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Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:01 am
by glitterboy2098
it was HG as part of the Sentinels project. while that project died on the vine, its development material was used as the basis for comics, novels, and the 1st ed RPG.

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:47 am
by Seto Kaiba
Little Snuzzles wrote:I never saw any of the actual Sentinals videos that H-G put out and was wondering:

Who created the Sentinals races (eg. Carbonans, Amazons of Praxis, etc)? Was it H-G or was it PB?


Tatsunoko Productions actually designed them, the basic setting description was Harmony Gold's.

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:50 pm
by Colonel Wolfe

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:06 pm
by bar1scorpio
Yeah, because they never got the funding, it died with the pilot, at least, TV-wise. The J. Waltrip-illustrated comics kept the story going, as did the McKinney novels.

Basically, the overall plot was - Rick & Co. Make their way to Tirol for a bit of "Gunboat Diplomacy" only to find the store under new management (The Regent's Invid & Inorganics, because they're "inorganic" they're obviously not alive, and you needn't feel to bad that they're being shot, such is 80s era tv standards & practices) they then meet new alien races, and the assorted toys that they would advertise.

You've got your big cuddly wookies, called "care-bear-ans". And their leader, named "L' .... Ron." Get it?

The Praxians, who were to be a replacement of the female Zentraedi, and parody of the He-Man/She-Ra, and by association, Barsoom. It didn't hurt that Waltrip also worked on miniseries with names like "Amazon Gazonga" and "Metal Bikini". Find what your niche is, as that leads to riches.

You got some big head devil lookin' guys, psychic cats, a (tragically) rejected space chicken all with assorted vehicles & accessories. Many designed as homages to established adult sci-fi material.

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:08 pm
by MilkManX
The Sentinels could have been really cool. The books are a blast to read and maybe were a better vehicle for the story anyway. I played the crap outta the RTII:Sentinels RPG!

I wish they would make a new Sentinels book for the 2nd ed.

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:16 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
MilkManX wrote:I wish they would make a new Sentinels book for the 2nd ed.
Don't discount that it might happen... Sentinels needs a place in the RPG, we have the inorganics... now we need the Regent and his war against the Masters and REF....

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:58 pm
by Seto Kaiba
MilkManX wrote:The Sentinels could have been really cool. The books are a blast to read and maybe were a better vehicle for the story anyway. I played the crap outta the RTII:Sentinels RPG!

I wish they would make a new Sentinels book for the 2nd ed.

IINM, that's basically what the forthcoming UEEF Marines sourcebooks are going to be...

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:27 pm
by MilkManX
I hope you are right Seto. I would love to have some good Planet hopping adventures again.

Re: IP Clarification - Sentinals Races

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:05 pm
by Seto Kaiba
MilkManX wrote:I hope you are right Seto. I would love to have some good Planet hopping adventures again.

Based on what Palladium's said of the UEEF Marines books, it does appear that they're going to be roughly equivalent to the older Sentinels material... though I'd expect a fair amount of what was originally recognizable from the incomplete TV series and comics probably won't be there, or at least not in its original form.