I volunteered to run a game!

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I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Glistam »

I volunteered to run a Heroes Unlimited campaign for the folks in one of my gaming groups. I don't know if it will take off or not but I'm planning it out assuming that it will - worse case, I've prepared a campaign that I can just pick up again at another time. I decided to use Century Station as the setting, though I'm placing the game before the events of Bloody Monday in order to have an extra story element (the full reason for this decision actually ties into the main plot, eventually). It doesn't seem like it will require too much work to adjust the setting accordingly (famous last words).

Aliens Unlimited is already pretty closely tied into the Century Station setting, as is Gramercy Island (which isn't even built yet in my timeline!) so I anticipate that I'll be able to use a lot of elements from those books. I plan to pull in some Villains Unlimited characters also but not too many - I need to review that book again before I settle on it. I don't have Mutant Underground and I wonder if it's something I should look into? Will it add anything to the setting?

Has anyone else run a Heroes Unlimited game using a lot of the "default" characters/setting? I've always done my previous superhero games using my own setting and characters, but I never could make it feel like a living world in the way the published books can. And while I'll incorporate a bunch of my own stuff into this game (of course!), there's already so much to work with that I don't think I'll need to bring in a lot of it.

I'll be keeping track of the campaign on Obsidian Portal but I already know there won't be heavy player involvement so it's more of a GM tool at this point. Which is fine - it's much easier to update Obsidian Portal than it is to update my old website.

I haven't run Heroes Unlimited in a long time and I'm very excited - it's the game that got me into Palladium Books and one of my favorites. I've always looked past the "default" setting that Palladium provided for it over the years but I'm interested to give this a try.
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Mediapig71 »

I love the Century Station and Gramercy Island books, but to be honest, I never ran a pre-existing setting in any supers game, except for licensed games like Marvel & DC.

Making up the complicated history and continuity was always my favorite part! Sounds like you'll have a nice blend of existing elements and original stuff, so enjoy, and have fun!
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by dpenwood »

Great choice with Century Station!

I have two one-shots that I have run several times. One is based in Century Station... The other is a jailbreak from Gramercy Island (which I assumed, perhaps inaccurately, is on an Alcatraz-like island just off of Century Station..... so Century Station has a cameo in this one.)

In both cases, they use NPCs from the book, but generally as a secondary character. For example, the players arrive at the scene of the crime. They speak with <insert name of high ranking police officer here>, a minor character whose stats are in the Sourcebook. I find that it saves me the trouble of having to roll up/think up an NPC who COULD be more involved, but likely will not be.

The exception for me was the NPC superhero in my Century Station game. The Century Station sourcebook has stats an backgrounds on many "powerful" superheroes... but not one of them quite fit what I had in mind.... so I rolled up my own. But the villain in my campaign (The Red Menace) is from the Sourcebook... complete with stats for boss and cronies.

I would love to run a Heroes Unlimited campaign locally, but it's so hard to find players!

I'll check out your campaign on OP. Good luck!
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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I usually use bus maps and local maps for the place and random roll powers and use the alien skills chart to create baddies
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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We had our first game last night. One of the players pre-made a character of his choosing, the other four picked from the five pre-generated characters I had ready (it was supposed to be seven, but I ran out of time). By all accounts everyone had a good time and I hope we continue it. Every time I look through Century Station again I'm more pleased with the book - I wish I hadn't let it sit on my shelf unused and untouched for so many years.

The players:Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Flash Fire, Salvo, Bogart. The unplayed character: Zeau.

The players for two of the characters, Vigilance and Salvo, wrote up logs from their perspective:
The Report of Ever-Vigilance: Crushing Defeat
Salvo's Date with Destiny (and Fire)

The game recap/summary:
Volume 1 - Issue 1
First Night on the Town

  • The heroes Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Salvo, Flash Fire and Bogart introduced themselves to each other at the headquarters of The Tomorrow Legion and got to know each other a little better. While they knew of each other, they had not formally met.
  • Together they left the headquarters and began a patrol of the Midtown Area.
  • Dr. Preposterous and Bogart took point up on the roof tops while the others remained on the street.
  • A suspiciously large group of people in an alley grabbed the doctor’s attention. He could see they looked armed. He called it out to the others and they all came to investigate.
  • When the heroes showed themselves in the entrance to the alley and called to those assembled, one of the guys yelled “Capes!” and they all tried to run away, further into the network of alleys.
  • Dr. Preposterous leapt in front of them to try and stop them. Flash Fire ran up to try and distract them using her voluptuous assets. Vigilance called for them to stop so that they could talk. Bogart remained squirreled away while Salvo impatiently waited.
  • Seeing they were being surrounded by heroes, the street punks drew their weapons to defend themselves by going on the offensive. This was a mistake.
  • Salvo began letting loose with destructive and concussive energy blasts. Dr. Preposterous began knocking down punks and using them to beat on other punks. Vigilance took a nearby dumpster and used it to try and plow through the crowd. Flash Fire heated things up a bit more with walls of fire to segregate the punks.
  • Bogart kept an eye on the whole chaotic melee and failed to notice that there were two separate gangs here. He did notice that one of the punks who got knocked down and then was picked up and thrown into the dumpster by Vigilance had dropped a fancy attaché case. Bogart ran down the building to the case in order to investigate.
  • A couple punks got a few shots off but they did little more than graze Salvo. The few that were remaining and able to run decided, “screw this,” and took off.
  • Two of them got blasted by Salvo into the street, where they were nearly hit by oncoming traffic. Dr. Preposterous and Vigilance both threw what they had handy at the other fleeing punks – The Doctor threw one of the punks at them, while Vigilance tried to carefully throw the dumpster at another.
  • That punk was squished. One punk managed to get away.
  • Bogart opened the case and discovered a high-tech rifle. He closed and locked the case, and squirreled it away from the combat to keep it safe. Seeing that the punks were under control and just being gathered and tied up, he decided to run to get the police.
  • The police didn't know what to make of a talking squirrel wearing a fedora and trenchcoat, but eventually Bogart convinced them to take him seriously… or maybe he was too cute to ignore… either way, they followed his directions to where they could pick up the gun-wielding punks.
  • As the rest of the Heroes collected the punks and tied them up, the one under the dumpster was in bad shape. Flash Fire applied her paramedic skills to try and keep him alive long enough for help to arrive. Vigilance told the others to leave and he would stay there to meet with the police and be held accountable for his actions. Dr. Preposterous jumped up on the roof but didn't actually go away. The others stayed with Vigilance.
  • The police arrived and called for an ambulance. Bogart retrieved the weapon case and tried to show it to the officer, but the case was locked. Salvo came over and managed to jimmy it open.
  • The cop looked at the rifle and the punks being carted into the police transport. He deduced that this was a weapons deal of some kind between two different street gangs. Before he could thank the heroes for their help Salvo started verbally abusing him, and all police officers.
  • When Bogart tried to turn the rifle over to the officer for evidence, Salvo angrily grabbed it and demanded to know why he had to let the incompetent police take it. The others got involved and Salvo angrily threw the case and rifle – Bogart was able to run and catch it, though.
  • Dr. Preposterous got a good look at the notes the officer was taking during all this, as well as a good look at the rifle. He could tell it was an authentic energy rifle but it didn't look like one of the ones he’d seen before in the scientific journals. When he saw that Salvo wasn't letting up and was heading towards being arrested himself, the Doctor leapt down from the roof, grabbed the kid and leapt away with him in one swift motion.
  • Salvo responded by releasing a point blank burst of explosive energy that hurt the Doc. Dr. Preposterous threatened to drop Salvo to the pavement but instead decided to just leave him up on a roof to cool down.
  • The officer collected the rifle as evidence and thanked the heroes. He noted Vigilance and Salvo as potentially dangerous but didn't make similar notes about the others.
  • Bogart finally recognized the colors that the street gangs were wearing, and what stuck out to him was that one of the gangs was from Midtown while the other one was from Brisby. This was a little odd because criminals from Brisby tend to stay in Brisby and not cross the highway to come to Midtown.
  • The Tomorrow Legion regrouped and continued on their patrol. They stopped a few more crimes in progress and potential crimes but those encounters were all pretty banal.

“Where are your friends?”

Jason jumped at the voice. He had made it back safely to his neighborhood in Brisby but hadn’t figured out what to say to his employer yet. It looked like he wasn't going to be able to put it off any longer.

“A bunch of capes hit us. They tossed us around and then turned them over to the cops,” Jason told the man in the shadows.

“That’s… too bad,” the man replied uncaringly. “Where is my case?”

Jason swallowed hard. “The capes took it. They-” A hand reached out from the shadows and grabbed Jason by the throat, choking off his sentence.

“You little s---'s had one job. One. F-----g. Job. And you blew it.”

Jason tried to choke out a reply but couldn't make make even a whimper.

“Your friends are lucky. Do you know why your friends are lucky today?”

Jason shook his head to say no.

“Because they’re going to live just a little bit longer than you.” With that the shadowy man squeezed his hand. Several things in Jason’s neck popped and broke as the life was literally crushed out of him. His eyes widened in horror for the last few moments of his life, then rolled as his whole body went limp; the life drained out of him.

The man let Jason’s body fall unceremoniously to the ground and left it there for someone else to clean up. He had a bigger mess to take take care of.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Snuffy »

Looking forward to the next game!
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by parkhyun »

I just posted four complete adventures. Feel free to use them all and claim you thought'em up. Unless your players hate them, in which case, blame me entirely.

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Glistam »

Game number two was last night. Only one player from the first game made it, but we had two other players who weren't with us last time that joined us instead. Everyone is still enjoying the game so next month will be game three.

The players: Vigilance, Diane, Hazel

The game recap/summary:
Volume 1, Issue 2
Introducing... The Shadow Man!

