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Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:02 pm
by taalismn
Thought of making this a one-shot allusion joke in my random ‘quality of life’ posts, but it took off on me:

Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth
“Ye gods, but today is hot! Feels like we have a Fire Elemental parked over us!”
“Why don’t we stop for a nice cold glass of lemonade?”
“You’re kidding me, right? We’re in the middle of nowhere and we don’t HAVE any lemonade, or anything cold in our supplies for that matter! Where the hell are we going to get le-”
“We follow the signs!”
“What signs?! Oh...THOSE signs....”

You’re traveling through the wilderness when you encounter a roadside business stand...Need I say more?

a) Size and Sophistication----What sort of a lash-up operation is it?
01-25% Knock-Up---A cardboard or wooden box with a hand-drawn sign, one pitcher, and 1d4 cups.
25-60% Bigger Effort----Folding table and chairs. The sign is larger and sturdier. There are 1+1d4 pitchers, and 2d6 cups, plus a chair for a visitor.
61-89% Serious Effort---Equivalent of 1d4 big tables and 3d6 chairs, multiple signs leading in from the local road. (+1 rolls to What Else Is Being Served?)
90-00% Permanent Business---This is a roofed-over stand or mobile trailer, a refrigerator(ice in the lemonade!), and likely some armored plate (50-80 MDC) to protect the operators. Usually has seating and service for 4d6 or more people at a time. (+1d4 rolls to What Else Is Being Served?)

b) Who’s Running It---Who’s behind the counter?
01-25%% Ordinary-looking Human Kid
26-50% Common D-bee Kid
51-60% Uncommon D-bee Kid
61-70% Deranged-looking Human Kid
71-80% Deranged-looking D-Bee Kid
81-87% Deranged-looking Adult(50% chance Human, 50% chance D-bee, 50% chance of being a M.O.M. ‘crazy’)
88-90% Not Sure Whether It’s a Kid or an Adult, But the Critter Looks Imposing(could be a demonic-looking d-bee, dragon, Splugorth Minion, golem, alien robot, etc.)
91-93% Faerie-Folk
94-98% Nobody---The stand is run on the honor system
99-00% Nobody Apparent, but approaching the stand, the area glows and the lemonade pitcher and utensils levitate and move as if manipulated by somebody invisible

c) Alignment of Management----What are these people like?
01-05% Diabolical & Miscreant---The owners are likely in business for something over than petty cash, and while you’re quaffing, they’re picking your pockets, scoping you out for an ambush by their buddies, or slipping a mickey in your drink. (+20% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand and Consequences of Destroying the Stand rolls)
06-15% Aberrant----The owners are cutthroat capitalists. They won’t deliberately poison you, but they may play games with the change(shortchange the customers), and will definitely mark anybody who does them wrong(+15% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand rolls)
16-50% Anarchist---Out to make a buck; not above stiffing customers on change or watering the stock, but not maliciously so. (+5% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand rolls)
51-79% Unprincipled and Scrupulous---Generally good and law-abiding; may do some self-inflicted justice if you stiff them.
80 -00% Principled---Nice people; you might get a happy lecture on some subject(like religion) but you won’t be stiffed or anything. If you complain about quality(or an abreaction) they’ll listen, and you might even get a refund. (+10% to Consequences of Stopping for a Drink rolls, -10% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand and Consequences of Destroying the Stand rolls)

d)What’s Being Served? ---It ain’t always lemonade.
01-75% Refreshing Cold Beverage(lemonade, saspirilla, iced tea, fruit juice, birch beer, cold milk, etc.)
76-00% Refreshing Hot Beverage( ersatz-coffee, tea, herbal drink, etc.)

e) Cost? ---How much is this drink gonna set me back?
01-05% Free---That’s right, free! Stop and be friendly!
06-15% Shiny!----The stand is willing to barter for anything that catches their fancy, like shiny rocks, bottlecaps, uniform patches, spare clothing, spent e-clip, old toy, etc.
16-60% Cheap----1d10th of a credit
65-90% Modest---About a credit a cup
91-00% Expensive---The little venture capitalists are charging a whooping 1+1d4 credits a cup!

