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Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:00 am
by darthyagi
Hi, all.

A question struck me as I was lying in bed last night, reading stories about Cthulhu...I assume it's that way for everybody. :lol:

My question is this: What would you say is your biggest frustration with PB? I assume that nobody has any illusions that everything is perfect, but since I'm still fairly new to the boards, I've not been able to get a feel for this yet. Every company—like every person—has faults, so what are some of the things you think Palladium could improve upon?

I'll go first: consistency. I've noticed that there are a lot of inconsistencies of style, tone and content between (and sometimes within) books. This isn't just related to rules or actual game content, but in terms of the text, too. I understand that Julius (who proofreads pretty much everything, it seems) has a lot on his plate with everything PB puts out, but I've been surprised. As a writer and editor myself, it costs me most of my remaining sanity points to see inconsistencies in language, even a mixing of UK English and American English. Granted, these are issues that not many people notice, but they are issues. So that's my gripe. Lack of consistency. Now it's your turn.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:13 am
by Jorel
I've got a good list of gripes building with what they don't do right currently. That being said I still enjoy the setting and the game with my friends, but I think that has more to do with my friends than it does with what Palladium does to strive to be the best it could be. My main current problem I guess is the neglect of the customer base. By that I mean the assumption that whatever comes out as far as timelines of product release, will not be taken seriously because of years of lies about when products would supposedly come out. Cry wolf a thousand times and until you hit a deadline 100 times and not even in a row, just hit that many dead lines you set, and people may start to believe again. It is most evident in the Robotech RPG Tactics where they lied to the backers and said preproduction was 98% complete and that we might see it as soon as October 2013. It turns out they weren't 10% complete because they had the wrong file types that didn't translate to the manufacturer in China. They thought they were 98% but here we are over a year after that statement about 98% and possibly seeing it in October 2013 and manufacturing still has not begun. Somewhere in there someone was either lying to themselves or lying to the Backers on Kickstarter. That is my biggest gripe. It pretty much comes down to their inability to be accountable for missing deadlines they make up to fit their whimsy. How did they get October 2013? They had millions of pieces to produce for 5,342 backers. The math just doesn't add up in even the most basic sense, unless it was just a made up date.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:32 pm
by Giant2005
I guess my biggest gripe is the fact that they don't bring books out fast enough although that has more to do with my own greed than anything to do with Palladium.
They could bring out a high quality book every fortnight and I'm not sure I'd be satisfied.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:03 pm
by Jorel
I'd be satisfied if they admitted they are only capable of putting out 4 books a year right now max, instead we hear constant wishes in Press Releases about things that never materialize when they are suggested to. I think it was like 30 books they claimed we'd possibly see in 2013 when they released a catalog in 2012. Of those books listed and the 4 to come out before those listed they still have yet to release Megaverse in Flames and they have released maybe 1 of 24 possible books they suggest and it has been over a year.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:17 pm
by Jorel
Taken from the Winter catalog 2012-2013...

Tome Grotesque - Nope.
Beyond Arcanum - Nope.
Land of the Damned 3: The Citadel - Nope.
Splicers: six new sourcebooks planned for 2013 - Nope, not even 1.
Rifts: World Book Antarctica - Nope.
Rifts: Coalition States of Humanity - Nope.
Rifts: Secrets of Atlanteans - Nope.
Rifts: World Book Sovietsky - Nope.
Rifts: World Book Delta Blues - Nope.
Rifts: World Book The Dark Woods - Nope.
Rifts: Voodoo & The Spirit World - Nope.
at the end it says Support for all game lines...
One or Two sourcebooks for...
Heroes Unlimited - Nope.
Dead Reign - Yes. They actually released 2 books I believe, but only one in 2013.
Nightbane - Nope.
Palladium Fantasy RPG - Nope.
and a few suprises - I guess maybe they meant Robotech RPG Tactics, but not likely as I think that developed later. I think we haven't seen those other surprises so... - Nope.

that whole list was what we Kevin thought we might see in 2013. This when he hadn't even begun work on...
Vampires Sourcebook
Northern Gun 1
Northern Gun 2
Megaverse in Flames
which were slated for release ahead of the posted release schedule. So far we have seen at most 5 books on that list.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:18 pm
by Jorel
Larry A wrote:On RRT, I'd give them a break on the "maybe October" line since the actual date was December 2013. If it had been a minimal Kickstarter that was "98% complete" on preproduction with slots reserved at a manufacturer, then October was a doable time frame, but only if you stay on top of the situation. Even December 2013 was technically doable, although not as likely for various unavoidable reasons without a split into waves for some of the late bonus stuff.