  • Spirit, Vigilance, and Diane were the only ones in the Tomorrow Legion headquarters that afternoon. Everyone else was either tied up with personal business or on patrol throughout the city. Vigilance couldn't shake how his actions a day and a half ago nearly killed a gang member named Jesse Roach and landed him in the hospital. The guy still hadn't waken up.
  • The phone in the empty reception area rang and rang. Vigilance was nearby but declined to answer. Finally an answering machine picked up and that allowed Hazel to materialize in the building using her Lightning Rider power.
  • Hazel informed Vigilance that she had been invited there by Matt, a.k.a. Spirit, who wished to recruit her to join the Tomorrow Legion. The two of them talked briefly before Spirit arrived in full armor, ready to investigate the power surge that his equipment detected in the phone system. He greeted Hazel warmly and gave her a tour of the still under-construction base.
  • The ran into Diane along the way and the four of them continued to walk through the building, talking with each other, when voices from the reception area called to them.
  • In the reception area were a couple police officers who had come to request the Tomorrow Legion's help in a matter which they declined to describe. Just that they "had to see it for themselves." Spirit prompted Hazel to join Vigilance and Diane on this trip to see what they were all about. He stayed behind to keep working on one of his projects.
  • The Kilgore North police precinct was a flurry of activity compared to last time. Ambulances were on scene but their paramedics were milling about. The cops escorted Diane, Vigilance and Hazel through the station into the area where their holding cells were. Police tape cordoned off this area.
  • Inside the cell was a scene straight out of a horror movie - blood and core covered the floor and walls and numerous mutilated dead bodies lay haphazardly amongst the gore. Diane lost her lunch when she saw this. They were informed by the cops that these bodies belonged to the street gang members which the Tomorrow Legion helped to arrest less than two days ago. This is why the police went to them.
  • Also, it seemed the Centurians were currently busy and couldn't spare anyone.
  • Hazel mumbled a spell to sense for evil and did not detect anything within her range, although it did faintly register traces of an evil that was there recently, as if it left a sort of residue or stain upon the area.
  • They asked to see the surveillance of the area and the police brought them to their camera room. The replay showed that the entire area suddenly went pitch black for several minutes, and when the blackness went away the scene they saw in the room lay before them. Police officers were seen rushing into the room, guns drawn, but the scene there made several stop to vomit or dry heave.
  • The police officers there with the Tomorrow Legion as they watched this tape explained that they heard the screams but when they went to investigate they encountered a black, mostly solid wall that they couldn't push past.
  • Both Hazel and Diane, however, could see through that blackness as if it were a thick black curtain or fog. They were able to witness what appeared to be a man appear within the cell as if from the shadows and start horrifically killing the people within the cell one at a time. The thugs apparently couldn't see him and whenever they might get close to him as they blindly reacted he would disappear, only to re-appear from within another shadow and begin the killing anew, using wicked serrated and barbed blades that he created out of black "stuff," and that dissipated when he let go of them.
  • Hazel noticed at the end of the killings, the man cleared a small spot amongst the gore to kneel down and seemingly pray. Then the blackness disappeared.
  • After Hazel and Diane narrated this horrific scene Vigilance had the police check to see if the weapon which was confiscated from them was still in the evidence hold. The officers went to look and found it missing. Checking video surveillance of the evidence locker showed a shadow-wrapped man walk out of nowhere, locate and grab the weapon case, and then walk away and disappear. Hazel and Diane could both vaguely see through the shadowy wrapping to confirm that it was a man, and it was the same man that killed those punks in the cells.
  • The three of them contacted Spirit back at the Tomorrow Legion base in order to ask him if he could contact S.H.A.R.D. to see if they had any information or knowledge on a superhuman who could do the things they saw. After describing it all to him he said he would talk to his contact there and see what he could find out.
  • With a little more information now they went back to the cells in order to try and find some more clues. Hazel used magic to enable both herself and Diane to "float on the air", allowing them to hover over the carnage and not have to walk through it. Vigilance stayed back but asked one of the officers if they could retrieve the confiscated personal effects of these guys.
  • Diane's tracking skills couldn't shed any more light on things but Hazel was able to see a small, mystical circle on the ground where the man had knelt to pray. She could tell it was an authentic magic circle. Using magic to decipher the writing and symbols allowed her to see that the circle was designed as a plea to a higher being for power - however, the higher being was only vaguely defined as "darkness," "shadow," or "the dark." The magical translation wasn't more precise. She used her phone to take some pictures of it.
  • Vigilance examined the personal effects which the police brought to him. Everything seemed fairly rudimentary except for a high-tech cell phone that was without power. He took that to have Matt or Dr. Preposterous examine later.
  • Seemingly at a dead end, the group resolved to go back to the Tomorrow Legion building and see if they could follow-up more on any of the clues they'd already discovered. Then Vigilance had a flash of inspiration which caused him to stop in his tracks, then run out of the precinct at top speed!
  • As he ran he radioed to everyone, including Spirit, that they needed to get to the hospital *now* because there was still one gang member alive and he was in a coma at the hospital! As Vigilance made it outside Spirit told him over the radio that he would take them - looking up Vigilance saw Spirit piloting a hovercar and bringing it down so they could all get in. Vigilance could not disguise his impatience as they waited for Diane and Hazel to get in as well.
  • Spirit flew them to the hospital where the one remaining street punk, Jesse Roach, was in the ICU. Spirit brought the hovercar down to land on the roof but Vigilance and Diane both leapt out of it before it fully touched down and they ran down the stairs from the roof straight to the room. Vigilance had visited him in the hospital previously and knew right where to go.
  • Hazel and Spirit followed once the hovercar landed.
  • Diane and Vigilance encountered a solid-black wall in the hallway just a few feet from the door to Jesse's room. Vigilance tried to punch it but found it wasn't resistant enough actually be damaged. Instead he slowly began to push through it. Diane followed and the two of them managed to use their great strength to get to the door in only a few seconds.
  • Spirit and Hazel also encountered the wall, but Spirit's answer to it was to grab Hazel and go intangible through the wall into the adjoining room, and then walk with her through the wall into Jesse's room.
  • All four arrived in the room at the same time to witness the shadow-wrapped man standing over Jesse's bed. The man had a serrated knife in his hand and was in the process of cutting the flesh off of the comatose man. He was so focused on enjoying his task that he didn't notice them enter.
  • Diane reacted first by notching and letting go an arrow to pierce the man straight through the heart. She was not completely successful but the arrow lodged itself painfully in the man's chest and he dropped his knife in surprise. Before he could turn around Hazel used magic to glue his feel to the floor with a carpet of adhesion.
  • The url="https://the-tomorrow-legion.obsidianportal.com/characters/shadow-man]Shadow Man[/url], mortally wounded, reacted by instantly filling this room with that semi-solid shadow wall darkness. Vigilance, angry beyond reason, tried to charge at the Shadow Man but in the sudden darkness lost his bearings and missed him. Spirit stayed back, trying to adjust the optics in his helmet to see through this darkness to no avail.
  • Another arrow, this one less accurate, flew into the Shadow Man and nearly felled him. In a panic he teleported through the shadow to re-appear a few rooms away, shoeless. As he came out of the shadow in the corner of that room a nurse screamed. He rushed by her, dripping blood from his arrow wounds, and teleported again through the shadow in the opposite corner. He continued to flee in this manner.
  • Vigilance found his way to the bed where the dying gang member lay. He told the rest of the group to go after the Shadow Man and he would stay here to keep the victim safe. Spirit phased back through the wall while Diane and Hazel tried to push through the shadow. Hazel even tried casting the spell to meld with shadow but although it allowed her to hide very well within this blackness, it didn't help her move through it.
  • Once the Shadow Man fled far enough away the shadow wall disappeared. Vigilance called the nurses for help and within moments a medical team was able to stabilize the nearly dead Jesse Roach. Hazel and Diane found a few of the places within the hospital where the Shadow Man had appeared and disappeared. They collected a sample of his blood for forensic analysis.
  • Spirit flew around the perimeter of the hospital for a while but was unable to find any more traces of The Shadow Man.
  • Back in Jesse's room, Virgil collected the ratty, blood-stained sneakers that the Shadow Man left behind and noticed the glint of an aluminum weapon case from under the bed. The Shadow Man had been in such a hurry to flee for his life that he seemed to have neglected to take the weapon with him.
  • Everyone returned and together they opened the case to discover the weapon was still in there. They resolved to bring it back to the Tomorrow Legion base and secure it there in a well-lit vault. They discussed the logistics of building a medical bay that would be sufficient to move the nearly dead gang member into, but such construction would take weeks to properly finish and wasn't feasible. Diane figured, based on the way the Shadow Man fled, that he probably wouldn't come back for this guy anyway.
  • Together they went back to the Tomorrow Legion base in order to investigate that phone and await word from S.H.A.R.D. on what they knew of the Shadow Man.


A man in a suit entered Jesse Roach's room. He looked at the broken, bandaged figure laying on the bed, breathing so shallowly and slightly. He made a mental list: Broken body, numerous lacerations, degraded brain functions. He will never be whole again, thought the man. He walked over to the table by the bed and looked at the flowers sitting there. A poor recompense for this injustice, the man thought sadly. He pulled out a business card and slipped it under the flowers. He then walked out of the room, being careful to give the electronic equipment a wide berth as he went.

The hospital at this time was so quiet that out in the hallway, away from the noisy life-monitoring equipment, one could almost hear the mechanical whirs of the man's own concealed electrical and mechanical life-support and life-enhancing equipment. Without another look back the man left the hospital. He knew Jesse Roach would never make a full recovery. But if Jesse ever woke up then beside his bed, underneath the disappointment of a pitiful flower arrangement, he would find an opportunity to become more than he ever was. An opportunity that would allow him to help protect others like him from falling prey to the same scourge that had almost taken his life - this scourge on humanity known as super humans.

The business card left behind was a simple one. On the back was just the statement, "Don't let them get away with this." and underneath that was a phone number. The front simply had two words: "Avant-Garde". Simple; yet usually, that was all it took.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Sureshot »

Please keeping adding more. It's some good stuff. I like your epilogue at the end. Much better than what I am reading in comics today.
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Glistam »

Sureshot wrote:Please keeping adding more. It's some good stuff. I like your epilogue at the end. Much better than what I am reading in comics today.

Thanks! We get together about once a month so it'll be a little while before the next update. In the interim, some of the players have written logs from their character's standpoint and one in particular has been working overtime to flesh out his character's background.

EDIT: This is the map for Century Station that I pieced together and will be using for this game.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
New Fire magic | New Temporal magic
Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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Our third game was a little over two weeks ago but I only just now got to put up the game summary. This game was a little less action-packed than the previous two games. I opened with what I thought would be about a half hour, hour tops of revealing what their research would reveal, and they ran with it, delving deeper and deeper until finally it was time to call it quits for the night! I'm pleased so far with the pace of things, I feel like we're just about to the point that things can start to get interesting.

The players: Dr. Preposterous, Bogart, Huntress, Hazel, and Vigilance.

