Blast from the Past: Original BTS adventure Gun question

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Blast from the Past: Original BTS adventure Gun question

Unread post by DevastationBob »

The Randolph Mansion adventure in the original BTS mentions a "Webley Horse Pistol chambered for .610". I've done some googling and I can't find a mention of it. Any firearm historians out there who could tell me if such a weapon actually existed?
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Re: Blast from the Past: Original BTS adventure Gun question

Unread post by filo_clarke »

.610 round ball was used in a variety of Buffalo Rifle loads... not exactly "horse pistol" caliber though. That would be a pig of a handgun.

It is close enough to be a 20-gauge shotgun shell. Maybe the gun is some kind of revolving shotgun, cut down into a pistol?

I don't know.
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Re: Blast from the Past: Original BTS adventure Gun question

Unread post by mrloucifer »

Hmm... I wondered about that myself back in the day, and never got around to researching. I'm curious on this now myself.
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Re: Blast from the Past: Original BTS adventure Gun question

Unread post by DevastationBob »

Continued internet searching hasn't turned anything up. .610 mostly turns up as a ball though. So unless it was a cap and ball revolver, I don't see how a Webley was chambered for that. Unless the Randolph gunsmith was a Weapons Genius, which is entirely possible I s'pose.
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Re: Blast from the Past: Original BTS adventure Gun question

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

maybe a typo? .410 bore is a common shotgun size.. and fairly close to the .455 calibre used in most Webley and Scott pistols.

as for the pistol itself.. the type doesn't match any exact model, but its name is similar to the role of the "WG" army revolver, which was originally created for cavalry units and later became a standard military sidearm. this type of pistol is the kind identified with one Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones (Jr)
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