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Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:00 am
by SmilingJack
Palladium has traversed and explored many areas within Rifts Earth

However many areas lay untouched

So the question remains

What world book do you want to see created?

Here are some questions to help add to the conversation

1. What area do you want to see covered

2. What OCC's would create for this area

3. What equipment, mecha, and weapons would like to see

4. What npcs or special characters would you have/want to see

5. What monsters, enemies, or opponents would you want to see

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:24 am
by SmilingJack
1. What area do you want to see covered




I have wanted palladium to do a greEce world book for so long, with the rich history, and the Lore there is so much they could create

2. What OCC's would create for this area

okay I'm a huge fan of the Trojan War, my 2 favorite books in the world are the Iliad and the Odyssey, along with Greek mythology

They could make a Greek warrior occ , a strategist
Occ similar to odysseus, a oracle, a priestess, a naval captain, a politician, a mystic orsage trained in a specific religious group , a witch like circe , a minor goddess , or even a philosopher occ

3. What equipment, mecha, and weapons would like to see

Apollo's lyre, apollo's bow, the golden fleece, athena's aegis, Hercules Lions Cloak and his club, and his bow, Achilles pelion ash spear and his armor, I hope you have a couple days free, because we're going to be here awhile if I keep going,

4. What npcs or special characters would you have/want to see

obviously you could transfer the Greek pantheon, from the pantheons of the Mega verse, as well as create figures ancient Greek mythology, like Jason, Achilles, Socrates , or my hero odysseus

5. What monsters, enemies, or opponents would you want to see

this section is literally unlimited, Greek mythology offers such a plethora of characters like the Cyclops, a Hydra, Cerberus , gorgons , medusa , the minotaur, I mean I could go on for hours

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:49 am
by Dunia
Palladium has traversed and explored many areas within Rifts Earth

However many areas lay untouched

So the question remains

smilingjack wrote:What world book do you want to see created?

Arabian Nights

smilingjack wrote:1. What area do you want to see covered

Saudi Arabia and the Near East set in a early 800 AD setting with lots of mythological touches. A mystical place where you see huge cities and palaces in which the sultans live with their harems as well as the power struggles of the viziers who serve their masters. Flying carpets, Djinns & efreets, mythical places in the desert. This should be a place of wonder that is in a power struggle between the servants of the old ways who worships the natural forces and the Djinns (and efreets) and the established belief of the sultans that follows a peaceful god who gives its believers a verdant paradise in the middle of the desert where gold, jewels and mystery is plenty.

smilingjack wrote:2. What OCC's would create for this area

Not many, there are too many OCC/RCC/PCC already in the books, but maybe versions of already existing professions (like the information broker of the BMS), mystics that have other mystical abilities to speak and summon Djinns, Viziers, nobles, a new version of the Alchemist class

smilingjack wrote:3. What equipment, mecha, and weapons would like to see

No high tech equipment, this setting is a very mystical and magical place. Some magical weapons

smilingjack wrote:4. What npcs or special characters would you have/want to see

None that comes to mind

smilingjack wrote:5. What monsters, enemies, or opponents would you want to see

Djinns, Efreets, monsters from arabian myths. Maybe have the Persian pantheon as the enemies of this setting. They want to control this paradise and the humans are resisting it.

I know that this book will never come out, as PB refuse to do anything with the Middle East, but this is the way I would like to see it.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:08 am
by Ectoplasmic Bidet
Rifts: Earth Space

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:06 am
by ShadowLogan
How about fleshing out some of the D-Bee's homworlds with dedicated SB/DB/WBs to give them access to species specific equipment (tech/magic/Psi as the case maybe). I'd like to avoid new OCCs, instead referencing ones in the Main/UE book.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:31 pm
by Subjugator
There already is Earth Space. It's called Mutants in Orbit.

I'd like to see Chi-Town or Lazlo.


Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:35 pm
by say652
An update of the conversion book 1. specifically a better write up on using Heroes Unlimited characters in rifts earth.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:07 pm
by Subjugator
say652 wrote:An update of the conversion book 1. specifically a better write up on using Heroes Unlimited characters in rifts earth.

