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The Spy Revisted

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:21 pm
by Reagren Wright
When Yin Sloth Jungle first came out. I couldn't find a use for the Spy O.C.C. I mean just
make a thief or assassin. Then I working on an adventure and I suddenly came across a
need for the Spy O.C.C. So here I give you a version of the SPY 2.0. Use if you like him.

SPY O.C.C. (Revised) From Yin Sloth Jungle

Note: The Spy O.C.C. allows the player character to create a character that is truly
disguised from the rest of the player characters in the party. The character can appear to
be one type of character (a noble, a scholar, a ranger, a priest, etc) because he possesses
all the O.C.C. skills of one particular character class. The only person who need know this
could be the G.M. (depending upon your GM) and the player character. The trick is to play
the character as one thing, but in secret be a spy who is manipulating events behind the

1. Mental Resistance: A spy wouldn’t be much of a spy if he can’t keep his secrets
safes from his enemies. Spies have developed numerous mental skills to prevent telepathic
probes and mind control from pulling their secrets from their thoughts. Spies need a 12 or
higher to save vs. psionics, +3 to save vs. mind controlling drugs, potions, and
magic/psychic charm, +2 to save vs. possession, telepathic probes, and horror factor.

2. Masters of Disguise
: Spies have the option of selecting 6 O.C.C. Related skills or the
O.C.C Skills of another character class they are impersonating. While the spy has trained
himself to perform and duplicate these areas of expertise, the spy gains none of the O.C.C.
special abilities or training. The spy not only receives the bonuses in parentheses for the
O.C.C. they are impersonating, they also get the benefit of applying their own O.C.C.
bonuses to any skill that would be included in their areas of formal training and knowledge.
For example, if a Spy trained himself to impersonate a Warrior Monk, the Spy would learn
the O.C.C. skill-Land Navigation with the +15% bonus and the +5% bonus gained from the
spy’s wilderness skill bonus. O.C.C. skills of another character class do not level up as the
character gains in experience. If an O.C.C. skill is duplicated, it will continue to grow with
experience as the character increases in skill and knowledge. Potentially a Spy can
impersonate any other O.C.C., however O.C.C.s like Men of Magic and Clergy are difficult to
maintain without demonstrating the ability to perform any of their special talents. If a Spy
chooses to make his impersonated O.C.C. into his permanent Second O.C.C., he can do so,
however he still only gains half the number of O.C.C. related skills.

