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Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:29 pm
by SmilingJack
Palladium Fantasy Adventures Provides a diverse and wide array of OCC's to choose from

Which one do you choose to play and why


Which do you choose not to play and why

Palladium Fantasy RPG Rocks!

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:57 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Wizard, is the PFRPG class I have the most of, and played the most.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:13 pm
by SmilingJack
I'm not sure if many people play the optional OCC's
But i really love playing either:

The merchant, who deals in black market goods and specialized in the sale and procurement of drugs


The kind and generous noble who uses his station in life to engender a better quality of living for those around him and is regarded as being munificent

I really really like the optional occs

And as soon as I got my palladium fantasy book I gravitated towards them as opposed to the other occs

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:28 pm
by Alrik Vas
I played a knight once. I liked it. His chivalry was very courteous, but not very compassionate. He would grant quarter to those who did likewise, then he would massacre everyone else. Politely. The class was pretty well balanced too. Pretty tough but not over the top. And no spinning heel kicks in full plate.

:nh: Palladin.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:50 am
I played a Dwarf Squire to a human knight in Timiro. The knight had a lot of scholarly skills and I was Squire Watson to Sir Holmes as it were, good times.

Currently, I have a Minotaur Wizard I am starting to play and really looking forward to him.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:24 am
by The Jack
I have most often played a Diabolist. I truly enjoy the style and challenge of the class.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:17 am
by The Dark Elf
We try and vary it but in any game I lean towards mages. The Dark Elf is an insane summoner, wizard, diabolist (1st edition). I also played a merchant once and the pride in selling a pot for 5 gp's that I bought for 2gp's was more satisfactory and facing Mormo and surviving (the actual adventure plot) I would definitely play one again.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:32 am
by Hotrod
I'm also quite fond of the Diabolist.

"Kill with the Quill."

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:42 pm
by zyanitevp
AZ_RUNE wrote:I played a Dwarf Squire to a human knight in Timiro. The knight had a lot of scholarly skills and I was Squire Watson to Sir Holmes as it were, good times.

Currently, I have a Minotaur Wizard I am starting to play and really looking forward to him.

We shall see how long he lasts.....evil gm laugh....

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:45 pm
by zyanitevp
I have played at least 20, and GM'd probably all of them (not every optional Rifter character- a little picky there) and I can honestly say that I do not have a favorite....
My fave character of all time was a PF wizard, but he was in Heroes Unlimited due to a Rift, so some of that was setting based, and he just did not fit....

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:00 pm
by Grell
I've played a Paladin that rocked a battle ax and that was a lot of fun (no kicks in full plate either). I also played the Gnome Noble, Rimple Featherstep!

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:11 pm
by kiralon
When i get to play my favourite would probably be 1st ed Elven Ranger. They can use a longbow, have a lot of skills and can go hide in the forest when being chased (Lincoln green clothes optional).

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:04 am
by Damian Magecraft
Wizard (of course)
then the longbowman
and then the thief

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:39 am
by Levi
I enjoy many of the OCCs. I really like rangers, long bowmen, and mind mages. I think rangers with psionics are my overall favorite.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:08 pm
by Lukterran
I will tell you the O.C.C.'s that I tend to avoid.

1. Druids and just odd in the new 2nd edition format and lost any appeal to me. I prefer Were-Shaman closer to the 1st edition Druid. However, I would rather see a druids more closely resemble those in D&D with most magic spell casting and transformation abilities.
2. Psi-Healer in 2nd edition. They completely killed the Healer O.C. C. from 1st to 2nd. Almost any other Psi class is better and the uniqueness was taken away. You can make a better psi-healer by just selecting any other P.C.C. class or just a regular class with major psionics.
3. Soldier is just a weaker less appealing version of the same fighter classes that already exist. I would rather play a Merc, Knight or Palladin than a soldier. Speaking of repeating classes! I think that having a Knight and a Palladin so closely related in skills and abilities is just redundant. I see no reason to play a Knight over a Palladin when you get the same skill set and can demon fighting ability with the Palladin class.
4. Illusionist. Great idea! Very poor rules and abilities execution in the way it was created. It is an unpowered class and only achieves its intended abilities at very high levels which is painful with only being able to create sound illusions at the lower levels. The fact that it is a psi class and victims save vs standard psi saves means this class does not perform effectively. Way too easy to save.