That would be pretty nice, actually.


Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:42 pm
by Galroth
Subjugator wrote:
say652 wrote:An update of the conversion book 1. specifically a better write up on using Heroes Unlimited characters in rifts earth.

That would be pretty nice, actually.


Haven't they already revised Conversion 1?

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:22 pm
by Zamion138
Couple places id like to see books for
1. A book of the major cities in NA, chitown, lazlo.....ect.
2. england 2/ Ireland We dont need more occ's we do need places creatures major actors and mythus
3.middle east and india.
4. italy and greece

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:44 pm
by Damian Magecraft
Megaverse in Flames ;)

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:28 pm
by Subjugator
Galroth wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
say652 wrote:An update of the conversion book 1. specifically a better write up on using Heroes Unlimited characters in rifts earth.

That would be pretty nice, actually.


Haven't they already revised Conversion 1?

HU doesn't convert well. Honestly, I wish they'd give the entire rules system a big time overhaul to make it more streamlined and also clarify the items that are up to question.


Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:34 pm
by Galroth
Subjugator wrote:
Galroth wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
say652 wrote:An update of the conversion book 1. specifically a better write up on using Heroes Unlimited characters in rifts earth.

That would be pretty nice, actually.


Haven't they already revised Conversion 1?

HU doesn't convert well. Honestly, I wish they'd give the entire rules system a big time overhaul to make it more streamlined and also clarify the items that are up to question.


I'd agree, I'd just rather see them put out a Megaversal Rules book or something similar. Just a book of well organized rules for SDC and MDC worlds, no exposition, or items or even actual conversions. Just tell us how to convert things, no big lists of converted monsters and powers.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:58 pm
by cyberdon
Rifts: Arabia

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:09 am
by keir451
I want to see those areas that should have been detailed as the very first world books, namely; Chi-town, the CS in general, Lazlo, New Lazlo, Tolkeen (The Tolkeen war didn't give me enough info), then Northern Gun

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:24 am
by jaymz
@Subjugator - MiO is hardly Rifts - Space.....if it is then it's only half a book if that. That's the fate of a book that was written for both Rifts and AtB.

That being said, Rifts - Space and Rifts - Middle East

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:11 am
by kaid
Rifts Lazlo is the main new book I want to see. With NG1 and NG2 they have fleshed out pretty much all the major places players are likely to deal with except Lazlo. It just seems so strange that such an important city that is talked about so much but has almost no cannon information. The ironic thing is the cities near it have at least some cannon information from rifts canada but not Lazlo itself.

That and we really could use another magic oriented book after so many tech books and magic stuff that you don't have to bend over backwards to introduce into your NA campaigns.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:50 pm
by jaymz
Actually the Only part of the CS that has be detailed to any real degree is the Burbs around Chi-Town, and the former state of Quebec.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:16 pm
by Warmaster40k
Chitown, Lazlo, Tolkeen (pre-war), Austrailia 2,3 , New Roman Empire.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:27 pm
by SmilingJack
Warmaster40k wrote:Chitown, Lazlo, Tolkeen (pre-war), Austrailia 2,3 , New Roman Empire.

I totally agree with the tolkeen idea,

Even though it might be anachronistic, it would be so interesting to see the layout and strength of tolkeen before and during the war, hell they could even have another city called new tolkeen which is the survivors of the war slowly building their strength for an eventual strike against the coalition, basically their retaliation and redemption for the loss of tolkeen

How tolkeen wasn't made into its own book during the coalition war campaign absolutely baffles me to this day

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:39 am
by Subjugator
jaymz wrote:Actually the Only part of the CS that has be detailed to any real degree is the Burbs around Chi-Town, and the former state of Quebec.

