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super-beings from heores of the megaverse

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:19 pm
by quertas
1. if taking multiple MIND powers is the ISP from each one added to eachother or is it only the highest one
2. same for magic powers and amount of ppe
3. what about secondary skills? how many if any?
thats all for now and thanks very much

Re: super-beings from heores of the megaverse

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:11 pm
by Kagashi
quertas wrote:1. if taking multiple MIND powers is the ISP from each one added to eachother or is it only the highest one
2. same for magic powers and amount of ppe
3. what about secondary skills? how many if any?
thats all for now and thanks very much

For 1 and 2, I think for the super powers in that book, it was pretty much intended to be only one power per character, but in the event of multi powers, some of the powers specifically state the ISP/PPE are in addition to the values from other sources. Id say they uniformly stack.

For 3, secondary skills would be consistent with the character's OCC. RUE has a default secondary skill value if none is listed. If you are making a character straight from HotM, I would use those rules for your secondary skills.