From that comes the issues that Palladium would need to address, namely: lack of planning, lack of communication and lack of oversight on products. At least in a professional, been in business for decades, sense. From tales told by current and former insiders, there evidently is a form of planning, communication and oversight, but in a haphazard way that I'm not going to address here and is definitely on the amateur side of things.

The pushback of "oh, but Palladium is neeew at this" remains a crock of fertilizer since running a project professionally has certain standards and benchmarks to hit regardless of the project. It can be setting up, configuring and implementing an experimental hardware/software system for to test control methodologies. It can be designing and implementing a system of communications for refugee camps overseas. It can be remodelling, outfitting and settinug up of a new retail business. It really doesn't matter except for the details, the goals are to: define the problem, define the solution, identify tasks required, identify timelines, identify potential obstacles and managing the outcome. At this point, just using the posts from the White Knights of Palladium, it appears that none of these simple jobs can be handled by the current staff...again for a reason I'm not going to address here and is definitely on the amateur side of things.

I can't forgive maybe October because as the Project Manager they told the customers one thing when they had no clue what they were talking about. Same with the 98%. The October thing is worse because it got people's hopes up for an early delivery and they have been letting people down ever since.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:20 pm
by Jorel
I can forgive delays, it is the lying to themselves and therefore everyone else because of that which bothers me most.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:55 pm
by Jorel
Ninjabunny wrote:Late books
Over promising
Inconsistency in rules and guidelines
Refusal to release PDFs
Refusal to obtain a real full time editor
Micromanagement that is cause fan base to shrink

The list could go on but I will leave at these before the ultra blind fanbois come in.

very valid points all around I agree with all that. Just felt like focusing on the 1st. I think the last 2 would improve the company most.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:07 pm
by say652
A viable and canon sdc to mdc conversion!!!

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:10 pm
by Jorel
um....1 MDC is equal to 100 SDC? I kid.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:16 pm
by say652
Or maybe I dont know. A sdc version of rifts. You know for the sdc game lines that started the frackin compnay!!!

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:17 pm
by Kryptt
PB had no apps for me to download on my tablet.
Dismissal of customer concerns.
Possible employment of an alleged racist.
Questionable on their view of quality.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:27 pm
by say652
I just want to be able to have super heroes in a rifts game. Yea fanboys Spandex rocks!!

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:29 pm
by Jorel
I think the quality of the writing is pretty good and the setting is fun. I think the quality on those things are fine. I'm not gonna state an opinion on the quality of RRT til I see it in hand.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:30 pm
by Jorel
say652 wrote:I just want to be able to have super heroes in a rifts game. Yea fanboys Spandex rocks!!

I think South America 2 might have had Super Hero types and I know Scraypers does for sure.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:54 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Conversion book has rules for converting from SDC gamelines.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:12 pm
by say652
I did aight finding sonething that can jump between sdc and mdc enviroments. Lol.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:37 pm
by say652
Powers unlimited 2 immortal and a lil Blackvault help and bam. A superhero that can survive in rifts earth. Also most mega heroes do well in mdc environments.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:59 pm
by Tiree
Rifts: World Book Antarctica - Nope.
Rifts: Coalition States of Humanity - Nope.
Rifts: Secrets of Atlanteans - Nope.

Rifts: World Book Sovietsky - Nope.
Rifts: World Book Delta Blues - Nope.
Rifts: World Book The Dark Woods - Nope.
Rifts: Voodoo & The Spirit World - Nope.

Out of this list - I am interested in the bolded books. I have some interest in the Sovietsky, mainly because of Aten.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:53 am
by The Galactus Kid
Tiree wrote:
Rifts: World Book Antarctica - Nope.
Rifts: Coalition States of Humanity - Nope.
Rifts: Secrets of Atlanteans - Nope.