Chi Town itself needs to be defined. So does Iron Heart.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:44 pm
by Icefalcon
I will agree. Chi-Town and Lazlo need to be done.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:00 am
by gaby
Rifts:New Roman empire,Human and Wolfen united to save Italy and it,s people from Monsters of the Rifts.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:51 am
by say652
a H.U. (sdc) Rifts setting world book. Heroes Unlimited After The Apocalypse

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:46 pm
by tundro
I personally have been waiting for Rifts: Deep South and the surrounding area (Delta Blue's?). Also, I would LOVE to see the northern west coast explored (I live in northern California). It's always bugged me that California, Oregon and Washington have never gotten any love.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:06 pm
by kaid
It would be nice for at least one of the coalition fortress cities to be shown in more detail. We can infer most are made to similar patterns just some are larger than others so if they can get even one reasonably well described that would be a great usable template for all the others.

Still I most want to see lazlo my groups tend to have magic users in them so chance of any of them ending up inside chi town or one of the big CS archologies is highly unlikely. That and there are so many books devoted to tech very few that are devoted to magic and only one to psionics.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:27 pm
by wakiza
SmilingJack wrote:
What world book do you want to see created?

Here are some questions to help add to the conversation

1. What area do you want to see covered

1. Lazlo/New Lazlo
2. Greece/Italy
3. West Coast

SmilingJack wrote:2. What OCC's would create for this area

1, 2 & 3. None, there are more than enough OCCs to cover everything. Maybe use each new book to update a few of the older OCC's up to the RUE standard.

SmilingJack wrote:3. What equipment, mecha, and weapons would like to see

1. A TW company with a list of items not already written up in other books.
Same with a pure magic item company (An enterprising Alchemist in rifts)
2. Maybe a company to start competing with Triax in Europe with the various items that go along with it.
3. Magic items with an elementalist flair

SmilingJack wrote:4. What npcs or special characters would you have/want to see

1. Just write up a few of the leaders.
2. A few of the greek gods that decided to come back from Olympus (Most are in the Pantheons' book) and their Godling/demigod underlings. An Atlantean Clan that decided to come back.
3. An Elementalist Guild . . . whatever suits the original ideas Kevin had for this area.

SmilingJack wrote:5. What monsters, enemies, or opponents would you want to see

1. A few groups that despise the Lazlo way of life. Like a human supremist group and/or a dark coven of witches.
2. Pick a few from Mythology, as well as some Sploogs
3. Whatever suits the original ideas Kevin had for this area. (Maybe a non-vampire undead zone)

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:55 am
by Morik
More information on the Blood Druids would be would be kinda like the Federation of Magic European style.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:30 am
by Bill
None. I want to see more one-off dimension books and meta-books that add depth to the cursory treatment of the world as we currently have it. Or detailed city supplements that give us a clearer picture of what a post-apocalyptic city-state really looks like, including detailed NPC write-ups and story-hooks that tie each detailed city into the larger story of Rifts. And I really don't want to see any more race or class write-ups that only exist for the sake of adding to page count. If they actually add something new and exciting to the world, fine. If it's yet another basic soldier OCC or humanoid-canine with.freaky powers RCC, forget it.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:21 am
by nilgravity
For people who want more HU conversion: Have you checked out Skraypers?
For people who want New Roman Empire: Rifter #3 there's a thin article about a Wolfen society starting a new Roman Empire. It's based on a net book. I like it but not fleshed out enough.

Three source books I'd most like to see (aka things I'm considering writing lol)
1. France
Musketeers and Blood Druids. My concept of the Musketeers is that they have what they call "Demon Ore" Muskets for fighting gargoyles.
2. New England
Half of Boston is in a Dimensional anomaly making it simaltaniously on the American East Coast and on the Irish Coast.
3. Xiticix Homeworld
Their natural predators. their ecosystem and humans who've been stranded there.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:41 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I'd like to see a "Rifts: Coalition States" instead of focusing 'Just" on the military, it'd give detailed accounts of Chi town, and the other mega cities and states. Information on the CS as a whole. Instead of having to dig out information from other books. Like the little snippit that the CS feeds it self via (secret) Genetic engineering, where in their cows grow bigger, faster and with better tasting beef. A sentence or two buried deep in the Lone Star book. I along with most everyone else has wanted details on ChiTown since the start. Details on CS life. Both in the mega cities and outside of them. Life in the rual CS. How often do they see the Military. How do the citizens see their government. How do they see Dbees if not in the military or under the iron yoke of the CS, and it's amazing Media machine. A revision where someone finally has the sack to point out the idiocy to Kevin about the illiteracy thing, and the CS get to read. Even if it's highly selected and/or edited works. Even if it's put in as "progression in the game" where the CS amends it's policies and realizes "Hey we're supposedly a super high tech nation with nuclear reactors the size of hockey pucks or coffee cans, but only a small percentage can read?? This is stupid"