The Spy, 2nd edition

Alignment: Any. Most patriots will be good or aberrant alignment. Most spies are
typically selfish or evil. Those who serve dark forces are almost always anarchist or evil.
Multi-O.C.C. are possible but optional and men of arms O.C.C. are preferred.
Attributes Requirements: I.Q.12 and M.A. 14 or higher. A high P.E. and P.P. are nice
but not required. The best spies use cunning, charm, and deception, not brute force.
O.C.C. Skills:
Language: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+15%)
Literacy: One choice (+20%), usually native language.
Research (+15%)
Disguise (+10%)
Imitate Voice & Impersonation (+12%)
Intelligence (+10%)
Forgery (+10%)
Streetwise (+10%)
Locate Secret Compartment/Doors (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Heraldry (+10%)
Mathematics: Basic (+15%)
Barter (+10%)
W.P. of choice
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to hand can be changed to hand to hand: expert, martial arts or assassin (if evil) for
the cost of one (two for later) other skill.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose six other skills at level one, plus select two additional
skills at level three, seven, ten, and twelve. All new skills start at 1st level proficiency.
Note: Player characters can instead choose to select the O.C.C. skills of another
character class. These skills remain frozen after 1st level. However, the player character
still selects two additional skills at level three, seven, ten, and thirteen.
Communication: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any
Espionage: Any (+5%)
Horsemanship: General or Knight
Medical: Any (+5%)
Military: Any (+5%)
Physical: Any (+5% when applicable)
Rogue: Any (+10%)
Science: Any
Scholar/Technical: Any
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary skills from the
previous list at level one, and one additional skill at levels four and nine.
Experience Level: Same as the Assassin
Starting Equipment: A set of clothing, boots, belt, backpack, two large sacks, small
dagger, water skin, 100 sheets of paper (for maps and notes0, 2D4 charcoal drawing sticks,
a bottle of ink, and 1D4 crow quill pens.
Armor: Most spies use light, quiet conventional armor or magic armor. Chain or
heavier armor is worn only when engaging in serious combat or as a disguise to impersonate
a soldier. Weapons: One suitable weapon from one of the character’s W.P.s. Some spies
master only one or two types of weapons while other master many; it’s a matter of personal
Money: The character starts with 150 gold which can be used to purchase more
equipment or saved.
Affiliations & Special Resources: A spy is usually employed and supplied by a powerful
and wealthy sponsor. Although the classical political spy will be employed by a kingdom,
city, army, or other type of governmental organization, a spy may also work for political
rivals, a church/cult/clergy, merchant/business, crime lord, practitioner of magic, or a
scheming monster (most likely a dragon, demon, syvan, sphinx, or other cunning evil
Regardless of a spy’s political affiliations, he is usually supplied in part with weapons,
armor, equipment, and cash by his employer.
A low level spy without a reputation, or who comes from outside the community, will
get only basic items offered to him. This is likely to include enough money for reasonable
room and board expenses, light armor, a knife or sword, rope, grappling hook, paper and
pen, and clothing suitable for the mission. Typically, the spy is allowed to keep the
equipment and will get paid a modest bonus upon completion of his particular mission.
A trusted spy who has been allied with his employer/kingdom for years and/or has a
reputation of some renown, maybe given a riding animal, an elaborate and expensive
wardrobe, disguises, magic potions, scrolls, magic items and weapons, and a large expense
account. Game Masters, use your discretion--be reasonable but not excessive.
A spy of any stature is likely to have another spy or sympathizer he can call upon to
help him get out of trouble. This typically includes a place to hide for 1D4 days, a change of
clothes (common appearance), a water skin, food for a week, and 2D6x10 gold to help him
get out of town. This ally may also be able to bail a character out of jail, provide some
common information or rumors, and point the character to key people in the town. This ally
is likely to be a fellow patriot, fanatic to the cause, a low level spy, or a mercenary fighter,
thief, or assassin. A spy who puts this “contact” in danger or reveals his identity is
considered a coward and a traitor!
Of course, any spy can purchase any sort of magic and equipment with his own
money. Likewise, a spy can also acquire his own information, lesser spies, and/or hire his
own assistants, stool pigeons, fighters, thieves, assassins, and mercenaries, especially
when that spy is operating in the same area for months or years.
Payment for service: Payment to spies varies dramatically from place to place and
mission to mission. In many instances, the patriotic spy or religious fanatic is doing a service
for his country or god, so he or she does not expect any payment or special
acknowledgement. If they get any kind of reward it is a welcomed surprise. Freelance spies
will get paid based on the difficulty of the mission, the level of danger, and level of success.
A good reputation is likely to increase the normal payment by 10% to 40%. Game Master
can use the rates for thieves and assassins on page 93 of the Palladium RPG as a
reasonable scale for payments.

Re: The Spy Revisted

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:22 am
by gaby
That is very good.

Re: The Spy Revisted

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:35 am
by zyanitevp
Reagren Wright wrote:When Yin Sloth Jungle first came out. I couldn't find a use for the Spy O.C.C. I mean just
make a thief or assassin. Then I working on an adventure and I suddenly came across a
need for the Spy O.C.C. So here I give you a version of the SPY 2.0. Use if you like him.

SPY O.C.C. (Revised) From Yin Sloth Jungle

Note: The Spy O.C.C. allows the player character to create a character that is truly
disguised from the rest of the player characters in the party. The character can appear to
be one type of character (a noble, a scholar, a ranger, a priest, etc) because he possesses
all the O.C.C. skills of one particular character class. The only person who need know this
could be the G.M. (depending upon your GM) and the player character. The trick is to play
the character as one thing, but in secret be a spy who is manipulating events behind the

Love the concept!

Re: The Spy Revisted

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:50 pm
by Tyberius
thanks. Looking for the need of a Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow like NPC, this helps a lot with stoking the idea generation.

Re: The Spy Revisted

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:54 pm
by Damian Magecraft
And all I did was just give them the cover identities from the Ninjitsu Martial Art from N&SS...
But yours looks good as well

Re: The Spy Revisted

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:06 pm
by MrDisturbed
Playing it and loving it!! The best part about these characters is that no matter who else is in the player group, you will always have a part in what is happening!