Rifts: World Book Sovietsky - Nope.
Rifts: World Book Delta Blues - Nope.
Rifts: World Book The Dark Woods - Nope.
Rifts: Voodoo & The Spirit World - Nope.

Out of this list - I am interested in the bolded books. I have some interest in the Sovietsky, mainly because of Aten.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:18 pm
by Premier
Not enough publications for Splicers, which is one of the most underrated but yet best game lines that they have under their belt.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:47 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Premier wrote:Not enough publications for Splicers, which is one of the most underrated but yet best game lines that they have under their belt.

I'm sure that You and I will have a lot to say about that in the relatively near future, Chuck.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:01 pm
by Chronicle

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:24 pm
by darthyagi
Wow...I seem to have touched off a firestorm.

From what I've seen, most of these things have to do with professionalism. For example, it's not professional to put out information about books that will probably never materialize. It's even worse when you nail it down to a certain month, and that doesn't end up happening for a lot longer. I work in the marketing department of a software company, and when we were coming out with a product release, we NEVER set the release date in stone, because there were too many moving parts to the project. My parts included.

The second example I want to cite is that of quality. Ninjabunny mentioned that they refuse to hire a real full-time editor. I have to admit that I went so far as to offer my services for as little as a contributor's copy of a given project. After waiting a month, I eventually worked up the nerve to call and got the "well, our workflow doesn't allow us to hire a freelance editor, especially if you're working remotely." :shock: I would have imagined that a single copy of the book is well worth a proofread, especially when I can find 100 errors or oversights in just two or three pages (at most).

I don't know if anyone in a position of power at PB is reading this (other than maybe The Galactus Kid), but I just hope they know that we're saying these things as fans, not to try and tear them down. If they could just reign in their expectations to a more realistic release schedule, promise something in "Q4 20XX" so they can keep promises and things like that, I'm willing to bet that a lot of us would have a much easier time recommending PB to friends. I don't know if they realize that it's in their best interest to listen to these things...

[/frustrated rant...for now]

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:41 pm
by Chronicler
Me personally I think they need to retool the rules a little. With the base rules are some what alright but I want a better perception rule, as for add on rules from through out three decades need to be looked over and retool to integrate well. I don't know, maybe a rules compendium that does this and is compatible/ easy to rework old stuff from all of the palladium books, that way they won't be "out dated".

As for businesses, Kevin if you are reading this, please don't set things in stone so early, and I think you should hire an editor just to make sure of quality control in spelling and inconsistency. It's good to have someone double check things like this, believe me I miss things even when I write and double check my own stuff, it's good to have someone do that.

Oh and listen to your fan base just to gauge on what works and what doesn't. And tell HG to let you guys have free range on the robotech rpg like you guys did for the first edition. I've seen rpgs based on property's and they aren't 100% completely faithful to the source since you need more stuff in the background and more options as a player/GM. Seriously I like what you guys are doing and have done in the old RT RPG and the new, even with little creative room.

One last thing, I know Kevin likes creative control over his creations, I know I do, but sometimes having more than one mind in helping to create a world can be beneficial. Just bounce ideas off of each other till you have something everyone, or most, enjoy. Maybe even having people focus on one particular line and you focusing on Rifts, that way your workload be a little lighter and you don't have to have everyone going back and forth between projects.

Seriously I LOVE Rifts, Robotech, After the Bomb, and Dead Reign (and Macross 2, which I fight tooth and nail to track down and find the books) and I want you guys to succeed both short term and long term. There are already people here that support you guys, but I bet you can grow the fan base even more if you just listen and adjust a little.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:11 pm
by Marcus
Kryptt wrote:Possible employment of an alleged racist.

Uhm, huh???? Care to expand on that?

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:39 pm
by say652
Better than a posgsible paternity suit. Lol

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:09 pm
by Slight001
Ninjabunny wrote:
Marcus wrote:
Kryptt wrote:Possible employment of an alleged racist.

Uhm, huh???? Care to expand on that?

To do so one would have to call out a board member.

