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Unofficial Errata

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:37 pm
by jaymz
Originally posted here -

Just for those who can't grasp the obvious. These are unofficial and until you do not have a TM and copyright and all that with PB next to it these will never ever be official.

That being said I think we can discuss each rule and then the OP if can be altered if we reach an agreement on how something is to be treated. Until we get something official it's past time work as a group to come up with something on our own as a community. We can always make changes when something official appears and highlight what is and what is not official to avoid any confusion.

1. Initiative and Ties....Leadership does not break the tie which is RAW. Just re-roll the dice until someone wins. Note: This includes the modified total so that if you have a faction that gets a +1 due to a Cat's Eye or something being on the table and the modified results are a tie you will still re-roll. Since Zentraedi will always have a Glaug with a Leadership of 4 the present rules means that basically Zentraedi will win all ties for initiative.

2. LOS....When you wish to determine if one mecha has LOS to another, draw an imaginary straight line from the center of the acting mecha’s torso (or hull for nonhumanoid models) to ANY part of the target mecha’s torso (or hull for nonhumanoid models). The acting mecha has LOS to its target if that line is not blocked by anything other than mecha from the same squadron as the acting mecha. Note: the base and flight stand do not effect LOS.

3. This one is just an option that I thought of to improve the chances of a better pilot being able to survive those 4+ missile hits by using his higher GN to improve his chances much like rick does a few times using the GU-11 to shoot down missile volleys. This changes things to active and passive Anti-Missile defense.

There are 2 options. The player can use Anti-Missile as normal OR actively work to shoot down the missiles at him and use a command point for any of the following options. If you do not use a command point the standard Anti-Missile system / computer kicks in and you have your 4+ with missiles used as Anti-Missiles or 5+ for Anti-Missile weapons like the top lasers on the Battlepod as per the present rules.

No Weapons with the Anti-Missile trait +0
Anti-Missile Weapons get a +1
Anti-Missile Missiles get +2

Active Anti-Missile: normal missiles are shot down on a 7+ and 8+ for Blast missiles. You roll and add unit's GN skill. Might even balance out better at 7+ for any missile, balst or otherwise....

So a typical BattlePod with a GUN of 1 needs a 5+ to shoot down the missile normally. GN 1 plus 1 for Anti-Missile is still a 5+ so no advantage there.

A VF-1A in Battloid has a GN of 3 and get's +1 for Anti-Missile from the head lasers and would need a 3+. In Fighter or Guardian mode this would be a 4+. Slightly better survival chance IF they spend a command point. If not the standard 5+ would apply.

A Glaug actively using missiles in defense would need a 2+ since he has a GN of 3 and would get +2 if he used his missiles as Anti-Missile. If he used the arm cannons that have Anti-Missile he would still need a 3+.

Add to this units within Close Formation can also defend an ally within 2 inches at the cost of a command point and with a -1 penalty.

4. I think for what it does the Recovery Pod is a bit expensive so I thought of this a while back. The Recovery Pod can use Passive Anti-Missile on any friendly within 8 inches free of cost. It has a laser net that it uses to protect itself against high speed debris in a battlefield while performing recovery operations.

5. When boosting units like a Veritech. If you make 2 attempts in case one fails but both succeed, you can choose to ignore the extra result but still pay the command points. This means you can no longer "fly" a veritech off the table by accident. Note FPA can boost and since they do not have the Afterburner trait they do not face this risk.

6. Units that boosted off the table can return from the players edge/deployment are in D3 turns. This to add to #5 if people prefer the RAW.

7. Units with Life is Cheap generate one CP for every 2 units or 1 per 3 for every 3 infantry in Skirmish games.

8. Aircraft can be attacked in HTH by units with Flight BUT they cannot be "engaged" and be forced to expend command points to leave combat.

9. Blasts cannot scatter more than half the range between attacker and target. To help prevent you from shooting yourself when using the MPA or FPA grenades.

10. The VEF-1 Missiles are not "Accurate" but "Smart" Missiles and always get a +1 to strike even if the unit moved. So that they will be accurate in Fighter mode also and not just in Guardian mode IF the unit does not move.

