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Any chance of adding Line Officer MOS to Destroid OCC?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:13 pm
by Maxgravity
I went really big into the Tactics Kickstarter, a little over $1,000 once the Pledge Manager comes up and I can add a Showdown to my Reckless + add-ons. One of the major selling points for me was the ability to create characters in the RPG and then transfer them to the tabletop, plus the command destroids really caught my eye so I went out and bought SC and the Macross SB when Palladium put them on salewith the objective of creating a Destroid Commander.

I was jazzed to receive the books but then felt a great deal of disappointment I realzied that I really can't take full advantage of the command destroids since Line Officer is not under the Destroid OCC. I'm left with using my two bonus skills to either make a either a Destroid pilot with sub-par command skills or a Tech Officer with sub-par fighting abilities. I know the latter route is what was taken by VE-1E RIO's, but in that case, you're looking at a 2-person craft with the fighting being handled by a specialist in the frotn seat.

So, is there any chance that we can get an errata to the Destroid OCC that includes a relevant version of the Line Officer MOS?



Re: Any chance of adding Line Officer MOS to Destroid OCC?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:41 pm
by jedi078
Technically the 'Line Officer MOS' should be given to EVERY commissioned officer to represent going through Officer Candidate school. Those enlisted personnel who receive a battlefield commission (i.e. Rick Hunter and Max Sterling) should be required to go through OCS (at which point they would receive the Line officer MOS) if they wish to move up through the officer ranks. I believe there have been cases where individuals who receive a battle field commission have it taken away after the conflict, and they return to the enlisted ranks.

Anyhow...what I do is have players add the Officer MOS (I just renamed and tweaked the Line officer MOS) if they are sent through OCS 'in game'. For those few who start out as an officer they get the MOS at level one. But they also have to add a 4-5 years to their age to represent going to school and getting a university degree. They also get skills to represent getting a higher education.

Rappanui wrote:Line officer can pilot Destroids... where did you get that they can not?

Per the Macross book you have to have the Technical Officer OCC in order to be able to select the Line officer MOS. The original poster wants to have the Destriod Pilot MOS (well the crappy named Battliod Ace OCC because they didn't bother to make Macross specific OCC's and MOS's).

The career path for a military officer is as follows: Get a 4 year degree, go through OCS (which can best be considered 'boot camp' for officers), THEN go to MOS schoo (i.e. your OCC and MOS). Going with the Tech Officer OCC then Line officer MOS and then picking a few skill so you can pilot a destriod will make a pretty crappy Destriod pilot when compared to those characters that have the Destriod pilot OCC and a destriod pilot MOS.

Re: Any chance of adding Line Officer MOS to Destroid OCC?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:40 am
by Maxgravity
jedi078 wrote:Anyhow...what I do is have players add the Officer MOS (I just renamed and tweaked the Line officer MOS) if they are sent through OCS 'in game'. For those few who start out as an officer they get the MOS at level one. But they also have to add a 4-5 years to their age to represent going to school and getting a university degree. They also get skills to represent getting a higher education.

That's what I'd do if I was just running an RPG campaign, but I'm actually looking for something offical since the tabletop wargaming crowd tends to frown on house rules.


Re: Any chance of adding Line Officer MOS to Destroid OCC?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:10 pm
by jedi078
Rappanui wrote:Any OCC can get Battloid training. The Battloid Ace OCC just gets to pick alotof them. What are you on
the Specialist OCC is what one takes for Command officers! .... the Military specialist occ appears i nShadow chronicles.. though.
Best bet. use the OCCs from southern cross nd the mos' as well, as SC has every class and their dog with cyclones.. which you have to substitute with destroid or veritech training.

As I pointed out you'd make a pretty crappy Destriod Officer if your OCC was Tech Officer with mecha training.

In regards to the TSC OCC's they are complete crap (The ASC OCC's are better) and to make matters worse you have to use the TSC OCC's and MOS's if running a Macross game. Even then you have to modify them. Personally Palladium should have put Macross era specific OCC"s and MOS's int he Macross book. Instead we got some lame conversion notes and a few extra MOS's.

Maxgravity wrote:That's what I'd do if I was just running an RPG campaign, but I'm actually looking for something offical since the tabletop wargaming crowd tends to frown on house rules.


I doubt your character stats/skills will factor much if you put him/her in a mecha within the RPG Tactics game. I believe K.S. even stated that you can expect the character to get killed pretty quick.

Re: Any chance of adding Line Officer MOS to Destroid OCC?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:16 am
by jaymz
jedi078 wrote:
In regards to the TSC OCC's they are complete crap (The ASC OCC's are better)

Won't argue here. Just rolled up an ATAC and they get MECT in ALL Ground Veritechs and then taking the Battloid Pilot MOS I got MECT Battloid (ALL). That's what I call a mecha specialist, not what was in TSC.

Re: Any chance of adding Line Officer MOS to Destroid OCC?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:01 pm
by sirkermittsg
jaymz wrote:Just rolled up an ATAC and they get MECT in ALL Ground Veritechs and then taking the Battloid Pilot MOS I got MECT Battloid (ALL). That's what I call a mecha specialist, not what was in TSC.

the ASC OCC's rules as written can take TWO MOS's without even rolling for such on the special aptitude table. personally I would use the officer MOS from the military specialist OCC in TSC to reflect officer training. this would give you a complete skill set for your officer that can pilot any battleoid (destroid), or ground veritech. pretty snazzy if you ask me.

Re: Any chance of adding Line Officer MOS to Destroid OCC?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:21 pm
by jaymz
Yep :ok: