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Splynn and Forgotten Bio-Borgs

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:33 pm
by Eashamahel
I've recently been re-reading Splynn, and had forgotten that it mentions "Specific Types of Bio-Borgs" which have been designed, but which there was not enough space to print. They include the Bio-Leech, Fire Eater, Kill-Crazy and Sym-Killer, and it is said they may appear in a future book or Rifter (numbers 9 and 10 are mentioned as possibilities). At least the Kill-Crazy is mentioned elsewhere in the book as well, and with the specific types actually having names and all, I have to think they were actually written out in full somewhere.

Does anyone know if these ever saw print? I realize that often times things get mentioned in RIFTS books that never see the light of day again (or are changed, or just take a long time to come out like the 'in the upcoming Lemuria world book' notes in Underseas), but I would be interested to see these if they exist in any way.

(I did notice that despite not having room for those, they thankfully managed to sneak in a special section for Skyborne Excursions seperate to the other merchants and market section, co-writing by KS and even containing comical NPC's with hilarious names. It's owned by Miles Sky. Miles Sky! That's hilarious, because it sounds like 'Mile High', which has something to do with flying, so it's a play on the name! Get it?)

Re: Splynn and Forgotten Bio-Borgs

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:07 am
by Shadow Wyrm
Yes, they saw the printer in Rifter 9. I think you can get a pdf copy at Drive-thru RPG.

Re: Splynn and Forgotten Bio-Borgs

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:13 am
by Tor
Here's a useful list of all the stuff in the Rifter that's official:


I made it as an abbreviation of the more extensive list from NMI at viewtopic.php?f=4&t=77496 but only included the stuff he tagged as <OFFICIAL> to the right.

Re: Splynn and Forgotten Bio-Borgs

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:28 pm
by popscythe
Tor wrote:Here's a useful list of all the stuff in the Rifter that's official:


I made it as an abbreviation of the more extensive list from NMI at viewtopic.php?f=4&t=77496 but only included the stuff he tagged as <OFFICIAL> to the right.

Very useful link. Thanks!