He's whining about Akashic Soldier, supposedly he's a racist because he said some unflattering things about Aboriginal Australians that didn't sit well with a vocal group that has apparently started a PM based boycotting campaign against Akashic Soldier.

For the record I don't like Akashic Soldier, but I dislike the way he's being targeted for saying something people don't like/want to hear even more.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:22 pm
by say652
Free Akashic!! Lol. He writes good stuff.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:22 pm
by AlexM
Julius wears w h a t ? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Alex Marciniszyn :?

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:27 pm
by Slight001
Ninjabunny wrote:
Slight001 wrote:
Ninjabunny wrote:
Marcus wrote:
Kryptt wrote:Possible employment of an alleged racist.

Uhm, huh???? Care to expand on that?

To do so one would have to call out a board member.

He's whining about Akashic Soldier, supposedly he's a racist because he said some unflattering things about Aboriginal Australians that didn't sit well with a vocal group that has apparently started a PM based boycotting campaign against Akashic Soldier.

For the record I don't like Akashic Soldier, but I dislike the way he's being targeted for saying something people don't like/want to hear even more.

It's far more then that.

I'm not a god, I can only see so much. If you want PM me with the details, because my posts are limited to what I know. I also know that most of this mess didn't start until a particular poster showed up and started making posts seemingly intended to cause strife and general BS.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:51 pm
by say652
He's always been cool with me. He kinda stopped posting n chatting like a year ago. When everybody was on that. I hate it here I'm leavin the megaverse then come crawling back. I got suspended alot back then. Lol. A good times goid times.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:59 pm
by popscythe
Jesus ******* christ. Mods, get your **** together.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:18 am
by say652
I want a Sailor Moon outfit. Jussayin.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:37 am
by say652
Palladium needs suitable stuff to cosplay :/ and some more mass marketed cyberpunk stuff. Maybe a live action rule set. And of course. An Sca with paintball guns would be amazing.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:46 am
by say652
Get the dimension books flowing. Maybe graphic novels or comics based on different books. Establish a character or group of characters as the face of palladium. Give people stuff to dress up as. Make the knowledge of the coatume known. Ie. I'm Batman. Well duh you're dressed as Batman.
Live action role playing. Including fights.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:15 am
by Chronicler
wow this thread got derailed.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:45 am
by say652
Nightfactory wrote:
say652 wrote:I want a Sailor Moon outfit. Jussayin.

I think you'd look better dressed as Hatsune Miku but that's just me.

Good call.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:39 am
by NMI
Locked for review

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:06 pm
by NMI
Kryptt wrote:PB had no apps for me to download on my tablet.
Dismissal of customer concerns.
Possible employment of an alleged racist.
Questionable on their view of quality.

To correct a part of your false or uninformed statement....
The individual you speak of as an "alleged racist" has does not nor have they ever worked for Palladium Books or Kevin Siembieda. Just because they have had something printed in a Rifter, that does not make them an employee.

It would serve you and others well to actually have verifiable facts before you or others start spreading potential rumors.

Re: Constant improvement

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:13 pm
by NMI
Nightfactory wrote:
Chronicler wrote:wow this thread got derailed.

And, by claiming so, are you perpetuating the subject of the thread or further perpetuating the alleged derailment? -- Think about that, Chronicler....

If you feel a thread is off-topic, NMI, Tinker Dragoon, and Jeffar have suggested that the best course of action is to contact one of them and say as much. Instead, you are pointing out your position on the matter to others in the thread, therefore inciting those like myself to comment on it -- furthering the apparent** derailment.

Wouldn't it have been the more logical course of action to say something to the effect of: "I feel this thread is being derailed, so with that in mind, I'd like to address the original topic..." ??.

But that's not what you did; you just complained and did nothing whatsoever to bring the thread back onto it's original topic. Personally, I find that to be hypocritical in the extreme. Nice work. :|

[ **Also, who are you to determine whether a thread is "derailed" or not?? Seriously.

Do you not realize that people often make jokes in threads and that threads often devolve into other topics? Have you not been on the internet for more than 1 month?

Just curious.]

You yourself furthered the derailment of this thread that you claim wasn't derailed in the first place by your little soapbox speech here.

And to quote your own words:
**Also, who are you to determine whether a thread is "derailed" or not?