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can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:37 pm
by sirkermittsg
having observed the rifts farie in action:

can they have an OCC as opposed to their miniscule knowledge of magic and skills they normally come with?

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:01 pm
by Bill
I would permit them to multiclass using the standard rules for doing so.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:20 pm
by say652
i'll allow it.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:02 pm
by Eashamahel
Technically no, but that shouldn't stop you from allowing it if you want.

Remember that the OCC is the education the character has, which very often may be cultural, so if you are interested in the topic from a broad standpoint, consider what OCCs Fairies would have and try and come up with something similar or adapt something close. Fairies could have storytellers, Knights (and protectors), perhaps royal bloodlines, and other interesting Occupations within their own culture who perform important functions in their community that are far more specific than just 'hanging around, being a fairy'.

If you or your players just want a fairy as a PC and find them to be kind of limited and boring, but don't want to explore or expand them that much, just slapping on an OCC will usually work without much difficulty. As in most cases like this, I suggest some kind of limitation to the normal OCC (I usually only give characters in situations like this 1/2 the normal related skills or lower skill bonuses, similiar to how a Major Psychic sees a penalty on their skills due to developement in other areas), but that is probably not the general opinion.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:03 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
sirkermittsg wrote:having observed the rifts farie in action:

can they have an OCC as opposed to their minuscule knowledge of magic and skills they normally come with?

There is no provision in the text for a Fairy to take a class other then their own RCC.
>>Remember, most fairies have not the attention span to take a class that is highly "book" skills oriented.<<

However, if you want to spice up your Fairy char by taking a occupational class then do so. Just keep it simple. No Apok Silverbell fairy, or Cosmoknight Water Sprite, or TW Ninja Wizard Red Cap. If a "story teller" then probably the bard class in the high seas book would be "Best" or if maker of fairy weapons would be a variant of the Mystic Kuznya, or if a espionage agent maybe a "super spy" from the merc book or one of the agent types from the N&S book, or the spy class from Yin Sloth (I think). The rifter with the fairy harvest article has a knight like fairy class.
Things I would stay away from if making a fairy with a occupational class would be any that are deeply involved with technology such as Operators, TW's, headhunters, (r) scientist, body fixer, Gizmoteer (N&S).

And stay away from PCC's, such as Mind melters/-mages/-masters, Mystics, psi healers, "the psychic", any for of erupters (burster being a fire erupter), and mind bleeder types.

And away from classes that have "Granted Powers" like Priest, Witch, Warlock, etc...
Modifications I would make to the occupational class would to eliminate the class's secondary skills and cut the Related skills by half.

An easy mage mod/MOS would be to just add the class's magic abilities to the fairy char. I would exclude most specialist mage types, which would include LLWs, necros, mirror mages, song mages, laser mages, etc...

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:08 am
by Morik
Nope. They are limited on a genetic level on what they can do. Not only genetics, but cause they are living creatures of magic. You don't see dragons becoming Vagabonds or Cyber-Docs ...they can't simple as that.

Creatures of Magic don't live life like humans or any D-bee. THEY NEVER desire such things as schooling in anything contrary to what they do normal do in the megaverse. If they join a player group, it is on a whim and with the knowledge that it is just in good temporary fun. It is nothing that would require the creature of magic to study such trivial things as biochemistry.

If you want to create a more "in depth" sprite or pixie give him a flushed out personality and back story. Personality goes a long way in this RPG.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:55 am
by Eashamahel
Morik wrote:Nope. They are limited on a genetic level on what they can do. Not only genetics, but cause they are living creatures of magic. You don't see dragons becoming Vagabonds or Cyber-Docs ...they can't simple as that.

Creatures of Magic don't live life like humans or any D-bee. THEY NEVER desire such things as schooling in anything contrary to what they do normal do in the megaverse. If they join a player group, it is on a whim and with the knowledge that it is just in good temporary fun. It is nothing that would require the creature of magic to study such trivial things as biochemistry.