My favorite classes would be Summoner, Necromancer, Diabolist, or Priest of Darkness

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:12 pm
by MurderCityDisciple
Dwarf Diabolist...seeker of the forbidden.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:12 pm
by Lukterran
MurderCityDisciple wrote:Dwarf Diabolist...seeker of the forbidden.

Look at you breaking the rules. I am telling Mr. S on you. :wink:

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:42 pm
An Orc Scholar with paired Kobold Scimitars.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:17 am
by Shawn Merrow
Mostly GM but have played a Human Priest of Light, Dwarven Gladiator and Elf Wizard. The Priest of Light was my favorite.

"Can I borrow your Goblin?" - Said by my Dwarven Gladiator before taking a captured Goblin from another PC into the inns kitchen to dunk its head in the sink to get information.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:29 pm
by Arthemus
I play wizards. Not just in PFRPG, in everything. I will always play the mage character first. Always. Not sure why....

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:26 am
by Akashic Soldier
I'm currently playing a Conjurer, who WANTED to be a Paladin, but was aducted by an ancient Elf, locked in a mountain, and trained to be a conjurer before the Elf died of old age. He hides that he is a magic user, and is currently trying to buy a suit of Dwarven plate armor to peruse his dreams of being a Knight/Paladin. Lots of fun.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:19 pm
by Boethermsbrukan
Hm. Well, this wouldn't be Boethermsbrukan herself, but I'm rather fond of a Wolfen Cleric of Taut I used to have at the humans with. Woo!


Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:46 am
by Starmage21
I'm drawn to the Summoner. I like the minions and fighting by proxy mostly. The circles are cool and have a lot of flavor, even if theyre barely useful because of all the prep time. I've come up with a few tricks to make them more mobile.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:35 am
by zyanitevp
AZ_RUNE wrote:I played a Dwarf Squire to a human knight in Timiro. The knight had a lot of scholarly skills and I was Squire Watson to Sir Holmes as it were, good times.

Currently, I have a Minotaur Wizard I am starting to play and really looking forward to him.

So, how has that going?

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 1:53 am
by pblackcrow
Currently, I am playing an elven arcanist in an odd steam punk/clockwork/I almost want to say gothic Victorian setting with cool "techno wizard" steam punk devices and we also have space exploration stuff. And before you ask, no, I am not the only elf in this world. There are almost 1 billion of us. And only like 500,000 humans who sorta got stranded in space.

By the way, this is what my character looks like only with pointy ears: ... a+Coat.jpg ... and this is what he is currently driving: ... cle_06.jpg It will hit 35 mph in under 1.5 minutes. And top speed is 50 mph...But has been magically altered. Never press the red button...LOL

I work for the Magical Order of the Ministry of Defense. Ummm, make that 499,940...We've had to kill a few dozen, but they were trouble makers so. Some of them are having a hard time with the culture shock stuff.

I am also playing an elven 4th level Ranger/6th level Knight with a cool squire that one of my old friend's son is is set in a very dark, again I almost want to say "gothic style", world setting. In the story, I am playing the lord protectorate of a port town. It's very much a “batmanish” style game for us, but with informative everywhere instead of a bat computer, and sometime we fight vampires, sometimes werecreatures, sometimes pirates, and the like, but here lately we have been trying to find the bogeymen’s hide out and return some kids, also looking for a necromancer and having very little luck in doing so. I might try talking to the ratlings in the sewers to see if they've seen or heard anything of late. Oh and a black pegasus with one patch of white on his chest as his steed...And his name is Whitestar. While my squire rides on a dark red and black gryphon. And yes, this is a switch up...Because I usually play a wizard. There is also a 6th level wizard, a 4th level ranger, and a 7th level thief/3rd level assassin in the game though they don't always show up for every game. And we have yet to all get together and play a game together in the last year - year and a half that this campaign has been happening. In fact don't think we have ever played a game completely together. This knight doesn't show mercy to those who attack him or anyone in his town without justified cause.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:57 am
zyanitevp wrote:
AZ_RUNE wrote:I played a Dwarf Squire to a human knight in Timiro. The knight had a lot of scholarly skills and I was Squire Watson to Sir Holmes as it were, good times.

Currently, I have a Minotaur Wizard I am starting to play and really looking forward to him.