The game recap/summary:
Volume 1, Issue 3
An Investigative Interlude

  • This issue saw Dr Preposterous, Bogart, Huntress, Hazel, and Vigilance all working together to pursue different clues and angles in order to further delve into the mystery surrounding the high-tech weapon currently in the Tomorrow Legion's possession. Much of the information revealed was due to team efforts in investigation, skill rolls, and group deductive reasoning.
  • Huntress shared a particularly vivid dream she had had the night after they chased away the Shadow Man, hoping her teammates could provide some insight.
  • Their investigations started with the phone. Successfully powering it up caused a flood of text messages to pour in to the phone. The CSPD computers also automatically noted the re-activation of the cell signal for this missing person and automatically flagged the file for follow-up. While CSPD couldn't jump on the lead right away, the Centurions Thaumaturge, Joan of Arc and Timeline received the information at Centurion HQ. Joan of Arc and Timeline decided to head out and follow up on this lead.
  • After some successful electronics rolls, computer rolls, investigations and clever thinking, the following information from/about the cell phone was discovered:
    • It originally belonged to a man named Jack Ballard. He was reported missing about a week ago by his wife, Sheryl. Almost all those texts were from her.
    • Jack was a theoretical physicist who became unemployed when Daedalus went belly up. He had since been working for Korashi Technics. His boss was Bill Williamson and he wasn't happy Jack disappeared.
    • The last several calls to and from from Jack's phone were to a number not in his caller ID. Dr. Preposterous transferred all the contacts and phone numbers from this phone to his own.
    • Checking social media for Jack revealed he was unhappy at his job recently and his last update said "A new life awaits. There's no going back now!"
    • Dr. Preposterous called Sheryl using the number for her in the phone, but other than some personal history on Jack and indicating that the Centurions were involved, she had no other information she can provide.
    • The phone's memory card had several "selfie" pictures of Jack (with and without his wife) all taken in various locations throughout Century Station. There were also pictures of the weapon, and one odd picture
      • It's not great quality, as if it was taken in haste or subtly. It shows a massive room filled with an array of computers and electronics. In the center is a raised circular platform. There appears to be a person in black armor laying on the platform. The picture's too bad to get any more details but it does appear as if a rifle similar to the one that was in the case was in his or her hand. Everything in the room appears to be badly damaged – parts of the ceiling and walls have collapsed and the equipment is badly beaten up. The date stamp on this picture was two weeks ago.
  • Hazel decided to take a chance and dialed the number of Bill Williamson. When the phone was answered she used her Lightning Rider talent to transport herself there. She appeared in his office in Korashi Technics, right on his desk in front of him. He was flustered and after a quick back and forth she discovered that he was worried about getting the weapon back and didn't really care about Jack. She provided Bill with Spirit's phone number to call if he wished to cooperate and then Hazel transported back out before Bill could collect himself and call in security.
  • They moved on to investigating the weapon. After some successful electronics rolls, weapon skill rolls, investigations and clever thinking, the following information from/about the weapon was discovered:
    • It was a high tech laser rifle with multiple settings unlike anything currently on the market. Despite showing some wear and tear it was so durable that they couldn't even scratch it. The weapon energy cells had no power.
    • The energy "clip" and the larger energy "canister" were revolutionary energy storage devices, easily able to store over 100 times the energy of any equivalent, current energy weapon clips.
    • It had a serial number: C12-XK7-63G3JN-864U7-HALR. This number produced no leads when it was searched.
    • It was pointed out that someone with "Find Contraband" and either "Weapons Engineer" or "Armorer (Field)" skills could probably glean more information from this weapon. Due to its "alien" nature they considered calling in Alpha Prime but decided they didn't want to lose possession of it, as they were using it as bait to try and draw in the elusive Shadow Man.
  • Dr. Preposterous was so enthralled by the energy storage properties he considered trying to patent the tech. Although it would take several weeks of study before a serious attempt could be made to understand it he searched the patent system anyway to see if there was something similar which had recently been patented. He not only found that there was something about a week ago, but that it was from a company which he was able to identify as a subsidiary of Korashi Technics.
  • During this time Vigilance and Bogart headed back to the hospital, to check up on Jesse Roach and see if there were any more leads to this situation which they could glean there. The Squirrel Detective was on the case!
  • There was no change in Jesse's condition and if there were any more clues to the situation they weren't discovered. They stood watch in the hospital for a little while before Vigilance headed back to the Tomorrow Legion HQ. Bogart stayed behind to keep sniffing around.
  • Bogart snuck into the records room and got the name of the doctor attending to Jesse: Dr. Stewart Palmer. Bogart recalled that this doctor's name was associated in the underworld as a doctor they could go to with injuries. A quick search through the records room failed to reveal how many other patients this doctor currently had.
  • Vigilance returned to the Tomorrow Legion at the same time that Joan of Arc and Timeline finally traced the phone's signal to this building. The Tomorrow Legion was wary of their presence, since they weren't 100% sure of the "legality" of their current clues – especially the weapon. But these Centurions were only here to examine the phone linked to the missing man, Jack Ballard, and though they knew about the weapon they didn't know it was connected to the case.
  • Joan of Arc shook Vigilance's hand when they were introduced and received one of her trademark psychic visions, this one of the fractured future surrounding Vigilance. This vision rattled her and Timeline had to step up to continue the talk with the Tomorrow Legion.
  • Timeline asked for the phone and the Tomorrow Legion turned it over to them. Joan had recovered enough by this point to perform basic psychic psychometry on it and received flashed of Jack Ballard being murdered by a gang. These visions showed her where the body was and the Centurions left to finish up this case.
  • After the Centurions left the Tomorrow Legion split up to "research" a few things:
    • Vigilance was going to dig around a bit more into Jack Ballard's past and recent activities.
    • Hazel was going to dig more into the company Korashi Technics.
    • Dr. Preposterous was prepared to follow up on several leads, from the phone, the weapon, and the patent office.
    • Bogart continued on his own to begin a more thorough investigation into Dr. Stewart Palmer and his underworld connections.
    • Huntress was going to hit the streets to get more information on the crimelord Iron Mike, a not unfamiliar name which had come up both in association with the Shadow Man and with underworld weapons buyers.


Joan of Arc sat silently in the passenger seat of the small, two-person Centurion hovercar. Timeline was in the pilot seat but had set the computer to take them to the location in Society Hill where her psychic object read indicated they would find Jack Ballard's body. They hadn't said anything since they left the Tomorrow Legion headquarters. Timeline broke the silence. "So what happened back there Joan?"

She turned to look out the window, facing away from him. "I don’t know. I just didn't expect to receive a vision, I guess." She didn't like lying to him - but how could she explain what happened?

"I've never seen you get so distracted after one of your visions. Did you see something bad in his future? He seemed like a nice guy - that'd be a shame. Vigilance, right? I think I remember hearing about him on..." Timeline droned on but Joan wasn't hearing him anymore. She was thinking back to the vision she received when she shook Vigilance's hand.

It was unlike any vision she had ever received before. She witnessed not one future, like she was used to, but several different futures all jumbled together. It was as if his future was in flux somehow, or… fragmented? Fractured? She didn't know. But it seemed as if several of the futures tied into the chaos she had begun to foresee in the city's future, and that was the most worrisome.

What she did know, though, was that she received this vision for a reason. She glanced up at the Heavens and said a silent, thankful prayer. Looking back at the city they were flying over Joan resolved to investigate the matter further.

A couple of the players have been writing logs, they can all be quick link accessed through this page, and they're all in (roughly) chronological order in our Adventure Log section. These logs help to fill in gaps that my summaries omit and are a great vehicle for seeing the personalities of the characters.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Glistam »

So, wow.

We had a bit of a hiatus but we finally got a chance to game this past Wednesday night and for me anyway, it was a game to remember. The heroes have set themselves upon a path from which there's no turning back, and they've drawn some attention to themselves in a big way. As all the ramifications unfold over the next games things should get very interesting.

The players: Dr. Preposterous, Huntress, Hazel, and Vigilance.

This is the adventure log I typed up for this game:
Issue 1, Volume 4: The Tomorrow Legion OVERHAUL-ed

This is the adventure log another player typed up from their character's perspective
A Three Hour Tour

This was another "epilogue/interlude" that I did recently to conclude a particularly awesome bit of e-mail between-game sidebar RP:
An Interlude

These are all the adventure logs (including ones based on sidebars), in roughly chronological order:
Adventure Logs

When I have the time I'll post the actual logs and some more info. For now please enjoy the links above.

