or it dries up and stops working. (This onyl needs to be done if its taken, the Far Darrig doesnt need to do this)
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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another solitary evil faery

Leanhaun Sidhe
The Leanhaun Sidhe is a vampiric faerie, in return for inspiration to someone she feeds off the life force of the individual until she/he wastes away and dies. Poets, musicians and minstrels tend to have a meteoric rise when bound to her and then usually disappear, never to be seen again. The Leanhaun Sidhe usually appears to a talented you performer and seduces him, followed by him making a bargain with her. His skills then seem to magnify until he plays something extraordinarily well and is never seen again. During the latter part of the bargain the performer tends to look a little wan and pale, and tires more and more easily until all he can do is rest in bed until his next performance.

Alignment: Evil
Attributes: I.Q. 4d6, M.E. 4d6, M.A. 4d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 28, Spd. 3d6+10 ,Wil: 18 Per: 3d6, Luck: 5d6
Hit Points: P.E. +60
S.D.C.: 40
Natural A.R.: 9 or 12 Natural, 12 when full.
Horror Factor: 12 - Awe, young male humans would follow her around panting like a puppy, and she would encourage them.
P.P.E.: 120
ISP: 260
Natural Abilities: Sing %90, Dance %90, Play * Intrument %90, Prowl 85%, writing %90, swim 95%, Sculpting %90, Painting/Drawing %90. Is the equivalent of a Grande Maestro in each. Nightvision 200 feet, See Invisible,
Attacks Per Round: 5
Damage: Claws do 1d4+ps. Bite does 1d4.
Bonuses: +2 Strike, +2 Dodge, +2 parry.
Magic: No Innate Faerie Magic except Faeries Dance. Are Lvl 6 Illusionists (See Old Ones Book)
Vulnerabilities: Bad music, poetry or dancing is the equivalent to a Turn Dead to her, but it has to be naturally bad.
Can only be killed by a weapon blessed by a good god and an evil god, Otherwise she dissipates into wind and water for 1 year and then coalesces back into her normal form.
Psionics: Master
Average Life Span: Immortal, live until killed.
Value: Ask Michael Jackson.
Habitat: Faerie, Human Towns and Cities.
Language: Fairie, Common and 4 of choice, usually ones common for the area (+25%)
Enemies: Good Faeries, Good people.
Allies: None really.
Physical Appearance: Looks like Magdalena Wrobel or Alessandra Ambrosio.
Size: 6 feet tall
Weight: Er, i dare not tell.
Notes: The Leanhaun Sidhe is a powerful faery (nobody is sure if there is more then 1) that preys upon the weak minded fools who want glory at any expense, saying i'd give my life to play that well will mean exactly that. She adheres to any bargain made but it will always include different names for her being allowed to completely and permanently suck the PPE out of you. She generally removes %10 of your PPE base permanently per month until the end of the 10th month where she lets you play the best you have and then drains you completely and permanently. On the up side each %10 of your ppe that gets sucked out gives you a permanent bonus of +%10 to the applicable skill/s (singing etc)
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Need more time in life to keep going here, but i'd thought i would drop a small excerpt from my last session. Imagine a Dwarf Blacksmith, a human wizard, a diablolist and 2 gladiators and a half crystal spider half elf woman in a stone ship, a magical flying stone ship (think spelljammer). The helm control is specifically setup for dwarf usage and the dwarf wanted to be at the forges so he decides that the mage should fly the ship, the first time this came up the mage said no. Ill start from the precog from the Crystal Spider Centaur Elf Woman.
CSCEW - Umm guys, that ship over there seems to be coming straight for us, in fact if im not mistaken in about 30 minutes if we dont move it will ram us.
Dwarf - aha, perfect time for those modifications, Wizard come here
Wizard - OOOKKK
Dwarf, you ARE going to be the pilot, ill just make some modifications to the system like it says here in the manual and it will then be easy for you to control, it will take 5 minutes.
Wizard - Maybe we should move out of the way first
Dwarf - Nonsense, this will take but a minute
Wizard - But i dont want to
Dwarf - Too bad, i have just reset the system, and now to modify the system for usage by a wizard, pull this lever, flick this switch (quick % roll) the dwarf gets a %99, critical failure.
Sparks and smoke come from the helm
Dwarf - What the, oh i see, i shouldnt have crossed those wires, now if i check the self diagnostic information its going to take, rolls again %95, 1d6 hours to fix (rolls 1d6 and gets a 6), well ill have it back up and running in about 6 hours.
Wizard - Um, isnt a battleship going to be passing through this very space soon.
Dwarf - er maybe
CSCEW - Well, thats what my precog showed, if we didn't get out of the way.

The original plot was a group of buccaneers who had just stolen an important item and they were the only ones near enough to follow, but after the dwarf specifically told the mage that he was doing the mods first i decided to (after i almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard) change the ship to a, erm ship full of alien insect bug creatures. The ships rammed together and the dwarfs ship took damage, so they have to go into the other ship to get spare parts (mostly magic items as the ship can use the magic from items to repair itself).

I laughed so hard i was crying, and im one of those that when i see a movie where the same sort of thing happens i tend to scoff, thinking that surely people wouldn't be that dumb. . . Surely.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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New Spell

Flaming Hand of Fiery Doom
Lvl 3
Range: 60ft single target
Duration: Instantaneous\Permanent
Saving Throw: Special
P.P.E.: 25

The caster draws upon the awesome powers of megaverse to rain flaming death on the unsuspecting. The spell does 1d4 damage per level to demons and devils, and the damage done is also the %chance to banish them back to hell. However as a secondary effect it does 3d6 damage per level to npc's without a name, and it will destroy everything they are carrying except their boots, and the boots wil have a nice theatrical puff of smoke coming from them.

Hey baby, do you want to tune my mandolin.
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Flaming Hand of Fiery Doom

This is a reference to Gamers for those that do not know
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTEHqAeanw - Gamers 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3buuXcHOBkI - Gamers 2 Dorkness riding

Gamers 3 Hand of Fate is coming soon
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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The Faery Queens of the the Seelie Court
The Queens of the Good faeries, while being good creatures, can burn you inadvertently with their powers. They try to keep a balance between the forces of good and evil knowing that both are necessary. Titania keeps court in the summer, and it is mostly summer parties and games, but she can be serious when required, deadly serious, and will go out of her way to help handsome young mortals with wit and courage. Troya is into challaenges and quests, but feuds incessantly with her sister Tuiren, and their mother (Titania) has to sometimes reign them both in. When it comes to war, they, like the Dark Queens have a spectacular amount of magic/magic items to help them when required.

Tuiren (TOO-ren), Light Queen of Autumn, mistress of the harvest.
Alignment: Unprincipled
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 18, M.E: 18 , M.A. 21, P.S: 24, P.P: 24, P.E: 19, P.B: 30, Spd: 28 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 1400 (700 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 600 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor:
P.P.E.: 1200
Magic: All Earth Elemental @ lvl 8, all Water Elemental 1-6 @ lvl 8, Fire Elemental Spells Level 1-3 @ 8th level for casting.
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 600 feet (~300m).
Special Abilities: Immune to Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes normal damage from fire. Can conjure things out of the ground like a conjurer for no cost. Has godlike powers like demon lords (see dragons and gods). 6th level illusionist
Attacks Per Melee: 8
Damage: Stone Spears do 2D6+8+ps bonus dam, Ground Shaker War hammer. +3 s/p/dam/ap + PS, 1d6x100 to buildings.
Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +10 to strike, +10 to parry, +8 to dodge, and +6 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +10 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Not being in contact with the ground weakens her (1/2 combat bonuses), Tuiren is weakest during spring, and gets her magical abilities halved during this time.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Turien is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie, but likes walking through autumnal forests.
Language: All
Enemies: Faeries of Dark, Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils.
Allies: Fae
Physical Appearance: Graceful elfin features, Greenish Golden hair, likes wearing Browns and olives. Looks to be about 18
Size: 6'6, but can change size at will
Weight: You ask, im not, i like my life.
Tuiren is the quietest of the Summer Queens, and will silently look for weaknessess and advantages she can gain, doesn't like mortal males very much. Has a magical mirror that will return the wielder to his/her youth, and back again when used a second time.

Titania (tih-TAHN-yuh), Queen of the Endless Summer
Alignment: Scrupulous, mostly
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 26, M.E: 22 , M.A. 22(normal 28 when angry), P.S: 30, P.P: 26, P.E: 24, P.B: 32, Spd: 36 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 5000
Natural A.R.: 15
Armour: Deò-Ghrèine - Sunbeam, The armour of the Queen of summer is made from the sun itself.
AR: 19
SDC: 800
Armour Special Abilities: At the end of every round in sunlight the armour fully regenerates. Sheds true daylight out to a mile (controlled at will and is dimmable). Can burst into flame as spell at will. The armour can increase the ambient temperature locally by 10 degrees a round. Everything that comes within 15ft radius takes 20pts of fire damage (this burns away bullets, arrows etc)
Horror Factor: 20 (Awe)holy wake the dead batman
P.P.E.: 8000
ISP: 600
Magic: All Fire Elemental @ 12lvl, all wizard 1-12 @ lvl10, All earth based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 12, Is also a 15th level illusionist and can spend 1000 ppe to make an illusion real.. Can perform all prototypical deific powers at standard costs.
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 1000 feet (~660m). Can regenerate 1d6x10hp/sdc a round, metamorphosis animal, metamorphosis humanoid, turn invisible at will, see invisible constanty, impervious to standard poisons, double damage from Cold, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes no damage from fire and half damage from holy fire.
Special Abilities: Can make illusions real. Lasts between hours and months. Charm Circle, If you get withing 50ft of Titania you have to make a saving throw vs spells at -8, if failed you will neither harm nor attack her, and are susceptible to her suggestions as per hypnotic suggestion but work like faerie spells, only once per day per person.
Attacks Per Melee: 10
Damage: Summersword, This sword has a ray of sunlight for a blade. 4d6 Damage x 3 vs evil, 1d6x10+10 vs supernatural evil. Creatures susceptible to sunlight are affected by the light shed from the weapon, which can be up too 500ft radius.
Bonuses: +12 to initiative, +12 to strike, +16 to parry, +10 to dodge, and +8 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +12 vs psionics. Immune to poison. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Cold ambient temperatures weaken her (1/2 combat bonuses), x2 damage from cold. During winter Titania's stats are halved, unless in the company of Oberon. She can function at full strength during the winter night, but then has to sleep during the winter day to make up for it.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Titania is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Wherever she is, is home.
Languages: All
Enemies: supernatural evil.
Allies: Faeries of light, Creatures from the Outer Dark, Demons and Devils, Angels. In fact pretty much everyone who isn't dark fae, even then not all dark fae.
Physical Appearance: The most beautiful women you have ever met. Ethereal features, elfin grace, Golden hair. Looks to be about 30 - 35, can raise the interest of a dead man. Faeries are fertility spirits, and it shows, even when she tries to hide it. A fair few men would do(and have done) pretty much anything to spend some quality time with her. (Where is Thomas)
Size: 6'8, but can change size at will
Weight: Unsure
Titania cares for the entirety of her race, and it grieves her that some of her kind fell to darkness, never to return, but ever does she seek their return. This has gotten her into trouble in the past as she has tried to reintegrate some of the less fractious evil faeries.
Titania is a strong believer in mercy and redemption, if you are being hunted by something like the wild hunt you can appeal to her for aid, but beware her wrath as she can destroy things with the best of them, and has a temper like a summer storm. However she is mostly known for healing and help. Thinks mortals need help and shepherding on their way to their destination so often listens to the appeals of mortals who have gone looking for her.

