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Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:46 pm
by sirkermittsg
there are rules for Mutant Animals in a game called After The Bomb, most of them are repeated in Heros Unlimited. Rifts Lone Star has lots of animals... but I did not specifically see reindeer.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:25 pm
by guardiandashi
sirkermittsg wrote:there are rules for Mutant Animals in a game called After The Bomb, most of them are repeated in Heros Unlimited. Rifts Lone Star has lots of animals... but I did not specifically see reindeer.

hmm I will have to think about that, deer/reindeer run through the lone star dog boy "upgrade"

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:43 pm
by random_username
The Rifter 0 (yes zero) if really, really bored. Otherwise simply whatever is fun.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:04 pm
by Lord Death
One of the rifters has mutant deers in there..... just dont remember which one.....I know its one of newer ones...dont have my books near me.......

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:00 pm
by dragonfett
I had a friend DM a Christmas special for D&D (3.5). It was corny, but it was fun for the kids.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:33 pm
by Rimmerdal
heh heh...I'd like to see des's take on the Reindeer..It'd be funny. as for a good target could have santa request the party break into the black vault and get his sleigh or bag of toys back. Could be a funky idea...and you know Santa has to have some wicked stats.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:57 am
by McFacemelt
A diabolic green skin is flying around in a red hovercyle with a dog equipped with a horribly attached single bionic antler are going around the world ruining everyone's cheerful mood one cold wintery night.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:55 am
by sirkermittsg
Rimmerdal wrote:heh heh...I'd like to see des's take on the Reindeer..It'd be funny. as for a good target could have santa request the party break into the black vault and get his sleigh or bag of toys back. Could be a funky idea...and you know Santa has to have some wicked stats.

yup you know the coalition would mess with Christmas! I mean a sleigh that flies? that is clearly magic and they would hate that.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:05 pm
by DevastationBob
Sunrider wrote:Ok, my gaming group is working on a Christmas themed game. So far, we have an Ice Dragon as Santa, three Asgardian Elves, and Two Gnomes. I would like to make a Mutant Reindeer, but don't know how to go about.
Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

I truly doubt we'll ever see the much advertised Rifts Lapland.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:35 pm
by ShadowLogan
Sunrider wrote:Ok, my gaming group is working on a Christmas themed game. So far, we have an Ice Dragon as Santa, three Asgardian Elves, and Two Gnomes. I would like to make a Mutant Reindeer, but don't know how to go about.
Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

As previously mentioned mutant animal construction is covered in After the Bomb, Heroes Unlimited and TMNT, though the later two only help in establishing how to do the work, neither have Reindeer in them. You might need to combine them, I don't have AtB, HU has Superpowers which the mutant animals can purchase that would allow for easy customization.

Additional Options though:
-Feni Nomands (DBoNA pg80-3) would take some customization (or a good starting place) as they already are "deer people", they don't have access to Magic OCCs by default
-Peryton (sp) in RCB1r is a winged deer, though in this case it is also evil (escaped subjects from Atlantis Insane Asylum?)
-metamorphosis on Dragons (or other species) to complete the illusion (maybe custom spell lists for each Dragon used, but Rudolph should have select spells to allow him to act as a guide)
-Bio-Wizard/Bio-Borg upgrades to morph another creature into a flying reindeer
-Robot construction rules (SB1) or a modified Robot Horse (New West) or TW Glittermount Horse (New West) would also suffice
-Gene Splicer/Tech (here you will essentially have to assign stats and such)

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:30 am
by Rimmerdal
Candy Cane Golems or elemental!!!