If you want to create a more "in depth" sprite or pixie give him a flushed out personality and back story. Personality goes a long way in this RPG.

Some of this is true, and if you want to expand the fairy but keep it simple, there is nothing to say there are not more types/sub-divisions of Fairie that exist that are unexplored, different roles in their culture and society, ect.

It's usually not a good idea to use absolutes, especially in the Palladium world, where the differences between Supernatural Creature, Creature of Magic, Demon and Subdemon are all poorly defined and used irregularly.

Dragons, for instance, although 'too busy testing his natural abilities, instinctively developing magic skills and learning about the cosmos to concentrate on mundane human skills' (RMB, Pg 100), still learn 8 new skills by 8th level, a pretty impressive increase for any class, and once they age and begin to focus, they collect a staggering number of skills as they add to their education base.

The Sphinx is another good example, a creature of magic with a great number of skills pre-selected, and then they 'select a specific scholarly or magical OCC from Rifts or the Palladium RPG' (Rifts Conversion Book 1 Pg 158), which includes Vagabonds and Cyber-Docs, which is of course a direct contradiction of your statement.

So, as before, it's never a good idea to speak in absolutes, especially not about something so poorly defined as creature types and their limitations.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:54 am
by wyrmraker
Ninjabunny wrote:
sirkermittsg wrote:having observed the rifts farie in action:

can they have an OCC as opposed to their miniscule knowledge of magic and skills they normally come with?

By the rules no, they are an R.C.C so bing a fairy is their job. That being said if the gm allows you can givev them an O.C.C of your desire.

The problem with that analogy are the book-legal examples of other RCCs being able to take OCCs. Like gargoyles and gurgoyles being able to take psynetic OCCs. Unfortunately the Rifts books can be quite contradictory in a lot of respects.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:54 am
by Eashamahel
Ninjabunny wrote:True. Though I tend to keep to the mind set that their are races and job class only a member of a race can have. Things like gosai assassins ( an rCc for the gosai race) then there are dragons who are a race that's job is being a dragon.

There are definately RCC-OCC's that are only available to that RCC, and there are RCCs that can only be certain OCCs, and RCCs who can only be RCCs (oh Gork my head...), but for every Dragon whose job it is to be a Dragon (and this is debateable past the Hatchling stage), there is a Sphinx whose job it is to be a Sphinx who fits all the same categorizations as the Dragon (creature of magic, ect) and who accomplishes this by having at OCC that is non-RCC specific.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:00 pm
by Eashamahel
I'm actually pretty pleased that my post reads back so well, I think it's as clear as can reasonably be given the subject.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:58 pm
by boxee
I would say yes they can learn an occ. There are MANY examples of RCCs with character levels of OCCs. So I see no reason to say oh your a farie you live 50,000 years and only can have what you start with......
I played a farie godling, the character was built as a godling I picked powers and skills a farie might have, it was alot of fun. Not really a farie but it shows you can do stuff in the game to play what you want.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:02 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
There are many examples of chars of a race with an RCC of having a class other then the race's RCC.

However, those races have with in them "Allowable OCC's" written into them. There is no such provision with in the fairy races' racial details. They are some of the few races that, as per canon, have to take the race's RCC.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:00 am
by glitterboy2098
fairy knights are a seperate race of fairy, so what they can do doesn't automatically carry over to any other type of fairy.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:35 am
by 13eowulf
To my knowledge (and I would have to review it to be sure) the Faerie Knight RCC is a separate type of fae, and not an OCC that can be taken by other fairies.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:28 pm
by taalismn
I'd be inclined to say no, using the existing Faerie RCCs, because of the societal state of being of faeries.
Faeries tend to be very nature-oriented, and embody some aspect of nature. They tend to go with the natural flows, and be what they were 'meant' to be. living in and for the moment, be it dancing in a sacred grove, or working stone in a cave. It's their essence, the core of being a Fae. I'd even go so far as to say that Fae that decided to buck this and learn more and in greater diversity started on the way to evolve into elves and the like.
However, it's a big megaverse, and there's no reason why the megaverse shouldn't be able to spawn variants on a theme(such as faerie-like beings who can multiclass), or a share of aberrations and oddballs among the Fae community.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:41 pm
by taalismn
Unless otherwise noted, material in the Rifter is NON-Canon, although if it later makes it into a canon publication(a world book or adventure supplement) at which point it is recognized as canon. Otherwise, it's fandom, whose use is up to the individual GM(and player with GM approval).