So, how has that going?
I'd have to admit some frustration with knowing the physical aspects of my character, and my personal fighting preference with shield punching a face while swinging for the gap between your body and leg armor. Most of his spells were geared toward aiding in excavation of ruins, then combat as he began traveling. I have tried to get spells off but often the combat finishes before I am truly useful. He is going to look at a ring of spell storing so he can prep magic for rapid fire use. I know wizards get more useful as they go up in level but the climb sucks sometimes.

I am enjoying the character and how I believe he might view the world, especially knowing he is not as smart as his companions. It's funny to watch him remain quite at 11ft tall of Minotaur girth in Mologoth hide sleeveless wizard robes, and then get excited at a new book! He so wants to be a Palladin he can taste it but out of his generation he could actually use magic so he pursues it because of how rare it is. He tries to not show how much he envies the palladin traveling with him, Sir Quixis, and his step-brother Zeelik.

Playing the dutiful contradiction of personalities is the core of the character and interesting to see in game!

His logs go a LONG way to revealing what he thinks and feels.


Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:16 pm
by Rockwolf66
Currently I am playing...

Galina and Elven Dimachaerus Gladiatrix

Hopefully the campaign she's currently in turns out to be long and prosperous for her.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:40 pm
by Lord Malachdrim
Gnome Druid, Because who doesn't like going from a 2' nothing doing a d4 to a lion.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:17 am
by Eashamahel
Only played twice, once as an Assassin pretending to be a soldier, which was deeply amusing. In the whole game my character never broke 'character', so the group he was with had no reason to suspect he WASN'T a Scrupulous Soldier. Infact, if I had of actually BEEN a scrupulous soldier and just TOLD everyone i was playing with I was an Assassin, it would have worked out nearly the exact same. The second time was as an Elven Wizard, which was fun as well.

As to the classes I like/don't like...

The distinction between a Soldier and Mercenary seems silly to me, as does the Knight and Palladin, as well as the entire Longbowman class. But, I can see the reasoning behind wanting to make a real seperation between the Soldier/Merc and Palladin/Knight for game play purposes, better in my opinion would have been OCCs that had the ability to focus in different areas, using and MOS type system, that way your soldier could have been focused on being a line fighter, or an armoured crossbowman, or a mounted man-at-arms/mounted archer/crossbowman, ect. As for the Longbowman... Any time you build an entire OCC on a single skill, well... It's a design choice.

One of my favourite accomplishments in PF was making a block of Pikes actually work in the rule system, though it required great diagrams and explanations, it's always nice when you can do something neat/horrifying normal in a game of wackiness and have it function.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:26 am
by Marrowlight
Mind Mages and Warlocks tend to be my babies of choice.

Though race restrictions/openings can definitely change things up.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:36 am
by Solarius
Kankoran Blade Mage
Wolfen Undead Hunter
Kankoran longbowman

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:07 am
by Natasha
Eashamahel wrote:As to the classes I like/don't like...

The distinction between a Soldier and Mercenary seems silly to me, as does the Knight and Palladin, as well as the entire Longbowman class. But, I can see the reasoning behind wanting to make a real seperation between the Soldier/Merc and Palladin/Knight for game play purposes, better in my opinion would have been OCCs that had the ability to focus in different areas, using and MOS type system, that way your soldier could have been focused on being a line fighter, or an armoured crossbowman, or a mounted man-at-arms/mounted archer/crossbowman, ect. As for the Longbowman... Any time you build an entire OCC on a single skill, well... It's a design choice.

It worked a little better in the first edition this way and the distinctions made more sense, but bear in mind that originally the word Occupational in O.C.C. was an accurate adjective. Since that time the purity of the concept has been diluted to the point of being unrecognisable in some cases and even at times to the detriment of the games.

That said, I do agree that in some cases using M.O.S. could be very desirable. :ok:

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:54 pm
by Eashamahel
I also have to say, the Mind Mage/Mind Melter in fantasy was also something that just never appealed to me. That's just me personally though, and I love Mind Melters in RIFTS and other psychics, but not the super-psychic character in PF.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:33 pm
by Reagren Wright
When I'm GMing anything goes (within reason) any O.C.C.., R.C.C., etc. However be prepared
to play with the consequences. As for me, I love playing Priests of Light or Priest of Darkness.
I just love priestly powers. My next favorite character is the Mind Mage. I'm very annoying
when I play these guys because I'm seriously unconventional. ApocalypseZero (Lonny) can
testify to it. That adventure was funny as hell. I'll never forget the charging knight.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:00 am
by SmilingJack

Basically the artillery of the ancient world

Bring versed in the bow allows your party to face off against enemies positioned afar or magic users with ranged attacks

In my opinion a very crucial occ indeed!

