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Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:01 am
by flatline
Forked from another thread:

Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:
No offense, but Psi-stalkers are hardly a threat to anyone. Even with the "upgrade" they got from RUE.

you keep thinking that buddy.

Perhaps you can convince me that I'm wrong, but from where I'm standing, a Psi-Stalker looks just like another squishy in armor with a rifle and some sensitive psionic powers.

In order to drain my PPE he must either kill me or "physically capture" me (RUE p 153) and then cut me, presumably after removing some of my armor. His abilities only make him marginally better at killing me than a regular trained human in MDC armor with a rifle and his special abilities can't be used against me until he's already captured me at which point I'm already at his mercy.

If he wants to feed, he can't be further away than 300' (RUE p154) which puts him well within reach of some of my more interesting spells.

He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

His sensing abilities, at best, can sense me casting magic at less than half a mile (600' + 100' per level, so at 15th level, either 2000' or 2100' depending on how you do your math) and his special senses become dulled or useless in exactly the places that I'm likely to be casting big spells that leave me drained (near ley lines and ley line nexuses). Unless he's already tracking me for some reason, the odds of a random psi-stalker being within range to sense me is pretty minimal in the wilderness, especially since they avoid ley lines.

Finally, I'm going to be surrounded by my allies who, unless I'm running with a particularly low powered crowd, are unlikely to be especially troubled by psi-stalkers.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm cautious of anyone with MD weapons and armor (especially in groups), but I just don't see psi-stalkers as being significantly more dangerous than than any other group of squishies with MD weapons and armor. The only possible exception is the rare psi-stalker with psi-nullifier abilities.

So what am I missing?


Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:05 am
by Morik
What race/class/level are you?

It's hard to tell you to be worried about anything unless we have that bit of knowledge.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:09 am
by Killer Cyborg
Anybody carrying a gun is undefeated so far.
Being marginally better than a human soldier is actually pretty decent, except for in really high-level campaigns.

BUT overall, I kind of agree with you, in that Psi-Stalkers aren't all that. I mean, they're pretty awesome in a number of ways, but being able to turn MDC doesn't really do them much good, and it's a power that makes little sense for a predator to have, because it's purely defensive.

(Also, I have no idea who "you" are in your scenario, although you seem to have some specific ideas.)

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:24 am
by glitterboy2098
the main thing is going to be skills.. most Psi-stalker classes have skill sets revolving around tracking, hunting, and fighting. they are like the 'indian trackers' of old westerns.. experts at finding their targets, and then striking those targets unexpectedly. the PPE feeding isn't the scary bit.. it's the fact they have those supernatural senses and enhanced human senses. that same skill focus tends to make them excellent guerrilla fighters too.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:27 am
by Nightmask
Morik wrote:What race/class/level are you?

It's hard to tell you to be worried about anything unless we have that bit of knowledge.

Well the original comment from Flatline doesn't rate them as much of a threat to anyone, with his reply noting that they're little more threat than any other person running around in body armor and toting a weapon around. Although his follow-up comment in particular is likely based on his favored class of Temporal Wizard.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:31 am
by flatline
The context of the previous thread was that I am a caster capable of casting Dimensional Portal. I think the specific example was a Shifter, but a Temporal Wizard would fit the bill. Any caster who has the good fortune to have purchased the spell would also do.

Level was unspecified.

The reason I'm casting Dimensional Portal is unimportant (and I actually don't think the suggested use for Dimensional Portal would have worked, but that's neither here nor there), but the suggestion was then made that I should be reluctant to cast Dimensional Portal (or any spell, really, since a 1st level spell is just as likely to be noticed by a psi-stalker as a 15th level spell) for fear of drawing the attention of any psi-stalker in the area.

On the face of it, I thought that the suggestion that I should be afraid of some wandering psi-stalker was absurd, but rather then write off the suggestion as bunk, I thought I'd start a new thread to see if there was, in fact, some reason to fear psi-stalkers that I'm unaware of.

Oh, and in my initial post, I said that the psi-stalker couldn't feed unless he was within 300' of me when he killed me. Technically, RUE just says that other stalkers need to be within 300' of me to feed on the excess, but doesn't specify a range for the stalker who actually killed me. As written, a generous GM could rule that a stalker killing mages from orbit could still absorb their PPE without contradicting what's written (unless I missed it). I'm assuming the 300' range applies to all stalkers including the one making the kill, but in the interest of full disclosure, the book doesn't actually say that (again, unless I missed it).


Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:19 am
by Noon
He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

I'm not sure that's the case if you were using a firebolt spell.

If you were using a vibro blade, sure.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:29 am
by Blue_Lion
Noon wrote:
He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

I'm not sure that's the case if you were using a firebolt spell.

If you were using a vibro blade, sure.

Actualy giving the OCC skills and abilites I see it is verry likly that they can get close and engage you. Most likly by tracking and sneak up on you. Once they have you scent they can spot and track you and wait for the right time to attack. Nothing worse than getting atacked by a vibroblade wilding psistalker while you are on the can, or killing you on the sleep. Psi stalkers might not seam that impresive at first but to a mage they can be a real threat a psi-stalker working like Ridik slowly picking of mages one at a time then going into hiding.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:56 am
by torjones
Noon wrote:
He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

I'm not sure that's the case if you were using a firebolt spell.

If you were using a vibro blade, sure.

Ley Line Walkers, Shifters, Techno-Wizards, Temporal Wizards, etc are not Creatures of Magic. Nor are they MDC Supernatural Beings. I know that the Lord Magus would trigger the Psi-Stalker transformation to MDC, as they are Creatures of Magic. I'm sure that there are others as well, but that's a lot of books to go through for another example...

Basically, the ability to use magic doesn't make you a creature of magic, if you aren't already. Your OCC saying "You become a creature of magic" does.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:32 am
by torjones
flatline wrote:Forked from another thread:

Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:
No offense, but Psi-stalkers are hardly a threat to anyone. Even with the "upgrade" they got from RUE.

you keep thinking that buddy.

Perhaps you can convince me that I'm wrong, but from where I'm standing, a Psi-Stalker looks just like another squishy in armor with a rifle and some sensitive psionic powers.

In order to drain my PPE he must either kill me or "physically capture" me (RUE p 153) and then cut me, presumably after removing some of my armor. His abilities only make him marginally better at killing me than a regular trained human in MDC armor with a rifle and his special abilities can't be used against me until he's already captured me at which point I'm already at his mercy.