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:21 pm
by glitterboy2098
canon is determined by the company producing the game/show/etc.. not the fans.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:26 pm
by glitterboy2098
Little Snuzzles wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:canon is determined by the company producing the game/show/etc.. not the fans.

To use an analogy, that is like saying: "There's only one correct way to interpret the Bible."

which is exactly what the Council of Nicea did when establishing biblical canon. prior to the council, there was a bewildering array of material, much of which was contradictory. the current bible was assembled by religious scholars from the material determined to be the most closely related to the topic, and narrowed the area of interpritation grossly. with a few extremely ancient exceptions, all christian faiths are comparatively minor variations on the nicean creed.

canon in fiction, like with biblical canon, is focused primarily on content, with canonical interpretation deriving from it. people can create their own material based on it, much as with the biblical apocrypha, but that does not make it official material.

(actually, much of the apocrypha was effectively the 'fan fiction' of the time..)

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
glitterboy2098 wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:canon is determined by the company producing the game/show/etc.. not the fans.

To use an analogy, that is like saying: "There's only one correct way to interpret the Bible."

which is exactly what the Council of Nicea did when establishing biblical canon. prior to the council, there was a bewildering array of material, much of which was contradictory. the current bible was assembled by religious scholars from the material determined to be the most closely related to the topic, and narrowed the area of interpretation grossly. with a few extremely ancient exceptions, all christian faiths are comparatively minor variations on the nicean creed.

The text of the bible was assembled from those text that showed they were "God Breathed" (the best why to say that in plan speak is that the writers were only writing down what God said.) Some people use the phrase "Divinely Inspired" to mean the above, but atheists point out that Inspired does not have the 'Face value meaning' of it's 'usage meaning' in that phrase.

The problem with some of Christianity's denominations is that traditions have creeped into them, that override what is said in the bible. Like when Jesus was talking to his apostles and Peter was the one to blurt out that Jesus is God. Jesus was talking about his kingdom and how it would be based on the Bedrock of what Peter (pebble) has just said. But when the text was translated into Latin/Roman both Bedrock and Peter were just translated 'rock'. Thus, there was a misunderstanding and the Humans of the time thought the church would be based on Peter (and as such made the bishop of rome 'more then equal' to the other bishops), not the idea that 'Jesus is God'.
Or how baptizing babies, which was only done to reassure worried parents that babied who died would go to heaven. This became the 'Official" baptism because it was so commonly done and it was thought that adult baptism was a sin because it was not practiced. Even though jesus was baptized as an adult at the start of his ministry, and all the people who converted on the Day of Pentecost were adults. Showing everyone it is not till the people him- or herself decides to follow Christ, does the baptism have an effect.

Which are some reasons why catholics are seen to be weird by a goodly portion of non-catholics because they have traditions which are not supported by what is said in the Bible.
(Gaming analogy is that Catholics has a whole bunch of 'house rules' that have infected it's understanding of the Bible.)

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:27 pm
by wyrmraker
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:
Little Snuzzles wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:canon is determined by the company producing the game/show/etc.. not the fans.

To use an analogy, that is like saying: "There's only one correct way to interpret the Bible."

which is exactly what the Council of Nicea did when establishing biblical canon. prior to the council, there was a bewildering array of material, much of which was contradictory. the current bible was assembled by religious scholars from the material determined to be the most closely related to the topic, and narrowed the area of interpretation grossly. with a few extremely ancient exceptions, all christian faiths are comparatively minor variations on the nicean creed.