Game Summary (from the linked log, above)
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Tomorrow Legion OVERHAULED!
  • Spirit called together all members of the Tomorrow Legion for an important meeting. Once assembled, he informed them of a tip he received from an informant: Iron Mike was scheduled to receive a major shipment of weapons in just over two days’ time. Spirit verified the info and traced the arrival of the ship to Pier 19A in the Archipelago. He requested every member’s help to stop this shipment of weapons from reaching the streets. All members agreed and plans commenced.
  • Vigilance and Hazel grilled Spirit for more details. Why not involve the police or The Centurions? The Archipelago, he told them, is a unique area of Century Station where law enforcement technically has no jurisdiction. He knew The Centurions, constrained as they are by regulations, would be unwilling to ambush the delivery directly. Local police of course had the same restrictive guidelines, but the additional concern that he didn’t know who in the police could be trusted – local crime lords have numerous dirty cops on their payroll and for this mission to succeed, they needed the element of surprise.
  • Unsatisfied with just taking Spirit’s word Hazel demanded the informant’s name and the information which was provided. Spirit wouldn’t give up the informant but he gladly provided the information so Hazel and Virgil could run down the information in their own way in order to verify it and help ensure that this wasn’t some elaborate trap.
  • Dr. Preposterous and Diane went to the pier in question to do a little reconnaissance. They each were transformed/empowered but they were not in their heroic costumes so that they could “blend in” a little better. Each of them took stock of vantage points, good areas to install surveillance gear, and other logistical data which would aid them in working out a plan for action two night’s hence.
  • The other Tomorrow Legion members each began to enact their own preparations behind the scenes.
  • Hazel and Vigilance were successful in using the information Spirit provided to track down the ship, the “official” shipping manifest and a list of its crew members. They traced the companies listed as involved and were able to verify their criminal connections. As they put the data together they reached the same conclusion – this was a massive shipment of weapons about to come into the city, and Iron Mike’s crew was going to be the one receiving it.
  • Dr. Preposterous started working on making some high-tech, miniaturized surveillance devices and a receiver for them, with the intention of returning to Pier 19A and installing them in innocuous locations.
  • Diane, Hazel, Dr. Preposterous and Vigilance met and began to discuss ideas and strategies in earnest. Together they conceived a bold new plan: While the ship was still in transit to Century Station, sneak on board and reconnoiter the shipment and crew. While they all agreed on the basic premise of the plan (to sneak onto the ship while it was still in international waters), they differed somewhat in their end goals. But with time swiftly running out they convinced Spirit to fly them out to the ship in the Legion hovercar.
  • The five of them set out while it was still dark. Hazel used magic to cloak the hovercar in darkness and they approached low to the water to avoid radar detection. When the four were ready Spirit swiftly maneuvered the hovercar above the ship so the four heroes could jump down onto it. Spirit then flew the car away, intending to wait a safe distance away before called by the Legionnaires for pick-up.
  • The cargo ship
  • As soon as the Legionnaires disembarked and the car became visible, however, a strange tech turret atop the bridge began firing lasers at the car. Spirit deftly dodged them as he sped away.
    Diane broke her invisible concealment and fired arrows at the Port watch. It took two shots but she dropped him with no retaliation. Hazel stayed concealed and tried to magically ensnare the Starboard watch but missed him. She left him anyway and continued on toward the bridge.
  • In the instant Dr. Preposterous launched from the hovercar he put his enhanced senses to use and was able to accurately pick out where the other awake crew members on deck were. Upon landing he headed towards them in order to take them out swiftly. Vigilance, deciding that stealth was no longer an option, ripped the door off one of the cargo containers and tossed it like a giant, misshapen discus at the laser which was firing on Spirit. Virgil managed to not only take out the turret, but a few additional antennas as well, unknowingly crippling the ship’s communication abilities.
  • The watch standers on deck congregated towards the noise that Vigilance made. When the first one came into his view Vigilance told his teammates over the radio to jump. Then he leaped into the air and landed a massive, earth-shaking super punch into the deck, shaking the entire ship! This created a deep depression in the deck, rattled loose all the containers within about 100 feet of him (spilling some over the side into the water) and knocked several of the armed watch standers off their feet.
  • Dr. Preposterous leapt after the (now knocked down) crew members coming after Vigilance and between him and Vigilance they tossed each one overboard – after making sure they were wearing safety vests, of course. One managed to take a few shots at, and hit, Vigilance with his automatic rifle before joining his friends in the ocean. Injured but not down, Vigilance joined Dr. Preposterous in turning his attention towards the aft of the ship.
  • Overhaul on the Bridge
  • After Diane took out the Port watch she set her sights on the bridge and noticed two crew members – one steering the ship and another trying to use communications gear. But between them was a man dressed like a super, taking careful aim with a pistol of some sort through the bridge window at the deck below.
  • Diane fired an arrow at the man but only managed to crack the glass between them. The man then kicked the glass out and fired at her. A large plasma ball, larger than should have been possible by the barrel of the gun, shot through the air at Diane but she dodged and retaliated, firing arrows back at the man. The arrows seems to bounce off a skintight force-field surrounding him.
  • With his enhanced eyesight Dr. Preposterous noticed the man’s belt spark and flash when the force field absorbed the energy of the arrow, and he relayed that to the rest of the team. Then he grabbed his baseball bat and leapt through the air at the man. He was hit in mid-air by another plasma ball and though it was a strong attack, it didn’t knock him off-course and the Doctor flew through the window and put all his momentum behind a massive swing.
  • The crew member on the comms panicked and sent out a cry for help over the ship’s P.A., alerting the rest of the crew that they were being boarded and attacked! Though none of the Tomorrow Legion members there could understand the language used to communicate, they understood the meaning.
  • Invisibly Hazel watched the Doctor fly through the window and engage the super on the bridge. She sought to aid him and cast a spell of Fear over the area of the bridge. The Doctor and the super both resisted it, but the other two crewmembers weren’t so lucky and they fled the bridge in a panic.
  • Dr. Preposterous decided to grab onto the villain and leap out of the window with him, towards the bow of the ship. The villain however activated his own concealed jet pack, held on to the Doctor in response and began to fly them off of the ship and out over the water. The Doctor managed to create an aerodynamic profile that caused them to speed down to the deck instead of flying straight.
  • The crash and the momentum hurt the Doc, but caused the villain to fly right off the side of the ship, out of control. As the villain tried to correct his bearings the Doctor grabbed a baseball he brought and, using the bat, smashed the baseball hard enough at the villain that it knocked him off course again and right into the water.
  • This bought them a few moments to breathe. Hazel entered the (now empty) bridge and managed to figure out how to stop the ship, but couldn’t figure out how to use any of the other controls. It didn’t help that there were strange, advanced technological devices all over the place, hooked into various equipment. She pulled out her own massive pistol and began firing it at the control, completely wrecking them and sparking an electrical fire on the bridge. While she dealt with that, she missed hearing what happened next due to temporarily deafening herself with her gunfire.
  • Diane took some measures to help ensure it took longer for the rest of the crew to make it outside from below-decks by using her own impressive strength to warp some of the doors, preventing them from being able to open.
  • Vigilance inspected some of the crates in the open and skewed containers and sure enough, found them loaded with plenty of military-grade firearms. Enough to arm a small city!
  • With a splash and a roar of jets the villain emerged from the water and flew up level with the Legionnaires. He began to fire at them with his pistol but the three on deck (Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous and Diane) counter-attacked. Vigilance tossed weapon after weapon at him from one of the crates. The Doc took careful aim and smashed another baseball at him, and Diane of course fired her arrows at him. The villain retaliated by firing several plasma bolts at the group but he only managed to slag some of the shipping crates.
  • With the Doc’s superhuman eyes and deduction skills he directed Diane to fire her arrows at the belt the man wore. Sure enough, a direct hit damaged it enough that the force-field protecting him dropped away. The next thing he had to deal with was an entire crate of the weapons being hurled at him, courtesy of Vigilance. Another baseball smashed into him, knocking him for a loop but then the coup de grace hit.
  • Diane took careful aim and with practiced skill, launched an arrow straight through the villain’s chest into his heart. With a sickening look of panic and failure on his face, his jetpack gave out and he fell back down into the ocean. Only this time, he didn’t come back up.
  • Vigilance had a heated argument with Diane over what she did but they didn’t argue for long; Vigilance grabbed a rope and dove into the water to try and pull the villain back out. Though the weight of his technology had caused the villain to sink, Vigilance managed to get a hold of him and pull him back to the surface. Surfaced, he began to climb the rope with the unconscious (dead?) villain. About halfway up Diane finally lowered her bow and arrow and helped to pull them aboard.
  • The drama unfolding didn’t concern Dr. Preposterous at the moment. With the villain vanquished he set his intellect towards a different challenge – sinking the ship. He considered several mundane methods but then recalled the extremely versatile supply of nanites he kept on him to supply him with his powers. Surely it would be child’s play to reprogram a few batches in order to bore through the metal of the ship and explode upon contact with the water? He pulled out a small, specialized computer and began to do just that.
  • Neither VIgilance nor Diane had any skill in applying emergency medical aid. They asked the Doc but he couldn’t help them, either. Finally they got through to Hazel, whose hearing had finally recovered enough, and she informed them she had some training as a paramedic and could be there in a moment. With the bridge fire out, she headed over to the rest of the team.
  • At this point the remainder of the crew finally made it above decks. Though they were heavily armed they hesitated and stopped when they saw the mess of deck and their boss lying dead in the center of it, surrounded by the super-powered boarders. One of the Heroes told them to drop their weapons and surrender. With only a brief moment to think they all made the decision to quit while they were still alive.
  • Knowing what the Doc’s plan was, Vigilance and Diane herded them into the life boats while the Doc finished reprogramming his nanites. Hazel, still invisible, tended to the villain and managed to stabilize his life – but they had to get him to a hospital and proper medical facilities if they wanted to keep him alive. Diane wasn’t too worried about it but Vigilance and Dr. Preposterous both quickly agreed with Hazel. They radioed Spirit to inform them of what had occurred so far and asked him to come get them.
  • Once the crew of the ship (minus their leader) was safely lowered into the water and sailing away from the ship, Dr. Preposterous finished his nanite reprogramming. If he was successful, these machines would consume the metal of the ship, store any energy they came upon, and once they reached water they would use that energy to explode. He estimated that six batches of these nanites spread throughout the ship would be enough. He leaped around the vessel, releasing his nanites upon the shipping containers and watching them go to work.
  • The nanites did their job – too well, in fact. It seemed something with the programming went wrong and the nanites began to reproduce as they bored through the ship, consuming far more material than initially planned. The very structure of the ship was becoming unstable and it was about to sink much faster than anticipated. That’s when Spirit arrived in the hovercar and they all crowded back in, leaving room for the critically injured and comatose villain.
  • Diane and Vigilance had another argument on the way back over their differing viewpoints towards killing. Vigilance managed to get her bow from her and threatened to drop it out of the car into the ocean. A fight nearly broke out before Vigilance was reminded that his actions here might negatively impact the patient. He gave Diane back her bow.
  • About a half mile from the ship six quick explosions in rapid succession rocked the water, and what was left of the ship quickly crumpled in upon itself and sank beneath the waves.
  • Coming back to Century Station they flew to the Hospital in Killgore which was closest to the Tomorrow Legion H.Q.. This was the hospital they were familiar with from previous adventures and because Spirit radioed ahead, medical teams were waiting on the roof when they landed. As they brought him in the hospital, the medical staff removed all the tech gear from the villain in order to better treat him. Dr. Preposterous confiscated that gear and intended to research it as soon as he got back to the H.Q.
  • Spirit didn’t really know what to say to the four heroes. He called the other Legionnaires and thanked them for their help but informed them that the mission for tomorrow night was cancelled. He took Diane aside and told her that while he respected her skills and dedication to being a hero, if she takes any more killing shots against her enemies then she would be kicked out of the Tomorrow Legion. Diane tried to argue for her case but Spirit was in no mood to listen to her side of things.

The next night…

The woman who called herself Amaya stood on the edge of the pier. The night wind blew cool sea spray at her face as she overlooked the calm waters of the bay. She stood so still that the wind blowing through her long, dark hair was all that betrayed her as a real person and not some sort of life-like statue or robot. An observer might look at her and think she was bored, but they would be mistaken. Boredom, like all emotions, was something she no longer felt. The weight of continued existence crushed her spirit almost as firmly as the brigands who, centuries ago, unknowingly set her upon this path. They had left her with only rage; her revenge had left her with nothing.

Behind her all up and down the pier was a large contingent of Ironworkers – men and women who were a part of Iron Mike’s criminal organization. Unlike Amaya, they were all uneasy. They were there to unload a cargo ship that was scheduled to arrive hours ago and had not yet shown up. While it wasn’t unusual for ships to sometimes be late, it was unusual for no communication in that regard to be sent. They all knew what was on that ship – this was a weapons deal that had cost their boss countless millions, and he did not like being disappointed. The longer they waited, the more nervous they got.

A shadow behind Amaya silently bulged outward and a figure emerged, pulling the shadow around itself as it stepped forward. It crept closer to Amaya in absolute silence, as stealthy as the night. Amaya made no move of acknowledgement to his presence and just continued to stand there motionless. A smile broke out on the shadowy figure’s face but immediately fell as Amaya began to speak.

“The Master wishes to know how the job fares?”

The Shadow-Man grimaced and walked up close to her, careful to keep out of her reach and to stand so that he could keep a wary eye on both her and the Ironworkers on the pier. “Yeah,” he croaked. “Iron Mike wants to know why he hasn’t heard from you yet.”

“His command to me was to receive the ship, unload it, and let him know when we were nearly finished. Does it look like we are nearly finished?”

The Shadow-Man laughed. “You are something else, lady.”

She said nothing in reply.

“So what should I tell him then?” He asked, looking down at the men and women standing around, doing nothing.

“Tell him his orders are being followed to the letter, as they always are. As he knows they must be.”

“But what about the ship – why isn’t it here yet?”

“If he orders me to investigate that then I will do so. Until I hear otherwise I will wait here to receive his ship even though it does not appear to be coming. I will then direct any of his men who are still around to unload it. And when it is nearly finished I will let him know.”

The Shadow-Man smiled. “So you don’t know. I guess I’ll just tell him that the ship is missing and nobody knows why.”

“It seems you did not need my input after all.” She said coldly.

The Shadow-Man just smiled a crooked grin and stepped back to enter the shadow he arrived in. He stopped when Amaya started talking again.

“I met her, you know.”

He knew who she was talking about – there was only one person she could be talking about. But he repressed the murderous urge that rose and asked anyway. “Met. Who?”

“The Huntress of Diana,” she replied. There was no hint of condescension, no implications, no goading. Just a simple statement of fact. This was the only reason the Shadow-Man let her keep talking. Or so he convinced himself anyway.

More surprising to him was that this was the first time Amaya had talked to him without being prompted. And she called that girl ‘The Huntress of Diana’ and not just ‘The Huntress.’ He hated every second of this game Amaya was playing but he kept his anger checked. “What do you know about her? You know I’ve been itching to find that ***** and pay her back for what she did to me.”

“I know that she, too, is late to arrive at the pier this evening.”

He could take no more. The Shadow-Man reacted swiftly – but Amaya was faster. He lunged for her, growling with hatred and rage but she deftly moved to the side just before he grabbed her. He caught his balance before falling off the edge of the pier into the water but before he could turn around Amaya gripped him by his neck and pulled him up. “That is not how someone says ‘thank-you,’” she calmly told him.

The pain in his neck was intense. He was pressed forward over the edge of the pier, held off-balance and only kept from falling in by her grip. Through gritted teeth he said to her, “In the darkness you will scream all your secrets. When your screams die and your whispered sobbing begins my shadows will construct the circle with your blood and I will invoke my Dark master who thirsts-”

“I tire of this conversation,” Amaya interrupted casually as she simultaneously pushed and let go of the Shadow-Man. He fell off the pier and down towards the water below. There was no splash of a body hitting the water. About fifty feet behind her the Shadow-Man flew out of a shadow, flying a good several feet through the air and crashing next to a couple nearby Ironworkers. He picked himself up and looked back at the edge of the pier. He saw Amaya standing exactly as she was when he arrived. He was about to yell something snarky down the pier towards her but once again, she spoke before he could say anything.

“Perhaps I will talk with you again another time,” she said while facing the bay.

“Oh, you can count on that,” he said back to her. He turned to find the two the Ironworkers staring at him. “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!” He yelled at them in his raspy voice. They quickly turned and ran away from him as fast as they could run. The Shadow-Man laughed, relishing their fear, and disappeared into the shadows that were in front of him.
Last edited by Glistam on Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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Two thumbs up. Love the adventure logs.
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Snuffy »

Glistam ran a doozy of a game last night that put us up against some pretty tough villains who had hostages. I am sure another game log will be posted soon.