Troya (Troy Yah), Queen of Spring and Warriors.
Alignment: Scrupulous
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 22, M.E: 24 , M.A. 24, P.S: 26, P.P: 24, P.E: 24, P.B: 26, Spd: 24 running, as spell when flying
Hit Points: 700 (350 for 2nd ed)
S.D.C.: 500 (only 2nd ed)
Natural A.R.: 15
Horror Factor: 18 (awe)
P.P.E.: 4500
Magic: All Air Elemental @ 10lvl, all wizard 1-7 @ lvl 8, All Fire and Air based elemental and wizard spells @ lvl 6
Psionics: None, however she can detect when someone uses psionics around her.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 1200 feet (~400m). Metamorphosis at will,
Special Abilities: 1/2 Damage from fire, 1/2 damage from lightning, takes double damage from cold. 12th level illusionist, 10th Level Diabolist, 6th lvl summoner
Attacks Per Melee: 8
Damage: Uses Eigh Codagh (Call to War) a +4 Goupillion Flail. It does 6d6+4 x2 vs supernatural evil.
Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +8 to strike (includes WP), +12 to parry, +12 to dodge, and +11 to save vs. magic/wards/circles. +9 vs psionics. Gets 1 reroll on failed saves.
Vulnerability: Cold ambient temperatures weaken her (below 15 decrees C) 1/2 combat bonuses, x2 damage from cold. Autumn is the time of year when Troya is weakest, and this halves her hth combat abilities.
Average Life Span: Immortal until killed by a god/godlike being.
Value: Troya is a semi-deific being like the demon lords, so her body parts would be worth that of a demon lord/godling. Good luck getting them though.
Habitat: Faerie.
Language: All
Enemies: Has fought pretty much everyone.
Allies: Light Fae.
Physical Appearance: Older looking (35-40) but still good looking. Likes martial outfits in Silver and Blue.
Size: 7', but can change size at will
Weight: not polite to ask.
Troya is the Faerie Queen of War, and it is her job to summon and directs the light fairie hosts. Likes early evening casual feasts in the woods, and might even turn up disguised as someone to join in.

All the queens have been collecting for centuries, so they basically have pretty much any magic item they need, but do tend to rely on their own abilities.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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The Saurials are a separate race of lizard like people that have many sub-species in their race, and the sub species are tied to the social standing of the individual in the race. The race as a whole is peaceful and non-warlike but there are definitely sub species that are aggressive, especially to non-saurials.

There are 3 main classes to the people.
Herbivores - These are plant eaters only, they tend to be timid and shy until cornered, and then usually on fight for freedom. They are the labourers and general workers and come in all shapes and sizes. These are the lowest caste, and criminal or otherwise wrong minded carnivores are demoted to this class, and it is a great shame for the family of carnivores who has this happen to them.

Alignment: Generally good
The Eight Attributes: I.Q: 1d6+8(main brain) and 4d6(little brain), M.E: 3d6, M.A: 3d6, P.S: 4d6+6, P.P: 1d6+10, P.E: 3d6+12, P.B: 2d6, Spd: 3d6, Wil: 3d6, Per: 3d6, Luck: 3d6
Hit Points: PE + 1d8 per Level
Natural A.R.: 14
S.D.C.: PE x 3 + 20 + Those gained from skills/OCC
Average P.P.E.: 6d6
OCC's Available: Wizard, Diabolist, Summoner, Scholar or Druid.
Psionics: standard for the little brain, none for the main brain.
Horror Factor: 12
Physical Description: Triceratines look like bipedal triceratops with thick stubby hands and feet and a triceratops head and tend to look over weight. Their skin is grey and pebbly, changing slowly to white with age. The Horns get longer with age as well. The Triceratines like to wear loose colourful robes except for the elders who wear white.
Size: 6-9ft tall
Weight: 300 to 600 pounds
Average Life Span: 300 years
Special Abilities: +%5 to all lore skills, any lore skills picked only cost 1 skill slot even if it says otherwise. 1/2 Damage from non-magical fire
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Habitat: Valley of Time out of mind, Land of the South Winds.
Language: All
Enemies: Humans, Gromek, Evil Giants.
Allies: Fae
Triceratine's are one of the few magic using Saurial's, and just like the Diplosians it is their second brain that learns the magic, so they can cast magic and do physical attacks in the same round.
Triceratine's are peaceful, and enjoy their scholarly pursuits immensely and will go to great lengths to figure out riddles and enigma's.
They also enjoy chewing on nikko nuts while lazing around in mud baths.
Triceratine's are also part of the ruling council.
1 in 10000 Triceratine's is born white and Innately knows earth elemental magic as an earth warlock as the same level as the Triceratine is.
The little brain of the Triceratine's work in concert with the main brain (think of it like a non-talkative companion) and its the one that manipulates magic/psionisc. The Triceratines have a ritual to give a voice to the little brain if they think circumstances require it.
The Triceratines tend to be the voice of law and reason.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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kiralon wrote:Horses.

First off in my world the Ophids Grasslands have extremely good horse riders and they literally have the best horses in the world, as the horses they have are descandents of the faerie horses that were used as mounts in the war against the old ones and were kept there as part of the garrison forces. After the light cavalry was forced out of the northern mountains the remnants of that garrison made home in the ophids grasslands and remember sort of where they come from in stories, and remain vigilant for incursions from the Land of the Damned. Over time the remnants found that the horses were very very smart and after a while the wilder tribes were being lead by the horses themselves (not that this is made public). These horses aren't for sale (obviously) and very rarely take up with pc's, and try to keep the image that the humans are in control. Not that its a bad life for the humans and elves, far from it, but some people freak when they find out the horses are in charge.

For those horse lovers out there, here is a compiled list of different abilities, colours and other things that make horses the unique people that they are. (My mother in law left her bedroom door open one day, and her horse came in and jumped on the water bed).

Love the details- really good work!
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Range: As Tornado
Duration: 10 minutes per level
Lvl: 9
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E: 90
This spell is almost exactly the same as the Tornado spell on page 227, with only the difference noted.
Area of Effect: Same as Tornado except that there are also sharks in the area, People in the area have a %50 chance of taking an additional 8d8 damage as they get eaten by a shark.

The warlock reaches into the elemental plane of stupid and summons a half air/half stupid elemental that is the storm, so the storm can direct the sharks to miss walls and things and land on people . . . mouth first.
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FYI Kiralon, all submissions here will be thrown at your character.... j.k.
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OCC Psionic Harvester

After the XY Meteor was broken up and crashed into the northernmost parts of the Old kingdom Mountain, people there have discovered magical crystal and metals pretty much for the taking of those game enough to risk the monsters and other perils. Unless cut correctly the crystals and ores are volatile and have caused many deaths, and there is also a strange disease that ravages and sometimes mutates those that wander the crystal fields, with the end result usually being death, one or two exposures seems to be OK, and unless you are one of the lucky ones any more than that will result in the BlackVein Disease, noticeable by almost electronic looking traceries of black just under the skin, and that after a certain amount of time form certain patterns, and when the pattern completes the persons soul is ripped from their body, once this has happened resurrection is impossible, However if it is just on the limbs amputation has saved people. There is a small shrine to Thoth in the mountains near the crystal fields that trains people to survive, those that finish the full 3 month training period become Psionic Harvesters, those that take the week long course can then use their skill without the standard -%60 that the fields apply to any sort of survival or recognition skill there, things that look cute and cuddly are usually the deadliest, and will always eat people wearing red first, especially if they have no last name. When they have finished training they will be taken out the first three times by a skilled cutter, who will break the thrall of the crystals, and also point out the best 3 to do first.

Alignments: Any
Attribute Requirements: None, however a high I.Q. and High MA can help.

O.C.C. Skills:
Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+15% each)
Math: Basic (+20%)
Sing: (+20% add MA bonus)
W.P.: Small sword and one of choice
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to hand: basic can improved to expert at the cost of two
"other" skills
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Six other skills at level one, plus select
one additional skill at levels three, six, nine and twelve. All new
skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Domestic: Any
Espionage: Intelligence (+10%) and Escape Artist (+5%) only.
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only.
Medical: First Aid Only
Military: None
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics and Wrestling.
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Scholar/Technical: Any (+10% on Lore, Language and Literacy
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Land Navigation, Dowsing and Wilderness Survival only.
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select six secondary
skills from the previous list at level one, and one additional skills at
levels four, eight and twelve. These are additional areas of knowledge
that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses.
All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills
are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

ISP: 2d6x10+ME + 10 per level after the first.
P.P.E.: The characters PPE is mostly shaped into psionics

Bonuses: As a psionicist, the Psionic needs to roll a 12
or higher to save versus psionic attack (plus any M.E. attribute bonuses).
Because of their unique hazards the bonuses they get for having well trained minds is negated by the mind numbing effect of harvesting, but it does increase their saving throw vs magic. +1 save vs magic at level 3,7,11
Also after Harvesting for the Third time the Character rolls to see if they get blackvein disease, with a -2 to save for each failed harvesting and +2 to save for each successful harvesting.
Number to save is 14 or higher, anything that adds to save vs possession can be added as well. Being immune to possession adds +7 to your roll.
If made the character only ages 1 year for every 2 that pass, and heal 1d6 hp per hour, but have to return to the crystal fields every 6d6 months or wither and die, with -3 to all stats added cumulatively for each month past the time limit, and if any stat reaches 0 the character dies. The character also gets a strange looking black symbol that on their neck and shoulder.