If he wants to feed, he can't be further away than 300' (RUE p154) which puts him well within reach of some of my more interesting spells.

He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

His sensing abilities, at best, can sense me casting magic at less than half a mile (600' + 100' per level, so at 15th level, either 2000' or 2100' depending on how you do your math) and his special senses become dulled or useless in exactly the places that I'm likely to be casting big spells that leave me drained (near ley lines and ley line nexuses). Unless he's already tracking me for some reason, the odds of a random psi-stalker being within range to sense me is pretty minimal in the wilderness, especially since they avoid ley lines.

Finally, I'm going to be surrounded by my allies who, unless I'm running with a particularly low powered crowd, are unlikely to be especially troubled by psi-stalkers.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm cautious of anyone with MD weapons and armor (especially in groups), but I just don't see psi-stalkers as being significantly more dangerous than than any other group of squishies with MD weapons and armor. The only possible exception is the rare psi-stalker with psi-nullifier abilities.

So what am I missing?


Honestly, I don't think you missed anything.

As a mage (and I prefer Ley Line Walkers myself), I'd be most concerned with 'Borg than anything else. Then again, 'Borg are pretty Uber. I'm not going to be concerned about a lone shifter without their pet demon, but if they've got their demon with them, ok, I may need to think about this fight for a moment. Depending on the TW, he might be cause for concern as well. Cyber-Knight could be a difficult fight, but why would one attack me anyway? I'm a Good Guy, fighting the Good Fight. Merc's and Head-Hunters, see 'Borg, only not nearly as Uber. Melter's and some bursters might be problematic. Dog Boys, Stalkers, elemental fusionists, yeah, not so much.

Lets review: Just me having a large supply of PPE/ISP is enough for a Stalker to identify me as Food. He can differentiate me from other Food he's met before, and would be able to identify me again in the future. IF I cast a spell, or use psionics, he can sense me from up to 2100' away and may be able to track me, based upon skill. He gets 6 sensitive powers and doesn't get any more as he grows in experience. Skills wise, he's very mercenary like, so he knows how to use energy weapons and some basic vehicles. Hand to Hand: Expert. Total of 12 skill choices (plus two ancient WPs). He *MAY* be an effective combat character, depends on skill choices really...

So, in general, not really all that super-powerful. No where near as worrysome as a 'Borg or a Melter anyway...

I will say however, that because he views me as Food, I view him as Target Practice.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:48 am
by Giant2005
Psi-Stalkers aren't very impressive on their own but keep in mind that they can only exist by killing people just like you on a regular basis - they have killed far more of your kind than you have of theirs.
They are very familiar with your capabilities and if they are out-matched, they will know it and adjust their tactics accordingly.
If one Psi-Stalker isn't confident he can beat you, he will wait in the shadows until his four friends arrive. If the 5 of them still don't think they can beat you, they will continue tailing you until their 15 other friends arrive.
A single Psi-Stalker doesn't have much of a chance against a mage but the mere fact that they aren't an extinct species is enough evidence to suggest they aren't stupid about it. Whenever you encounter Psi-Stalkers, you can be pretty certain that they have the advantage because they will make sure of it.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:23 am
by popscythe
Giant2005 wrote:Psi-Stalkers aren't very impressive on their own but keep in mind that they can only exist by killing people just like you on a regular basis - they have killed far more of your kind than you have of theirs.
They are very familiar with your capabilities and if they are out-matched, they will know it and adjust their tactics accordingly.
If one Psi-Stalker isn't confident he can beat you, he will wait in the shadows until his four friends arrive. If the 5 of them still don't think they can beat you, they will continue tailing you until their 15 other friends arrive.
A single Psi-Stalker doesn't have much of a chance against a mage but the mere fact that they aren't an extinct species is enough evidence to suggest they aren't stupid about it. Whenever you encounter Psi-Stalkers, you can be pretty certain that they have the advantage because they will make sure of it.

And concealed within this very excellent answer is the gleaming truth: "Conversations like these are nonsense because it all depends on the situation."

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:23 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
flatline wrote:Forked from another thread:

Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:
No offense, but Psi-stalkers are hardly a threat to anyone. Even with the "upgrade" they got from RUE.

you keep thinking that buddy.

Perhaps you can convince me that I'm wrong, but from where I'm standing, a Psi-Stalker looks just like another squishy in armor with a rifle and some sensitive psionic powers.

In order to drain my PPE he must either kill me or "physically capture" me (RUE p 153) and then cut me, presumably after removing some of my armor. His abilities only make him marginally better at killing me than a regular trained human in MDC armor with a rifle and his special abilities can't be used against me until he's already captured me at which point I'm already at his mercy.

If he wants to feed, he can't be further away than 300' (RUE p154) which puts him well within reach of some of my more interesting spells.

He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

His sensing abilities, at best, can sense me casting magic at less than half a mile (600' + 100' per level, so at 15th level, either 2000' or 2100' depending on how you do your math) and his special senses become dulled or useless in exactly the places that I'm likely to be casting big spells that leave me drained (near ley lines and ley line nexuses). Unless he's already tracking me for some reason, the odds of a random psi-stalker being within range to sense me is pretty minimal in the wilderness, especially since they avoid ley lines.

Finally, I'm going to be surrounded by my allies who, unless I'm running with a particularly low powered crowd, are unlikely to be especially troubled by psi-stalkers.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm cautious of anyone with MD weapons and armor (especially in groups), but I just don't see psi-stalkers as being significantly more dangerous than than any other group of squishies with MD weapons and armor. The only possible exception is the rare psi-stalker with psi-nullifier abilities.

So what am I missing?


Well just because you see a couple infront of you doesn't mean they are the only ones, or they just have typical merc gear and that it, while you been discounting the threat infront of you, you overlook the other behind you and those tw weapons they have, so if you lucky they just feed on you without killing you and maybe keep you around just for that, if not just remember 50% of the wild psi-stalkers are in fact cannibals.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:04 am
by flatline
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:Forked from another thread:

Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:
No offense, but Psi-stalkers are hardly a threat to anyone. Even with the "upgrade" they got from RUE.

you keep thinking that buddy.

Perhaps you can convince me that I'm wrong, but from where I'm standing, a Psi-Stalker looks just like another squishy in armor with a rifle and some sensitive psionic powers.

