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Double-magic NPCs

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:53 pm
by Tor
There are rules in both Mutants in Avalon and Transdimensional which allow for creating spellcasters, but I got a bit confused about some of the NPCs.

There's a fellow 'Max' living in a Null Time Zone who manages to be a 4th level Time Lord and a 10th level Wizard. I found it odd because the rules say you have to sacrifice Bio-E to buy these at creation, but background options only allow for one to be selected, and him having different levels makes it sound like he changed OCCs. So does "spend bio-E on creation" perhaps mean something more along the lines of "spend it when starting at level 1" ?

One explanation I thought of is perhaps Max started off as a Time-Lord and rather than being a Transdimensional-style Wizard, he is instead a Wizard by another system (such as PF) which he could have changed to. Since we lack stats for him, perhaps he even has PPE and is a 2nd Ed style wizard?

Another case is Merlin. He's listed as being a Wizard yet it says he has all the Time Lord spells. It's mentioned that it's the special abilities of being a Time Lord that allow the spells to be used safely. So this makes me wonder: does this mean Merlin is also a Time Lord even though he isn't described as one? Or perhaps he knows a bunch of dangerous spells which he can't safely use? Would fit right in with the insanity.

Morgana is another interesting case. She has Earth Magic ala pg 50-55, but she also has wizard-style magic from Transdimensional. I had thought you needed Druid as your Mutation Background (pg 7-8, like TMNT's 'cause of mutation' which determines skill selection) to get Earth Magic, but that made me wonder if any kind of background might be able to select it. The lack of bio-E ghost is pretty well balanced by the higher XP requirements.

Re: Double-magic NPCs

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:50 pm
by Fubarius
There's a bit of an unwritten rule about NPC's...

...which I will now write.

NPC's are not PC's, so they don't follow the same rules. Or in other words, all NPC's cheat.

Some are made intentionally weak to be easier to defeat. Others, mostly those who have names, are made stronger than any starting player character could possibly be made. This makes them a more worthy boss to defeat (or ally to have), and require more than a straight up toe to toe battle to deal with.

Re: Double-magic NPCs

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:40 pm
by Tor
My stance is that NPCs always follow rules, but some follow rules that haven't been printed yet. :) Whenever possible I try to explain them as far as I can by the rules, find the outlying factors, which at least gives a guide as to how much these unwritten rules have changed them.