f) Hygiene---How clean is this little operation?
01-05% Health Hazard--- The lemonade stand could double as a home bacterial culturing experiment, it’s that filthy. Roll versus non-lethal poison; on a failure, contract a nonfatal(but misery-inducing) stomach ailment that lasts 1d6 hours.
06-15% Poor----You can still see the lip marks of the last person to use the common drinking cup, and the kids/owners don’t seem so hot on regularly washing their hands. 10% chance of contracting a stomach ailment similar to previous.
16-80% Decent----The drink is regularly changed and made with sanitary ingredients, the cups regularly and thoroughly washed out or replaced. Slim to no chance of catching anything.
81-00% Excellent ----As above, only there’s also a generous supply of handy-wipes or hand sanitizer available as well.

g) Quality---How good is it?
01-05% Wretched---It might be called ‘lemonade’ but the closest it tastes to anything lemony is scented dishwashing detergent.
06-15% Poor----Whether fresh-squeezed or from a mix, the stuff is borderline consumable, and imbibers aren’t going to wince when they drink it.
16-80% Good-----It’s wet and it’s cold/hot, and it beats having to make it yourself.
81-95% Excellent ----Damn, but this stuff is good! Maybe the makers would like to go into business on a bigger scale?
96-00% Superior---Beyond refreshing; this stuff is a real pick-me-up! Fatigue is momentarily forgotten for 1d4 hours, +1 to initiative for 3d6x10 minutes.

h) What Else Is Being Served?----Some stands like to double up in business since they already have your attention.
01-50% Nothing, just a refreshing beverage
51-60% Baked Goods----Bread, cookies, fritters, etc.
61-65% Candy---Usually sweetened and hardened plant sap, molasses, honey, etc. Maybe jams and preserves; sweet stuff.
66-72% Fresh Fruit or Produce---Maybe actual lemons.
73-75% Other Food Items----Might be an outdoor grill serving homemade sausage, or a freezer with ice cream.
76-80% Homecrafted Goods---This can be wool mittens or scarves, homemade soap, candles, wooden handicrafts, yarn, etc.
81-83% Puppies/Kittens/Juvenile Critters---Litter of 1d8 available for adoption.
84-86% Charms---These are homemade good luck or protection charms. 5% chance of them actually having some power to them(not much more than a +1 to a saving roll)
87-90% Maps---(75% chance of being hand-drawn, 60% chance of being fairly accurate about the locality)
91-00% Garage Sale---Looks like the contents of somebody’s garage. Most(75%) of it is worn-out junk or cheap rags, but an Operator or Rogue Scholar might be able to find some interesting tidbits. If the stand operators are of Evil alignment, these items may be ‘hot’, looted from a nearby house or from the last party of strangers through here.

i) Security----This is Rifts; of COURSE there’s the possibility for violence. What’s the hedge against it(or opportunity for it)?
01-30% None, aside from what the owner/operator might be packing.
31-60% Adult Present----A protective-looking adult is hovering nearby. May or may not(50% chance) of being armed with a modern weapon and having the skill to use it.
61-80% Monstrous Pet---The stand has an obvious animal, but a dangerous-looking one, sleeping nearby. It can and will attack if commanded or provoked. This can be a dragonsaurus, pet dinosaur, giant insect, or Hell-Hound.
81-85% Heavy Firepower---This can be a particularly powerful d-bee, full conversion combat cyborg, squad of CS(or local militia) soldiers, cyberknight, or a high-powered headhunter lurking nearby. Might be family, might just be strangers who don’t like other people picking on little kids or small business men.
86-90% Black Market Enforcer---Well-armed, but the ‘black market’ aspect is the really scary part.
91-97% Magic/Psionics----Hedge-mage, such as a country leyline walker, mystic, or resident psi-stalker or mindmelter looking out for the locals.
98-99% Demon or Spirit of Light(depending on Alignment) looking after the tykes.
-00% Alien Intelligence or Minor Divinity. Dissing their follower(s) might not be such a good idea.