In order to drain my PPE he must either kill me or "physically capture" me (RUE p 153) and then cut me, presumably after removing some of my armor. His abilities only make him marginally better at killing me than a regular trained human in MDC armor with a rifle and his special abilities can't be used against me until he's already captured me at which point I'm already at his mercy.

If he wants to feed, he can't be further away than 300' (RUE p154) which puts him well within reach of some of my more interesting spells.

He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

His sensing abilities, at best, can sense me casting magic at less than half a mile (600' + 100' per level, so at 15th level, either 2000' or 2100' depending on how you do your math) and his special senses become dulled or useless in exactly the places that I'm likely to be casting big spells that leave me drained (near ley lines and ley line nexuses). Unless he's already tracking me for some reason, the odds of a random psi-stalker being within range to sense me is pretty minimal in the wilderness, especially since they avoid ley lines.

Finally, I'm going to be surrounded by my allies who, unless I'm running with a particularly low powered crowd, are unlikely to be especially troubled by psi-stalkers.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm cautious of anyone with MD weapons and armor (especially in groups), but I just don't see psi-stalkers as being significantly more dangerous than than any other group of squishies with MD weapons and armor. The only possible exception is the rare psi-stalker with psi-nullifier abilities.

So what am I missing?


Well just because you see a couple infront of you doesn't mean they are the only ones, or they just have typical merc gear and that it, while you been discounting the threat infront of you, you overlook the other behind you and those tw weapons they have

But that logic applies equally to anything, be it City Rats, CS troops, Psi-Stalkers, roving bands of uppity Rogue Scholars, or whatever. I'm still don't see how Psi-Stalkers are anything special in this regard.


Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:06 am
by flatline
Noon wrote:
He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

I'm not sure that's the case if you were using a firebolt spell.

If you were using a vibro blade, sure.

According to RUE, I have to be an MDC supernatural critter or a creature of magic. Being a mage and/or casting spells is insufficient to trigger the Psi-Stalkers MDC transformation.


Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:35 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
flatline wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:Forked from another thread:

Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:
No offense, but Psi-stalkers are hardly a threat to anyone. Even with the "upgrade" they got from RUE.

you keep thinking that buddy.

Perhaps you can convince me that I'm wrong, but from where I'm standing, a Psi-Stalker looks just like another squishy in armor with a rifle and some sensitive psionic powers.

In order to drain my PPE he must either kill me or "physically capture" me (RUE p 153) and then cut me, presumably after removing some of my armor. His abilities only make him marginally better at killing me than a regular trained human in MDC armor with a rifle and his special abilities can't be used against me until he's already captured me at which point I'm already at his mercy.

If he wants to feed, he can't be further away than 300' (RUE p154) which puts him well within reach of some of my more interesting spells.

He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

His sensing abilities, at best, can sense me casting magic at less than half a mile (600' + 100' per level, so at 15th level, either 2000' or 2100' depending on how you do your math) and his special senses become dulled or useless in exactly the places that I'm likely to be casting big spells that leave me drained (near ley lines and ley line nexuses). Unless he's already tracking me for some reason, the odds of a random psi-stalker being within range to sense me is pretty minimal in the wilderness, especially since they avoid ley lines.

Finally, I'm going to be surrounded by my allies who, unless I'm running with a particularly low powered crowd, are unlikely to be especially troubled by psi-stalkers.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm cautious of anyone with MD weapons and armor (especially in groups), but I just don't see psi-stalkers as being significantly more dangerous than than any other group of squishies with MD weapons and armor. The only possible exception is the rare psi-stalker with psi-nullifier abilities.

So what am I missing?


Well just because you see a couple infront of you doesn't mean they are the only ones, or they just have typical merc gear and that it, while you been discounting the threat infront of you, you overlook the other behind you and those tw weapons they have

But that logic applies equally to anything, be it City Rats, CS troops, Psi-Stalkers, roving bands of uppity Rogue Scholars, or whatever. I'm still don't see how Psi-Stalkers are anything special in this regard.

well we aren't talking about them now are we. You asked a question you got several answers for the question. If you disregard them as humans with limited psi powers, then perhaps its the fault of your gm, for not playing them right.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:06 am
by kaid
Blue_Lion wrote:
Noon wrote:
He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

I'm not sure that's the case if you were using a firebolt spell.

If you were using a vibro blade, sure.

Actualy giving the OCC skills and abilites I see it is verry likly that they can get close and engage you. Most likly by tracking and sneak up on you. Once they have you scent they can spot and track you and wait for the right time to attack. Nothing worse than getting atacked by a vibroblade wilding psistalker while you are on the can, or killing you on the sleep. Psi stalkers might not seam that impresive at first but to a mage they can be a real threat a psi-stalker working like Ridik slowly picking of mages one at a time then going into hiding.

The power of the psi stalker is not as a pure combatant although their physical and psychic abilities do put them above normal unaugmented humans although below crazies in combat ability. As has been mentioned they are not the head to head fighter type they are scouts and amazingly good ones once they get the sniff on you it then becomes a game of stalking and tracking and prowling three things they are very good at.

Also the biggest danger when dealing with psi stalkers is often times they are CS psi stalkers. Then if they get the sniff on you they track you down and call in kill squads of power armor/infantry.

One of the biggest strengths of a magic user is if they don't dress to wildly it is really hard to tell who is one and who is not same with psychics. A lot of magic users can use this anonimity to either get a first strike or evade detection. Psi stalkers are one of the few good ways to sniff out psychics and mages who are hiding. It is never really what is the psi stalker himself going to do to you its the whole seeing you for a magic user and letting his friends know you are a magic user as well. In CS lands this can get you dead really fast.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:25 am
by kaid
One other thing to reiterate is Psi stalkers innate physical abilities put them at or above most normal human special forces troops for pure combat ability. So when it comes to shooting high tech weapons baring dealing with some of the new west classes or CS commandos they are about as highly skilled with high tech ranged weapons as you are likely to come across short of a juicer/borg and they are very close to crazies combat ability wise without the whole crazy thing.

The reason they are more dangerous to magic users than random wandering scholars or random CS grunts is first they physically are stronger/faster/more agile as pure combatants and this is combined with wilderness scout type skills augmented by supernatural senses. If you are just somewhere casting your spell and doing your thing the CS grunts/juicers/borgs could just blunder within a few hundred feet of you never realizing you are a magic user or casting a spell.