If the character fails the roll he has Blackvein disease, but rather than have 48 months to live - 1d6 months per crystal field visit, the Psionic Harverster has 84 months to live.

Starting Psionics
Choose 6 from Sensitive, 4 from physical, 4 from Healing
Gets 4 additional Psionics starting from level 2, but no more than 2 from each category per level.
Starts With Harmonic Psi Sword (Special, same as Psi sword but is one of the few things that can cut the Aureoles without causing an explosion)*
P.P.E. Most of the character's P.P.E. has been expended in the development of psychic abilities.
Permanent P.P.E. Base: 3d6

The Harmonic Psi Sword can only be activated when the Psi Harvester is singing, the song lasts for 1d6x10 minutes, that is how long it takes to Harvest the Aureole (Think of something like tiberium), and the Aureoles can be harvested at different tones,
which effects the crystal mineral deposit. The generally the higher the tone the better, but the higher tones have increased chances of causing the Aureole (and others nearby) to explode.
The tones go C, D, E, F, F, G, A, B
each tone is %10 harder to do as you go up from C so d is -%10 and A is -%60.
a %100 roll causes all the Aureoles in hearing range (about 300-400 ft) to explode.
B usually causes them all to explode so A is usually the upper limit of a skilled cutter.

* The Harmonic Psi Sword can also do damage to Creatures of the Outer Dark. The Psi Harvester can also take normal Psi Sword at level 3.

BlackVein Disease
Caused by exposure to particles from the XY meteor that haven't been cut properly or refined. Usually Fatal unless the person is a psi harvester, as three exposures is all it takes and unless the have been cutting, they get -2 to each save, so the save for the general public who go in is 20, as it is base 14.
If failed the person/beast/whatever gets sick for a week (-3/-15%) to everything and then settles down as the black appears, then every full moon they get to make another save, and if failed roll on the mutation table from either the gigantes table (1-3) or the mutation table in the place of magic (4-6), and once they get as many mutations as they have IQ they turn bestial, and if they have more mutations than PPE points they usually die.
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Auringole are one of the elder races who fought in the War against the Old Ones at the beginning of civilisation a we know it. They are an Immortal race, as they are immune to the Ravages of Time and most natural diseases. They are tall and willowy like elves, but their features are more pointed so they do look exotic to the eyes of man. They share the elves love of poetry, dance and music and the two have influenced each other over the ages, except the Auringole are a dying race, even more so than elves, as the Auringole dependence on magic is a lot stronger, and as the ambient magic of the palladium world wanes, so do they. They performed well in the war against the Old Ones as their magics helped strengthen the alliance of light, but they are also gentle of soul, so those that fought the Old Ones let themselves fade due to their grief at what they had to do during those dark times. Most people who see an Auringole will mistake them for an elf, as the similarities are that great, except Auringole always have white hair and blue eyes naturally, but often dye their hair to blend in better.
Alignment: Any, but lean towards Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 4d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 5d6, Spd 3d6, Wil: 4d6 Per: 4d6, Luck: 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. + 1d4 per level
S.D.C.: 2d6
Occ's: Any except witch, priest or dark priest or the like.
Horror Factor: none
P.P.E.: 3d4x1000
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120 feet, +%15 to sing, dance, play instrument and writing if those skills are picked.
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: Normal or by weapons/magic
Bonuses: +2 save vs spell magic
Vulnerabilities: Any round that they are pierced by silver disrupts them from using magic until the start of a new round.
Psionics: Normal
Magic: Auringole start with an incredible amount of PPE, but they can only ever regenerate ppe back at the rate of 1 ppe per day. Nothing can increase or restore their internal store of ppe faster then this. This makes them very good magic users, except for the fact that if their ppe is reduced to 0 or below they die. Anti Magic fields and wards of energy drain all drain 1d6 ppe per round and physically hurt the Auringole.
Special Ability: Whenever an Auringole casts a spell he can choose to roll a 1d20 and adds his level, if he rolls above the level of the spell the spell only costs 1/2 the normal amount of ppe, rounded up, but if he rolls a natural 1 or fails the check the spells ppe costs are double normal. Also for every 5ppe expended, the Auringole will glow with a white light equal to 1 candle per 5ppe expended for 1 hour per 10 ppe expended when a spell is cast.
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: The Heart of an Auringole holds 200ppe. All you have to do to gain it is eat the heart (15000-35000gp or more).
Placing the tongue of an Auringole in the mouth of a corpse and saying the corpses named will make the corpse speak with the tongue and voice of the Auringole, but of the last moments of the corpses life (5000gp or more). Both are illegal to do in civilised lands.
Habitat: GNW Forests, LoTD mountains and Floenry Isles mostly.
Language: Elven, + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Evil creatures, but especially minotaurs.
Allies: All good aligned folk
Physical Appearance: Tall and thin, slightly more drawn out looking than elves so they have pointier chins. They always have white silky hair and blue eyes.
Size: 6-7ft tall tall.
Weight: Slightly heavier built then elves so 70 to 100kg.
Notes: Auringole are masters of magic, but if they aren't careful they can burn themselves out literally, which is what usually happens to the younger Auringole, as they are undisciplined and use up their ppe quickly. Their people were decimated by the war with the old ones and have been slowly dying out since then as they require 1000 ppe from each parent to procreate, and the less magic a place has, the lesser the base magic they start with (100,000 years ago the Auringole started with 6d6x1000ppe) the children age like humans do until they reach puberty, at this stage their great magic store and Immortality kick in with pre-pubescent Auringole only having 1d6 ppe per year of life.
They tend to be a peaceful people and slow to anger (except for the younglings) but also very slow to forget, but tend not to act on a grudge unless pushed hard. They tend to be attracted to bards and performers the most, but a lot also like to be solitary. Because of what happened in the War against the Old Ones the Auringole tend not to be priests as they saw how the Alliance of Light treated their prisoners after they won, so they view even good priests with wariness, and they dislike the evil priests and will track down and kill any witches they hear about.
The Auringole Society is Matriarchal, with the most powerful Auringole female being the leader, challenges are rare as they waste too much of their power, otherwise they are much the same as elves. Unfortunately like Titans, the Auringole did not like the events leading to the elf dwarf wars and thought that the elves were as much to blame as the dwarves, so since that time the Auringole have slowly moved away from them, and in very recent times have taken to the wolfen for their courage and honour, so most of the Auringole can be found in the northern lands.
Magic is intertwined through an Auringoles life, so they use magic items easily, but are more wary of technological items. Magic is also part of their food sources, as well as normal food, so an Auringole placed in an area that has no magic will not only take ppe damage, but starve as well.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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The Anthousai are the embodiment of the irritating little brother or sister. There is nothing they love more than spying on a mortal doing something wrong, and then immediately telling the worst person possible about this wrongdoing, and will follow people around all day to catch them red handed, otherwise they can be helpful and friendly as long as you supply them with fresh milk and bread each day. They are a lot less flighty than other fae and will deal with humanoids including orcs as long as you take them seriously. During the Winter they often take the form of a flower, especially if it gets cold enough as they are vulnerable to the cold, and the hyacinth is the most common flower form they take, and in this form have been known to sleep until spring.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 4d4, M.E. 4d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 1d4+4, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6+6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6 (on or in water), Wil: 3d6 Per: 3d6, Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. +2
S.D.C.: 16
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 13 (Awe, they look pretty, male or female)
P.P.E.: PEx5
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, swim 110%. Nightvision 500 feet, Watervision 500 ft. Excellent Hearing, can pick out a whisper in a crowd at 300ft. Metamorphosis into a Flower. Vulnerable to cold (x2 damage)
Attacks Per Round: Two per round.
Damage: by spell or weapon
Bonuses: Autododge +2, Dodge +4
Magic: 1 Random spell from air and 1 Random spell from water to level 5
Vulnerabilities: Fresh Milk makes them sleepy (save vs magic or sleep for 1d4 hours. 5 minute onset)
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: Unknown
Value: Standard for faerie wings
Habitat: Faerie
Language: Fairie, Elven + and two of choice, usually ones common for the area (+15%)
Enemies: Generally the evil aligned fae
Allies: Generally the good aligned fae
Physical Appearance: Look like 5-6inch tall very pretty youths with flowers all through their hair.
Size: 5-6 inches tall
Weight: 0.5 to 1 pounds
Notes: Are a Trooping faerie. The Anthousai hate wasps and will fight them when they can, and love bumble bees (basically a bumblebee is the equivalent of a jester) which tend to leave them in fits of laughter. If you mock an Anthousai however prepare to have an enemy for life and they will go out of their way to make trouble for you.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Thought I'd leave this link, he has done a masterful job on these and are great for roleplaying ambience
Edit: Thought I would add other links that I find useful

http://www.random-generator.com/index.p ... unchy_Bits
http://jtevans.kilnar.com/rpg/dnd/tools/ (good for room dressings)
http://www.kelleyheckart.com/FaeryLore.html (killer faeries)
http://ackuna.com/badtranslator (great for talking to people in another language, requires free registration, use when party members fail language or reading checks)
Last edited by kiralon on Thu May 12, 2016 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Here's a modified HTH style I have been using, it works well so far, this is for the mercenary.