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:37 am
by IrncladZmbie113
I have a Gnomish Fire/Water Warlock who bought an orc slave, had a farmhand in a nearby village rig up an exotic saddle, and rode the slave into battle on its back, shooting Fireballs and dropping Walls of Ice on everything in sight. 'Twas an epic sight indeed.

Then the orc one night vanished and we have no idea what happened to her. Now BronzeBeard rides his elementals into combat. Makes it much easier to give them instruction in the heat of battle.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:40 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
My only PF pc (randomly rolled from a list of rcc's, occ's the GM provided) was a Dwarvling Minstrel. He was Lothar Silvertongue, 1st Rocker of the Megaverse.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:45 am
by kiralon
Only 1?

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:53 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
kiralon wrote:Only 1?

Yes, I've only been in 1 PF game. Just as I am now currently in my 1st and only (to date) Rifts game.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:30 pm
by Jerell
The highest level character I played the most was a Paladin years ago, these days I run a Zodiac Mage, because it's more difficult to run (also adds more character) than the regular wizard and just plain fun to play.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:44 pm
by Svartalf
I've played many... from wizard to warrior monk and from mercenary to assassin or mind mage.

the only ones I stay away from are priests and druids, because I'm not sure I really understand the religion andbackground required to impersonate well, even after reading D&G... oh, and the pacisfist monk... spending all the combats dodging is boring.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 6:22 pm
by arouetta
I GM, so have never had a chance to play :( However, I did import an Orc Mercenary into a HU game and I loved her (for the few games I got to play her). Rough, tumble and direct.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:15 am
by Jerell
That's cool. I ran an Ogre Pirate once that was loads of fun. Possible one of the funnest characters I ever had. I used to stick to human and elves, now I'm leaning towards liking Wolfen and Ogres more. Mainly because I think the Wolfen Empire runs their country a lot better than the Humans run their Kingdoms. And Ogres can just be fun.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:19 pm
by gdub411
I have always been partial towards the Optional O.C.C.'s. I love the Scholar because of all the skills they receive. The Blacksmith is bad ass tough, but perhaps my favorite of all of them is the Tumbler.

I also think the Psi Mystic's versatility is great fun.

I'm not partial toward the Squire. I think of him as a weak version of the Knight. I also don't like the Mind Mage and Barbarian as they are IMO overpowered.

Also, I'm not very partial toward the Long Bowman. Artillery yes, but I find they often run out of arrows too soon. The rarity of the proficient Long Bow users means one can't find arrows lying around either. Very inconvenient. I'd rather play the Ranger or Bowyer/Fletcher instead utilizing the Crossbow.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:38 am
by Jerell
:lol: Reminds me of a character my old friend ran back in High School, Falco "the Adequate." Dude got an enchanted frying pan "of plus 5 cooking" (indestructible and +5% to cooking skill) which he used sometimes as a breast plate, other times as a weapon. For some reason cooks and chefs seem to be good for RP value. Everyone likes a good meal.

gdub411 wrote:The Blacksmith is bad ass tough, but perhaps my favorite of all of them is the Tumbler.

What's not to like? You get the "Kirk Shoulder Roll," and the "Buffy Backflip," all in one OCC.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 4:35 pm
I'm currently running an elven animator (Rifter 26). the other players used to give me **** for being weak, and then I hit level 6 and stopped a rebellion single handedly.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:50 am
by Dark
I've always been deeply attracted to the Summoner. For similar reasons to how people enjoy and are attracted to the Diabolist. I like the prowess of the Summoner who has researched a problem and decided on how to approach it vs. how 'time to run away' that I feel playing the very same character when I don't feel I really understand the situation I am in.

Both are characters very empowered with information and preparation, and able to take a wide variety of actions once they know the situation and decide what they want to do.

Re: Which Palladium Fantasy OCC Do You Play

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:24 pm
by Jerell
Interesting, I've never really found the Diabolist appealing. The drawback to me was that it always felt like the Diabolist takes a fair amount of one on one time with the GM every adventure... I'm glad to hear someone likes it though.