In the mean time here is Vigilance's overdue game log from last game:
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Glistam »

I've been posting my game summaries here but the player's logs are even more phenomenal - they capture details that I leave vague (or sometimes just leave out entirely) and their points of view all provide unique takes on the action. If you haven't yet, check them out on the Obsidian Portal site.

Last week's game was great! They got introduced to a group of cyborgs called the "Avant-Guard." The inventiveness out of these guys was phenomenal. Dr. Preposterous has begun inventing again and was field testing his inventions, the kid Salvo chained his powers together in order to activate some big effects that totally took me off guard, and with the knockback/knockdown rules in play Vigilance demonstrated just how awesome power punches can be. I screwed up the beginning of their fight though when I mixed up the types of A.R. the cyborgs had and forgot to use the knockdown tables. Once those errors were rectified the Tomorrow Legion practically owned these guys. It was great to play villains who had the damage capacity to run away after a few good hits, rather than die. Our hospitals are filling up!

Onto the details.

The players: Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Diane the Huntress, Hazel, and Salvo

Game summary/recap
Volume 1, Issue 5
At the mercy of the AVANT-GUARD!
  • Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Huntress, and Hazel discussed the ramifications of the events of the past week:
    • They sunk a ship (in international waters, Dr. P. kept reminding them, so the law shouldn’t come after them) and possibly drew more attention to themselves then they are ready for.
    • After emergency surgery the villain Overhaul was expected to make a recovery. Two police officers and a Tomorrow Legion member stay outside his room 24/7 while he recovers.
    • Hazel had worked with Vigilance to plant bugs in, and spy on, the local salvage companies so she could be notified the moment they even think about going after the sunken ship.
    • The Legionnaires Deluge and Shell Shock sneaked onto the dock the night the boat was scheduled to arrive and witnessed the events in Issue 4’s epilogue.
    • Bogart declared to the Legion that their recent actions would make things too “hot” here for him, so he left. He made sure Spirit knew how to reach him if he was needed, though.
    • A couple days later there was a small newspaper article buried on page 9 of The Century Station Observer which indicated that the details of the ship sinking (as well as its true cargo) were possibly being covered up.
      • It also indicated the ship was from the small South American country of Suriname, mostly notable for being a country which occasionally provides the mercenary/villain The Usurper sanctuary.
    • Spirit was arrested on charges of “insider trading” among a litany of other white collar crimes. He went willingly and is currently sitting in jail with a bond of $100,000.00. All his assets were frozen.
      • The Tomorrow Legion was directly funded by Spirit, so while they have some money still in reserve there will be no more money coming in until something changes. At least one member of the group (Zeau) received a paycheck from Spirit was was audibly unhappy with this turn of events.
    • A few Centurions (Alpha Prime, Apex, Timeline and Joan of Arc) visited the Legion and demanded to see the weapon they have been flaunting. Alpha Prime examined it and declared it to be “Terrestrial” and a “waste of time” and storms out. The others thank the Legion but Joan of Arc remains distracted by earlier and recent visions.
    • It seemed to the Tomorrow Legion that violent crime had noticeably decreased in Century Station, and most specifically in Waingroh. It certainly hadn’t stopped, but it seemed as if there were less of it.
  • Both Huntress and Vigilance made it a point to pump the street punks they encountered for information and rumors about Iron Mike’s weapons shipment sinking and who was responsible. Rumors that a big shipment didn’t come in and that Iron Mike was unhappy were floating around, but for now it appeared as if the Tomorrow Legion’s culpability was currently unknown.
  • Huntress paid a visit to the hospitalized Overhaul and demanded he speak to her, or else. She was very successfully intimidating but medical staff made her leave before she adversely affected their patient.
  • Dr. Preposterous became inspired after examining Overhaul’s confiscated gear. Even though it all broke down in less than a day the Doctor gleaned enough inspiration from it to decide to start inventing some more gadgets of his own. He used Vigilance as his test subject.
  • The subject of hiring a full-time doctor for the Legion was discussed amongst the group. Hazel had already done a bunch of research and gotten positive responses from three local, potential candidates:
    • Dr. Stewart Palmer, a physician they were already familiar with from their local hospital in Killgore.
    • Dr. Marigold Sands, a newly qualified doctor fresh from her residency and looking for a permanent job.
    • Dr. Wendell Moore, a doctor retired from general practice and one of the world’s foremost authorities on superhumans.
      • While the others discussed the candidates, Dr. Preposterous decided to call Dr. Moore and use his own notoriety to try and convince the man what a huge benefit to his study of superhumans this opportunity could be. Dr. Moore listened, interested.
  • Hazel was able to squeeze in time to finish studying a mystic artifact which Arctic Hellfire’s rival, Antipode, used against her in a recent battle. Hazel discovered many of its secrets but the final secret required a book from her father’s library to unlock.
  • Virgil received a call from Detective Jim Claxon, asking if the Legion could respond to a hostage situation which involved a group of cyborgs. He felt the police were out of their league and could use trusted superhuman assistance. Virgil didn’t hesitate to agree. Virgil found Hazel, Huntress, Dr. Preposterous, and Salvo and together they all headed out.
    • Though Salvo had been around he mostly had been keeping to himself as he waged his one-man war on corrupt police.
  • Dr. Preposterous traveled to the scene leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Salvo rode there on his motorcycle. Hazel had managed to pick up the basics of flying a hovercraft so she drove Spirit’s hovercar with Huntress riding shotgun and Virgil in the back.
  • As they approached the scene they could see the police surrounding the building and only the third floor lit up. A few windows on that floor were broken. With his preposterous eyesight Dr. P. could see five large robots or cyborgs armed with energy rifles, and a bunch of human hostages in the background.
  • Hazel flew the car up over the building roof, somehow escaping notice, and let an invisible Huntress off so she could sneak into the building. Then Hazel went across the street to land on top of another building, where Dr. Preposterous met them.
  • Salvo, however, sped through the police and crashed through the front doors of the building. He began to ride his bike up the stairs to the third floor until about halfway he lost control of his bike. He continued on foot until almost reaching the third floor, when one of the cyborgs ambushed him. The energy barrage the cyborg unleashed hardly phased Salvo, who used his energy powers to painfully absorb the energy and unleash it back to the cyborg, amplified into a super-blast! This act also triggered an energy transformation on the superhuman, who then enveloped the cyborg in his energy form and began unleashing destructive, explosive energy that also tore up the stairwell.
  • Meanwhile, Huntress had successfully infiltrated and was using her command of animals to get some rodents to help her scope the place out. She was able to locate the hostages and briefly communicated with them her intention to help. She noticed two of the female hostages seemed odd but she didn’t investigate further. She took her invisible cloak and wrapped it around one of the hostages, making him go invisible too, and then ran back to the stairs and the room with him. This drew the attention of two of the cyborgs, who began to fire into the general area but luckily missed her and her hostage.
  • Outside, Doctor Preposterous and Vigilance decided now was the time to enter the scene and both leapt from the rooftop to the building, entering the floor by crashing through the windows.
  • Hazel took the hovercar back to the roof of the building so she could pick up the hostage and bring him safely to the ground. Huntress went back inside to rescue more.
  • Virgil and Dr. Preposterous both engaged the four cyborgs in combat. Despite their weapons, physically imposing size and strength, both superhumans proved to be frustrating opponents for them.
  • Huntress returned into the building and tried to direct more hostages to escape by pointing to the direction they needed to go – completely forgetting she was invisible. Finally she directed a couple to follow and grabbed one to lead him out. The two odd ones followed. When the one she was leading became confused Huntress dropped her invisibility to better communicate and that’s when the odd women revealed themselves to be partial cyborgs! They each grew their nails out to long cybernetic knives and attacked Huntress.
  • None of the cyborgs were up to the task of defeating the Tomorrow Legion heroes. The cyborg which Salvo enveloped was finally panicking as the explosive energy he couldn’t shake was slowly chewing right through his systems. Dr. Preposterous had damaged the ones he was fighting and they couldn’t even land a hit in retaliation. Vigilance was beating the cyborgs fighting him right through the floor into the offices below. Huntress managed to get some distance on the two fighting her and began pelting them with her arrows.
  • Finally, their leader called for a retreat. Using a couple of the hostages as distractions, all but one of the cyborgs managed to flee out the window of the building and into a hail of gunfire from the waiting police below. One of the partial cyborg women was critically injured but she was picked up by another cyborg and carried. They ran through the city streets for several blocks with Dr. Preposterous following them before they finally went down into the subway system. The Doctor decided not to follow them further.
  • The one who didn’t escape was the one which Vigilance had punched through the floor. Quickly Vigilance leaped down the hole and immobilized the cyborg by ripping off his leg. The cyborg tried to retaliate with optical lasers but Vigilance held his head turned away from anyone or anything which those eyes could focus on. Beaten, the cyborg fell silent.
  • Two of the hostages were injured in the Cyborg’s escape, and three police officers were injured as the Cyborgs ran away through them and their gunfire.


Deep beneath Century Station is a network of active subway tunnels, abandoned tunnels, half-excavated systems, and more. It was easy to get lost if one wasn’t familiar with the way they all connected. Through the twists and turns the group of cyborgs deftly maneuvered, making their way to the hidden facilities of the Avant-Guard.

This group’s leader, the Cyborg who went by designation CY-003, was distraught and angry. Their plan and set-up were perfect, so why had they failed? He had been arguing with CY-001 for weeks now about being ready to face the superhumans, and his stunt tonight was supposed to show that he had been right all along! Instead, it would only show failure and reinforce CY-001’s decision to remain hidden longer and build up more strength.

They traveled in silence most of the way. Finally, one of them spoke. “Cy Three” the Cyborg carrying the gravely injured partial ‘borg spoke up. "I don’t know if she’s going to survive this."

“And now you’re a doctor of cybernetic medicine, Cy Sixteen?” CY-003 barked back at him. “She’ll get all the help our illustrious leader can muster once we arrive. There’s nothing you or I or any of us are capable of doing right now. So shut up.”

“But I don’t understand, sir.” The other partial cyborg said. “You told us our upgrades were sufficient to kill the superhumans.”

CY-003’s mechanical eyes widened as the machines correctly responded to the flesh-and-blood being’s emotional state. He was about to say something when a new voice from up ahead of them spoke up. “And I told you they weren’t.”

The group fell quiet as they came up within sight of the speaker; the leader of the Avant-Guard; the cyborg designated as CY-001. He looked up on them with stoic disappointment. Silently counting the number of bodies among them he came up one shorter than expected.

“Where is Cy Eight?” He patiently asked.

The others all looked at each other, wondering how to answer. But CY-003 answered in a low voice with only a small pause. “Captured. By the superhumans and the human authorities.”

“Then let his soon-to-be sacrifice be a reminder of the rest of you about the gravity and seriousness of our cause.” He looked at all the cyborgs in the group as he spoke, and each one refused to meet his eyes. Except for CY-003 who stared back at him. If mechanical eyes could burn with hatred and loathing then his eyes would be on fire. But CY-001 continued speaking, oblivious or uncaring. “Your actions tonight have exposed our noble organization to unwanted scrutiny. The coming times will now be especially trying as I adjust our timetable and plans accordingly.”

“But we still got the information we were sent to-” CY-016 began to say, before he was cut off brusquely.

