kiralon wrote:Everyone wakes up in an inn room with good equipment (but not theirs that they remember) decent amount of money and no memory of the last 6 weeks, the most attractive person has a locket with the picture of someone of the opposite sex. The pic seems familiar and vaguely important to everyone for some reason.
Nice, I like it. Pic in locket could be a royal/noble or some such or maybe a teacher they all revered? Where were you gonna take this (if you had thought any further on it that is)?
Everyone gets an inheritance letter from someone they don't know saying they have inherited x dollars and have to be at y location on z day to collect, and when they turn up to the room the lawyer is dead with a dagger sticking out of his back, and the town watch loudly turn up downstairs shouting out of the way, we have reports of "describe group" killing a notable person from the town.
Yeah that would put them in a pickle from the get go. Do they try to prove innocence, fight their way to freedom and find who framed them or just keep running. All sorts of fun on this one I like it.
Lightsabers, they only work when all of them are within 120ft of each other. Each party member gets one.
in PFRPG?!?! Well ok then, LETS ROCK B!+(#es!!!!
What are your stats for a lightsaber in an SDC setting?
Oh and my character would kill off the other party members and take them all for himself, or die trying. He's an aberrant Jeridu Juggler/Knife thrower who also wields 6 swords at once. Being that he just met these folks and hasn't yet bonded with them in any way means the temptation of these AWESOME MAGICAL SWORDS being all his would probably be too powerful for him to overcome.
Summoned, some unscrupulous summoner cast summon humanoid and got the party members.
Had this one use on me by a previous GM. It was good but he was a great GM and could pull stuff like this off without even trying.
Military posting - new border patrollers, scouts or the like
Kinda like any merc getting hired for x job but they are now tied to a kingdom which can add a needed level of stress.
Village in trouble - Home village is in financial ruin after the silver mines or whatever closed 10 years ago, if nothing is down the village will be deserted before the years end.
Hmm seems like the town would be better off going the way of other ghost towns. Not really seeing the point other than a nostalgic wish to preserve a characters home town.
Zombie Patrol - Everyone wakes up as a freshly risen zombie, but for some reason still remember who they are/were.
That would suck for them! (and me since I'll be a PC!). Do we have control of ourselves or are we under some master's control?
Everyone wakes up one morning at a border town that the pc's were passing through at the same time, everyone is missing except the party members.
Mysterious I like it.
God says so.
Which god? Why? What's the incentive/punishment for obeying/disobeying? In general I don't like gods interfering with low level characters. Once they hit level 8-10 then the gods may start to take notice.
Gold Fever - pc's arrive in a gold rush town on the same wagon, looking to find fortune and glory. The local bully calls them out when they arrive demanding protection money from them all. (should be more money then they have)
He better be a totally bad@$$ mothertrucker if he is gonna give a whole group of adventurers a challenge or does he insist on one-on-one duels? and if so who says that we are gonna abide but this bully's sense of honor? I like the idea that PCs are all converging here for riches but the single bully racketeering part kinda falls flat. Maybe he is the main muscle for a thief's guild. That has potential.
THANKS for the great ideas to EVERYBODY who's posted!
Keep them coming please!