A psi stalker would notice you and if he is hungry could start tracking you from a very safe distance using is super natural abilities to be able to shadow your movements from far enough away your chance of detecting his presence would be almost nil. With a psi stalkers tracking skills they could keep shadowing you until you are vulnerable everybody needs to poop or bathe or sleep sometime. And with their excellent prowling skills they could get very close to you before you had any indication there was a problem. It is hard to cast a spell when you wake up from a deep sleep with a vibro knife in your throat.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:16 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
I always being able to low crawl thru a field of full of deer and killing the Mage with a laser shot thru the eye while the Mage is watching the deer and not noticing the psi stalker, since the deer wouldn't react to him. Now that is something to move within herds of animals and them not getting spooked by your presence.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:29 pm
by dragonfett
Can Psi-Stalkers turn into MDC beings if there is a supernatural creature in a group that the Psi-Stalker is fighting?

Also, Psi-Stalkers haven't survived this long feeding on JUST mages, but creatures of magic and supernatural creatures as well, as well as other things I am sure, plus I am sure that if push came to shove, they would feed off of a ley line to survive.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:39 pm
by kaid
One other thing I don't think was mentioned to much because of their affinity with animals and psychic abilities wild psi stalkers are very likely to have one or more animal buddy potentially up to a rhino buffalo or dinosaur working with them. So its not just being able to creep up past deer without frightening them but they very likely have animals assisting them in their tracking and hunting and or backup if they need more brute power.

They along with shifters are the two main RUE pet classes in the main book and a tamed fury beetle or rhino buffalo is a pretty serious extra bit of power that most other classes do not have access to or access to the higher level riding abilities to make the best use of them.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:46 pm
by torjones
dragonfett wrote:Can Psi-Stalkers turn into MDC beings if there is a supernatural creature in a group that the Psi-Stalker is fighting?

Also, Psi-Stalkers haven't survived this long feeding on JUST mages, but creatures of magic and supernatural creatures as well, as well as other things I am sure, plus I am sure that if push came to shove, they would feed off of a ley line to survive.

Just how does one "Cut" a Ley Line so that the stalker can begin to feed?
Also, Just how much PPE is contained in that Ley Line for the Stalker to feed upon, once that line does get cut?
Does the stalker reduce only that one ley line to zero PPE or does he disrupt the entire web of lines that that particular line is connected to through the various nexus?

The above ridiculous and rhetorical questions aside, a stalker can only feed on PPE produced by creatures of magic or supernatural creatures, not ley lines. In order to feed, they must cut the victim, and drain all of their PPE. This is a problem for most mages, the whole being at zero PPE. The stalker can not choose to take only part of a creature's PPE, it's an all or nothing proposition.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:59 pm
by dragonfett
torjones wrote:
dragonfett wrote:Can Psi-Stalkers turn into MDC beings if there is a supernatural creature in a group that the Psi-Stalker is fighting?

Also, Psi-Stalkers haven't survived this long feeding on JUST mages, but creatures of magic and supernatural creatures as well, as well as other things I am sure, plus I am sure that if push came to shove, they would feed off of a ley line to survive.

Just how does one "Cut" a Ley Line so that the stalker can begin to feed?
Also, Just how much PPE is contained in that Ley Line for the Stalker to feed upon, once that line does get cut?
Does the stalker reduce only that one ley line to zero PPE or does he disrupt the entire web of lines that that particular line is connected to through the various nexus?

The above ridiculous and rhetorical questions aside, a stalker can only feed on PPE produced by creatures of magic or supernatural creatures, not ley lines. In order to feed, they must cut the victim, and drain all of their PPE. This is a problem for most mages, the whole being at zero PPE. The stalker can not choose to take only part of a creature's PPE, it's an all or nothing proposition.

Page 153 of the RUE, bottom of the page, right hand column:

Note: The Psi-Stalker can not feed on the PPE of beings who are not practitioners of magic, creatures of magic, psychic, or supernatural in nature. They can absorb mystic ley line energy in an emergency to stay alive, but it tastes bad, like sour milk, makes the Psi-Stalker nauseous (-1 on all combat bonuses for 1d6x10 minutes), and the ley line disrupts the character's senses.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:20 pm
by flatline
So if I'm standing next to a psi-stalker and another psi-stalker 300' away blows my head off with a rifle, how is it that the sniper gets my PPE and not the psi-stalker standing right next to me?

According to RUE, the psi-stalker standing next to me can only get the excess that the sniper psi-stalker doesn't absorb.

I think the RUE write-up assumes that psi-stalkers always kill their prey close range.


Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:39 pm
by ShadowLogan
torjones wrote:Just how does one "Cut" a Ley Line so that the stalker can begin to feed?

They may not have to cut the Ley Line to absorb the energy. The Psi-Stalker uses the cut to release energy from the target, but the Ley Line already has released the energy into the environment.

flatline wrote:In order to drain my PPE he must either kill me or "physically capture" me (RUE p 153) and then cut me, presumably after removing some of my armor. His abilities only make him marginally better at killing me than a regular trained human in MDC armor with a rifle and his special abilities can't be used against me until he's already captured me at which point I'm already at his mercy.

The question is, what constitutes "physically capture", is a HTH hold/pin sufficient to qualify as "captured" or do you need to something more extensive (hand-cuffs, tied to a chair, etc)? Consider a group of Psi-Stalkers working together. One pins/the other(s) cut.

I wouldn't underestimate their Sensitive powers either, given they can be used in ways to help them overcome obstructions and keep low until they are ready to strike.

The real danger of Psi-Stalkers may be in long term outcome of an encounter rather the short-term outcome if they are inclined to turn the mage(s) into a slave, using them essentially as PPE cattle. Obviously they will need to feed the mage regularly, but they also need food and water (not as much as a regular mage RUE pg154 or RMB pg106 "The mutant does not require more than one pound of meat and eight ounces of water a week to remain health and strong").

flatline wrote:He won't benefit from his MDC transformation since I'm a squishy, too, and really, I'll never let him engage me in melee anyways if I have the choice.