The text of the bible was assembled from those text that showed they were "God Breathed" (the best why to say that in plan speak is that the writers were only writing down what God said.) Some people use the phrase "Divinely Inspired" to mean the above, but atheists point out that Inspired does not have the 'Face value meaning' of it's 'usage meaning' in that phrase.

The problem with some of Christianity's denominations is that traditions have creeped into them, that override what is said in the bible. Like when Jesus was talking to his apostles and Peter was the one to blurt out that Jesus is God. Jesus was talking about his kingdom and how it would be based on the Bedrock of what Peter (pebble) has just said. But when the text was translated into Latin/Roman both Bedrock and Peter were just translated 'rock'. Thus, there was a misunderstanding and the Humans of the time thought the church would be based on Peter (and as such made the bishop of rome 'more then equal' to the other bishops), not the idea that 'Jesus is God'.
Or how baptizing babies, which was only done to reassure worried parents that babied who died would go to heaven. This became the 'Official" baptism because it was so commonly done and it was thought that adult baptism was a sin because it was not practiced. Even though jesus was baptized as an adult at the start of his ministry, and all the people who converted on the Day of Pentecost were adults. Showing everyone it is not till the people him- or herself decides to follow Christ, does the baptism have an effect.

Which are some reasons why catholics are seen to be weird by a goodly portion of non-catholics because they have traditions which are not supported by what is said in the Bible.
(Gaming analogy is that Catholics has a whole bunch of 'house rules' that have infected it's understanding of the Bible.)

I like the thought of Catholic ritual being the equivalent of House Rules. Excellent analogy. I am going to use that on my gaming group.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:45 pm
by glitterboy2098
yep. most denominations doctrines are 'house rules' (especially Protestants, which is humorous to me given i was raised southern baptist), and the apocrypha were "fan fic"

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:31 am
by Tor
Bill wrote:I would permit them to multiclass using the standard rules for doing so.

Yeah, like I wouldn't let them start off with one like a human, but if they pay the piper (2-3 lvls of XP) it couldn't do much harm.

Although a Faerie's high PPE would make one who learns magic or Astral Magery quite a threat.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:There is no provision in the text for a Fairy to take a class other then their own RCC.
>>Remember, most fairies have not the attention span to take a class that is highly "book" skills oriented.<<
Most isn't all. The addition of 'most' begs for exceptions. Most humans aren't heroes or wizards either :D

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:No Apok Silverbell fairy, or Cosmoknight Water Sprite, or TW Ninja Wizard Red Cap.
I don't see anything forbidding 1 and 3 (although how a Silverbell would turn evil and go to Wormwood is an interesting story, and who would train a Red Cap as a ninja also). Pretty sure Fairies' supernatural nature would prevent the Forge from making them into Cosmo-Knights though.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:stay away from PCC's, such as Mind melters/-mages/-masters, Mystics, psi healers, "the psychic", any for of erupters (burster being a fire erupter), and mind bleeder types.

And away from classes that have "Granted Powers" like Priest, Witch, Warlock, etc...
Why, they can't learn psionics or sell out to a higher power? I'm sure Dagda would love him some Fairy priests.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I would exclude most specialist mage types, which would include LLWs, necros, mirror mages, song mages, laser mages, etc...
What does that leave us with? Mystics?

RGG wrote:I suspect the O.C.C. chosen could hinder the natural magical abilities of the little creature if you choose poorly though.
Is there a precedent for OCCs hampering natural abilities? I haven't seen this happen to other species.

Morik wrote:Nope. They are limited on a genetic level on what they can do. Not only genetics, but cause they are living creatures of magic. You don't see dragons becoming Vagabonds or Cyber-Docs ...they can't simple as that.