“And what good will that information be to us now? Now that we’ve been exposed all our operatives will need to pull back with whatever recruits they’ve managed to gather. We must hope they are enough to strengthen and ready ourselves so that when the proper time comes to announce our true, glorious cause to humanity we can stand behind it. And not as villains,” CY-001 looked straight at CY-003 as he said that. “But as the heroes we know we are. Enough talk for now. Bring Cy Twenty-four to the doc before she dies. The rest of you, go get patched up. I’ll deal with you formally later.”

They all scattered to follow their leader’s commands leaving CY-001 and CY-003 alone in the passageway.

“We should’ve been able to do it,” CY-003 protested.

“Fully upgraded, I agree,” CY-001 replied. “Once everyone has been appropriately enhanced we will be ready to destroy the superhuman infestation. We will use the power and legacy of humanity- true, pure humanity in order to cleanse those impurities from the gene pool. You and your followers, you feel ready because the upgrades you have received have made you powerful. But think back on tonight, Cy Three. Were you powerful enough?”

CY-001 turned away from CY-003 and let that question linger. CY-003 finally looked down, in anger and in shame. “Not yet.” He thought back to the way that superhuman who called himself a Doctor had effortlessly danced around his attacks and then humiliated him. “But I will be soon enough.”

The next morning's headlines.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Glistam »

This weeks game was absolutely amazing.

The Players: Hazel, Huntress, Salvo

The game session as recapped from Hazel's point of view: SUPER SAIYAN SALVO SAVES the day

Game summary/recap
Volume 1, Issue 6
Hazel, Huntress, Salvo... No one will escape unscathed!

  • After the results of their latest escapade and the press it received, Hazel tasked the Tomorrow Legion secretary/receptionist, Victoria Melnitz, to look for some "PR specialists." Hazel hoped they would be able to find one who could turn around the negative image that the Legion was starting to earn.
  • Salvo spent some time at Doctor Preposterous' work station computer, installing software and making minor mischief. He also collected information on the police officers noted in the recent newspaper article about the Legion. He started gathering information on these guys so he could work to dig up dirt on these guys. He would prove they were corrupt, or in the absence of such evidence he would create and plant it if necessary.
  • Hazel tried to meet with all the members of the Tomorrow Legion but she could only find Diane and Salvo. Together they discussed the information that Hazel's programs collected and informed her of the previous night:
    • Professor Harrison Danilek, also known as Emperor Danilek, was scheduled to arrive later that day in Century Station.
      • He, like many other small country leaders, was scheduled to attend a small international conference being hosted in Silver City designed to help arbitrate treaties, land use, human rights, extradition, and other political issues.
    • The Kieromin Iron Company had contacted the Atlas Salvage company to discuss hiring their services in locating the wreck of the Crescent Moon and stripping it of metal for salvage.
      • The Kieromin Iron Company is an ironmaking firm from Waingroh whose origins hearken back to the 1870's - the early days of Century Station.
    • The Beacon Insurance company has also contacted Morgan Diving and Salvage to discuss investigating the wreckage of the Crescent Moon as a part of their investigation.
      • The claim was filed by the Suriname company that owned the Crescent Moon, ETM (Empresa Transporte Marítimo).
  • Hazel, Diane and Salvo discussed if they should try and sneak into this international conference in Silver City. Hazel was convinced that Emperor Danilek of Suriname bore closer, in person investigation since the ship laden with weapons that they sank came from his country. To aid in this effort Salvo was happy to offer his services to blow stuff up or create distractions (or both) but Huntress and Hazel managed to convince him to hold back those ideas for now. Ultimately they decided this was not a good idea for the present time.
  • The three of them began discussing the events they were all involved in a few days prior, with the Avant-Guard cyborgs. While wondering what that group's goal was they remembered that one of the cyborgs had been disabled and taken into custody. The three of them hatched a scheme which they hoped would allow them to access the prisoner, interview him, and transport him back to the Tomorrow Legion HQ for further questioning at their leisure. Together they set out on their individual motorcycles toward the C-SWAT building where they knew the cyborg was being held.
  • Getting there first in her souped up bike, Hazel took the time to cast some infiltration spells on herself. Over the radio she let the others know that she was there, but they wouldn't be able to see her.
  • When everyone arrived they worked out a simple plan: Diane would go inside, claim to be with the Centurions, and obtain a transcript of the police interviews of the cyborg. Hazel would remain invisible but nearby. Salvo would stay outside and provide a distraction or backup if needed.
  • Diane went inside and introduced herself as Sergeant Esmerelda Yabakowksy, of the Centurions. She managed to make enough of an impression that they gave her a copy of the transcript, no problem. Once Diane went back outside the C-SWAT officers had second thoughts and called the Centurions to verify the "Sergeant's" claims.
  • At the Centurions base Joan of Arc answered the call. When the officers described the woman who showed up Joan immediately recognized her as Huntress from the Tomorrow Legion. Joan decided to "play along" for now and told them she would be on her way to assist the Sergeant.
  • Salvo and Hazel read through the transcripts of the interviews but the cyborg revealed very little information. On more than one occasion, however, he did tell the people around him to stay clear of him for their own safety. The three immediately decided that he must've said that because he was leaking radiation and was a serious health hazard to anyone near him. They resolved to take him from this place and bring him back to the Tomorrow Legion HQ.
  • Huntress went back inside with Hazel (who was still invisible) to demand to be let in to see the cyborg so she could move him to a safer place due to the radiation he was leaking. The officer on duty was puzzled by this - their own technicians and equipment had revealed no such danger. Huntress insisted a containment crew was coming and that she needed to get in. Confused and concerned, the officer asked why she wasn't waiting for her crew or her teammate to arrive? This went back and forth and out over their radios. At this point Salvo had enough.
  • Salvo decided to create a distraction. He took off in his motorcycle as a Centurion hovercar landed. He drove far enough away so that he could turn around and build up a good amount of speed before smashing into the pole that had the power transformers which fed the building on it. He leapt off the bike just before the impact but the bike only bounced off the pole before spinning wildly across the street and creating a chaotic traffic mess. And he rolled and came back up Salvo unleashed an energy blast at the transformers that blasted one open, resulting in a small explosion and the loss of power to the building.
  • Joan of Arc witnessed the motorcycle accident and came over to offer help to Salvo. She helped him up and received a vision of his futures that was similar to what she saw with Vigilance. She fought to not let the vision overtake her sight though and once she made sure Salvo was all right she headed inside.
  • Several officers rushed out of the building in order to respond to the events outside. Hazel took that opportunity to invisibly slip past them, through the door into the main building. Over the radio she told the others she'd be maintaining radio silence. She located the stairwell that would take her to the second sub-basement where they cyborg was being kept and went down.
  • Joan went inside and met with Diane. After an initial re-introduction where Joan was also able to read a similar set of futures from Diane, Joan agreed to help and told the officer that this person and her team were with her. She then had Diane call the rest of her team so they could go talk with the cyborg. Diane chose to only call Salvo and have him come meet them.
  • Outside Salvo convinced the officers that he was just an innocent caught up in this strange accident. Once they left him alone he then left to go meet with Diane and Joan. Once the three of them were together they were led inside to the staircase and elevator, either of which would take them to the second sub-level. On the way Salvo started badgering Joan about being a stooge of the police and how all police were corrupt, and she countered with her own religious beliefs and convictions that no-one was too far from salvation. The fervor in her retort caught Salvo by surprise and actually managed to render him speechless... for about 30 seconds.
  • Already downstairs, Hazel was invisibly staring at the guard in the small lobby there from behind the glass of the stairwell door. She needed something to distract him so she could sneak into the lobby and hack her way through the electronic security door leading into the next area of cells... She decided to put one of the new spells she recently learned from Arctic Hellfire to use and cast Ignite Fire on the guard's hair. It burst into brilliant flame and the flame itself seemed to almost be alive, dancing in the man's hair and waving little arms around while the man panicked and screamed - just the distraction she needed to open the door into the lobby without the guard noticing. She also snapped a photo of the weird fire-figure to show to her friend later.
  • Hazel was working to hack through the electronic lock. The guard had doused the flames on his head and was angrily demanding to his superiors that he be relieved so he can get treated for the inexplicable burns. When the elevator opened and Salvo, Joan and Diane entered the lobby the guard had little patience for them and was about to send them though when the door opened on its own. Salvo took that opportunity to disrespectfully berate the officer, who just stood there in stunned silence at everything going wrong.
  • Joan, Diane, Salvo and Hazel went down the hallway of the small, heavily fortified prison/cell area and stopped at the only currently occupied cell. Within they saw the cyborg from the Tomorrow Legion's encounter only a couple nights ago. His metal form was battered and dented. On his face over his eyes was a large metal plate attached by what looked like bolts. His hands were secured behind his back in re-enforced steel hand and arm restraints. One leg was missing, having been roughly torn off by Vigilance in the same fight which captured him.
  • The group began to question him and he smiled, recognizing most of their voices. They questioned him but he revealed even less to them than he had his human captors. Diane entered the cell and used the magic of Words of Truth to make him answer their questions, but aside from being forced to reveal his name was "Cy Eight" he was able to resist speaking the answers to the rest of Diane's queries.
  • Hazel activated her Lightning Rider ability and (invisibly) leapt into the cyborg's metal body so she could traverse his circuits and try to pull info out of the computer portions of his brain. She was successful in locating a backup memory unit and she caught glimpses of some data pertaining to the location of the Avant-Guard before the power of her lightning form fried the memory circuits. The cyborg screamed and Hazel (still invisible) exited the body and re-materialized.
  • They decided they would take him with them, and they offered to help repair and rehabilitate him if he'd willingly come with them. He surprisingly agreed and even seemed pleased at the idea. He offered no resistance when Diane lifted him up and carried him out on her back.
  • Salvo went ahead of them to pop on up a level to the 1st sub-floor, where the cyborg's equipment and leg were kept. The guard there expected him and let him in. Salvo walked past suits of power armor and high-tech weapons before coming to the cyborg's weapon, armor and leg. Salvo arranged it so he could drag it back to the elevator.
  • Joan and Hazel (who was still invisible) accompanied Diane and the cyborg to the elevator. As they ascended to the ground floor Joan's psychic sixth sense suddenly went off, prompting her to stop the elevator and look around. She explained to Diane that something bad was about to happen so Diane dropped the cyborg to ready her bow. Hazel, still invisible, cast the spell Float in Air on the cyborg and Joan attacked her, thinking she was the threat. Hazel revealed herself and Diane vouched for her but now Joan was even more worried - her sixth sense went off, but where was the threat? She advised Diane and Hazel to stay where they were with the cyborg while she investigated.
  • Joan opened the doors and was able to exit onto the first sub-level and ran into Salvo had almost pulled all the gear to the elevator. He was filled in and looked around with Joan for threats. They saw and sensed nothing so they both took the stairs to the top floor. The looked around but saw nothing there, either. The expanded their search to include the entrance of the building and the outside.
  • Joan momentarily stopped when her comm started to buzz with a worried call from Thaumaturge. Where was she? Why had she been ignoring their calls? Was she all right? What was going on? Joan answered as quickly as she could and kept looking around. She told him she was underground and that was probably why he couldn't reach her on the radio when he originally tried.
  • By now a good couple minutes had passed and both Diane and Hazel were getting anxious. They decided to stop waiting and took the cyborg with them up the stairs instead of the elevator. Diane pulled the (now floating) cyborg behind her while Hazel walked behind him. They both were on their guard for an attack or something. Neither were ready for what happened next.

The following scene unfolded in slow motion.