j) Consequences of Stopping for a Drink----What could happen if I stop and see what they got? (+5% if you tip the owners 50% or more above the cost of the drink)
01-03% Food Poisoning; Good intentions, but anybody taking a drink must roll vs non-lethal poison or come down with a nonfatal ailment, such as the runs, for 1d6 hours.
04- 75% Refreshing Drink; that’s all.
76-78% Travel Advice---Handy info about a shorter/safer route through the area.
79-81% Tip-off about trouble further along your intended route. This can be a band of brigands, monster, Coalition presence, or other hazard.
81-86% Good Reference---The PCs get a good reference to a local Operator, Body-Fixer, Black Market rep, boarding house, or other useful location/person, and the advice of ‘Tell’em (insert stand’s operator name here) sent you!” good for a 5% discount on services.
87-90% Local Black Market gets the word these people have money and are decent folk. Alternatively, local authorities get the word of the PCs’ basic decency and don’t harass them on general principles.
99-00% Blessing from a minor hearth god(dess)

k) Consequences of Getting a Drink and Stiffing the Stand----As easy as taking money from a child...okay, maybe not....
01- 75% Nothing, aside from an upset kid(or adult) shaking their manipulatory appendages at you as you ride off.
76-77% Rocks thrown at your backs. Depending on the security, it may be more than just rocks lobbed at you.
78-80% Ambush---About a mile down the road the PCs will be jumped by an ambush, could be extended family, could be the local authorities. They’ll rough you up(if they can) and extract a penalty payment of equal or greater value than the drink(s) you quaffed(usually greater) on just general principle and because they think you’re thieving sods.
81-85% Black Market now has your number; you’re tagged as having a reputation for being petty change-pinchers and skinflints.
86-90% Bountyhunter or Professional Thief set on your path to steal something of equal or greater value from you, just on principle.
91-95% Curse laid on you and your party; Cloud of Insects. The PCs will be followed and besieged by a thick cloud of gnats, mosquitoes, or midges that get into just about anything. Curse lasts 1d4 HOURS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
96-98% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Death. Curse lasts 1d4 HOURS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
99-00% Slow-acting poison. Characters fatigue twice as fast and suffer increasing pain(and 1d4 Hit Point damage per hour). An antidote can be acquired by going back to the stand and begging for it(along with a hefty fee of 1d4x1,000 credits per person being treated)

l) Consequences of Ignoring the Stand---Let’s just ignore the place, okay? What’s the worst that could happen?
01-85% Nothing, aside from an upset kid(or adult) staring morosely at you as you ride off.
86-92% You are reported through the local grapevine as a possible intruder; 50% chance of being harassed by local authorities.
93-98% You ride into an ambush you might have avoided had you stopped and talked to the stand owners.
99-00% You keep seeing the same lemonade stand appearing in your path over the next 1d6x10 miles. Either pull over and do some business with the stand or continue to be haunted.

m) Consequences of Destroying the Stand---Again, this is Rifts Earth, where violence is senseless, brutal, and spontaneous. Don’t tell me this possibility didn’t occur to you.
01-50% Nothing, aside from an upset kid(or adult) shaking their manipulatory appendages at you as you ride off.
51-70% Local Authorities(such as extended family clan or local militia) ambush you 1d4 miles down the road.
71-78% Black Market gets the word that you’re a bunch of bastards.
79-82% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Death. Curse lasts 1d4 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
83-87% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Doom. Curse lasts 1d6 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
88-91% Curse laid on you and your party; Curse of Thirst----The characters can drink all they want/can but they will suffer incurable THIRST. Curse lasts 2d6 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
92-97% Monster set loose on your trail; this can be a HellHound, predatory dinosaur, minor demon or Shadow Beast, or something like a Rhino-Buffalo. It will chase the PCs for 2d6x10 miles(or 1d6 days) or until slain.
98-99% Boobytrap---The stand explodes; 50% chance of an explosive device(roughly equivalent to a Short Range Missile Warhead with regards to damage and blast radius). 50% chance of a biological device; any beverage sprayed on the PCs acts like an acid, doing 1d6 MD per melee for 1d8 melees.
-00% Wrath of a Divinity or Infernal Entity---Yeah, you screwed up big time, mowing down Bacchus's favorite non-alcoholic beverage stand.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:07 pm
by rat_bastard
did you do this on a dare?