Actually MDC transformation occurs automatically when on a Ley Line/Nexus, not just as a result of locking horns with SN/CoM. "This also occurs when on a ley line, giving the Psi-Stalker 50% more MDC and his M.D.C is doubled at a nexus point. However, Psi-Stalkers still hate being on ley lines because of the disruption to the sense they rely upon so heavily."-pg154 RUE.

While the Psi-Stalker has some disadvantages to being on a Ley Line, where a mage is more powerful, the Psi-Stalker is now an MDC creature (plus Body Armor).

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:40 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
flatline wrote:So if I'm standing next to a psi-stalker and another psi-stalker 300' away blows my head off with a rifle, how is it that the sniper gets my PPE and not the psi-stalker standing right next to me?

According to RUE, the psi-stalker standing next to me can only get the excess that the sniper psi-stalker doesn't absorb.

I think the RUE write-up assumes that psi-stalkers always kill their prey close range.


You never know while you are looking at the deer and the green light some young psi stalkers are sneaking up behind you. So they get they get the ppe and the father knows his kids have a meal now or shots you thru the spine and you get ripped apart by tween cannie psi stalkers.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:54 pm
by dragonfett
I think it's more the expectation that the Psi-Stalker that deals the death blow is more prepared to receive the PPE, even when further away, than the Psi-Stalker standing right next to the victim who was not the one delivering the killing blow.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:31 pm
by Alrik Vas
There are a lot of lopsided comparisons in this game. Honestly, magic doesn't require much in the way of method, it's pretty powerful. So when you apply tactics to magic, you pretty much get an unstoppable character. Not everyone has that luxury.

In any event, ability isn't a reason to fear psi-stalkers. It's their tactics. Pretty much like the CS. They really aren't anything special in a battle either...but they have the tools and tactics. Psi-Stalkers do the same.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:46 pm
by torjones
dragonfett wrote:
torjones wrote:
dragonfett wrote:Can Psi-Stalkers turn into MDC beings if there is a supernatural creature in a group that the Psi-Stalker is fighting?

Also, Psi-Stalkers haven't survived this long feeding on JUST mages, but creatures of magic and supernatural creatures as well, as well as other things I am sure, plus I am sure that if push came to shove, they would feed off of a ley line to survive.

Just how does one "Cut" a Ley Line so that the stalker can begin to feed?
Also, Just how much PPE is contained in that Ley Line for the Stalker to feed upon, once that line does get cut?
Does the stalker reduce only that one ley line to zero PPE or does he disrupt the entire web of lines that that particular line is connected to through the various nexus?

The above ridiculous and rhetorical questions aside, a stalker can only feed on PPE produced by creatures of magic or supernatural creatures, not ley lines. In order to feed, they must cut the victim, and drain all of their PPE. This is a problem for most mages, the whole being at zero PPE. The stalker can not choose to take only part of a creature's PPE, it's an all or nothing proposition.

Page 153 of the RUE, bottom of the page, right hand column:

Note: The Psi-Stalker can not feed on the PPE of beings who are not practitioners of magic, creatures of magic, psychic, or supernatural in nature. They can absorb mystic ley line energy in an emergency to stay alive, but it tastes bad, like sour milk, makes the Psi-Stalker nauseous (-1 on all combat bonuses for 1d6x10 minutes), and the ley line disrupts the character's senses.

I stand corrected. Sorry about that. Didn't read the note when I was checking my information. I guess that makes the ridiculous and rhetorical questions not so ridiculous or rhetorical... still silly though.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:48 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
dragonfett wrote:I think it's more the expectation that the Psi-Stalker that deals the death blow is more prepared to receive the PPE, even when further away, than the Psi-Stalker standing right next to the victim who was not the one delivering the killing blow.

Agreed, the psi-stalker with the distance weapon might have its reason why it's not collecting the ppe for the kill shot. An pack of kiddie psi stalkers might look cute with their" hey mister" questioning, but I bet their cuteness might run out went they start cutting into you after someone just shot you in the spine and you lose feeling from the chest down. Just a father teaching his kids to hunt like any other predator would do manning its prey to a level where the young one can learn to hunt without getting killed.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:38 pm
by Giant2005
ShadowLogan wrote:Actually MDC transformation occurs automatically when on a Ley Line/Nexus, not just as a result of locking horns with SN/CoM. "This also occurs when on a ley line, giving the Psi-Stalker 50% more MDC and his M.D.C is doubled at a nexus point. However, Psi-Stalkers still hate being on ley lines because of the disruption to the sense they rely upon so heavily."-pg154 RUE.

While the Psi-Stalker has some disadvantages to being on a Ley Line, where a mage is more powerful, the Psi-Stalker is now an MDC creature (plus Body Armor).

That isn't how I interpret that statement.
I interpret the "This" in your quote to refer to the process of becoming M.D.C. when locking horns with a CoM or Supernatural critter. As in, it just says that if the same situation happens near a Nexus or Ley Line, the Psi-Stalker gets more M.D.C. than usual; Not that he is M.D.C. whenever he is near a Ley Line or Nexus, whether he is in combat or not.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:01 pm
by Shark_Force
very high ME means that they can be hard to hit with some of your best spells. their senses mean that they can track you relatively easily. their need to feed makes it so that they have a motivation to track you. their social organization means they most likely have a bunch of friends they can bring along with them.

but for the most part, the main reason to fear them more than you would a group of rogue scholars or mercenaries is that the psi-stalker is that the psi-stalker most likely has motivation to hunt you down, while the group of rogue scholars are more likely to hunt you down so they can ask you a question about some spell that you know or some place that you've been, if they care enough to bother finding you at all.

essentially, it's more a matter of motivation than it is a matter of them being extremely good at hunting mages, combined with the ability to reliably find you so they can act on that motivation.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:42 pm
by torjones
Giant2005 wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:Actually MDC transformation occurs automatically when on a Ley Line/Nexus, not just as a result of locking horns with SN/CoM. "This also occurs when on a ley line, giving the Psi-Stalker 50% more MDC and his M.D.C is doubled at a nexus point. However, Psi-Stalkers still hate being on ley lines because of the disruption to the sense they rely upon so heavily."-pg 154 RUE.

While the Psi-Stalker has some disadvantages to being on a Ley Line, where a mage is more powerful, the Psi-Stalker is now an MDC creature (plus Body Armor).