11. Blast Missiles
Weapon systems with the Blast ability cause huge explosions that have the chance of damaging not only the target figure or location, but also other figures or structures nearby. When a figure makes a Blast attack, the roll to Strike is made as normal to see if it hits its intended target. Direct fire weapons such as the cannons on the Monster can be targeted to hit any spot or location at a DF of 5. Missiles with the Blast trait must be fired at a terrain feature such as a tree or building (something over ¾ inches tall) or at a unit such as an enemy mecha and the blast template is centered over the target. Missiles with the Blast trait cannot normally be targeted at a specific spot such as a corner of a building or spot on the ground. Only missiles with the Indirect Fire and Blast traits can be targeted at a specific spot at a DF of 5.

12. Gravity Scenario Rule

Light Gravity
Under the effects of light gravity, all mecha without either the Aircraft, Vehicle, or Flight abilities, except those with the Cumbersome Ability, gain the Leap special ability for the duration of that battle. Mecha that have Leap or Flight special ability may multiply their SPD attribute by 1.5 for the duration of that battle.

(In essence Destroids and similar stuff gain Leap while Veritech in Battoild, Male Power Armor and Female Power Armor get 1.5 time their SPD while Battlepods multiply their SPD by 1.5 while retaining Leap)

Heavy Gravity
Under the effects of heavy gravity, like a gravity mine, all the mecha have their SPD reduced by half (to a minimum SPD of 1). Mecha that do not have the Aircraft or Vehicle special ability but have the Flight special ability lose it but gain the Leap ability, while those with the Hover or Leap ability lose it for the duration of the battle. Mecha with the Aircraft special ability reduce their SPD by half (to a minimum of 3, if the result is less than 3 cannot operate in Heavy Gravity).

Light Gravity
Vehicle = Unchanged
Aircraft 1.5x Normal
Veritech in Battloid SPD 7.5 and Flight
Veritech in Guardian SPD 15 and Flight
Veritech in Fighter SPD 18 plus Flight and Afterburner
Tomahawk SPD 5 and Leap
Battlepod SPD 7.5 and Leap
Glaug SPD 10.5 and Leap
Male Power Armor SPD 7.5 and Flight
Female Power Armor SPD 18 Flight

Heavy Gravity
Vehicle = 1/2 Normal
Aircraft 1/2 Normal
Veritech in Battloid SPD 2.5 and Leap
Veritech in Guardian SPD 5 and Leap
Veritech in Fighter SPD 6 plus Afterburner
Tomahawk SPD 2.5
Battlepod SPD 5
Glaug SPD 7
Male Power Armor SPD 2.5 and Leap
Female Power Armor SPD 6 and LeapShock Attacks Vs Aircraft and Vehicles
Aircraft that do not have the Afterburner trait struck by a shock baton will move forward in a straight line at half their SPD attribute. The effect lasts until their next activation on the subsequent turn. They are not allowed to make a turn at the start of their movement phase until the effects of the baton have abated. If they fly off the table they are considered destroyed as normal.

13. Shock Batons Vs Aircraft and Vehicles
Polus-Mjor (Character) can carry a Shock Baton and has Flight. No other unit in the game has Flight and can have a Shock Baton so this rule is for a very specific circumstance.

Aircraft that do not have the Afterburner trait struck by a shock baton will move forward in a straight line at half their SPD attribute. The effect lasts until their next activation on the subsequent turn. They are not allowed to make a turn at the start of their movement phase until the effects of the baton have abated. If they fly off the table they are considered destroyed as normal.

Aircraft that have the Afterburner trait struck by a shock baton will move forward in a straight line at half their SPD attribute and make their full Afterburner move as normal. The effect lasts until their next activation on the subsequent turn. They are not allowed to make a turn at the start of their movement phase or for the Afterburner step of their movement until the effects of the baton have abated. If they fly off the table they are considered destroyed as normal.

Vehicle struck with a Shock Baton will not be able to move. The effect lasts until their next activation on the subsequent turn. They are not allowed to make a turn at the start of their movement phase until the effects of the baton have abated.