Diane pushed open the stairwell door. Without warning the cyborg floating and bobbing behind her grinned ear to ear. Hazel saw the cyborg's wicked smile but faster than she could react, the fail-safe explosives planted within his frame received the self-detonation radio signal that up until now had been blocked by the doors and concrete below the facility. The powerful explosion practically disintegrated the cyborg formerly known as "CY-008" and powerfully tore through the building. Joan of Arc was just outside the building, holding the main door open as she talked with her teammates. She stopped talking mid-sentence and began to turn around, a loud cry of "Nooooooo!" coming from her just a split second too late.

Salvo, who was behind Joan and still in the building, was caught in the blast radius and felt the powerful energy begin to roll around and through him. Instinctively he forced his body to painfully pull this energy into himself, absorbing it and dampening its affect for all those around him. In a sheer effort of will and power he managed to draw in most of the enormous energy released by this blast. What remained of the explosive force was still enough to knock down Diane and throw two of the officers across the floor, instantly knocking them both comatose.

Though hurt, both Diane and Hazel were alive and able to witness the glowing spectacle that was Salvo. As the energy of the explosion coursed through his body it was all he could do to keep it in check. The pain was intense and he felt his body beginning to disintegrate. "All. Most. There." He gritted out as he took control of the raging energy and directed it all upwards and away. The blast he unleashed burned a hole clean through the three floors above them and out the roof, leaving a cylindrical hole in the building that allowed the sun to shine in and illuminate him. The strain on his powers had been too much and his whole body was transformed into glowing energy.

Joan of Arc watched the scene unfold in horror, then with hope as the miracle she witnessed Salvo perform renewed her faith in everything she believed in. All she could do was drop to her knees in awe at the scene before her.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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parkhyun wrote:I just posted four complete adventures. Feel free to use them all and claim you thought'em up. Unless your players hate them, in which case, blame me entirely.


I really enjoyed this supplement. I may give one or two of those adventures a try once I decide how to work some foreshadowing for them into the game.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
New Fire magic | New Temporal magic
Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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I'm looking to work out what the Nightlands version of Century Station might look like in this game. I started a topic for it over in the Nightbane forum and I would welcome anyone who has any thoughts on the subject to please post responses there.


Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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May I make a suggestion?

Start out in a town NEAR Century. let them be the big badasses in the small ponds for a while, solving normal issues and crimes. Or perhaps the local nuke plant mutated a squirrel and it has become a deadly predator of the night, 10 feet long, with deadly teeth and a penchant for decapitation (cracking nuts). It hunts at night and the players have to use their skills to track it down, to decipher what is going on, interview people who saw something weird etc, use all the features of the game and then get them to Century by way of another investigation which leads them from their home town to the big city and you can discover it together
The entire experiment may ultimately not work. But as Tiger Woods tears into the springbok, his mouth crimson with blood, he looks to have all the makings of a natural-born killer.
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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It's a little late for that but I appreciate the input. Thank-you.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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Keep it up man, nicely done.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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I held a mini-session with Skype in order to do a one-shot with the player who's character is a Nightbane Sorcerer. He wrote a story for his character that ended up with her mirror-walking for the first time, and the game picked up from there with her arrival in the Nightlands version of Century Station, which I've named Grim Gulf and I discussed in the Nightbane forum here (there's even a map now, too).

I invited another player to "guest star" as a Nightbane already familiar with what Nightbane are, and the Nightlands. He played a version of a character he had previously played in another game (named Hawk) so this was a fun nod to that game as well. It was interesting to see the Nightbane Sorceress (named Hazel), who's principled, trying to deal with and reconcile the horror of everyday life in the Nightlands. She stumbled into Hawk and two other Nightbane (named Clay and Lainey) who had been tracking a rogue Nightbane working for Dr. Makalai who went by Sharkface.

There wasn't too much to this adventure, as it was really designed to introduce the concept of the Nightlands and the Nightbane to Hazel, who up until that moment had thought of herself as a weird superhuman. Sharkface escaped and Hazel got educated. They almost had combat with a group of Hounds but some smart thinking combined with terribly poor perception rolls allowed them to avoid that. She only spent a day in Grim Gulf before a chance encounter with a mirror gave her an opportunity to return to Century Station - an opportunity which she took, but with the promise that she would return.

She left the Nightlands with more questions than answers, but now she knows the right questions to research and so that should be interesting going forward. Especially if she tries to get the whole team involved!

For now this is just all sidequest stuff, it isn't tying into the main story (yet) but who knows what direction all the players may take it?
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Snuffy »

Glistam continues to run a fun game even though he has not updated here.

Meanwhile Vigilance has gone NPC due to my playing out the character. I am still pondering my next character which will not be ready for Thursday night. It shall be interesting.
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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Thank you! I hope to get caught up in my backlog eventually.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
New Fire magic | New Temporal magic
Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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Was it really "Issue 6" and the Grim Gulf adventure since I last made an update? So much has happened since then! I haven't written or posted any GM "Volume 1, Issue X" recaps since Issue 6, but several of my players post logs and I encourage anyone interested to read them - the players put a lot of work into them and they tell the story of the game from their character's perspective. This should be a good place to start to "pick up" from where my GM logs last left off: July, 2014.

This post is sort of a "Retrospective" for all our previous games, since we had our second-to-last game earlier last week. So far there have been 18 numbered games, but there were two short mini-sessions/sidebars and countless e-mail sidebars and RP sessions between games. Our next game is the season finale which our game has been building towards for the last almost two years!

I set this game in Century Station, but with some modifications from the default setting:
  • Superhumans didn't appear in this world until a few years before Project Daedalus went live. Why this is remains publically unknown. A timeline of these events is on the Obsidian Portal page: Timeline
  • The game is set about a year before the Bloody Monday riots, which sets it about 5 years in the game's past. The write-ups that Reagren Wright did for the older Centurion members only mentioned in the book were very valuable to me. I especially got a lot of use out of Joan of Arc, Timeline, and Thaumaturge.
  • The super-group the P.C.'s belong to was called the Tomorrow Legion, despite the book's note that all the non-Centurion heroes were dubbed tomorrow legion heroes, or legionnaires, by the press. This was a deliberate anachronism I introduced into the game due to the multiple time-travel plots unraveling around the players.
  • As we were a year before Bloody Monday, I introduced Iron Mike as a villain and the group has clashed with him multiple times, earning his ire. I have a write-up for him and his close group of villain "Lieutenants" who help him run his organization which I look forward to posting after our final game.

Here's a high level summary of our game sessions to date. For more details, check out the player logs linked above:

Game 1 (March 5, 2014)
"First Night on the Town"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Salvo, Zeau
Written up in an earlier post. This game served to introduce the players to both Korashi Technics' time-travel attempts and Iron Mike.

Game 2 (April 2, 2014)
"Introducing... The Shadow Man!"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Diane, Hazel
Written up in an earlier post. This game continued the introduction to Iron Mike by having them square off against one of his lieutenants, the Shadow Man. It also dropped clues towards the Nightlands/The Dark, Spirit's hyper-advanced technology, and name-dropped the Avant-Guard villain group.

Game 3 (April 30, 2014)
"An Investigative Interlude"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Bogart, Diane, Hazel
Written up in an earlier post. This game dropped more hints for Korashi Technic's time travel attempts, introduced the Centurions to the players, and began to reveal the "Fractal future" time-plot centering around Spirit.

Game 4 (July 9, 2014)
"The Tomorrow Legion OVERHAUL-ed!"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Diane, Hazel
Written up in an earlier post. This game had Spirit move his plot forward by directing the Legion to intercept a shipment which contained a bunch of high-quality weapons and at least one other unique item they never discovered. The team captured Iron Mike's Lieutenant named Overhaul, sank the boat and it's goods, and attracted both the direct attention and ire of Iron Mike..

Game 5 (July 23, 2014)
"At the mercy of the AVANT-GUARD!"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Salvo, Diane, Hazel
Written up in an earlier post. This game had the Legion deal with the "repercusions" of pissing off Iron Mike. Notably Spirit's alter ego, Matt Lee River, was arrested and held in prison for several game sessions. The villian group Avant-Guard was formally introduced.

Game 6 (Aug 6, 2014)
"Hazel, Huntress, Salvo... No one will escape unscathed!"
P.C.'s: Salvo, Diane, Hazel
Written up in an earlier post. This game saw The Usurper come to town but his business was with his buyer, Iron Mike, and not the Legion. The players interrogated the Avant-Guard cyborg captured in the last game, to little avail. As they attempted to move him they set off a devistating explosion but were saved by Salvo. This boosted Salvo's ego and set him to taunt Iron Mike directly.

Game 6.5 (Aug 20, 2014)
"Dark Days, Bright Futures
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Salvo
Joan of Arc visited the Legion while Spirit was still in jail. She revealed to Vigilance and Salvo her visions of a terrible event which will rock Century Station in the near future. She further revealed that this future is only different when she lookes at members of the Tomorrow Legion. With them she sees multiple overlapping possibilities, some good and some bad, as if their futures were in flux... fractured, or fractal. No other heroes or villians present such a strange series of visions to her, only the members of the Tomorrow Legion.

Game 6.75 (Sep 3, 2014)
"Welcome... to Grim Gulf"
P.C.'s: Hazel, Hawk
Written up in an earlier post. This special Skype session was designed to introduce my Nightbane P.C., Hazel, to her heritage. She developed several contacts in the Nightlands which will prove useful when jumping back into this plot at a later time.

Game 7 (Sep 17, 2014)
"When HUGO Knocks... The Tomorrow Legion Answers"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Salvo, Diane
This game set up some future conflicts.
  • A prologue set up Iron Mike shooting a LAW rocket at Salvo's billboard from his office window in the Kieromin Ironworks. After a rant about how the Tomorrow Legion has pissed him off he renewed a computer conversation with Motherboard. He transferred her a fee to "do it." She told him it was a pleasure doing business with him.
  • Into the game, the team was introduced to A.R.C.H.I.E., an advanced computer program which Spirit had previously installed to aid the Legion and run their systems behind the scenes. He presented an almost annoyingly upbeat and friendly personality.
  • A giant mercenary villain named Hugo attacked the Legion HQ demanding the futuristic weapon they acquired from the first game, or else. The Legion managed to fight him but not before he did some major damage to their building, then shrank until he disappeared.
  • Unbeknownst to the Legion at this time, Hugo snuck into the building and installed some hardware which would give Motherboard a "backdoor" into the Legion's files. His job done, he left.

Game 8 (Nov 12, 2014)
"Introducing Deadman - the bionic man that science left behind"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Diane, Deadman
In this game the Spirit trial subplot finally resolved and he was released. Just in time to recruit a new member, a cyborg ex-cop named Deadman. Motherboard had altered all of Hazel's sophisticated programs so they provided no results when looking into Iron Mike's dealings or salvage of the sunken ship. A giant ant problem sprang up downtown which the Legion showed up to help solve. A bug-controlling villian showed up to take advantage of the situation as well. More clues about Spirit (as in, something is up with him worth investigating) were revealed.

Game 9 (Dec 10, 2014)
"The Hunt for The Shadow Man"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Diane, Hazel, Deadman
In this game the players reviewed past information with Deadman's help and stumbled upon some clues they overlooked regarding the Shadowman. With these clues and Deadman's technology they were able to discover a pattern to his killings and ambush him, killing him. Virgil went to a bit of a dark place during this hunt and fight, foreshadowing events to come with him. Publically, Deadman took the blame for the killing on behalf of the Legion. Though the Shadowman threat was ended they failed to discover how he learned to empower himself in such a matter (this is later revisited when Hazel discovers a bookstore owner is missing several dark, dangerous tomes - the one the Shadowman used was amongst those missing).