Creatures of Magic don't live life like humans or any D-bee. THEY NEVER desire such things as schooling in anything contrary to what they do normal do in the megaverse. If they join a player group, it is on a whim and with the knowledge that it is just in good temporary fun. It is nothing that would require the creature of magic to study such trivial things as biochemistry.

Sorry but this is simply wrong, your explanation contradicts book content. Dragons can definitely select normal OCCs. They just tend to go for the magic ones because, well, magic is better, and is what dragons are inclined towards. Chaing-Ku Tattoo Masters learn a Scholar & Adventurer OCC and 5% of others learn 'magic or other areas of knowledge'.

These creatures aren't drawn towards things like being a cyber-doc and it would be rare to see that, but there's nothing forbidding it. It's not for us to declare what they would 'never' do.

Ninjabunny wrote:By the rules no, they are an R.C.C so bing a fairy is their job. That being said if the gm allows you can givev them an O.C.C of your desire.

By the rules you can stop advancing in your class (even RCC, presumably also PCC) and learn an OCC.

[b]26. How many times can you change an OCC? When you change how many skills do you get and from what OCC skills, related or secondary.? [b]

Answer: Treat multiple O.C.C.s in Rifts as you would in Palladium. Characters that wish to learn a new O.C.C. must first advance at least one level in their current P.C.C./R.C.C. At second level (or wherever desired), they may opt for training in the new O.C.C. as soon as they reach that new level (it cannot be done after they have advanced in their new experience level). When the character begins their new training, they are zero-level in the new O.C.C. The character must earn experience points equal to the new O.C.C.'s second level (if Men of arms or adventurers) or third level (if magical or psychic). When that amount of experience points is acquired, the character has passed their apprenticeship and is now at first level in his new O.C.C.

Once characters change over to their new O.C.C., they retain their old skills (but frozen at the levels they achieved before the change) but all new P.P.E., S.D.C., and other increases will be based upon their new O.C.C. all new experience points are awarded to the new O.C.C. Characters who change to a new O.C.C. will get all of the O.C.C. skills and special abilities, but only HALF the number of O.C.C. related and secondary skills. When powers/skills are duplicated, they get whichever is the better of the two, they do NOT add them together. For special powers and abilities that specific O.C.C.s may possess, adjust where necessary. At the GM's discretion, characters may continue to change O.C.C.s repeatedly as long as they pay the experience points for their apprenticeships.

This bit about the half other/secondary differs from the officially printed PRPG rules (I don't think it halved them) but is otherwise what is there.

Ninjabunny wrote:then there are dragons who are a race that's job is being a dragon.
and there are also dragons with OCCs. Dragons have to advance in their RCC to develope their natural abilities (like that cool new Hand to Hand: Dragon in RUE) but can also advance in OCCs to learn skills or magic and whatnot.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:There are many examples of chars of a race with an RCC of having a class other then the race's RCC.
However, those races have with in them "Allowable OCC's" written into them. There is no such provision with in the fairy races' racial details. They are some of the few races that, as per canon, have to take the race's RCC.

That provision isn't necessary, Brodkils and Gargoyles don't have a provision list yet can do the OCC game. The multiple OCC rules override any mere lack of provision.

What the provision lists do is make it clear that some races can START with an OCC, as opposed to lacking one and having to learn it from scratch. The lists can also provide limitations about what classes can be learned.

Little Snuzzles wrote:most humans have free will. That means that they can choose whether to believe something or not. I know people who play Rifts and accept Rifter articles as cannon. I know others who do not. Choosing to what to accept as cannon is a personal choice, and hence, personal opinion.

Canon is not a matter of free will. It is a matter of what the publishers say. I would love to side with you and say 'all the Rifter stuff is official'. We might be able to weasel that out if not for the 'this is official information' SOME of the Rifters have. That very mention implies that anything lacking it in the Rifter is unofficial. Thus unlike all other books our default assumption is that Rifters are non-canon (being a fanon magazine) whereas our assumption for other lines is canon by default.