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:58 am
by DevastationBob
Has anyone statted up the Krampus? Grinch is a definite d-bee.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:13 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
The Krampus..(shudder) I think it was either Rathorc or Pepsi Jedi put a link on my facebook about Krampus. That thing is horrible. Let me see if I can find the info.. ... on/100639/

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:23 am
by Nightmask
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:The Krampus..(shudder) I think it was either Rathorc or Pepsi Jedi put a link on my facebook about Krampus. That thing is horrible. Let me see if I can find the info.. ... on/100639/

First time I've heard of this (compared to Black Peter, who is apparently Krampus by another name) was Sunday watching American Dad, although saw an unusual but entertaining foreign Christmas film where a remote town on a mountain's side learns due to an American businessman's efforts that the mountain is actually the prison for Santa Claus (although he thought it was a crypt). Except this Santa is actually like Krampus and his elves (who look like old men) are shown working to free him from his icy prison after it was breached by the businessman's efforts to uncover the grave. They also go around kidnapping naughty boys and leaving stocks in their place so Santa has plenty of boys to punish (or eat, or both), and only through the diligent efforts of the one kid who realized the truth do the adults finally learn the truth and manage to stop Santa's release.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:47 am
by DevastationBob
He's definitely more a European thing. I saw him on Venture Brothers too. Usually horned, covered in hair with a lolling tongue. One foot is a cloven hoof, the other is "normal". He's wrapped in chains with bells hanging from them and carries a bundle of birch branches for whipping naughty children with. Some accounts have him carrying a washtub on his back for drowning particularly naughty kids. Yikes.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:32 pm
by abe
Krampus was also on the tv show grimm fyi.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:32 pm
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
I saw that episode of Grimm. It was great. All of it except for the crappy cgi animated long flicking forked tongue. I'd have been satisfied with a believable prosthetic.

Re: Christmas theme Rifts game

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:48 pm
by Razzinold
DRock wrote:You could add in 'The Candy Monster'.

The Candy Monster is something that just sort of... organically got out of hand back in one of my old RIFTS games. The Candy Monster is a Worldly Sasquatch (from RIFTS Canada) and like most of his kind he has a sweet tooth. One day he and his party were sucked into a rift... it was a Vacation Planet, and when they returned the whole party was wearing straw hats, hawaiian shirts, cargo shorts, sandals, and digital cameras.

They went to the nearest town to resupply (having all their gear turn into tourist junk). Feeling like having something sweet, the Sasquatch goes to the nearest general store, where he puts the digital camera down on the counter and asks how many sweets he can buy with it.

The general store owner takes out a measuring tape, measures the confectionery wall, then stops somewhere near the end and starts removing entire sections. With a 'Here ya go!' the Sasquatch ends up owning most of the store's sweets. This annoys the rest of the party to no end as he loads up their transport with candy.

A few of the local guttersnipes watch with sad puppydog eyes as all this candy is being loaded. Our Sasquatch notices. He approaches the children, and he asks in a soft gentle voice that beguiles his intimidating size and stature...

"You want some candy?"

He offers each kid a sweetstick.

Rather than scream for the nearest police officer, the guttersnipes say 'YAY!' and start bring more children over! Next thing you know all the town's children are there and the party has to spend the next hour handing handfuls of candy to little children!

And that's how the legend of The Candy Monster was born!

The legend mutated a bit as the party traveled on. The Candy Monster rides a Black Beetle Sleigh (actually, it's their old Coalition APC that was uparmoured with Fury Beetle shell sections), and with his woodland creature helpers (another exaggeration due to the various pets our party owns) he gives candy to all the good little boys and girls while avoiding the Coalition Death Squads (that much is true; strange D-Bees handing candy to little children in Coalition territory tends to get you on a few watch lists). It was even said that The Candy Monster flew his magical beetle sleigh into Tolkeen and rescued all the good children from certain death (again an exaggeration, it was a Tolkeen affiliated town, it was a dozen children of various temperments, and only the mage flew in and everyone else had to drive).

It beat keeping his old nickname, Chewbacca.

So now as a backstory in our games, The Candy Monster has woven itself into legend. It has become part of Christmas in some areas. In some areas of the Wild West as well as the non-Coalition dominated east, instead of presents the children get mysterious gifts of candies and sweets.

So there you have it. A different take on the holidays, as well as the interesting way in which traditions end up ingraining themselves with the general populace. Hope that gives you some inspiration.

Now this may be an odd question but, why was his camera worth so much ? I mean in a place like Rifts Earth how useful would the camera be to the average person ? If he traded a gun or something I could see that, but other than your pc's or higher level npcs I don't see most citizens spending their resources on luxuries like cameras.

Now that I've rained on your parade, I still enjoyed the story, lol