That isn't how I interpret that statement.
I interpret the "This" in your quote to refer to the process of becoming M.D.C. when locking horns with a CoM or Supernatural critter. As in, it just says that if the same situation happens near a Nexus or Ley Line, the Psi-Stalker gets more M.D.C. than usual; Not that he is M.D.C. whenever he is near a Ley Line or Nexus, whether he is in combat or not.

The "This" at the beginning of a sentence refers to the subject already being discussed, the temporary MDC transformation. It means that the Psi-Stalker becomes a temporary minor MDC being when on a ley line or nexus. The second half of the sentence also indicates that on a ley line the stalker gets a bonus 50% MDC and a bonus 100% MDC at a nexus.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:28 pm
by flatline
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:So if I'm standing next to a psi-stalker and another psi-stalker 300' away blows my head off with a rifle, how is it that the sniper gets my PPE and not the psi-stalker standing right next to me?

According to RUE, the psi-stalker standing next to me can only get the excess that the sniper psi-stalker doesn't absorb.

I think the RUE write-up assumes that psi-stalkers always kill their prey close range.


You never know while you are looking at the deer and the green light some young psi stalkers are sneaking up behind you. So they get they get the ppe and the father knows his kids have a meal now or shots you thru the spine and you get ripped apart by tween cannie psi stalkers.

Perhaps you can help me understand how your reply relates to the post it was replying to. I can't see it.


Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:01 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
flatline wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
flatline wrote:So if I'm standing next to a psi-stalker and another psi-stalker 300' away blows my head off with a rifle, how is it that the sniper gets my PPE and not the psi-stalker standing right next to me?

According to RUE, the psi-stalker standing next to me can only get the excess that the sniper psi-stalker doesn't absorb.

I think the RUE write-up assumes that psi-stalkers always kill their prey close range.


You never know while you are looking at the deer and the green light some young psi stalkers are sneaking up behind you. So they get they get the ppe and the father knows his kids have a meal now or shots you thru the spine and you get ripped apart by tween cannie psi stalkers.

Perhaps you can help me understand how your reply relates to the post it was replying to. I can't see it.

its all about the nature of predator types, perhaps you so see my other post just scroll up.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:41 am
by ShadowLogan
Giant2005 wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:Actually MDC transformation occurs automatically when on a Ley Line/Nexus, not just as a result of locking horns with SN/CoM. "This also occurs when on a ley line, giving the Psi-Stalker 50% more MDC and his M.D.C is doubled at a nexus point. However, Psi-Stalkers still hate being on ley lines because of the disruption to the sense they rely upon so heavily."-pg154 RUE.

While the Psi-Stalker has some disadvantages to being on a Ley Line, where a mage is more powerful, the Psi-Stalker is now an MDC creature (plus Body Armor).

That isn't how I interpret that statement.
I interpret the "This" in your quote to refer to the process of becoming M.D.C. when locking horns with a CoM or Supernatural critter. As in, it just says that if the same situation happens near a Nexus or Ley Line, the Psi-Stalker gets more M.D.C. than usual; Not that he is M.D.C. whenever he is near a Ley Line or Nexus, whether he is in combat or not.

Then why mention that "this also occurs when on a ley line" if the transformation already would have happened from simply engaging CoM/SN critter. They could have simply said: when on a ley line/nexus they receive the following bonuses. That they explicitly state "this also occurs" indicates another separate trigger for the ability to activate.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:25 am
by kaid
ShadowLogan wrote:
Giant2005 wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:Actually MDC transformation occurs automatically when on a Ley Line/Nexus, not just as a result of locking horns with SN/CoM. "This also occurs when on a ley line, giving the Psi-Stalker 50% more MDC and his M.D.C is doubled at a nexus point. However, Psi-Stalkers still hate being on ley lines because of the disruption to the sense they rely upon so heavily."-pg154 RUE.

While the Psi-Stalker has some disadvantages to being on a Ley Line, where a mage is more powerful, the Psi-Stalker is now an MDC creature (plus Body Armor).

That isn't how I interpret that statement.
I interpret the "This" in your quote to refer to the process of becoming M.D.C. when locking horns with a CoM or Supernatural critter. As in, it just says that if the same situation happens near a Nexus or Ley Line, the Psi-Stalker gets more M.D.C. than usual; Not that he is M.D.C. whenever he is near a Ley Line or Nexus, whether he is in combat or not.

Then why mention that "this also occurs when on a ley line" if the transformation already would have happened from simply engaging CoM/SN critter. They could have simply said: when on a ley line/nexus they receive the following bonuses. That they explicitly state "this also occurs" indicates another separate trigger for the ability to activate.

I reread the psi stalker section last night and it is pretty clear that they go MDC either by locking horns with a supernatural or critter of magic or when they enter close proximity of ley lines/nexus. Due to the ley lines effects on their senses though even though it boosts their survivability up a lot when on it they still do not enjoy being on/near ley lines.

Upon rereading the skills I have to say the CS/civilized psi stalker skills kinda baffle me. The wild psi stalkers were pretty much what I was remembering when I was thinking about the skills I did not recall that CS psi stalkers skill lay out is pretty much that of a tank/hover craft driver or gunner on a robot vehicle which I find really odd. They do get prowl and good access to wilderness skills in their secondary list but with those four picks given their other skills it almost makes more sense to take robot/power armor piloting and combat which is available to them oddly enough and make use of their other skills. I can kinda see this for a merc psi stalker it just seems really weird given how the CS uses them that they are so much more focused on driving/weapon system/gunnery type skills than tracking/stalking/sneaking about.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:01 am
by Eashamahel
Anytime you find yourself in a situation where where someone is out to kill you, you are in danger.

If that someone is a master woodsman, and travels with a group of similarly skilled friends, all of which are trained combatants who not only want to kill you, but want to EAT you, you are in danger.

If they possess psychic abilities warning them of danger, allowing them to communicate with each other silently, gather information on you without you knowing, can follow a trail you didn't even know you were leaving and pick you out hiding in a crowd without even knowing what you look like, you are in great danger.

Psi-Stalkers aren't random monsters that feed on PPE. They are intelligent, HUMAN hunters. They might ambush you or try to take you head on, or they might let you pass if you're too big a threat. They might just follow you for awhile and kill you in your sleep. They aren't noble hunters, or honourable combatants. They aren't zealots or maniacs. They just want to kill you.

Put another way, why would anyone be afraid of a group of armed psychic ninja cannibals who can be pretty much anywhere?