Hand to Hand MercanaryLvl
1 +1 Damage, +1 Initiative
2 +2 Parry/Dodge, Armour and Shields get Invulnerability: 2
3 2 Attacks Per Melee, +1 AR In all non-rigid armour
4 +2 Damage, +2 Initiative, Shields get Invulnerability: 3/6 (Wood/Steel)
5 +3 Parry/Dodge, +2 AR in all non-rigid Armour, Armour Invulnerability: 3
6 3 Attacks Per Melee
7 Critical Strike on 19-20, +3 Initiative
8 +3 Damage, Quick Draw, Shields get Invulnerability: 5/10 (Wood/Steel)
9 Kick attack, +3 AR in all non-rigid Armour and +1 AR to rigid armour
10 Stun 18-20, Armour Invulnerability: 4
11 +4 Damage, + 4 Initiative
12 4 Attacks Per Melee, +4 AR in all non-rigid Armour and +2 AR to rigid armour
13 +5 Damage, Critical from behind
14 +4 Parry/Dodge, Shields get Invulnerability: 10/15 (Wood/Steel)
15 5 Attacks Per Melee, + 5 Initiative

Non-Rigid Armour is all armour up to and including scale mail. The bonus to the AR is the theory that advanced armour users can angle their body to get better deflections from hits so the armour takes less impact. The same goes for invulnerability
Invulnerability: This is how much damage is ignored from a blow
Quick Draw is the ability to draw 1 weapon(not 2) and attack in the same action.
Stun: Each time a person takes a stunning blow they get -3 strike, -5 parry, -5 to dodge and -2 actions per round. If reduced to 0 actions they obviously cant do anything. A stunning blow lasts for 1d6 rounds -1 round per 5 points of PE to a minimum of 1 (which is until end of round). You also lose initiative automatically for the next round. A blackjacks plus to strike is included when stunning or ko'ing. A roll with hit negates a stunning blow, a roll with hit reduces a ko to a stun.
Initiative bonus is PP plus to strike + Initiative Bonus + Weapon Bonus to strike (Usually)
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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The hth changes got too complicated, so i just changed to the ability to get bonuses to the armour rating that equalise bonuses to strike based off the kobold and dwarven weapon bonuses.
Gave Kobold amour slight damage reduction and dwarven armour a little more than that to differentiate between really well made armour from other races. Reduced the weight of elven made armour by %15.
Removed fleet feet from game and added haste. This helped with the armour issue as well.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Here is some of the material modifiers I have for item creation.
The formatting is odd as its copy pasted fro a word document.

Material Properties
Mithril: Also known as True Silver, is lighter and stronger than steel and is innately magical.
Powers – It is %50 lighter than the same amount of steel, and is much stronger with +%50 sdc (This means if made as standard the sdc of the item will be %50 higher, so if something had 100sdc as standard the mithril version would have 150). It innately does +1 damage with weapons. Any weapon made from mithril is classed as a silver weapon and a magic weapon.
Armour made from mithril can increase the AR up 4 points higher than normal and up to triple the sdc
Value Modifier: Minimum x100gp but up to x1000gp

Adamantite: One of the strongest material known, it is heavier than steel, stronger than
mithril and very rigid, but its strength makes up for its lack of flexibility when used with weapons.
Powers – It is x3 heavier and gives x2 sdc, + 1 AR for half suits and +2 AR for full suits and interferes with magic casting twice as much.
Weapons made from Adamantite are +1 die damage but -2 to strike and -4 to parry except with shields which are -4 to strike and -2 to parry (and these negatives are halved if you have a strength of 20 or higher, and are negated if you have supernatural strength). Adamantite weapons are classed as magic weapons.
Armour made from adamantite can increase it’s AR by up to 6 points and 5x the sdc.
Every Point of AR bonus gives -2 speed and -2 PE(For working out fatigue and exhaustion and how far you can run)
And every 2 points of AR the Armour has, the armour ignores 1pt of damage (So adamantite full plate ignores 9pts of damage from every blow)
Can not have the regenerating armour, or weightless enchantments, but can have the lightweight enchantment which removes the spd and pe negatives
Value Modifier: x100gp to x1000gp but usually slightly more than mithril.

Orichalcum: An Ultra rare mineral found only in a certain mountain range, It is to copper as
mithril is to silver, Also known as slain mountain copper or true copper. Floats on fresh water (not salt water), is as strong as mithril, is superconductive at room temperature and a full suit of armour made from it makes the wearer immune to electrickery (earths to ground). Can be enchanted easily (%50 less cost in enchanting materials, however this is rarely passed onto the customer), very useful in wand making. Full suits don’t interfere with spellcasting. A wand with a solid core of orichalcum reduces spell ppe cost by %2 per inch of orichalcum rounded down.
Powers - +%50 sdc, no negatives to fine manual work. Using a shield made with it can deflect direct damage spells (Need to beat strike roll by 10, modified by casters spell strength and be able to see attack coming. Lightning and fireball have auto 18 to strike for example).
Value Modifier: x1000gp to x5000gp

Enchanted Glass: LotSW has the best glassblowers, and have found that if they make the
glass out of a particular mix of sand which is only found it the Land of the South Winds, which is enchanted during the process which makes the weapons and items made from it somewhat unbreakable. The glassmakers have refined the art to majestic proportions and can have runes and symbols inside the glass.
Powers: Razor edge give +1 dice and +3 damage, can be enchanted easily, can store ppe/isp/chi. Whenever used to parry a roll of 1 will break the item. Armour made from Enchanted Glass is %15 lighter, has %10 less sdc but spells can be cast by wearer without interference but anytime It takes damage higher than its AR its AR goes down by 1, except fire damage. Every 5 fire damage restores(won’t increase over original) 1 AR point
Value Modifier: x50gp to x200gp

Sky Iron: Made from the flaming rocks that fall from the sky so is very rare. Is very hard to enchant (enchantment costs x 5, -%50 from enchanting rolls) but does an extra 1d of damage and ignores any organic armour (including organic mdc armour), so it ignores a dragons AR but not an Iron golems for example.
Has the same SDC as normal armour but ignores the first 6 damage done to it per hit
Value Modifier: x500gp to x1000gp

Liraen: Enchanted Living Coral, used extensively by underwater peoples, especially merfolk.
Is very tough when wet, but brittle when it dries out, as this kills it (2d4 hrs).
Armour made of living coral has %20 more sdc, is %60 lighter (less material used) and when underwater regenerates 2 sdc per hour. Even if cut to pieces the biggest piece is likely to regrow if left underwater.
Fairly useless in weapon making (can’t hold an edge, and flexes a fair bit), but can hold 1 more enchantment then normal.
Value Modifier: x25gp to x150gp

Demonsteel: One of the more common names of steel or iron quenched in the blood of demons and/or devils, The metal goes black with an oily green sheen. Gives +2 penetrate armour and an extra 2 dice of damage vs good (principled or scrupulous) beings. Has a distinct aura of evil and is thought to influence the wielder into doing more evil (may or may not be true, those who wield the cursed steel are likely to be bad anyway). Can have 1 less enchantment than normal.
Value Modifier: x100gp to x1000gp

Hawthorn: Arrowheads made of hawthorn do double damage vs faeries who then have to save every hour vs poison or take 1 point of bleed damage as the wound won’t heal naturally, if the faerie makes 3 saves in a row the effect will stop (arrowhead has to be removed though) and +3 damage vs goblinoids, but the bleed effect only works on cobblers)

Lead: Lead is a very heavy, inert material and is very good at stopping magic. Every inch thicj of lead material will stop 6 levels of caster ability, so it takes a level 7 caster to use xray vision or teleport through 1 inch of lead, level 13 for 2 inches of lead and level 19 for 3 inches of lead.
As a weapon lead is too soft and heavy to be usable, but a lead sheathe will add +2 damage, -1 strike and -2 parry to blunt weapons.
As armour lead is also too soft and heavy to be usable but it can be done.
AR is -8,-6, -4 for 1, 2 and 3 inches respectively. SDC is ¼, ½ and ¾ respectively.
-2,-4, -8 spd and -2, -4, -8 PE (PE negatives are for fatigue effects only).
However the caster has to be over the aforementioned levels to effect the wearer of the armour with non damaging spells (Damaging spells work as normal). Half suits give +3, +6 and +9 to saves vs spell, circle and ward magic for 1, 2 and 3 inch thick versions. A full suit of lead full plate prevents spellcasting as it gives a x100, x1000, x10000 to the casting cost of things (x3, x5, x10 for half suits)and a %95 chance of spell failure (unless supernaturally strong and spell failure is only %50) but the cost multiplier still is active, so if wearing 2 inch thick armour a 4ppe spell would cost 4000ppe to cast, and then there is still the spell failure chance.

Palladium: Note this is the palladium metal native to the palladium world. It's up to GM's if Palladium from other worlds has the same abilities.
Sovereign Component: Palladium can be used to substitute 1 component in any magical ritual, the amount of palladium required is the cost of the normal component x10 (which will usually mean the component takes up a lot less space).
1gram of palladium costs 100,000gp
Weapons (The palladium is hot forged, needs magical heat)
100,000gp worth of palladium added to a weapon during creation will make it do an extra 1d6 Eldritch fire damage, 200,000gp will make it do 2d6 Eldritch fire damage. 300,000gp worth of palladium will make it do 3d6 Eldritch fire damage, but wielder will also take 1d6 eldritch fire damage, so 1000000gp worth of palladium will make a weapon do +10d6 damage, but the wielder takes 8d6 damage (The weapon takes damage too)
Armour (The palladium is cold forged, needs magical cold)
A full suit of palladium can only be penetrated by natural 20's from magical weapons, it even stops automatic armour penetration magic except rune level auto armour penetration still has to make an armour penetration roll but only beat 20. Its also reduces the damage multiplier by 3 ranks (So your crit needs to be x5 to do x2).
It also gives a spell failure chance of spells cast on the wearer of %Wil(willpower), so if you cast a spell on the wearer and his willpower is 12, if he rolls below %12 on percentile the spell fails.
Every 10 grams used can be made to add an extra enchantment slot to an item.
Notes: Palladium is very rare, even the gods covet it, so if your a priest and you find some, your god would expect you to hand it in to the church. Only an elemental of each kind working in tandem can magically find palladium under the earth, and the minimum depth it is found is 3 kilometres, but is more likely to be found in the underground ley lines where it forms. Constant exposure to palladium has side effects unless you are a supernatural creature.
The side effects include, but aren't limited to
Spontaneous random magic effects (roll once a week on random magic table, plus again on anything that is a ley line booster like eclipses and stuff)
Mutations (roll on gigantes/land of the damned/circle of immortality/and other bad %table)
Alignment shifts
and lastly has the Following curse
Curse: May you live in interesting times
This is an interesting curse, if important things have a small chance of happening, they will happen 9 times out of 10. say for example the people in a place have been overtaxed and are grumbling and thinking they one day they will revolt and overthrow their lord, that day will be when the palladium wielder arrives. Doesn't mean the endeavour will work, just that it will happen. So the character will be surrounded by assassination attempts, McGuffins beings stolen/lost/misplaced. Ancient missing artifacts will often turn up underneath his pillow. Peasants will pull swords from stones, barbarian hordes will come, nexuses will form, gods will fall. All that sort of thing. Life will be very interesting and never quiet for the wielder. The only way to stop this is to keep the palladium in a container made of gold at least 3 inches thick and watertight and the effects of the curse will stop after 3 days. (More than 3 kilometres underground will do the same thing)
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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I've always loved the symbolism of meteorite metals as a material in fantasy settings, and it's been applied in many interesting ways. Most recently, vibranium in the MCU and Dawn (greatsword in A Song of Ice and Fire) come to mind. On that note, here's a wacky creation of my own:

Premise: A scavenger-hunt quest for a weapon that can defeat the Big Bad.