Along beside it I'd love a Lazlo/New Lazlo book. I just don't think we'll get it. They did two large articles in the Rifter in the 'recent' past. Granted they were about a year apart but still. Two large articles in the Rifter on Lazlo. I think that's all we're getting for any conceivable future.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:56 pm
by Looonatic
Rifts: Hollow Earth

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:14 pm
by 13eowulf
SmilingJack wrote:Palladium has traversed and explored many areas within Rifts Earth

However many areas lay untouched

So the question remains

What world book do you want to see created?

I would like to see a series of books, like the Mercenaries series of books, or the Western series (Lone Star, New West, Spirit Wes), etc. The subject: Shorlines, vacation, surfing, you know, fun in the sun, Rifts Style.

Some working titles: Rifts: Oahu, Rifts: Tahiti: Rifts: Caribbean, , Rifts: Cancun, Rifts: Island Paradises. Rifts: Shorelines, Rifts: Surfing, Rifts: Tropics.

SmilingJack wrote:Here are some questions to help add to the conversation

1. What area do you want to see covered

Vacation spots, resorts, tropical spots, island nations of the word.

SmilingJack wrote:2. What OCC's would create for this area

Surf Nomad OCC (A Surfer who wanders from shoreline to shoreline, not much equipment aside from their surfboard, maybe a special ability to travel using waves from one shoreline to another miles away)

Surf Mystic OCC (mystic surfer specializing in hydro-psionics & beach magic)

Surf Gladiator OCC (Full contact surfing sport, born out of Splugorth-ruled Atlantis)

Lifeguard OCC (On the beaches of Rifts Earth it takes a special kind of man or woman to stand up and take responsibity for the lives of others, to safeguard swimmers and beach-goers against the horrors of creatures from the deep, raiders, Splugorth slavers, Horune pirates, and more. A Man-At-Arms class.)

Beach-Bum OCC
Boat Bunny OCC
Beachcomber OCC
Priest of the Waves OCC

SmilingJack wrote:3. What equipment, mecha, and weapons would like to see

-Surfboards of all kinds including Magic, TW, and runic.
-Maybe some TW Woddies.
-Beach Wear & surfwear such a Bikinis, Mankinis, Bermudas, Speedos, etc.
-Beach towels.
-Beach Umbrellas (TW?).
-Rescue/Burnside Buoys (including TW, High Tech, and magic versions).
-Lifeguard Stations/Towers/Forts
-Small/Individual/Personal recreational water and amphibious vehicles.
-Dune buggies.
-Tiki Torches
-TW Tiki Torches

-Several new skills (Like Covert Ogling)
-Beach Magic (new school of magic)

SmilingJack wrote:4. What npcs or special characters would you have/want to see

-An order of elder Nomads that wander and protect the shorelines.
-An organization of Lifeguards that offer training and their key members, perhaps something about watching over a bay…. Which might be their headquarters as well?

SmilingJack wrote:5. What monsters, enemies, or opponents would you want to see

-Slackers/Slack Zombies (former people who have been enticed to ‘slack’ to the point they wont even get up to eat or drink, and die, and when this happens an evil forces takes control of the body, like a puppet, to entice others to ‘slack’)
-Surf Snakes (villainous surfers, optional [but not recommended] OCC)

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:49 am
by Greyaxe
SmilingJack wrote:Palladium has traversed and explored many areas within Rifts Earth

However many areas lay untouched

So the question remains

What world book do you want to see created?

