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Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:29 pm
by Dinne
I normally post my questions here because they always related to deciphering and disseminating text to better understand from a balancing and, also, a GM perspective. I hope that it doesn't annoy anyone that I always end up posting here, because it seems to fit here. Thanks for all the help I always get here. :)

The first thing of conjecture was that I read through the text for the Mystic ability to "Open Oneself to Supernatural" and I am I getting an issue with one of the blanketed statements. The text reads "..can also 'feel' large fluxes of energy, magic power, P.P.E. (20 P.P.E. or more), the opening of dimensional portals..." (it goes on) When it says 'energy' is this relating to all types of energy? (ie, magic, psionic, electricity, heat..) When it says 'magic power' is it referring to individuals with power, whether SN or not, or is it referring to the releases of said magic power. (or both) When it is referring to '20 P.P.E. or more' is it referring to individuals and items that hold this much or is it talking about the release of and/or gain of this P.P.E.? I assume the Mystic would be able to disseminate all of these different frequencies, but not actually seeing the groups and rough numbers. Sorry for the wall of text. : /

The second puzzlement was the differences between Sense Evil psionic abilities and the Mystic ability Open Oneself to Supernatural with Sense SN Evil. They overlap, yes, but I came to the conclusion that OOtS/SSNE combo is basically a freebie to see what's out there, round about distance, labeling of what it is. If you want group numbers you need to use Sense Evil. Does this sound pretty accurate? We were just trying to flesh out what you get from what and when you needed to pop Sense Evil. (Sense the mystic abilities would undetectable for the most part)

The third is simple and I feel stupid for asking... Does the sense evil auto detect sense evil intentions and psychotic human/dbees or do they need to activate the ability to see these two things?

Thank you in advance!!! :mrgreen:

Re: Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:29 am
by drewkitty ~..~
1. Which setting is the mystic class you are talking about from. There are three settings with a Mystic class in it.

2. The Psi powers Sense Evil * Sense Good in rifts are should be Sense SN Evil and Sense SN Good.

3. Unless you are asking about PFRPG 1st ed a non-SN being's aura does not broadcast what sort of alinement the char is. You would need presence sense to feel the presence of a mundane char.
The Opening One's Self to the SN is a more encompassing power that it not narrowly focused like with most Psi powers. Thus it is able to perceive more then just the SSNE, SSNG, and Presences Sense powers. But along with the greater sensitivity those who open themselves risk being possessed w/o a battle of wills.

Re: Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:19 am
by Dinne
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:1. Which setting is the mystic class you are talking about from. There are three settings with a Mystic class in it.

2. The Psi powers Sense Evil * Sense Good in rifts are should be Sense SN Evil and Sense SN Good.

3. Unless you are asking about PFRPG 1st ed a non-SN being's aura does not broadcast what sort of alinement the char is. You would need presence sense to feel the presence of a mundane char.
The Opening One's Self to the SN is a more encompassing power that it not narrowly focused like with most Psi powers. Thus it is able to perceive more then just the SSNE, SSNG, and Presences Sense powers. But along with the greater sensitivity those who open themselves risk being possessed w/o a battle of wills.

Your answers were confusing to me, sorry. :( I am talking about the Mystic class on pg118 of the RUE.

My first question was just relating to the text from the description. I believe that is the 2nd state when the Mystic uses the Sense SN Evil and OOtSN in combo.

I apologize if I used the wrong names. I'm only talking about the rifts abilities. I hope that's ok? I'm not trying to make things more confusing. I was just going off of what was in the books for Rifts. ^.^

It says that you can detect psychotic and immediate evil intentions with Sense Evil when a Dbee or Human. I assume you are saying you have to pop the ability to get anything from that part of the ability.

Re: Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:52 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
It is not that you used the wrong names...that was the naming responsibility of PB that was a failure.
Overview: 2&3 were background information points. Then I answered the question of why they are different.
As to a example of the difference between the Psi powers and opening is like the difference between seeing things in only one color (the psi powers) and seeing things in full color vision (opening).

Erp...ah humm...Never really read all the way to the end cause that never comes up in game far as I know. Mostly because I don't remember anybody picking the SE psi power effecting a game.
But then again here most questions are about sense or see aura. Which does not read the alinement from the aura. So it was part knee jerk following the normal mental pathways.
Side-note:There is text in the books that say that mages and other magic users are considered to be SN beings cause they use magic.
As to using both the powers together at the same time....most people would just use them one after the other...but the effects would be the same as the both the text combined. Without any additional interaction side-effects.

Re: Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:56 pm
by Dinne
Cool, cool. I think this is bring a well rounded picture of what to expect. :)

So what about the 'fluxes of energy?' You think just Magic and Psionic energy, or maybe just any release of energy?

I think I'm going to just make it to where if they want to detect evil intentions on human/DBees or psychotic human/DBee's they need to activate the ability SE. It makes the most sense since when they are actually concentrating they get more abilities other than just a SN Evil in the area.

As always DrewKitty, it's good to have your reponses!! :)

PS: Where the heck does it say Magic humans are considers SN?! That changes thing and would make the radar go off like crazy!

Re: Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:04 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
You are correct that it has to be a psychotic being or a psion for SE to pick the attacker up after the higher level has been activated.
Fluxes of energy would interpret this as any non-mundane/non-tech energy source.
(TW stuff are all magic items made out of tech bits an pieces for the 'almost all' part so they would not count as tech for my above comment.)
*shrugs* Somewhere.. I don't where. It has been brought up recently in a topic about magic that only activates when used vs a SN being. But I don't use it.

Re: Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 1:37 pm
by eliakon
Dinne wrote:Cool, cool. I think this is bring a well rounded picture of what to expect. :)

So what about the 'fluxes of energy?' You think just Magic and Psionic energy, or maybe just any release of energy?

I think I'm going to just make it to where if they want to detect evil intentions on human/DBees or psychotic human/DBee's they need to activate the ability SE. It makes the most sense since when they are actually concentrating they get more abilities other than just a SN Evil in the area.

As always DrewKitty, it's good to have your reponses!! :)

PS: Where the heck does it say Magic humans are considers SN?! That changes thing and would make the radar go off like crazy!

In Conversion Book 1 and 1r, under super powers there is a throw away line that Men of Magic can't get super powers, because they are Creatures of Magic. AFAIK that is the only mention anywhere of this. (The discussion of the ramifications of this has consumed several threads...but in a nutshell its the issue that CoM are MDC)

Re: Mystic OCC Abilities and Sense Evil

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:14 pm
by Sir_Spirit
I would be stingy about calling things supernatural in a supers game. And would ignore the CoM title as much as possible for simplicities sake. Supernatural would cover Megahero/god/godling/demigod/avatar/dragon/elemental/demon*/entity a few other odds and ends....
AFAIK, the sense evil power only covers supernatural with evil alignments, plus diabolic humans.

*demon covers anything in any of the nether realms of hell, be it mis-spelled devil, or infernal of the yama kings, etc....