After being utterly defeated and forced to witness the triumph of (insert super-powerful enemy here), our heroes get a (vision/ancient text/secret message) that give them hope of a weapon that can strike down their ultimate foe. They will need to find (not buy/steal) nine ingredients:

Meteorite Metal from the Baalgor Wastelands
Lightning-made glass from a sandy beach on one of the Cyclops' isles in the west.
A barrel of rainwater collected from a mighty storm in the Floenry Isles
One feather from an eagle, falcon, and a hawk.
One feather from a Pegasus, a Gryphon, and a Sphinx, all of which must be willingly given.
Their favorite weapon (cannot be a rune weapon)

With these components, they must seek out the fabled Sunforge in the (your preferred mountain range here), a place where hundreds of great mirrors focus sunlight on a single point. When our heroes place the components, three angels appear (one of each type) and work the Skyforge for three days while our heroes fend off local threats. At the end of three days, a great storm gathers around the Skyforge and the angels vanish in a massive barrage of lightning strikes. The storm then clears, leaving one Skyfury Weapon for each member of the party.

Each character's favorite weapon has been refined and enhanced. It will do triple damage against the Big Bad and his/her minions direct to hit points. Additionally, the weapon will get two additional sky-related powers (spit lightning, thunderclap, globe of daylight, fly, wind rush, or something appropriate) and its appearance will visibly change as it is now either entirely made of or inlaid with meteorite metal and lightning glass.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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That is eminently cool. Great weapon name too.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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kiralon wrote:That is eminently cool. Great weapon name too.

I agree- really like this!
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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zyanitevp wrote:
kiralon wrote:That is eminently cool. Great weapon name too.

I agree- really like this!

Thanks! I came up with that one while trying to come up with thematic weapons that could be more meaningful to characters and their players than something they loot or buy from an alchemy shop. Palladium generally isn't big on characters crafting their own magic stuff, but getting the party involved in the process adds a sense of personal investment that I like.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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This is as much as I copied into a word doc from my notes. If you pm me I can send you the doc as its formatted in word. One day I may finish typing it up, just like a hundred other things.

This is your families social class.

1-10 Sailor/ Fisherman
11-17 Craftsman
18-24 Serf
25-30 Peasant farmer (1-3 Meats, 4-6 Grains and vegetables)
31-36 Farmer (Same as Peasant farmer except 6 is both)
37-54 Men at arms
55-70 Clergy
71-80 Merchant
81-90 Scholar/ Magician
91-100 Noble

The Parents
Roll 1d20
1-17 They are both alive and OK.
18-20 Something has happened to one or both Parents.

Who did it happen to
roll 1d20 (1-7 Mum, 8-15 Dad, 16-20 Both)

What Happened?
Now roll %100
1-10 Your parent(s) died in a fight/raid/war
11-17 Your parent(s) died in an accident
18-24 Your parent(s) were murdered
25-30 Your parent(s) have amnesia and don't remember you
31-36 You never knew your parent(s) (And if both you grew up in an orphanage)
37-54 Your parent(s) are in hiding to protect you
55-70 Your parent(s) gave you up for adoption
71-80 Your parent(s) sold you for money
81-90 You grew up on the Street and never had parents (ignore Family Status Roll)
91-100 Raised by a rich Uncle, + 1d4x10 starting gold

You may have up to 7 brothers/sisters.
Roll 1d20
1-14 is equal to the number of siblings you have divided by 2 rounded down.
15-19 You have multiple half brothers and sisters as well. You have 1d6 full blooded siblings and 1d6 half blooded siblings, if its an Odd roll means linked by mother, even is linked by father.
20 you are an only child.

For each brother or sister (or half):
1) Roll 1D6.
Even: the sibling is male.
Odd: the sibling is female.
2) Roll age, relative to yourself (1d20)
1-10 =older
11-19 = y o u n g e r
3) For each sibling, chose or roll their
feelings about you: (Roll 1d20)
1-4 Sibling dislikes you
5-9 Sibling likes you
10-16 Sibling neutral
17-18 They hero worship you
19-20 They hate you

Family Status
Choose or roll 1d6:
1-3 Family status in danger, and you risk losing everything (if you haven't already)
Goto Oh No
4-6 Family status is OK, even if parents are missing or dead.
Goto Im a baby, gotta loveme

Oh No
1-10 Family lost everything through betrayal
11-17 Family lost everything through a family bloodline curse
18-24 Family exiled or otherwise driven from their original home
25-30 Family is imprisoned and you alone escaped.
31-36 Family vanished. You are the only remaining member
37-54 Family was murdered /killed in a raid or robbery and you were the only survivor
55-70 Family is involved in a conspiracy, organization or association, such as a Mages guild or Merc company
71-80 Your family was scattered to the winds due to misfortune
81-90 Your family has a hereditary feud with another family that has lasted for generations
91-99 You are the inheritor of a family debt; you must honor this debt before moving on with your life
100 You were part of a witches pact and your parents gave you up to a demon or witch. It might have left scars/Random insanities and apparently you are a chosen one of the dark who will kill a powerful force for good. . .

Im a baby, gotta loveme
When you were growing up you spent most of your time. . .
Your Childhood was
1-10 Spent in the forests (wilderness Survival +5%, -1 secondary skill) with barely any adult supervision
11-17 Spent in the streets of the city alone (Streetwise +5%, read/write common, at character creation skills that aren't city based skills cost 2 skills instead of 1)
18-24 On the run from enemies, always moving from town to town (1 Bonus spoken language)
25-30 In a decaying, once upscale part of the Capital (Roll 1 extra life event with -1 on the roll)
31-36 In an border town, always getting raided, (Bonus WP Spear and WP Small Shield)
37-54 On a boat, Sailing to various ports (Sailing +%5)
71-80 A village far from cities (Plant/Farm Lore +%5)
81-90 High Living in a city (Dance +%5, +1d6x100 starting gp)
91-99 Church Life (Religious Doctrine +%5)
100 Wagoneers, following the seasons (Horsemanship general, Cook, ID Plants/Fruits, Sense of Direction)

You know where you came from and what you look like. Now let's take a look at the major events that Made you what you are. From the ages of 12 to 18 you get to roll once for each year, you can also choose not to roll.
Roll 2d6
2-4 Go to That was mah spleen/Unicorns and skittles
5-7 Go to Friends & Enemies
8-9 Go to Romantic Involvement
10-12 Nothing Happened That Year

That was mah spleen/Unicorns and skittles
This year, you took some serious chances. Did it pay off or are you Tusker food? Roll 1D6.
On an even roll, you scored big.
On an odd roll, you took a body blow.
Go to Big Badda Boom!

Roll 1D100:
1-10 Make a Powerful Connection in a Local Ruling party.
Roll 1D10. 1-4, it's in the town militia. 5-6, it's in the major local Church, 7-8 it’s a guild member of standing 9-10, it’s one of the ruling families members .
11-20 Financial Windfall: Roll 2D6x100 for amount GP.
21-30 Big Score on job or deal! You made an awesome something that a Lord took a fancy to. He has given you a downpayment of 3d6x10 gold and will give you 2d4x1000 when finished.
31-40 Wandering Teacher: If MA is 12 or below, you get +%15 to a skill of choice, if your MA is 13+ then the wandering teacher can help you upgrade your HtH style to Soldier or Thief (%10 XP penalty for thief) instead (but doesn't have to). If you are a second ed character you just get to suck eggs instead haha, first ed's hth styles are way cooler.
41-50 Find a Teacher: One of your non physical skills can be replaced by any other non-physical skills, including those you cannot normally pick that aren't a specialist skill (like magic casting or juggling etc)
51-60 Powerful Church of Light member owes you one favor.
61-70 Local Druid Circle befriends you. You can call upon them for as many favors as you have MA points in a year, but no more than 1 a month (Which also means no more than 12 a year)
71-80 Make a Friend in a local Thiefs Guild. You may use him for streetwise information in that town)
81-90 Local Cult of dark leader really likes you (Who knows why. These guys are nutters, right?) You can call upon them for 1 favor every 1d3 months. But don’t push your luck.
91-99 A local merchant is a friend of the family and will give you a discount of up to %20
100 Find a Weapon Specialist. Add +1 level to any 1 weapon profiency.

Big Badda Boom!
Roll 1D100:
1-10 Financial Loss or Debt: Roll 4D6x1000. You have lost this much. If you can't pay this now, you have a debt to pay, in cash—or blood.
11-20 There is a 500gp Bounty on your head in (roll random country). This will show up in larger city law enforcement offices and Adventurer guilds. Apparently you annoyed a nobleman/woman when they were visiting here enough that they wanted to make life difficult for you.
21-30 Imprisonment: You have been in prison. Roll 2d6 for length of imprisonment in months.
31-40 Illness: You have contracted a disease that has ravaged your system. Lost 1 pt of PP permanently as a result.
41-50 Betrayal: you have been backstabbed in some manner. Roll another D10. 1-3, you are
being blackmailed. 4-7, a secret was exposed. 8-10, you were betrayed by a close
friend in either romance or career (you choose).
51-60 Accident: You were in some kind of terrible accident. Roll 1D10. 1-4, you were terribly
maimed and must subtract -2 from your PP. 5-6, you were hospitalized for 1D10
months that year and lost 1 point of PE. 7-8, you have lost 1D10 months of memory of that year. 9-10, you constantly relive nightmares (8 in 10 chance each night) of the accident and wake up screaming. 3 months treatment with a mind mage can cure the nightmares.
61-70 Lover, friend or relative killed: You lost someone you really cared about. 1-5, they
died accidentally. 6-8, they were murdered by unknown parties. 9-10, they were
murdered and you know who did it. You just need the proof.
71-80 False Accusation: You were set up. Roll 2D6. 1-3, the accusation is theft. 4-5 it's
cowardice. 6-8 it's murder. 9-10 it's dishonouring a woman (shotgun wedding anyone?). 10-12, it's lying or betrayal.
81-90 Hunted by the Law: You are hunted by the law for crimes you may or may not have
committed (your choice). Roll 2D6. 1-3, only a couple town guard want you. 4-
6, it's an entire local militia. 7-8 it’s the mages guild. 9-10 it’s a church 11-12 it’s the countries armies
91-99 Hunted by a Merc Guild: You have angered some merchant honcho. Roll 2D6. 1-3, it's a small, local group. 4-6, it's a larger affair with offices and warehouses in multiple cities. 7-8; it's a big, national guild/merc company with its own private army. 9-10; it's one of the major Llornian mercenary companies.
100 Mental or Physical Incapacitation: You have experienced some type of mental or
physical breakdown. Roll 2D6. 1-3, it's some type of nervous disorder, probably from
the plague— lose 1d4 PE. On 4-7, it's some kind of mental problem; you suffer
anxiety attacks and phobias. Lose 1 pt from your ME Stat. 8-10, it's a major psychosis.
You hear voices, are violent, irrational, depressive. Lose 1 pt from your ME and 3 pts from your MA.

