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Mantigore Information (for Combinist O.C.C.) Part 1

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:24 am
by GunSeraph06
Decided to make the Organic Thrusters and Terminator Field already part of the Mantigore; other systems such as the Gestalt Cannon (15 Bio-E points) and others will require Bio-E to acquire.

Mantigore Information:

MDC by location:
* Front Legs with manipulators (2): 2D6 + 20
* Middle Legs (2): 3D6 + 40
* Back Legs (2): 3D6 + 40
* Mantigore Organic Thruster Ports (2): 50
Prehensile Tail: 35
** Head: 1D4 x 10 + 30
*** Main Body: 1D4 x 10 + 75

Running: 60 MPH
Flying: 100 MPH (Mantigore Organic Thrusters)
Underwater: 50 MPH, maximum depth of 1500 feet

Statistical Data:
Height: 2.5 feet (to shoulder), 3 feet (to top of head)
Width: 1.5 feet
Length: 3.5 feet (body), plus 3 foot prehensile tail
Weight: 150-200 lbs.
Physical Strength: 2D4 + 12, Splicers PS
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 3D4 MDC per hour for Main Body, 1D4 per hour for all other locations (Regeneration: Basic; Bio-Regeneration if faster when attached to host)
Starting Bio-E per Mantigore: 1D4 x 10 + 25 Bio-E

Terminator Field: 100 MDC

Gestalt Cannon Damage and Range (combined with host or other Mantigores, if acquired):

1 attached: 1D4 x 10 MD, 1000 feet
2 attached: 1D6 x 10 MD, 1500 feet
3 attached: 2D4 x 10 + 10 MD, 2250 feet
4 attached: 3D4 x 10 MD, 3000 feet
5 attached: 2D8 x 10 MD, 3750 feet
6 attached: 3D6 x 10 MD, 4500 feet

Terminator Field Damage (combined with host):
1 attached: 100 MDC
2 attached: 120 MDC
3 attached: 150 MDC
4 attached: 190 MDC
5 attached: 240 MDC
6 attached: 300 MDC

Terminator Field Damage (combined with other Mantigores):

2 attached: 160 MDC
3 attached: 240 MDC

Flight Speed / Underwater Speed Information (combined with host):

1 attached: 60 MPH / 30 MPH
2 attached: 90 MPH / 45 MPH
3 attached: 130 MPH / 65 MPH
4 attached: 180 MPH / 90 MPH
5 attached: 240 MPH / 120 MPH
6 attached: 300 MPH / 150 MPH

Flight Speed / Underwater Speed Information (combined with other Mantigores):

2 attached: 180 MPH / 90 MPH
3 attached: 270 MPH / 135 MPH

Also toying with the idea of, once the Combinist has 6 Mantigores, allowing them to combine to create a flying War Mount for the host. Won't be as powerful as other War Mounts, but allows for more flexibility.