Here are some questions to help add to the conversation

1. What area do you want to see covered

2. What OCC's would create for this area

3. What equipment, mecha, and weapons would like to see

4. What npcs or special characters would you have/want to see

5. What monsters, enemies, or opponents would you want to see

1 Rifts Deep South. I am traveling through there with the PC party now and would love this source material.
2 Swampy voodoo beasties. Witches man eating intelligent mutant alligators and of course new magic.
3 industry merc encampments. Traps and techno-wizardry
4 Pirates Pirates and more pirates. there economy relationships to Atlantis slavery and all that jazz.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:30 pm
by keir451
1) The CS city Fortresses and the CS territories as a whole, list roadways, train lines, farms, recruitment facilities, select military outpost/fortifications.

2) Probably none. All the CS OCC's are already detailed.

3) I'd like to see general use equipment; trucks, farming vehicles, mining vehicles, etc. No real need for "new" weapons, all the current ones are good enough.

4) I'd like to see ex-CS soldiers/retired personnel who were given land grants by the CS gov't to form authorized towns and farms or industrial centers. Give some of these "retirees" personalities, flesh a few out the way Kashbrook and others were. How about CS Rapis Response crews/ patrols, guys who patrol the farms on a regualr basis checking for random SN threats?

5) Enemies: They've already got the Frederation of MAgic and all the other Sn baddies out there why add more?

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:27 am
by glitterboy2098
the book i wanted to see most.. i ended up writing. :)

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:48 pm
by Balabanto
Little Snuzzles wrote:
Dunia wrote:Saudi Arabia and the Near East set in a early 800 AD setting with lots of mythological touches.

I love this idea. :-D

This would be perfect, as no one in the middle east can complain. You can have a few techno organizations that have a vastly different attitude, but no one can complain about Shaharazad.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:17 pm
by glitterboy2098
Panomas wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:the book i wanted to see most.. i ended up writing. :)

What book was that?

see my sig. :)

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:13 am
by rat_bastard
Triax 4

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:56 pm
by rrank5377
Rifts World Book 48: Underground

The premise is that before, or even during the great war, large bunkers were dug out and people who were afraid of the oncoming war hid out in them. They may have even gone into old, abandoned mines. People never really left the bunkers or mines, instead expanding them. It does not need D-Bees because the humans would have evolved to meet their new environment. Power would be a problem, and more to the point, lighting would be sparse at best. So eyesight would be awesome in the dark, but as soon as the underground dwellers hit the light, they're virtually blind. Very pale skin tones as well. It's even possible that languages evolved in a totally different direction than the above-ground counterparts. What if two of the underground "kingdoms" dug their way into each other?

One can expand from there. I'd like to keep light on the OCCs as there are already so many you can retrofit one of the existing OCCs to meet the needs. There would be some sort of magic in there, though, focusing on the underground nature of their lives. Equipment would also revolve around that concept.

I think it's a different, fascinating take on Rifts Earth. The book seems to be based on the assumption that everyone stayed on the surface during the war. But I'm thinking that it wouldn't happen that way; there are some people who would hide from the danger above.


Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:10 am
by Hotrod
rrank5377 wrote:Rifts World Book 48: Underground

The premise is that before, or even during the great war, large bunkers were dug out and people who were afraid of the oncoming war hid out in them. They may have even gone into old, abandoned mines. People never really left the bunkers or mines, instead expanding them. It does not need D-Bees because the humans would have evolved to meet their new environment. Power would be a problem, and more to the point, lighting would be sparse at best. So eyesight would be awesome in the dark, but as soon as the underground dwellers hit the light, they're virtually blind. Very pale skin tones as well. It's even possible that languages evolved in a totally different direction than the above-ground counterparts. What if two of the underground "kingdoms" dug their way into each other?

One can expand from there. I'd like to keep light on the OCCs as there are already so many you can retrofit one of the existing OCCs to meet the needs. There would be some sort of magic in there, though, focusing on the underground nature of their lives. Equipment would also revolve around that concept.