Friends and enemies
Your friends are tight, and your enemies ruthless. If you're here, it's because your social
life took a major turn (for the worse?) this year. Roll 1D6.
On a 1-3, you made an enemy.
On a 4-6, you made an friend.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Too many house rules
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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O.C.C Champion of Zandragal
Attributes Required: IQ 13, P.S 16, PP 12, PE 12
O.C.C. skills: HTH crossbowman, Horsemanship Crossbowman, W.P. Crossbow, Language Dragonise
Elective Skills: choose 8 at level one, 3 at level three, 3 at level eight and 3 at level twelve
Secondary skills: choose 10 at level one, 4 at level four, 4 at level ten,
Disguise (20%)
Forgery (6%)
Identify Tracks (5%)
Prowl (15%)
Scale walls (10%)
Track (6%)
W.P Paired weapons
W.P Targeting
W.P Throwing Axes
W.P Battle Axe
W.P Blunt
W.P Ball and chain
W.P Knives
W.P Pole arms
W.P Spears/forks
W.P Short bow
W.P Small shield
W.P Large shield
Wilderness survival

Secondary Skills:
General repair
Rope works
Dance (20%)
Demon/devil lore (15%)
Faerie lore (15%)
Recognize weapon quality (15%)
Religious doctrine (15%)
Read/write language (20%)
Sign Language
Sense direction
Play musical instrument

Experience table
1st 0-2400
2nd 2401-4800
3rd 4801-9600
4th 9601-17000
5th 17001-25000
6th 25001-35000
7th 35001-50000
8th 50001-70000
9th 70001-95000
10th 95001-135000
11th 135001-177000
12th 177001-227000
13th 227001-277000
14th 277001-327000
15th 327001-37700

Hand to Hand Crossbowman
1st +1 damage
2nd +1 dodge
3rd 2 attacks a round
4th +2 damage
5th +2 parry
6th critical strike on 17-20 ranged only
7th 3 attacks a round
8th x3 critical multiplier on range attacks only
9th +3 damage
10th +4 dodge
11th 4 attacks a round
12th +2 strike
13th +4 parry
14th +5 damage
15th Death blow on natural 19-20 ranged attacks only

Horsemanship Crossbowman
1st Riding/care/feeding
2nd Recognize quality /breed 65%
3rd Nil penalties for ranged attacks while riding
4th Trick riding 58%
5th +3 dodge on horseback
6th +2 strike from horseback
7th Horse attack (kick)
8th Trick riding 81%
9th +4 strike from horseback
10th +5 dodge form horseback
11th Recognize quality/breed 90%
12th Trick riding 92%
13th +4 strike from horseback
14th Recognize quality/breed 92%
15th Raise/breed horses 70%

Code of War
The ways of war are not the ways of killing
The ways of war are not the ways of violence
The ways of war are not the ways of anger
War in Zandragals holy name exist only to be won
To lose war is to lose favour with Zandragal
Those that play Zandragals game play by Zandragals rules

Code of Honour
Protect your fellow brothers
Protect the true way of Dragon wright
Slay traitors to the brotherhood
Once given keep your word to the letter

Code of Loyalty
Honour Zandragal above all others
Remain true to the path of Dragon wright
Zandragal is the true path

Player character Requirements
Aside form player characters needing to meet attribute requirements there are also other prerequisites to joining the brotherhood. All champions of Zandragal are male and born and in the western empire, the chosen are known at birth due to having Zandragals Mark. Nearly all champions are born to priest of dragon wright or at least worshipers of the church. For this reason when rolling for social background 01-80% is back a clergy background roll, 81-00% allows (players choice) to roll again on the background table this time using it normally(and take that result even if the roll is clergy). These children are usually taken to begin training at the age of 4-5 years, trained in secret the existence of the order is known to few even with in the church. At the coming of age those that survive the training the are inducted into the brotherhood with a ritual conducted by only the most senior of Zandragals priests. Upon the rituals completion the champion becomes aware of the final moments of all the fallen brothers before him, this is usually excoriatingly painful and takes weeks to finish assimilating these memory’s (this is zandragals way of keeping the brotherhood loyal to its foundings). From this time on fall of brothers is felt by the now champion and can cause pain at inconvenient moments. Once a champion of Zandragal always a champion of Zandragal, the player must be a chosen of Zandragal and trained so from youth, this means you start your career as a champion and multiclassing is not allowed (loss of abilities if attempting to change class and then hunted and killed as a traitor to the order). All champions must live by and uphold the code of Zandragal.

History of the Brotherhood
The brotherhoods origins stretches back to the earliest days of the western empire, at a time when the empire was still cementing its rulership. In these early days the brotherhood was an order temple guards to the church of light and dark. They were made into the scape goats after a failed coup by the priests of the church in order to avoid the churches destruction by the hand of a vengeful emperor. This lead a mass execution of the order and the outlawing and hunting of those that had escaped. Over the subsequent years the order went into hiding but continued to serve one branch or another of the church of light and dark despite the betrayal of the order at the hands of the priests. This would prove to be folly as they where sold out many more times by members of the church for gold, political gain or to save some priests or another’s own skin. Evenly the order abandoned the church and its gods which seemed set on abusing there loyalty and so begun the many years of the wandering brotherhood. The brotherhood being outlawed and hunted sunk in to a deeply secretive order with no affiliation to the gods and no true purpose. Over the cause of 150 years they existed in secret, training and hiding. So long forgotten by all the brotherhood limped on, but while no longer being hunted (due to no one knowing that they still existed) the order dwindled in numbers. With out purpose there dedication suffered along with there numbers until just 21 members remained. Wandering aimlessly around the empire passing themselves off as a mercenary company called Brothers End and that is exactly what it would have been if not for a chance meeting. By what appeared nothing more than chance the brotherhood came across a group of refugees fleeing across the empire from persecution at the hands of the church of light and dark. Here the brotherhood found a purpose, they would join up with these down trodden souls and protect them against a foe they new all to well and despised much. For months they travel with and protected the refugees until they crossed through a remote mountain pass. As the group the reached the summit of the pass they where set upon by a band of bounty hunters and bandits that unbeknownst to the refugees or the brotherhood had be pursuing them. The brotherhood quickly secured a choke point in the ground and dug in tight allowing the refugees to flee through the pass. Though out numbered the brotherhood held fast for five days and five nights holding there ground and inflicting heavy causality’s upon there foe. But as the sun rose on the 6th day reinforcements joined enemy, with there numbers replenished the attackers new they had the advantage and prepared to make their victorious push forward. The brotherhood had done all they could but the battle up till now had taken its toll and only six of the twenty one champions still lived, the enemy’s reinforcement had sealed they fait and here the brotherhood end. Six stood ready, they uttered no prayer and took no step back for in death they had found there purpose. But death did not come, not champions in any case, instead as the enemy charged toward them a great flood of fire fell from the sky and when the searing light ended and the smoke cleared, only ash remained of the bandits and bounty hunter and six blooded and beaten stood looking up to the sky. There perched on the high outcrop of the mountain pass with wings spread wide catching the morning sun was a huge red dragon. So intently watching the mighty beast where the six that none of them noticed the old man in the garb of the refugees coming up behind them. He strolled right up to the six and in a soft voice spoke to them “ You have found the purpose your order long ago lost, now you six marked by the great Zandragal herself will build a new order”. As they turned to face the old man the six felt a burning pain on each of there upper arms and there a mark had appeared cast by holy flame. So began the champions of Zandragal.

The Champions
With there new purpose and resolve the six began to build the brotherhood by the guiding hand of Zandragal into the order that stands today. While they remain shrouded in secrecy even to most of the church of dragon wright they are its staunchest supporters. The order takes the chosen infant and moulds them into hardened and devout warriors. Upon finishing there training these versatile and highly skilled individuals disperse themselves though out the known palladium world as some of the most successful and cunning operatives to ever have been. Seldom will there be more that one in an aera at a time, making wiping out the champions no easy task. Hiding in the open commonly as mercenary’s, merchants and soldiers, yet these operatives have been know to infiltrate governments as politicians, lords or military hierarchy. But can be as diverse as bards, simple farmers or even other churches and they can stay in wait in these positions for years or even decades if needed . There purpose however is to gather information to assist, defend and help expand dragon wright. The champions work largely autonomously as there trained to do finding ways to send the information they gain back to the church when possible. Never does the order gather in full numbers to any one place, occasional two members will be in the same place at the same time yet often do not communicate as it may risk there perceived undercover positions. To this day the brotherhood remains fully secretive with few outside the order knowing they exist ( yes this includes the clergy of dragon wright). They are the unseen front line of dragon wrights push to regain its lost power and should the church ever reclaim what its lost there can be no doubt that the champions of Zandragal will have a large hand in it.

