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idea for a game...twisted heroes

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:56 am
by hollowecho
So I'm playing with this idea that a group of heroes work for a branch of the goverment. The players will all have the same background but they could pick their own skills and animal is the twist it all a lie they are a pet project of a group of rogue ex pats that have been hiring the players out as mercs to do wet works,steal things, and other jobs that no one will take.I was planing to slowly revealing the true face of the group bit by have a NPC team member get killed and no one seems to care because they already got a replacement for him. This will all lead up to the real government cracking down on them and basically turning them into the A-team...with only what they can steal, beg, or trade for.. Does this sound like a good idea?

Re: idea for a game...twisted heroes

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:14 am
by Rali
I've used this theme a few times with Heroes Unlimited over the years. I enjoy it and the different groups reactions when the reveal is made. However, when the group finds out, they usually just take down the group that's been using them and then go underground (A-Team style) because they are fugitives.

Re: idea for a game...twisted heroes

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:50 pm
by hollowecho
I finally got a hold of century city holy crap this is a GM s best friend for quick and dirty npc s espectaly in modern game ..and some ATB games this has given me some ideas for the game I'm working on