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:11 pm
by taalismn
rat_bastard wrote:did you do this on a dare?

No, people don't dare me to do things like this. This is momentary insanity.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:46 pm
by eliakon
This is EPIC, I love it.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:03 pm
by Carl Gleba
taalismn wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:did you do this on a dare?

No, people don't dare me to do things like this. This is momentary insanity.

I love random tables like this. :ok:

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:06 pm
by taalismn
I have to admit, I'm often inspired by quirky writers/illustrators like Bruce McCall(' Golf Carts of the Third Reich').
It's fun to cut loose and laugh at the apocalypse. :D

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:06 pm
by Eclipse
Classic idea. Three thumbs up :)

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:21 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I love it as well. We need more things like this!!

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:55 pm
by glitterboy2098
with a few tweaks, this could become a general roadside stand generator..
to be honest, the first thing that popped into mind when i read it was Falafel from Hercules the Legendary Journeys.. stands in the middle of nowhere, selling food of questionable quality.. yet people keep eating it.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:48 pm
by taalismn
glitterboy2098 wrote:with a few tweaks, this could become a general roadside stand generator..
to be honest, the first thing that popped into mind when i read it was Falafel from Hercules the Legendary Journeys.. stands in the middle of nowhere, selling food of questionable quality.. yet people keep eating it.

Terry Pratchet's CMOT('Cut Me Own Throat') Dibbler has cousins! :D

Now...picture if you will, a roadside lemonade stand run by a Splugorth Intelligence.... :twisted:

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:25 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
Best table ever you should do more ......I dare you.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:29 am
by taalismn
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:Best table ever you should do more ......I dare you.

Like what? 'Random Car Washes in the Coalition States'? :D

Special Features:
-30-40% Dog Boys polish and buff your vehicle, with their FUR....

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:00 am
by Sureshot

That was a fun read. What scares me is that with all the shortages the CS is facing post Tolkeen. I can see some enterprising CS soldier or officer opening a Soylent Green lemonade stand or food distribution center.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:12 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
taalismn wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:Best table ever you should do more ......I dare you.

Like what? 'Random Car Washes in the Coalition States'? :D

Special Features:
-30-40% Dog Boys polish and buff your vehicle, with their FUR....

Come on you can do better then that :lol:

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:23 am
by Mallak's Place
Sitting on a street corner in the ruins of Tolkeen City sits a indestructible Lemonade Stand made of several flimsy wooden crates and a couple of old wooden planks with a big cardboard sign with "Fresh Lemonade" written on it in big sloppy yellow letters (the e's are backwards). The stand is under the effect of a permanent Metropolis spell and as such is a MDC structure that regenerates if damaged, and will regrow on the spot if dismantled.
When the Defenders of Tolkeen cast the Metropolis spell is the area they had removed all structures that didn't want permanent, unfortunately due to a surveying error the Lemonade Stand was thought to be outside the spells effect and was left standing.
When the mistake was discovered it was seen as an embarrassment by the Tolkeen government, who tried there best to remove it (and failed). During the war it was seen as a symbol of hope, and during the Siege it was rallying point for the defenders of Tolkeen.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:32 am
by taalismn
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:Best table ever you should do more ......I dare you.