The Drakes
As if the champions of Zandragal don’t have enough sub defuse as is, the drakes are something more. At some point in a champions career (usually 3-5 level) he will hear of Zandragals blood and the pilgrimage required to find it. While not all champions set out on this pilgrimage as soon as they become aware of it all who hear of it eventually attempt it. Somewhere high in the mountains of the damned is a geothermically heated spring feeding into a pool hot enough to burn the flesh. Its waters are colour the deep red of blood. This is Zandragals blood and pilgrims who survive to find it bathe in it for a full day to receive Zandragals blessing. The soaking in the hot springs leaves these individuals covered nearly totally in red scare tissues, decreasing P.B by 2 but increasing Willpower by 2. These scares lighten as they heal but never leave totally and can not be healed by any means, while they disfiguring hence the minus 2 P.B, in the right light they can appear to look like scales (just cool visual, sorry no bonuses). Once a champion has the blessing he is no longer a champion but now has been reborn as a Drake of Zandragal. These individuals have achieved the ultimate honour and while they continue to wander the land much like a champion they are a new layer in the brotherhoods survival. The Drakes are fully autonomous and claim to take there orders directly form Zandragal herself (and who’s gunna argue with them). When not following a direct order form Zandragal the drakes use there time attempting to remake themselves in her image, becoming obsessed with the pursuit of being the strongest of warriors to better serve there God. On rare occasions 6-12 drakes have been sent unknowingly to the same location, upon meeting each other it becomes clear that a cleaning is about to take place. When the smoke clears what ever mission Zandragal had wished complete is done, usually leaving behind a stack of corpses in there wake the Drakes disperse again remaining only myth and legend. Drakes of Zandragal are beyond zealots and are admired by those champions that have the privilege to have meet one or even better seen them exacting Zandragals will.

New Perks
Rapid reload
This perk allows for the rapid reloading and subsequent firing of crossbows
Req: must be a champion of Zandragal
1st Rank: +1 attack every second round with crossbow: must be taken at time of character creation
2nd Rank: +1 attack every round with crossbow: must be Lvl 2 or above
3rd Rank: +1 ½ attacks a round with crossbow: must be Lvl 3 or above
4th Rank: +2 attacks a round with crossbow: must be Lvl 5 or above

Increased Damage
This perk allows the crossbow user to use ki to add one dice of damage of the same increment of the crossbows current damage dice
Req: must be a champion of Zandragal
1st Rank: adds +1 dice of damage of the same increment of the crossbow for the cost of KI: req Lvl 1
2nd Rank: add +2 dice of damage of the same increment to crossbow for cost of KI: req Lvl 3
3rd Rank: add +3 dice of damage of the same increment to crossbow for cost of KI: req Lvl 5

Allies of the True Way
This perk enables the user to spot and recognize marks and symbols used by the church of dragon wright to identify members/safe places/homes of worship and the like
Req: must be a worshiper of dragon wright church (no sect or cults allowed)

Note: This was a player made class
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Wrong ones
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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If you haven't used it as a dm aid i can wholeheartedly suggest using chatgpt while it is still free
it can take adventures on different tangents, help spice up encounters, have a conversation with the players if you can type fast enough.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Knight Templar

Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: IQ: 12, MA: 12, PP: 10, P.E. 14.
Gender: Most religions allow both males and females to become Knight Templars, however, in the male dominated world of Palladium, only about 25% are females.
O.C.C. Skills: Hand to Hand: Mercenary Fighter, W.P. Small Shield, Read/Write
Native Language (+20%), and Religious Doctrine (+10%).
Divine Casting 1 lvl lower than Priest
Elective Skills: Choose 6 at level one, and 3 at levels three, seven and twelve.
Secondary Skills: Choose 6 at level one, and 3 at levels four and eight.
Armor and Weapon Decoration (+5%)
Disguise (+4%)
Horsemanship: General
Horsemanship: Knight (counts as two skill selections)
Identify Tracks (+5%)
Intelligence (+5%)
Medical (+6%)
Scale Walls (+10%)
Siege Engineer (+10%)
Streetwise (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
W.P.: Any, except Blowgun or Long Bow

Secondary Skills: Any, but the following have O.C.C. bonuses.
Area Knowledge (+10%)
Dance (+10%)
Demon and Devil Lore (+15%)
Faerie Lore (+5%)
Heraldry (+15%)
Mathematics (+10%)
Racial Histories (+4%)
Read/Write Additional Language (+10%)
Recognize Precious Metals and Stones (+8%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+12%)
Sailing (+4%)
Speak Additional Language (+20%)
Swimming (+10%)
Writing (+8%)

Experience Levels: Same as the Palladin.

Holy Abilities
Casts spells as a priest of light 1 level lower
Cannot turn undead, but instead his faith manifests as a holy aura around his weapon which gains holy damage of +1 per level vs undead, demons and devils.

Reach of the Divine (Su)
At 2nd level, the templar is capable of aiding an ally with every strike of his weapon or bash of his shield through his faith. When the templar initiates a strike, he may cast a knight templar spell on himself or an ally within 10ft If he has not moved. This will provoke attacks of opportunity as per normal, but he can parry with his shield (note this is not autoparry). This uses 3 apm or whatever remaining apm the caster has.

Battle Healing (Su)
At fourth level, The battle templar’s faith is so firmly fused with his fighting ability that when he utilizes a special attack, the power of his faith infuses it and aids him and his allies. When the templar initiates a strikes with his weapon of choice, if he has not moved he can heal himself or an ally within close range (10 ft) for 1d4 per + the knight templar’s class level in hit points.
He can do this once a day for every level of Templar he has.

Prayer of the Faithful
At 5th level, the templar learns a signature style of his calling, and with it he can better protect himself and those he considers his allies. This is a 5th level fighting stance of like a N&S stance. Once within this stance, the battle templar gains damage reduction 5/+3, and allies within 30 ft of his position (excluding himself) gain a +4 Holy or Unholy (alignment dependent) bonus to saving throws vs magical fear, immune to non magical fear(morale negatives), +1 save vs profane magic and +2 magic bonus to their AR, and his allies gain an extra 10ft to their move speed.
The Prayer takes half a round so requires concentration and uses 2 actions per melee or half of the users actions per melee, whichever is higher.
PPE: Costs 5 ppe per round (or part of a round thereof) its active, can be cancelled at any time.

Power of Faith(Ex)
At 7th level, the power of his faith fuses with the fighting spirit that endures within the knight Templar himself, and when he calls upon his faith with magic, it inspires him to battle. When the knight templar casts a spell channelling spell, the next physical attack he initiates within one minute (10 rounds) of casting, he gains a morale bonus to damage rolls equal to twice the level of the spell cast.
This can be done once per day, per level.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Chained Diabolist

In the Great waste that is the Baalgor Wastelands, a party sent to find lost and powerful magics had the fortune (or misfortune some say) to actually stumble into an Ancient Tomb. This tomb was definitely built before the time of the great elf/dwarf wars. With obvious great skill and care this tomb was built by hands bigger than the dwarfs and with as much or skill. Inside they found a sarcophagus made of pure gold with gems the size of robins eggs and covered with magical markings. Thinking they had hit the jackpot they started on back to the boat. The next 3 weeks was hell for them as apparently one of the slaves disappeared each night, except for the 6 ogres carrying the sarcophagus and moving the wagons, who were never touched while they were in the wastelands.
They made it back to the picketed camp where the boats were anchored and then the sarcophagus was placed on the Bird of Plenty. Camp was broken and the people returned to their Boats. Even the captain of the Second Wind was happy as he apparently managed to pickup a large batch of various herbs and spices that only grow in the Baalgor.
57 weeks later the Bird of Plenty was found without crew on the northern side of the Western Empires coast. No one had any idea what happened, and the parties logs stopped once they got onboard the ship. The Second Wind has never been found. The Sarcophagus was sold to the Royal Mages Guild in Caer Itom to pay for the losses incurred by both boats and it was then studied by the Mages guild for a few years but eventually it was marked down as a failure as the markings on the Sarcophagus while detecting as magical, didn’t do anything and couldn’t be replicated so it was just stored as a Magical Oddity that would be studied more at some other time.
However a young Diabolist called Erithan Calyx found it and studied it while he was at the mages guild. He eventually raised enough money to buy it and returned it to the middle kingdoms from whence he came. After 20 years of study he figured out that the magical symbols on the outside permanently kept the contents in the Sarcophagus 5 minutes in the future so until the magic was disabled you couldn’t see the contents. After disabling the marking on the outside he found one of the magics that was destroyed during the time of a thousand magics, as a book, written in elven was laying at the feet of a mummified humanoid that wasn’t recognisable as any race Magus Calyx could recognise. He then spent the next 8 years and most of his fortune studying the book, and then people started disappearing. First it was itinerants and mercenaries and others that wouldn’t be missed. It wasn’t until a young shepherdess disappeared that an uproar occurred, as unknown to Master Calyx she was being wooed by a young nobleman whose father was one of Master Calyx’s patrons.
The young man broke into the Magus’s tower and attempted to kill Magus Calyx when he found all the prisoners with magical symbols branded on them and gems implanted on their bodies, and he didn’t recognise the shepherdess either, as she was ugly as sin now. Full of vengeance did the nobleman’s son face off against Magus Calyx, but even though he was younger than Magus Calyx by 20 years, Magus Calyx moved with the spryness of youth, seemed to have the strength of 8 men and was quicker than any other man the nobleman’s son had ever fought, until at the last, when the nobleman’s son lay bleeding on the ground, the shepherdess attacked Magus Calyx from behind and stunned him with the Nobleman’s sons mace, and having been the focus of Magus Calyx’s torture, she ripped from his neck his prized possession, threw it to the ground and smashed it with the mace, and there was a sudden flash of light, and when she came around she was possessed of her beauty once more, and the other prisoners wits and strengths returned to them, even as Magus Calyx shrivelled and became ugly, and then as the magic that sustained him withered and disappeared, Magus Calyx died. After this the Mages guild stepped in and bribed and threatened people into silence, as even though the Mages of the Guild sought power, the costs of this magic even went against what they thought was acceptable, and the book was hidden in the Dark Library, hopefully never to be seen again.

Chained Diabolist O.C.C.
Alignment: Any Evil
Attribute requirements: IQ: 14 or higher
O.C.C. Skills: Standard for Diabolist.

WP: One of choice from: Small Swords, Staves, Knives, Blunt.
Hand to hand: basic can be selected at the cost of one "other" skill.