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:59 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:10 pm
by torjones
Eashamahel wrote:Anytime you find yourself in a situation where where someone is out to kill you, you are in danger.

If that someone is a master woodsman, and travels with a group of similarly skilled friends, all of which are trained combatants who not only want to kill you, but want to EAT you, you are in danger.

If they possess psychic abilities warning them of danger, allowing them to communicate with each other silently, gather information on you without you knowing, can follow a trail you didn't even know you were leaving and pick you out hiding in a crowd without even knowing what you look like, you are in great danger.

Psi-Stalkers aren't random monsters that feed on PPE. They are intelligent, HUMAN hunters. They might ambush you or try to take you head on, or they might let you pass if you're too big a threat. They might just follow you for awhile and kill you in your sleep. They aren't noble hunters, or honourable combatants. They aren't zealots or maniacs. They just want to kill you.

Put another way, why would anyone be afraid of a group of armed psychic ninja cannibals who can be pretty much anywhere?

Most of what you say is correct, but consider the very short range on that tracking ability... less than half a mile if I'm expending ppe/isp. If I'm not casting, then it's less than 200'. Once I stop casting, the stalker is back down to 200' or less, depending on level. Thats a help, potentially, but I'm thinking in the long run, luck would be a bigger factor. That and legitimate hunting and bounty hunting techniques. Again, I'm not saying it isn't helpful, I just am of the opinion that it's not as big a benefit as some people seem to think it is.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:22 pm
by torjones
Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

That's not a person, that's FOOD. It's a chicken, that has developed the ability to speak American. It's a Cow. Sure, if I take good care of it, I can keep turning it into hamburger, but that's all it is really. It's in their own self-interest to have that perspective, even if they are civilized enough not to say it to the Cow's face...

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:27 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
torjones wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

That's not a person, that's FOOD. It's a chicken, that has developed the ability to speak American. It's a Cow. Sure, if I take good care of it, I can keep turning it into hamburger, but that's all it is really. It's in their own self-interest to have that perspective, even if they are civilized enough not to say it to the Cow's face...

By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers? That's my point. nothing in their discription leads one to beleive they see killing a mage as no different than killing a cow.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:32 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
torjones wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

That's not a person, that's FOOD. It's a chicken, that has developed the ability to speak American. It's a Cow. Sure, if I take good care of it, I can keep turning it into hamburger, but that's all it is really. It's in their own self-interest to have that perspective, even if they are civilized enough not to say it to the Cow's face...

By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers?
50% of wild psi stalkers are cannibals. That and everything is food to something.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:58 pm
by kaid
Of the psi stalkers out there a large chunk of them are going to be CS 15% of the CS army is psi stalkers so that is an awful lot of psi stalkers. Any CS psi stalker would be on standing orders to at very least call in your location and likely would aim to capture/kill simply because you are a mage and the side benefit is they get nutrition out of it so they have every incentive to do so.

Wild psi stalkers it would depend on the tribe and the psi stalker individual. They would probably at least scout you out to see what you are up to. It is very possible maybe even likely this is as far as it goes they report to the tribe what they saw and maybe tracked you to see what you are up to and then left without you ever knowing they were there. The tribes that are fighting the xiticix probably are not overly concerned/predatory to random mages they see mainly because "game" is plentiful for them and there is no shortage of real monsters to hunt down and eat.

The danger for mages is a good chunk of psi stalkers ARE cannibals and if they are hungry or their tribe is hunger a single mage is a feast for a tribe on death. One dead mid level mage can probably be a good chunk of a small tribes entire PPE needs for a week.

The other reason mages and especially psychics need to be careful around psi stalkers is they are pretty resistant to psychic control and magical attacks. Psychics like mind melters arguably have almost more to fear from psi stalkers than mages do is that their abilities have a very low chance of actually effecting the stalker. Psi stalkers save vs psionics is a 6 so some of the most potent abilities psychics have like bio manipulation have little chance of ever firing off on a psi stalker.

They are less resistant to normal magic stuff but any kind of mind control/possession spells are unlikely to work on them and they get a +1d4 to any save vs any type of magic other than the mind control possession.

I am not saying psi stalkers are some godly powerful OCC or they are better than magic users. Honestly on an 1v1 fight out in the open with no surprise invovled a LLW or a temporal wizard likely is more than a match for a psi stalker although with the extra melee attack and automatic ambidexterity and paired weapon skills stalkers start with it likely would come down to does the stalker miss a saving throw somewhere. But Psi stalkers are a very credible threat to mages and wild psi stalkers are an excellent wilderness scout/spec ops type character with the bonuse of their psychic senses which tend to be a godsend for groups.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:31 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
torjones wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

That's not a person, that's FOOD. It's a chicken, that has developed the ability to speak American. It's a Cow. Sure, if I take good care of it, I can keep turning it into hamburger, but that's all it is really. It's in their own self-interest to have that perspective, even if they are civilized enough not to say it to the Cow's face...

By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers?
50% of wild psi stalkers are cannibals. That and everything is food to something.

The thread was about psi-stalkers, not wild psi-stalkers. I consider them two seperate things. those wild psi-stalkers are the equivlent of xenophobic tribes that hate everyone not them, it's an entirely different paradigm.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:48 pm
by kaid
When talking about psi stalkers the majority of them are "wild" psi stalkers and they are one of the listed varients in the RUE. Hard to talk about psi stalkers without taking wild psi stalkers into consideration given the vast majority of psi stalkers around fall into that category.

Also as shown in the xiticix book some tribes are xenophobic others are pretty open dealing with others even mages. Hell one tribe from the xiticx book has necromancers working/living with the tribe.

Funny thing is upon coming across a random mage when talking about "civilized" and "wild" psi stalkers you probably have a better chance of being left unmolested by the wild psi stalkers than the "civilized" ones given that nearly all the "civilized ones" are going to be members of the CS.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:51 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
torjones wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

That's not a person, that's FOOD. It's a chicken, that has developed the ability to speak American. It's a Cow. Sure, if I take good care of it, I can keep turning it into hamburger, but that's all it is really. It's in their own self-interest to have that perspective, even if they are civilized enough not to say it to the Cow's face...

By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers?
50% of wild psi stalkers are cannibals. That and everything is food to something.

