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Buy your own android anyone?
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:41 pm
by Nightmask
While they weren't called that one of the TMNT modules (the Space-related one) refers to a race that sells synthetic servants that suit whatever your tastes in appearance and were perfectly subservient for a number of years until achieving free will (best hope you've treated it well or eliminate it before that point). Anyone ever buy one or play in a game where someone had one or encountered one?
Re: Buy your own android anyone?
Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:12 am
by Rali
Nightmask wrote:While they weren't called that, one of the TMNT modules (the Space-related one) refers to a race that sells synthetic servants that suit whatever your tastes in appearance, and were perfectly subservient for a number of years until achieving free will (best hope you've treated it well or eliminate it before that point). Anyone ever buy one or play in a game where someone had one or encountered one?
(punctuation added for clarity

I don't remember that, but it's been a while since I referred to the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Guide to the Universe supplement. You could probably come up with an adventure or two with that premise (a la Fugitoid, Slipstream, Blade Runner, etc).