O.C.C. Related Skills: As Diabolist

Secondary Skills: As Diabolist

Starting Equipment
As Diabolist

Armor: None
Weapons: Starts with 1 low quality weapon of choice below 50gp
Social Background: Normal + hunted, those that know of a Chained Diabolists powers will seek them out and destroy them, and this includes the mages guilds in the greater towns and cities.
Money: Social Background + 50 gp
Experience: Each chain reduces XP gain by 2%

The Chains that Bind
This magic was wiped out due to it’s general evilness during the time of a thousand magics. In short , each chain drains most of a certain attribute out of the chained and passes some of it to the legatee, or he who gets their legacy. Because of this most civilisations believe that this is slavery of the body and mind and thus abhorrent, but abhorrence has never been a complete deterrent, and what’s worse is that the Legatee (Which over time became just Legate) does not have to be a Chained Diabolist himself as this nefarious ability can be bound to others with the same costs, however the chains have to have the wearers true name engraved on each link.
Each chain is made out of cold iron links, and there has to be 3 links in the chain for each point drained from the chained one (which is bound to the one who is to be drained) and 3 links for each point gained and this is what the Legate gets. The chain has to be made first with the correct number of links, and then is broken up during the chaining ceremony. There is also a corresponding gemstone in each chain, and each of these stones has to be cut from the same larger stone. Each stone has to be at least 1 Carat for each point drained from the chained slave (this can have side effects, so getting a person below 6 PE can have bad health drawbacks and cannot be drained below 3 in any case) plus an extra 3 carats cut from the main stone after it is empowered to be implanted in the forehead of the one to be drained, which happens mystically during the process.

Gems required by chain.
Chain of IQ
PPE Cost: 10 per point

Chain of ME
PPE Cost: 10 per point

Chain of MA
PPE Cost: 10 per point

Chain of PS
PPE Cost: 20 per point

Chain of PP
Star Sapphire
PPE Cost: 20 per point

Chain of PE
PPE Cost: 20 per point

Chain of PB
PPE Cost: 5 per point

Chain of Spd
PPE Cost: 20 per point

Chain of Willpower
Gemstone: Diamond
PPE Cost: 10 per point

Chain of Perception
PPE Cost: 10 per point

Chain of Luck
PPE Cost: 50 per point

Chains can also transfer skills, but only up to half the level of the chained slave and Each stone has to be at least 1 Carat for each level drained plus an extra 3 carats cut from the main stone after it is empowered to be implanted in the forehead of the one to be drained, which happens mystically during the process.
EG A chain of lockpicking skill will use the PP stone – Star Sapphire.

Each chain has 30 sdc, and detects as strong magic, and has a cost in PPE to create
If struck by a non-magical weapon it ignores the first 12 points of damage, and does not take extra damage from criticals, however a natural 20 will do full damage rather than the damage being reduced by 12.
If struck by a magical weapon it is the same but the chain only ignores the first 5 damage
If struck by a rune weapon the chain and the gem shatter immediately, and if there are any other chains within 5 feet they then explode as well. Each chain destroyed in this manner does 1d6 damage to everything withing 5ft (This includes armour and the person inside it, so everything)

Having chained slaves interferes with normal ward creation. Each stat point gained from a chained slave increases the cost of every ward casting by that much PPE.
Also each chain that is active reduces the number of active wards the diabolist can have.
Note these are cumulative
If a chain Adds 1+ to a stat, it reduces the number of active wards by 1.
If a chain Adds 3+ to a stat, it reduces the number of active wards by 1.
If a chain Adds 5+ to a stat, it reduces the number of active wards by 2.
If a chain Adds 7+ to a stat, it reduces the number of active wards by 2.
If a chain Adds 9+ to a stat, it reduces the number of active wards by 3.
If a chain Adds 11+ to a stat, it reduces the number of active wards by 3.
And so on.
So if you have a chain that adds +10 to PS, it reduces the number of active wards you can have by 9
And if you have a chain that adds +5 to PP, it reduces the number of active wards you can have by another 4, so 13 less active wards. This can go into the negative, but when it gets to 0 you cannot energise standard wards.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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Time for some more fae

Gwragedd Annwn (Prounounced Gareth Anoon)
These beautiful fae are the Lake Maidens, Fae who inhabit the freshwater lakes (even more-so in magical lakes) of the wilds who can also travel to the underworld. They are gracious beings who approve of politeness in word and deed and will help the innocent and the good in times of need, especially when they face evil. They are also known to take mortal men as lovers and husbands, but they do not grow old and grow heartsick when their mate passes on, whose soul they will usually escort to it’s final destination. The children of the Lake Maidens are a rare lot, who live even longer than elves, and are often mistaken as the impossible half elf/half human combination. These children are usually touched by fate and great things happen too them and around them.

Alignment: Any, but lean Selfish and Scrupulous
Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 4d6, MA: 4d6, PS: 3d6, PP: 4d6, PE: 3d6, PB: 6d6, Spd: 3d6, Wil: 3d6, Per: 4d6, Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: PE + 100
Natural A.R.: 9
Horror Factor: PB/2 (Awe in good creatures, fear in evil)
P.P.E.: 400
Natural Abilities: Sing 150%, Nightvision 200ft, Swim (same as like a dolphin spell innately), Walk on water, ID Plants/Fruits 80%, Plant/Farm Lore 80%, Prowl 50%, Holistic Medicine 90%, Can turn invisible in water. Immune to mind affecting magic, immune to sleep and paralysis/immobilise effects of most sorts.
Attacks Per Round: 2, or 2 by spell
Damage: Enchanting songs see notes
Bonuses: +3 to all saves, can reroll a failed save once per day
Magic: Singing
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to fire
Psionics: none
Average Life Span: 10,000 years
Value: The tongues can be made into permanent potions of sweetsong
Habitat: Wilderness/lakes, occasionally large rivers
Language: Fairy, Elven, Common, All Human and goblin.
Enemies: Evil creatures, especially supernatural evil.
Allies: Those who are good
Physical Appearance: Tall beautiful women dressed in white and pale shades of blue
Size: 6ft
Weight: 70kg
The Lake Maidens have amazing singing voices and can duplicate any water elemental magic with song and their singing has been known to attract and captivate mortal men. They have been likened to being mermaids by nature, but being of good outlook.
On/Underwater they are equivalent to Level 10 water warlocks, knowing all water spells plus charm and love charm (The Lake maiden can choose the side effect of the love charm).
All these are at standard PPE cost.
On dry land they are the equivalent of level 5 water warlocks knowing all water spells to level 5.
PPE Costs are doubled on dry land.

They also have an innate magic they can use when they want and can procreate with most other non-fae creatures. These children tend to look elvish but aren’t but tend to have short eventful lives considering they would otherwise live for many thousands of years.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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and their offspring, note these aren't hobbits, they are more the original meaning of Halfling. Halfling are half fae, and the fae can be many different types, these are children of the lakes. The are Halflings who could look like hobbits if one of their parents was the right type of fae, but standard halfling was half fae which was also half elf as elves were fae. The Lady of the Lake of king arthur fame is one of the Gwragedd Annwn im pretty sure.

Halfling (of the lake)
These are half fae, often thought to be half elves by the ignorant, but are certainly not half elven, which is a normally impossible combination. Halflings are elvish in look and tend to be solitary by nature, but events usually overtake them and they are thrust into the middle of portentous times. Those that know of halflings and see one know to batten down the hatches, as interesting times are coming.
They can take most classes and live for a long-time barring accident and war, but have a strong love for magic and song, so often are bards.

Alignment: Any, but lean towards good
Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 3d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 3d6, PP: 4d6, PE: 3d6, PB: 2d6+12, Spd: 3d6, Wil: 4d6, Per: 4d6, Luck: 4d6
Hit Points: Standard
OCC’s: Standard, but lean towards Bard, Ranger, Druid and Warlock.
Natural A.R.: Standard
Horror Factor: Standard
P.P.E.: Base of 1d4 x 10, +5 per level. This is added to any normal OCC amounts.
Special Abilities: Nightvision 2d6x10ft, Woodcraft perk as a bonus perk, also gains a bonus perk at level 4, 8 and 12. If singing is chosen as a skill its base is 60%. Mantle of the Fate (see notes)
Attacks Per Round: Standard
Damage: Standard
Bonuses: +4 to save vs sleep/charm/immobilise/paralyse magic.
Magic: Standard
Vulnerabilities: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 18 years (Can live more than 3 time longer than elves, but are usually dead by the age of 19)
Value: Standard
Habitat: Lesser populated areas
Language: Standard + Fairy
Enemies: Winter court
Allies: Summer court
Physical Appearance: Graceful and delicate. Slightly pointed ears and largish eyes.
Size: 5 ½ ft to 6 ½ ft
Weight: 20% less than humans of comparable size
Halflings are a rare race, and are thought as bringers of trouble by the wise. This isn’t actually true as they mostly aren’t the bringers of trouble, but their binding with the Banne of Fate means they are usually in the right(/wrong) place at the right(/wrong) times so become embroiled in powerful events and people. They do not have quiet lives and tend to die to violence as when found, the winter court will hunt them and destroy them. In saying this a very tiny number has lived through their most turbulent time, which is usually just after puberty and due the what has happened to them have then sought quiet and peaceful lives afterwards as farmers or something of the like.

Mantle of fate
A big event that will define the halfling shortly after puberty, which usually also the beginning of a calamitous event. This will usually involve making true friends and finding great things, balanced by losing true friends and losing great things, they are not fence sitters by nature and tend to have a lot of natural charm about them were people follow them.
If they are in a party, and they are the effective leader the rest of the party (not the halfling) gains 20% more experience than normal. This is to make up for the fact they usually die in a gruesome nasty way at the hands of the winter court, or some other nasty.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

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A weapon made by the dwarves for a wolfen chieftain to help fight the incursion of Undead raised by the Coyle Shamans during the Battle of the Claw. This Battle Axe was used to slay Jrr’k, the Coyle Mummy Immortalis necromancer leading the undead horde supporting the Coyles.

Damage: 4d6, +2 Strike, +2 Parry, +2 Damage, +2 AP.
Undead Slaying - When Fighting undead/dead, Damage: 4d6, +3 Strike, +3 Parry, +3 Damage, +3 AP, damage rolls are open ended.

Required PS: 20, for every 2 points of PS below this you -1 to Strike, -2 to parry and -1 AP
This is a Pole-Axe with a shortened handle to make it possible to be wielded 1 handed if you are strong enough.
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

Unread post by kiralon »

I have been testing various pc games for fun mini games for pc's and vr jousting is pretty cool for knights and paladins in the party. I have also used warhammer 2 for simulated big fights and beatsaber and ragnarok for reflex based mini games and in death for bow combat. There have also been uses of the c64 emulator to provide the players with alternate challenges for them to do. I highly recommend this as it has given my players a lot of fun to do that is fun.

There is a lockpicking game that you can use real time for the lock specialist in the party to try and get through as the timer for the parties fight too of you google it :)
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Re: Oddball creatures and other Insanity

Unread post by kiralon »

I got one of those little electronic fishing rod games for when the players fish as an extra.
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