Like what? 'Random Car Washes in the Coalition States'? :D

Special Features:
-30-40% Dog Boys polish and buff your vehicle, with their FUR....

Come on you can do better then that :lol:

-Newstands of Rifts Earth?
-Shoeshine Parlors of Rifts Earth?
-Mobile Food Carts of Atlantis? :P

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:33 am
by taalismn
Mallak's Place wrote:Sitting on a street corner in the ruins of Tolkeen City sits a indestructible Lemonade Stand made of several flimsy wooden crates and a couple of old wooden planks with a big cardboard sign with "Fresh Lemonade" written on it in big sloppy yellow letters (the e's are backwards). The stand is under the effect of a permanent Metropolis spell and as such is a MDC structure that regenerates if damaged, and will regrow on the spot if dismantled.
When the Defenders of Tolkeen cast the Metropolis spell is the area they had removed all structures that didn't want permanent, unfortunately due to a surveying error the Lemonade Stand was thought to be outside the spells effect and was left standing.
When the mistake was discovered it was seen as an embarrassment by the Tolkeen government, who tried there best to remove it (and failed). During the war it was seen as a symbol of hope, and during the Siege it was rallying point for the defenders of Tolkeen.

I can see CS soldiers trying to knock it down, and failing miserably.... :lol:

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:31 pm
by sirkermittsg
I can think of lots of other business that fit nicely into rifts that deserve tables. small roadside inns and diners, alpine lodges / ski areas, resturaunts.... heck we can build whole towns.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:36 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I'd love to see this treatment given to a 'Food truck' or 'Food cart'.

Many of the same parts of this one could be re-used but you could get alot of verity out of a Food truck

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:41 pm
by sirkermittsg
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I'd love to see this treatment given to a 'Food truck' or 'Food cart'.

Many of the same parts of this one could be re-used but you could get alot of verity out of a Food truck

I SECOND THIS! FOOD TRUCKS ROCK! and they would fit in perfect with rifts.

"there you are battling a fury beatle and from nowhere it seems appears a food truck.... joe the cook says 'yall must be hungry after a battle like that.... BBQ for sale.... hey you would not mind cutting that thing up for about I discount some BBQ in trade?' "

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:10 pm
by taalismn
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I'd love to see this treatment given to a 'Food truck' or 'Food cart'.

Many of the same parts of this one could be re-used but you could get alot of verity out of a Food truck

Paladin Steel actually makes a one-person anti-gravity jetpack 'roach coach' with portable mini-fridge, hot water heater, microwave oven, and option TW dimensional pockets, with this in mind. :D

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:12 pm
by taalismn
Sureshot wrote:Lol

That was a fun read. What scares me is that with all the shortages the CS is facing post Tolkeen. I can see some enterprising CS soldier or officer opening a Soylent Green lemonade stand or food distribution center.

Be careful when bandying around spiffy-sounding names like 'Dragonade' or 'Demonade'; people might think they're made out of actual dragons and demons.

Okay, okay, I'm scribbling down the outline for 'Food Carts of Rifts Earth'...don't know what the completion date will be, even with cutting and pasting from existing files, but I've taken up the gauntlet.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:08 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
taalismn wrote:
Sureshot wrote:Lol

That was a fun read. What scares me is that with all the shortages the CS is facing post Tolkeen. I can see some enterprising CS soldier or officer opening a Soylent Green lemonade stand or food distribution center.

Be careful when bandying around spiffy-sounding names like 'Dragonade' or 'Demonade'; people might think they're made out of actual dragons and demons.

Okay, okay, I'm scribbling down the outline for 'Food Carts of Rifts Earth'...don't know what the completion date will be, even with cutting and pasting from existing files, but I've taken up the gauntlet.

Awesome!! :ok:

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:47 pm
by taalismn
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[Awesome!! :ok:

Gotta figure on how to plump it up with enough new material as well, but I have the basic and essential categories dowm already, plus some new categories for the itinerant food vendor.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:10 am
by sirkermittsg
taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[Awesome!! :ok:

Gotta figure on how to plump it up with enough new material as well, but I have the basic and essential categories dowm already, plus some new categories for the itinerant food vendor.