Free will allows you to treat Netbooks as canon too, but that's simply not the official setting.

glitterboy2098 wrote:canon is determined by the company producing the game/show/etc.. not the fans.
They're the only ones who can canonize content, but I would exclude from them the privilege of de-canonizing once canonized. No backsies-outies. You can write that a world like Wormwood or Skraypers got blown up by a Dominator if you like, but I don't care if Kev suddenly gets a hate on for Truman/Carella, those worlds existed in the Palladium Megaverse at some point.

glitterboy2098 wrote:the current bible was assembled by religious scholars from the material determined to be the most closely related to the topic, and narrowed the area of interpritation grossly. with a few extremely ancient exceptions, all christian faiths are comparatively minor variations on the nicean creed.

canon in fiction, like with biblical canon, is focused primarily on content, with canonical interpretation deriving from it. people can create their own material based on it, much as with the biblical apocrypha, but that does not make it official material.

(actually, much of the apocrypha was effectively the 'fan fiction' of the time..)

This analogy is not apt to the Palladium situation. Palladium is an established company that created the Palladium megaverse. The apocrypha were no more "fan fiction" than any of the other accepted books that made the Nicean cut. This is a conversation that wavers into off-topic area and might be better to have in Sound Off to avoid offending anyone, but this is not a correct comparison here.

Kevin controls what gets the Palladium stamp, what makes the cut, and he has more of an authority over what is included than the arbitrary Nicean Creed which is simply those who happened to have power.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:16 am
by kaid
wyrmraker wrote:
Ninjabunny wrote:
sirkermittsg wrote:having observed the rifts farie in action:

can they have an OCC as opposed to their miniscule knowledge of magic and skills they normally come with?

By the rules no, they are an R.C.C so bing a fairy is their job. That being said if the gm allows you can givev them an O.C.C of your desire.

The problem with that analogy are the book-legal examples of other RCCs being able to take OCCs. Like gargoyles and gurgoyles being able to take psynetic OCCs. Unfortunately the Rifts books can be quite contradictory in a lot of respects.

Or the really fun recent example of the refurbisher from the Black Market book allowing faerie bots as an allowed race option.

The faerie bots is an RCC faerie like critter that also has some operator type skills. So this is one of those areas in theory the answer is no in practice it is more like probably no but check with the GM and if the GM is okay with it then do what you want.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:50 pm
by Dog_O_War
Why would you want to give a battery an OCC?

Next thing we know, people will be asking if a nuclear power source can have an OCC.



Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:30 pm
by 13eowulf
kaid wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
Ninjabunny wrote:
sirkermittsg wrote:having observed the rifts farie in action:

can they have an OCC as opposed to their miniscule knowledge of magic and skills they normally come with?

By the rules no, they are an R.C.C so bing a fairy is their job. That being said if the gm allows you can givev them an O.C.C of your desire.

The problem with that analogy are the book-legal examples of other RCCs being able to take OCCs. Like gargoyles and gurgoyles being able to take psynetic OCCs. Unfortunately the Rifts books can be quite contradictory in a lot of respects.

Or the really fun recent example of the refurbisher from the Black Market book allowing faerie bots as an allowed race option.

The faerie bots is an RCC faerie like critter that also has some operator type skills. So this is one of those areas in theory the answer is no in practice it is more like probably no but check with the GM and if the GM is okay with it then do what you want.

Point of order: Faerie Bots are not fairies, or fae, or even creatures of magic, so I would say they are 'faerie-like' at all. Referring to them as such is explicitly identified as a misnomer.

THAT said they are an example of an RCC not having any allowed/listed OCC (or exception) other than the RCC itself, that later gets an explicit exception to choose an OCC under the OCC description (which I didnt know about before this, so I will have to investigate, mainly cause I love having Faerie Bots as a 'Big Bad').

However that OCC does explicitly allow for the Faerie Bot to become one, I know of no OCC that has explicit allowances for a Fairy.