The thread was about psi-stalkers, not wild psi-stalkers. I consider them two seperate things. those wild psi-stalkers are the equivlent of xenophobic tribes that hate everyone not them, it's an entirely different paradigm.
it's about psi-stalkers period which includes both types,not just one type but both.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:14 am
by torjones
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
torjones wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

That's not a person, that's FOOD. It's a chicken, that has developed the ability to speak American. It's a Cow. Sure, if I take good care of it, I can keep turning it into hamburger, but that's all it is really. It's in their own self-interest to have that perspective, even if they are civilized enough not to say it to the Cow's face...

By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers? That's my point. nothing in their description leads one to believe they see killing a mage as no different than killing a cow.

Humans can't eat other humans, well, not a lot anyway. I forget what the chemical is that is in our bodies, but it builds up and above a certain concentration becomes quite toxic to us. The South American cannibals practiced it rarely, so it never really became an issue for them. Certainly not often enough to be "Eat your dead" kind of cannibals anyway. So, no, Cannibalism isn't in our best interest.
RUE p 152 wrote:Fallen to barbarism, most Psi-Stalkers have survived for over two centuries as hunters of supernatural monsters and practitioners of magic.

RUE p 152 wrote:Some innate instinct draws the Psi-Stalker to those creatures who are psionic or magical. This same instinct makes the mutant want to kill his prey and drink his PPE, which, for a brief instant, doubles when its victim dies.

and finally,
RUE p 155 wrote:Over the centuries, they've advanced, but remain very much like Native American Indian Tribes of the past, only a bit more wild and savage. Fifty percent are cannibals who eat part of their victims, or tear them to shreds. The act of cannibalism, or unnecessary violence, is a manifestation of the predatory killing instinct and aggression, because Psi-Stalkers have minimal need for flesh and blood nourishment."

Um, that seems pretty clear to me that they are not only cannibals, but see mages, psychics, supernatural creatures, and creatures of magic, as little more than food, because instinctually, that's what mages et. al. are to them, their source of nourishment. Given that they are already considered mutants by the book I don't find it difficult to believe that their bodies don't have the problems with that particular chemical that baseline humans do.

You may not like it. You may not be comfortable with it. That's fine. I'm not even going to try to convince you to be comfortable with it. Lions and Tigers, wolves, a lot of the apex predators out there find humans to be very tasty food. As has been said by others, "Everything is food to something else." You and I will eventually feed worms and other such beasties.

All I'm saying, if I'm saying anything at all, is that Psi-Stalkers view mages as food, even if they are too civilized to say it to the food's face...

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:36 am
by torjones
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
torjones wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:So...why would a psi-stalker be trying to murder some random shifter trying to open a portal?

Yea, they are predators who feed on PPE to survive, but that dosn't make them psycopaths automatically. While there are (cannonically even) psycopathic kill-crazy bastard psi-stalkers, nothing i've seen indicates the majority go around ganking random wizards.

That's not a person, that's FOOD. It's a chicken, that has developed the ability to speak American. It's a Cow. Sure, if I take good care of it, I can keep turning it into hamburger, but that's all it is really. It's in their own self-interest to have that perspective, even if they are civilized enough not to say it to the Cow's face...

By that logic everyone on earth should be a cannibal. after all it's in your own self-interest to eat dead people instead of burying them--free food. what idiot would turn that down?

If cannabalism isn't the default for humans, why would it be for psi-stalkers?
50% of wild psi stalkers are cannibals. That and everything is food to something.

The thread was about psi-stalkers, not wild psi-stalkers. I consider them two separate things. those wild psi-stalkers are the equivalent of xenophobic tribes that hate everyone not them, it's an entirely different paradigm.

On the contrary, nothing in the Psi-Stalker description indicates that they are two separate mutations. Same exact powers, just different skill sets, and the wild stalkers get a tiny bit better a stat line. That, to me, suggests that they are the same mutation, just trained differently. Reading through the fluff, there is nothing there that indicates that they are in anyway xenophobic, or that they hate everyone not them, quite the opposite in fact.
RUE p 155 wrote:Furthermore, Psi-Stalkers frequently join bandits and adventurer groups, especially if the group is predominantly human. They are also fascinated with Cyber-Knights and often join or assit them on their crusades, although most Psi-Stalkers are too undisciplined to become one.

That's from the WILD Psi-Stalker, not the Civilized one, so I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that they are xenophobic tribes that hates anyone not them, or that they are entirely different paradigms.
RUE p 155 wrote:With rare exceptions, they never hunt or kill a fellow Psi-Stalker, but they do engage in friendly and not so friendly competitions, feuds, and vendettas with rival tribes and clans. Furthermore, most Wild Psi-Stalkers consider their Coalition counterparts and any "civilized" Psi-Stalkers to be weaklings and sissies, even cowards.

Well, that entire paragraph continues in the same vein, the two groups love to tease each other, and the wild stalkers do it because they, to some degree, are jealous of the lifestyle the civilized stalkers lead. It's describing a friendly rivalry, with the occasional bloody nose or lip and even the occasional death. No different than humans meeting in a bar really. Occasionally they don't both walk away.

Re: Why should I be afraid of Psi-Stalkers?

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:49 am
by torjones
kaid wrote:When talking about psi stalkers the majority of them are "wild" psi stalkers and they are one of the listed varients in the RUE. Hard to talk about psi stalkers without taking wild psi stalkers into consideration given the vast majority of psi stalkers around fall into that category.

Also as shown in the xiticix book some tribes are xenophobic others are pretty open dealing with others even mages. Hell one tribe from the xiticx book has necromancers working/living with the tribe.

Funny thing is upon coming across a random mage when talking about "civilized" and "wild" psi stalkers you probably have a better chance of being left unmolested by the wild psi stalkers than the "civilized" ones given that nearly all the "civilized ones" are going to be members of the CS.

I'm guessing you mean WB23: Xiticix Invasion? If so, I haven't read that book. If not, I'm not sure which book that would be, but given your comment, that does seem to back up my statements thus far. As a whole, they aren't all xenophobic xeno-haters. An exception to a generality doesn't disprove the generality.

If it was my character though, I don't think I'd choose to live with a tribe of stalkers... I realize that there are humans who keep cows, chickens, pigs, etc. as pets. Pets that some times wind up eaten. my character might not wake up one day because someone got a bit too hungry, and hunting has been scarce lately.