If I were in a mercenary company or group, I would love it if a few food trucks followed us around. variety is a good thing.

give some thought to routing and location. I have been to some food trucks that basically establish shop in a set location with awnings, tents and portable tables and the like for a few days to a few months or what ever....

others trucks travel quite frequently.... and others still have a sort of route "I am ____ on Monday afternoon, and ____ for lunch on Tuesday...and I move over to _____ for Wednesday dinner because thouse are the best places for me to be on that day" we actually have several food trucks that show up at the appartment complex accross the street on Fridays during the summer. - these type of food trucks make stuff to order.

working construction, I know of many roach coaches that travel to various job sites only for a few minutes at each place with lots of pre-made foods.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:44 am
by abtex
taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[Awesome!! :ok:

Gotta figure on how to plump it up with enough new material as well, but I have the basic and essential categories dowm already, plus some new categories for the itinerant food vendor.

Do not forget who else maybe in line, waiting for their meal.
Is how fast the meal is really on your list?

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:41 pm
by taalismn
abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[Awesome!! :ok:

Gotta figure on how to plump it up with enough new material as well, but I have the basic and essential categories dowm already, plus some new categories for the itinerant food vendor.

Do not forget who else maybe in line, waiting for their meal.
Is how fast the meal is really on your list?

Speed of Sevice?

Not yet...gonna have to re-numerate to fit that in.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:47 pm
by taalismn
sirkermittsg wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[Awesome!! :ok:

Gotta figure on how to plump it up with enough new material as well, but I have the basic and essential categories dowm already, plus some new categories for the itinerant food vendor.

If I were in a mercenary company or group, I would love it if a few food trucks followed us around. variety is a good thing.

give some thought to routing and location. I have been to some food trucks that basically establish shop in a set location with awnings, tents and portable tables and the like for a few days to a few months or what ever....

others trucks travel quite frequently.... and others still have a sort of route "I am ____ on Monday afternoon, and ____ for lunch on Tuesday...and I move over to _____ for Wednesday dinner because thouse are the best places for me to be on that day" we actually have several food trucks that show up at the appartment complex accross the street on Fridays during the summer. - these type of food trucks make stuff to order.

working construction, I know of many roach coaches that travel to various job sites only for a few minutes at each place with lots of pre-made foods.

Ahead of you on that one. One of the new categories I already added was 'Range'. :D

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:04 pm
by abtex
taalismn wrote:
sirkermittsg wrote:working construction, I know of many roach coaches that travel to various job sites only for a few minutes at each place with lots of pre-made foods.

Ahead of you on that one. One of the new categories I already added was 'Range'. :D

Part of 'Range' is time at stop? Or different category?

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:28 pm
by dragonfett
taalismn wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:did you do this on a dare?

No, people don't dare me to do things like this. This is momentary insanity.

Momentary insanity, more like permanent insanity! Are you sure you don't have a couple M.O.M. implants?

I loved the list by the way!

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:37 pm
oh my god i fell of the chair :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: on this one taalismn one of the best seen so far love IT ,and humble by this will have sooooo much using this
you are truly a GM ,fun as hell , epic idea and thank you sooOOOO much for sharing this idea of your with all of us!!
U ROCK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:04 am
by taalismn
abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:
sirkermittsg wrote:working construction, I know of many roach coaches that travel to various job sites only for a few minutes at each place with lots of pre-made foods.

Ahead of you on that one. One of the new categories I already added was 'Range'. :D

Part of 'Range' is time at stop? Or different category?

