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Spaceships in Palladium Fantasy...

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:47 pm
by MaxxSterling
So, character is originally from Palladium Dimension, got rifted to Earth, ended up eventually on Phaseworld, got a lot of money, like several hundred million creds. Buys a typical runner ship, gets it disassembled, and over time, rifted to a keep they had in Palladium and pays workers to reassemble it there. Presto 100+ million creds and a year or two later, they have a typical runner ship in orbit about Palladium Fantasy World... whatever it's called. Let's see what happens... I'm thinking mechanoids find out, trace back to palladium and have an invasion there?

Re: Spaceships in Palladium Fantasy...

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:53 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Sounds good so far. :ok:

Re: Spaceships in Palladium Fantasy...

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:10 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
Saurvon wrote:
MaxxSterling wrote:pays workers to reassemble it there.

Someone made a catstrophic error during reassembly, it crashes into a Wolfen stronghold. They repair it and rejoin their brethern in the 3 Gallaxies. :twisted:

Nah, it is mechanical. Let dwarves or koblds get it. Dwarves would be more "fitting" but kobolds would be more awesome and hilarious. Mobiles plundering from a spaceship. And everyone will expect the PCs to stop it, since it is their fault!

Re: Spaceships in Palladium Fantasy...

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:10 pm
by Tyberius
it gets hit by space debris and crashes. Based on a Rifter article on the solar system of Palladium, there are three separate asteroid belts, and one belt is between two massive gas giants, which constantly break rocks out of their relatively stable orbits.

Re: Spaceships in Palladium Fantasy...

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:12 pm
by MaxxSterling
So far, they are just using it as a base. I don't think they want to violate the prime directive too much. But we'll see, it's only a runner ship and once the missiles are gone, a dragon should be able to handle it if necessary.

Re: Spaceships in Palladium Fantasy...

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:14 am
by JTwig
I would read-up on the cosmology of Palladium Fantasy, as I still believe their is some debate on if it is an actual planet and not some sort of pocket dimension. You should read Island at the Edge of the world if you haven't yet. It gives some details on the wall of energy at the edge of the world which keeps the planet (if it is one) from being circumnavigated (sp?). Anything that touchs the wall is either destroyed or perhaps dimensionally teleported. As a GM you would have to decide if this wall simply divided the globe (and what is on the other side) and how far up the wall extended.