I will note I am just pointing out (what I fee are) some needed clarifications on this example, nothing more.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:52 pm
by Tor
Dog_O_War wrote:Why would you want to give a battery an OCC?

Dude that is harsh.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:58 pm
by Dog_O_War
Tor wrote:
Dog_O_War wrote:Why would you want to give a battery an OCC?

Dude that is harsh.

Heh, the truth hurts :lol:

But seriously, they make excellent PPE batteries; that's why people use them!

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:12 pm
by Tor
What'cha gonna do when the Fairie Astral Kingdom comes for you?

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 6:32 pm
by Tor
I just noticed in rereading the fairy description in CB1 that they can't learn magic besides their natural abilities. So yeah I guess that's out.

Nothing stopping you from doing a Fairy Wilderness Scout or Burster though, presumably.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:26 am
by drewkitty ~..~
If a fairy can have an OCC, and to have a Magic OCC, would you have them be able to overcharge from a LL/LLN? If so, what sort of limit would you put on that fairy mage? At what rate would you let them gather PPE? from non-LL area? from a LL? from a LLN?
(Note; these are in reference about how fairies can automatically pull PPE out of the ambient PPE of the environment that they use to fuel their racial magic.)


Dog_O_War wrote:
Tor wrote:
Dog_O_War wrote:Why would you want to give a battery an OCC?

Dude that is harsh.

Heh, the truth hurts :lol:

But seriously, they make excellent PPE batteries; that's why people use them!

Only evil people enslaved people as PPE batteries.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:45 am
by Tor
To become a magic OCC you'd have to ignore the caveat which says they're incapable from learning other forms of magic.

If they could learn other forms of magic I don't see why their ability to cast magic without PPE would apply to that new magic, I think it would only apply to their racial abilities.

Nice wheedling but dat ambience-pulling is clearly for regenerating their base to fuel their dance parties.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:52 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Rappanui wrote:I would generally allow any class to be an adventurer/scholar OCC. anything more then that is iffy. A Shadow Elf fairy is far more likely to take up knight OCC from england then a Wilderness scout occ...
and going by what others say - stay away from things that have granted powers, only allow only skill based occs.

Sounds fair to me, I would say some of the classes from the palladium world too

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:27 am
by Tor
Rappanui wrote:going by what others say - stay away from things that have granted powers, only allow only skill based occs.

Power-based OCCs are fine, just not magical powers. They might still be able to learn the demon death blow thing of Paladins or Monks. You'd never see it coming.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:23 pm
by Rimmerdal
Would think they may make good mages..Illusion and Prankster style in particular. Bard and Druid style classes as well fit a fairy with ambitions.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:26 pm
by Rimmerdal
Tor wrote:
Rappanui wrote:going by what others say - stay away from things that have granted powers, only allow only skill based occs.

Power-based OCCs are fine, just not magical powers. They might still be able to learn the demon death blow thing of Paladins or Monks. You'd never see it coming.

that would be funny...and can you imagine the player the fairy killed?

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:30 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Rimmerdal wrote:
Tor wrote:
Rappanui wrote:going by what others say - stay away from things that have granted powers, only allow only skill based occs.

Power-based OCCs are fine, just not magical powers. They might still be able to learn the demon death blow thing of Paladins or Monks. You'd never see it coming.

that would be funny...and can you imagine the player the fairy killed?

By stander: Why did you kill him? *talking about the traveling wizard*
Fairy: He paid that ruffian to cut off my wings. *points at the dead thug down the street*

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:11 am
by Tor
I'm not familiar with the healing abilities of fairies, could they ever regrow wings?

Kind of liking the idea of a plucked fairy who learns to become an assassin as revenge and rappels everywhere.

Re: can a farie have an OCC?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:55 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Tor wrote:I'm not familiar with the healing abilities of fairies, could they ever regrow wings?

Kind of liking the idea of a plucked fairy who learns to become an assassin as revenge and rappels everywhere.

I was not letting details get in the way of a good story. :D :D :D