I figure that on Rifts Earth, contractual obligations go to whoever is holding the biggest amount of credits out to you/whoever is holding the biggest gun on you at the moment. So vendors will stay where they're certainly making money, be it doing a street corner, or following Larsen's Brigade. Other arrangements will come under 'Special Features'.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:14 am
by taalismn
dragonfett wrote:[
Momentary insanity, more like permanent insanity! Are you sure you don't have a couple M.O.M. implants?


Dandruff maybe. No implants.

The funny thing is, the last couple of lists I've done have been spur of the moment ideas, and typed up in 1-2 days(3 days at most) of late night keyboard-thumping. Proof that you can work on something for years, fine-tuning and revising, and finally post...and the work vanishes into obscurity.
But get a 'so bizarre it shouldn't stand up to a hard stare' idea, and...well, brain 'a fire. :bandit:

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:29 pm
by say652
I have found my superhero a career. Guarding lemonade stands. Lol. This is prolly the coolest thing I've seen in a while. Good job.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:33 pm
by taalismn
say652 wrote:I have found my superhero a career. Guarding lemonade stands. Lol. This is prolly the coolest thing I've seen in a while. Good job.

Thank you! You may also enjoy Food Carts of Rifts Earth(

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:14 pm
by taalismn
George Labour wrote:For some reason this reminded me of the Phantom Ramen episode from the episode Space Dancy.

And thanks to that I now have an amusing adventure idea if I ever get a chance to run a Phase World one shot.

"Well, the lemons in the lemonade aren't quite lemons."
"Well, what are they then?"
"Well, they were lemon-shaped, and they were lemon-yellow, but with black stripes, and they either had vines or legs, but they produced nice juice when we squeezed them."
"Where did you find them?"
"Just outside the main Gate room."
"..I swear, if you just started an intergalactic war..."

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:56 pm
by taalismn
sinsaint wrote:The one problem I have with this is that aberrant people don't usually lie. If you go to an aberrant establishment, you get what you pay for, which may include a slave serving you your drink or a hidden rule that says "customer must request change back".

Certain fees and conditions may apply, and if they don't ask, we don't tell("Never volunteer information on anything that could cost us money.").
But thank you for greater clarification of how Aberrant businesses would run. :-D

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:29 pm
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:
rat_bastard wrote:did you do this on a dare?

No, people don't dare me to do things like this. This is momentary insanity.

Only one problem with that, there is nothing momentary about your insanity.

Or more sigable:
Momentary insanity? taalismn, there is nothing momentary about your insanity.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:50 pm
by taalismn
Episodic insanity, maybe? I can't always call up the insane when I'd like to.

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:31 pm
by Tor
Would Dionysus be interested in lemonade stands?

Perhaps hard?

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:07 pm
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:Episodic insanity, maybe? I can't always call up the insane when I'd like to.

I edited my post, I was trying to say your always insane. You don't have to call it up it's already there. People can't drove you crazy you already live there. ;)

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:57 pm
by say652
Lexi pro? Ok then. *cartwheels off*

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:00 am
by glitterboy2098
Tor wrote:Would Dionysus be interested in lemonade stands?

Perhaps hard?

could see it. "Portable Temple" :D

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:02 pm
by taalismn
Tor wrote:Would Dionysus be interested in lemonade stands?

Perhaps hard?

Certainly. Throw in a few scantily-clad nymphs waitressing, and he's there(or, if he's running the stand, stand back and watch the business roll in).

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:50 am
by Tor
What would we do if a buxom Satyr or Devilkin served us lemonade?

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:01 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Try not to stare. I think that would be considered a roll on the Consequences table.

Taal. I noticed there isn't a consequences table for being a bad customer (you pay for the drink, but are rude, disruptive, insulting. etc).

Re: Lemonade Stands of Rifts Earth

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:34 pm
by taalismn
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Try not to stare. I think that would be considered a roll on the Consequences table.

Taal. I noticed there isn't a consequences table for being a bad customer (you pay for the drink, but are rude, disruptive, insulting. etc).

"The customer is always right. We just don't let them know they're in the sights of at least three different weapons systems until it's too late."