Game 10 (Feb 5, 2015)
"Caught in the Crossfire of the Avant Guard"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Bogart, Zeau, Diane, Hazel, Deadman
This game saw a bit of a return to "normalcy" due to time passed between games. Investigations into Iron Mike and Waingroh resulted in learning the Legion had a price on their heads and would be hunted if they entered the district. Virgil received a tip-off that Overhaul was to be moved and Iron Mike's lieutenants would be trying to intercept. The Legion shadowed the convoy only to be ambushed by the Avant-Guard, who also heard that same tip-off and decided to take out a bunch of superhumans at once. The Avant-Guard was defeated and Iron Mike's lieutenants decided not to bother after witnessing the fight (the moment had passed). Huntress discovered that EMP works well against these Cyborgs. Virgil took off to spend some time undercover in Waingroh. Several members of the Avant Guard were captured and interrogated over the next several games.

Game 11 (March 12, 2015)
"Mystery of the Zericho Wax Museum"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Bogart, Hazel
This game had Hazel pulled in multiple directions, as she discovered the backdoor in the Legion's systems, the tampering of her programs, and her mystical support group "The Telestic Society" dropped a mystery in her lap with the Zericho Wax Museum. Dealing with the first two issues revealed that Iron Mike had salvaged many of his weapons, something Virgil was able to confirm as those weapons were showing up in the streets. Dr. Preposterous used his knowledge of law to convince the police to shut the salvage operation down, but not before Virgil witnessed a salvaged container delivered to Iron Mike's with heightened security and importance. The players tackled the Wax Museum problem and found a botched spell years ago resulted in a gateway to the Astral Plane which opened during the equinoxes and the solstices. They defeated some of the entities which slipped through, others got away, and they found the ancient tome which had been used all those years ago (another of the "missing tomes").

Game 12 (April 9, 2015)
"The Vigil Ends"
P.C.'s: Vigilance, Dr. Preposterous, Bogart, Diane, Hazel, Deadman
This game had Virgil's undercover investigations bear fruit with rumors of a "Fight Club" used for recruiting new Lieutenants for Iron Mike. Bogart revealed his knowledge of an underground organization of mutant animals, which he used to arrange a secret meeting between Virgil and the Legionnaires which won't blow his cover. The Legionnaires went undercover to the next Fight Club, which was in the basement of a Waingroh school. There Hazel saw her brother Conrad use magic to try and audition; unfortunately his fight was against Virgil, who soundly defeated him. Iron Mike's Lieutenant, Maximal, was finally noticed and Legion ambushed him. They soundly defeated him but Virgil in his zealousness unleashed an attack in this closed space which killed and injured many people. The Legionnaires were quick to try and minimize the loss of life and bring help to those people. Virgil left the Legion and the city to reflect. A man named Æl Fric Prox found Virgil, told him the timeline was wrong and asked for his help in apprehending a criminal from his time known as Frac Tal. Virgil accepts.

Game 13 (June 4, 2015)
"Spirit's Secrets - Revealed!"
P.C.'s: Bogart, Hazel
This game had four major parts:
  • Hazel and Bogart had finally starting noticing, piecing together, and secretly investigating the many inconsistencies and oddities which had surrounded the Tomorrow Legion's leader, Matt Lee River (the hero known as Spirit), since their first introduction. All signs were impossibly pointing towards him being a time traveler! His purpose however remained inscrutable to them.
  • Hazel left a cryptic message on the Shadowboard to try and learn more about the possibility of time travel, in order to attempt to get confirmation of her and Bogart's burgeoning hypothesis that Spirit was from the future. The heroine Arcana, of the Champions, responded positively and requested a meeting. Together with Bogart the two met her as well as another Champions member, the synthetic humanoid M.E.L.I.S.S.A.. After hearing and seeing the evidence these heroines from the Champions were able to confirm that time travel was both possible and likely involved. They declined to elaborate on how their own experiences led them to that conclusion so easily.
  • Rather than continue the subterfuge they had engaged in thus far both Hazel and Bogart confronted Matt directly. Faced with the discrepancies and incongruities which had been uncovered, Matt admitted to them he is a time traveling historian from far, far in the future whose real name was "Frac Tal Hrix". He confessed his intentions were to prevent a major disaster which would take place soon, dubbed by history as "Bloody Monday." He pleaded with Hazel and Bogart to keep this knowledge secret in order to avoid causing timeline "ripples" which could make this future event unpredictable (and thus unpreventable) and cause his interference to be detected. They reluctantly agreed.
  • Spirit shortly thereafter asked for their help directly to save the other-dimensional alien, "Mar'rakesch Zim'ba'bwe Golgo13tha'sTerror." Spirit knew where and when the alien would arrive and that an ambush by Titan Industries awaited him - an ambush he would not survive without their help. The three worked together to help the alien survive the ambush and Mar'rakesch joined the team at Spirit's offering. At the end of the game Hazel left the Tomorrow Legion to study magic full-time with Charlie Kane, a wizard acquaintance from her childhood and founding member of the Telestic Society. There she will learn of the mystic tomes which have gone missing.

Game 14 (June 25, 2014)
"The Paths we Choose"
P.C.'s: Bogart, Diane, Deadman, Mar'rakesch Zim'ba'bwe Golgo13tha'sTerror, The Lieutenant
This game introduced a smooth-talking superhuman calling himself "The Lieutenant," who joined the Tomorrow Legion on the behalf of a mysterious organization. The group decided to start pursuing the manufacture and distribution of a drug coming from Waingroh called "Mega," which had been name-dropped before and was bulking users out to near-superhuman levels, but also hospitalizing many of them after prolonged or strenuous use. The hunt took them into Waingroh where they were unsuccessfully ambushed. The ambushers were forced to reveal where the drug was manufactured. Meanwhile, the rest of the Tomorrow Legion members (the N.P.C.'s) used the information gained from interrogating the Avant Guard captives to take the fight to their secret base.

Game 15 (July 30, 2015)
"The Paths we Walk"
P.C.'s: Dr. Preposterous, Bogart, Deadman, Mar'rakesch Zim'ba'bwe Golgo13tha'sTerror, The Lieutenant
This game concluded the adventure started in the previous game. The P.C.'s tracked Mega to a warehouse run by Iron Mike's lieutenants, Momentum and Blaspheme. They hatched a clever plan to break in which went wrong pretty fast. Though they disrupted the manufacture of Mega and destroyed a large volume of it, Dr. Preposterous was killed while fighting/distracting Momentum. Blaspheme was also on site and revealed her ability to control gargoyle demons and transform herself into something which resembles a gargoyle, as well as her complete lack of regard for the lives of others (friend or foe). The drug Mega was not completely removed from the streets, but its distribution was severely impacted and slowed down due to the efforts of this raid. The Tomorrow Legion beat a hasty retreat and were forced to leave the Doctor's body behind. Meanwhile, the N.P.C. Legionnaires who fought the Avant Guard were successful but one of their member, a tech hero named Aegis, used an EMP bomb to end the fight which killed all the Avant Guard members. The guilt from those deaths leads to Aegis retiring.

    "The Doctor was many things to many people. A friend. A colleague. At times, even, a bit of a dangerous lunatic. To me he was all these things. To all of us, however... he was also a Hero. He believed in his ability to make this city a better place through his actions. And in the blink of an eye he gave his life for that belief. His success that night is only diminished by its great cost - by the loss of this Hero in our lives and in the lives of all the citizens of Century Station. He was a man of science, conviction, mirth, and so many other things. I will not mourn his passing. Rather, I will celebrate his life and his works in a way that will honor his memory and respect his legacy. I implore you all to do the same."
    -Dr. Wendell Moore, eulogy given at the funeral for Doctor Theophilus Roarke, a.k.a. Dr. Preposterous.

Game 16 (Aug 20, 2015)
"Reflections and Perspectives"
P.C.'s: Deadman, Mar'rakesch Zim'ba'bwe Golgo13tha'sTerror, Singularity, Cruor
This game introduced yet another hero, the ex-astronaut known as Singularity, to the Tomorrow Legion team. He was on hand to witness a strange blood-based liquid creature break into the Legion accusing them of killing Dr. Preposterous. Eventually all the misunderstandings were cleared up and this being turned out to be an experiment the Doctor had brought to life, named Cruor! They convinced it/him to stay with the Legion so they could keep an eye on him and so he could get the opportunity to face his father's killer. A.R.C.H.I.E. was revealed to be an highly advanced A.I. which has many of its "higher functions" turned off, but still intact. The Legionnaires return to the warehouse where they fought Momentum and found it had been burned out and there was no sign of the Doctor's body. There they encountered the villain Conflagration and through clever use of gravity powers gained the upper hand, until he revealed his ability to completely Disperse in order to avoid capture.

Game 17 (Sep 16, 2015)
"The Storm Before the Calm"
P.C.'s: Deadman, The Lieutenant, Cruor
This game saw the Tomorrow Legion headquarters under attack by two villains: a weather controller named Tempest and a clockwork gadgeteer named Metronome. They attempted to break into the base as a sort of "test" by Blaspheme to join Iron Mike's organization. The Legion successfully kept them out and it was discovered that with the right rolls, The Lieutenant can successfully impersonate Blaspheme's voice when giving commands to her gargoyle minions. They captured Metronome and held him to interrogate further for info they could use against Blaspheme or Iron Mike.

Game 18 (Nov 11, 2015)
"And Now, The Calm..."
P.C.'s: Deadman, The Lieutenant, Singularity
This game had the Tomorrow Legion contact Joan of Arc to help them interrogate Metronome. During this mind read/interrogation they learned the attack was a "test" and that the recruitment for Iron Mike's organization was still going on. Each Lieutenant was conducting "interviews" differently. At that same time, Iron Mike broadcasted a statement to all of Century Station which revealed himself publicly, declared the area of Waingroh to be under his protection and control, and informed the city that no police, heroes or vigilantes would be tolerated in "his" area of the city. Hearing the broadcast Joan of Arc whispered "This is how it begins" and hastily left to return to the Centurions. The Legion learned that the police in Waingroh were being violently routed out of the district and successfully intervened to minimize the loss of life. At the end of the game, Waingroh was officially in Iron Mike's hands.

Game 19 (Date T.B.D.)
"Bloody Monday"
P.C.'s: Hopefully everybody
This game will be the Season Finale. It's the Bloody Monday assault on Iron Mike's compound.

I'm very excited that we've made it this far and I can't wait to see it all culminate with the Tomorrow Legion participating in the Bloody Monday assault on Iron Mike's base of operations at the Kieromin Ironworks. But what about Spirit, who expected this? What will be his role? And what about the players, will they hatch a better plan than what the city comes up with? I don't know, but I can't wait to find out!
Last edited by Glistam on Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

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I am assuming Cruor is Dr. Preposterous's player's new PC?
Also, does he have APS:Blood?
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.
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Re: I volunteered to run a game!

Unread post by Glistam »

Yes to both. He was an experiment of the late Doctor's that took on a life of its own. He has Alter Physical Structure: Blood, Pestilence, Heavyweight, and Superhuman Strength.
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


Temporal Wizard O.C.C. update 0.8 | Rifts random encounters
New Fire magic | New Temporal magic
Grim Gulf, the Nightlands version of Century Station

Let Chaos Magic flow in your campaigns.
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