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How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:07 pm
by gaby
How do you see a Phase world/3 Galaxy,s movie?

Well I see a crew of a CCW,s Explorer ship,in a race with a TGE,s Warlord to find artfact that can open a wormhold to Phase world allowing the TGE to invade the homeworlds of CCW but other worlds to.

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:43 pm
by FatherMorpheus
Wasn't that the plot to the Avenger's movie, but in space?

One could always do a straight up war movie from both sides. Pick a few ships of the line from the CCW side, a few from the TGE side, and heck a few from the UWW side. Perhaps over some strategic planet which turns out to be worthless. Show the heroic futility of war, with the fleets moving to the next front.

A big flashy explosion ridden Michael Bay/Jerry Bruckheimer type of movie that just shows a lot of awesome effects with a moderate story.

Then, IF it does well, you can actually do a more detailed sequel in the world where you have characters and story, and plot.

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:53 pm
by DhAkael
I'm more of a 'Chronicles of Riddik' or 'Prometheus' fan as far as that kinda thing.
I either go for straight out action; small group of anti-hero's against the powers that be, or exploration of ancient eldritch horrors... IN SPACE! (My fave plot device for WH40k BTW; love when THE Inquisition or Mechanicus bite off more than they can chew).

Full on battlefleets smashing at each other is nice and all, but sometimes you gotta give "the little guy" their chance to punch out C'Thullhu / Vadar.

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:22 am
by kirnos
Guardians of the Galaxy. To me is a clear example of what Phase World is: Space adventure with magic powers.

That was in fact exactly the reaction that my friends had after seeing the movie: "Phase World, anyone?"

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:45 pm
by quertas
good scfi.. kinda like the marvel cosmos/sci-fi
would like to see a good scifi adventure...
i would watch it

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:52 pm
by quertas
things i like... cosmo knights, phase powers, phase world, book of heroes, things taht stand out for me

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:02 am
by thedrunk
I see it as a group of anti heros, getting in the middle of a spat between the TGE, CCW. all looking for one Mystic thing ......

Todays CG could make it come alive with the right funding, a avatar type of CG yet both on planets and in deep space, and even Center.

Taking a turbo Jockey, Oni Ninja, Runner, and Space Magic class ( good ones in rifters like the spatial Mage, who would be young and not know her true powers. ) have them be a gorup of treasure hunters, Looking for the forge,

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:26 am
by Furoan
Sorry its like a week or two but just a couple idea's for a 'movie' set in phase world.

1) A fleet battle between the CCW and the TGE battle...and then a strained 'alliance' pops up when a Dominator shows up in sector.
2) Basically steal Firefly's plot. Group of runners trying to slip by one of the big Empires.
3) Foundation of the UWW as a movie (Star Elves meet Space wizards and then are attacked by Splugoth only for Space Dwarves to come flying in at the last second, cue awesome action shots as everybody fights the Evil Intelligence's minions)
4) Straight up Super-Hero movie. Our Protagonist is chosen as a Cosmo-Knight and must protect his world. Possibly from a fallen-knight (who might or might not have been his mentor), who is determined to reach an artifact or something to restore him to his 'rightful place' (aka as a Cosmo-Knight rather than the 'meager' state he views himself as being in.
5) A straight up Heist movie (Oceans 11, inside man...). Basically part of the power plays between Manors Members or Nuruni and the Splugoth etc.
6) The beginnings of the Free Worlds Rebellion in TGE.
7) Aliens style movie. Group discovers a Star Hive...

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:54 pm
by Tor
I'd probably focus a campaign on the rebels in the Transgalactic Empire and then work CCW/Phase/UWW/Splugorth in as they search for allies. It seems like a better primary setting than the CCW. Clearer hierarchy of bad guys.

Re: How do you see a PhaseWorld/3 galaxy,s movie?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:30 am
by KLM
If I had a billion bucks, I would do an animated series (maybe on Avatar-level CGI) to warm up the audience, and then a movie.

Ideally, something with vampires (sex and blood, of course) in it, as long as the bloodsucker/zombie hype is still high.

Space battles with lots of magic weaponry is a must, of course.