I think it's a different, fascinating take on Rifts Earth. The book seems to be based on the assumption that everyone stayed on the surface during the war. But I'm thinking that it wouldn't happen that way; there are some people who would hide from the danger above.


The Fallout and Avernum/Exile games come to mind. Both of those series were awesome.

Consider, however, that many debees are far better-suited to prolonged underground life than we are. Rifts can open underground (Mechanoids gives a canon example). In magic-rich areas, I doubt they would stay concealed for long. Additionally, the Coming of the Rifts was accompanied by enormous earthquakes. Caves and mines might not do too well in areas that were extensively re-shaped (the Rockies and NYC come to mind as particular examples)

That said, it's very plausible away from magic-rich areas that weren't drastically re-shaped by the Coming of the Rifts.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:29 am
by Giant2005
rrank5377 wrote:Rifts World Book 48: Underground

The premise is that before, or even during the great war, large bunkers were dug out and people who were afraid of the oncoming war hid out in them. They may have even gone into old, abandoned mines. People never really left the bunkers or mines, instead expanding them. It does not need D-Bees because the humans would have evolved to meet their new environment. Power would be a problem, and more to the point, lighting would be sparse at best. So eyesight would be awesome in the dark, but as soon as the underground dwellers hit the light, they're virtually blind. Very pale skin tones as well. It's even possible that languages evolved in a totally different direction than the above-ground counterparts. What if two of the underground "kingdoms" dug their way into each other?

One can expand from there. I'd like to keep light on the OCCs as there are already so many you can retrofit one of the existing OCCs to meet the needs. There would be some sort of magic in there, though, focusing on the underground nature of their lives. Equipment would also revolve around that concept.

I think it's a different, fascinating take on Rifts Earth. The book seems to be based on the assumption that everyone stayed on the surface during the war. But I'm thinking that it wouldn't happen that way; there are some people who would hide from the danger above.


You should buy China 2. What you have described is basically the Geofront.
They don't have power issues though and haven't evolved dark vision. The book also pretty much closes the idea of other underground nations from the Pre-Rifts era, they stated pretty concisely that the Chinese were the only ones that did that.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:04 am
by rrank5377
Giant2005 wrote:You should buy China 2. What you have described is basically the Geofront.
They don't have power issues though and haven't evolved dark vision. The book also pretty much closes the idea of other underground nations from the Pre-Rifts era, they stated pretty concisely that the Chinese were the only ones that did that.

Ah, thanks, Giant2005. I didn't realize that. I'm slowly but surely working on picking up the Rifts books. Since I'm fairly new, I'm WAY behind, "only" having the first 13 world books. I'm working on picking up the rest.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:30 pm
by Mediapig71
Rifts: Hawaii would be really cool actually... there are a ton of local legends/history monsters, magic etc that could make the islands a really interesting, deadly and strangely beautiful place.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:55 pm
by Zamion138
Mediapig71 wrote:Rifts: Hawaii would be really cool actually... there are a ton of local legends/history monsters, magic etc that could make the islands a really interesting, deadly and strangely beautiful place.

With the sea rise and the hugd waves and tectonics id have said Hawaii is no more.....but i would have said that for japan too, and they got through just fine.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:09 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
Rifts: Chi-Town
Rifts: The Lazlos (both New and Old Lazlo)
Rifts: West Cost - Hollyweird and Beyond

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:15 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Zamion138 wrote:
Mediapig71 wrote:Rifts: Hawaii would be really cool actually... there are a ton of local legends/history monsters, magic etc that could make the islands a really interesting, deadly and strangely beautiful place.

With the sea rise and the hugd waves and tectonics id have said Hawaii is no more.....but i would have said that for japan too, and they got through just fine.

Hawaii is a series of volcanic islands that are very active - and very mountainous to boot (remember, an island's size is not the only factor for what will and won't be swallowed by the waves, elevation counts a lot too). With tectonic shifts and eruptions it is plausible that Hawaii is bigger in Rifts Earth than today. Though I doubt anyone survived the creation of the new Hawaii.

Of course, it could have been wiped off the map altogether too. Or in another dimension like the Yucatan.

...or just a quiet series of mountainous islands with no intelligent life, untouched by civilization.

Point being, Hawaii is an open book (no pun intended).

~ Josh

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:33 pm
by Nightmask
rrank5377 wrote:Rifts World Book 48: Underground

The premise is that before, or even during the great war, large bunkers were dug out and people who were afraid of the oncoming war hid out in them. They may have even gone into old, abandoned mines. People never really left the bunkers or mines, instead expanding them. It does not need D-Bees because the humans would have evolved to meet their new environment. Power would be a problem, and more to the point, lighting would be sparse at best. So eyesight would be awesome in the dark, but as soon as the underground dwellers hit the light, they're virtually blind. Very pale skin tones as well. It's even possible that languages evolved in a totally different direction than the above-ground counterparts. What if two of the underground "kingdoms" dug their way into each other?

One can expand from there. I'd like to keep light on the OCCs as there are already so many you can retrofit one of the existing OCCs to meet the needs. There would be some sort of magic in there, though, focusing on the underground nature of their lives. Equipment would also revolve around that concept.

I think it's a different, fascinating take on Rifts Earth. The book seems to be based on the assumption that everyone stayed on the surface during the war. But I'm thinking that it wouldn't happen that way; there are some people who would hide from the danger above.


Blind mole people living deep in the earth has been done to death really, and if you're able to set up a self-sustaining colony underground like that and even actually expand it you've access to sufficient resources to maintain decent lighting. They'd likely have decent sunlamps and means set up to let people tan and otherwise gain the general benefits of sun exposure, and many things require an ability to see and distinguish colors so there'd be more incentive to maintain decent lighting, like we see in the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann anime where humanity was driven to living underground ages ago by an evil alien race known as the Anti-Spirals. None of the colonies we see seem to have been depriving their citizens of general lighting similar to the surface, and no one shows difficulty in dealing with above-ground sunlight levels.

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:19 pm
by Hotrod
Giant2005 wrote:
rrank5377 wrote:Rifts World Book 48: Underground

The premise is that before, or even during the great war, large bunkers were dug out and people who were afraid of the oncoming war hid out in them. They may have even gone into old, abandoned mines. People never really left the bunkers or mines, instead expanding them. It does not need D-Bees because the humans would have evolved to meet their new environment. Power would be a problem, and more to the point, lighting would be sparse at best. So eyesight would be awesome in the dark, but as soon as the underground dwellers hit the light, they're virtually blind. Very pale skin tones as well. It's even possible that languages evolved in a totally different direction than the above-ground counterparts. What if two of the underground "kingdoms" dug their way into each other?

One can expand from there. I'd like to keep light on the OCCs as there are already so many you can retrofit one of the existing OCCs to meet the needs. There would be some sort of magic in there, though, focusing on the underground nature of their lives. Equipment would also revolve around that concept.

I think it's a different, fascinating take on Rifts Earth. The book seems to be based on the assumption that everyone stayed on the surface during the war. But I'm thinking that it wouldn't happen that way; there are some people who would hide from the danger above.


You should buy China 2. What you have described is basically the Geofront.
They don't have power issues though and haven't evolved dark vision. The book also pretty much closes the idea of other underground nations from the Pre-Rifts era, they stated pretty concisely that the Chinese were the only ones that did that.

Where does it state in China 2 that the Chinese were the only ones who colonized underground?

Re: Which New World Book Do You Want To See!

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:59 pm
by glitterboy2098
Hotrod wrote:
Giant2005 wrote:You should buy China 2. What you have described is basically the Geofront.
They don't have power issues though and haven't evolved dark vision. The book also pretty much closes the idea of other underground nations from the Pre-Rifts era, they stated pretty concisely that the Chinese were the only ones that did that.

Where does it state in China 2 that the Chinese were the only ones who colonized underground?

i second this inquery.. i don't have the china books, but if the statement is true it would have fairly wide ranging effects on the game canon, so i'd want to specific passages cited, and quoted if possible.