14. Vehicles (Hand to Hand Change and Vehicle Addition)
To make a hand to hand attack, an attacking mecha only needs to move into base to base contact with the enemy mecha that it wishes to attack (during the Movement Step), then it may make hand to hand attacks against the figure in base to base contact.

Please note that close formation cannot be utilized during hand to hand combat attacks, by the attacker or defender.

Engaged in Hand to Hand Combat – Once a mecha is in base to base contact with an enemy figure, the two are considered to be engaged in hand to hand combat unless one of the two mecha has the Vehicle or Aircraft traits. If Engaged they cannot attack with weapons systems at all. Additionally, engaged figures cannot be attacked by other figures with weapon systems.

15. We still need infantry rules.....

16. Buildings. All buildings take 4x as much damage.

17. Hand to Hand combat, one suggestion I got was to allow units to pay one command point and allow them to turn around it attacked in Hand to Hand. This is like another unit yelling watch your back or something.

18. Ranged Combat, same thing, allow a unit to turn around when shot from behind at the cost of one command point, can only do this once per activation so that one single squadron can still surround a unit. It drains command points strategically from an emeny and only removes the +1 strike for attacking from behind.

19. Cover, If you have LOS to an enemy model but that unit has cover from another friendly unit you would count that cover as heavy for game purposes. Missed shots do not strike the other model. It’s the risk of trying to shoot past a unit and trying to take out something like a Glaug.

20. The GU-11, can Rapid Fire in Guardian or Battloid (loses Rapid Fire in Fighter Mode) but at the cost of an additional command point may Rapid Fire an additional time in Battloid only (3 Shots at 2 CP’s).

21. Special Characters and the Reinforcements Faction Rule….

22. How many of each Special Character is allowed in the game at any given time? Can you place more than one in a single squadron?
Only 1 of each character can be on the table and players can place them however they wish.

23. Close Formation, All events within a given step of an Activation happen in the order that they are performed by the acting player. For Example: The acting player activates a squadron of Valkyries, moves, and then fires on a squadron of Regults during the combat step. Each Valkyrie attacks in any order desired by the attacking player, and any resulting losses among the Regults are taken off the board immediately as they are destroyed. Then the acting player can have the next Valkyrie attack in the order desired, by simply choosing which one fires next. The order in which they attack does not need to be determined ahead of time, but can be adapted to the situation as enemy figures are destroyed.

If the same squadron was in Close Formation all of the attacks would be considered simultaneous and are declared and then rolled at the same time. For Example: The acting player activates a squadron of Valkyries, moves, and then fires on a squadron of Regults during the combat step. If all of the Valkyries are in Close Formation than the players declares the attacks for each Valkyrie before making any attack rolls, any resulting losses among the Regults are NOT taken off the board immediately as they are destroyed but after all the Valkyries have resolved their attack rolls.

24. 3. Command Points and Movement

Correction #1
Finally, any mecha that successfully boosts its SPD must move a minimum distance equal to its own SPD since it is moving flat out. NOTE: If a mecha makes multiple attempts at boosting its speed and has paid the appropriate amount of Command Points and more rolls are successful than what is desired by the player then he may then ignore the results of any extra rolls. For Example: A VF-1A is the last unit in its squadron and the player wants to have it boost its SPD during its activation. Since the PIL is only a 2 the player decides to attempt to boost twice to increase his chances and pays 2 Command Points. The player rolls a 5 and a 6, achieving success both times. Since boosting his SPD twice would make the unit fly off the table the player chooses to ignore one result, he still has to pay 2 Command Points, and is allowed to boost his Valkyrie only one time taking it out of immediate danger but not out of the game.

Correction #2
If any Command Points were spent to boost the figure’s SPD during the Movement Step, the full amount of the boosted SPD must be moved (in inches) during the Afterburner movement according to the number of success roles used by the player. For Example: A VF-1A in Fighter mode opts to boost its SPD to 24 during the Movement Step, but only moves 14 inches, wasting part of the extra movement gained. Regardless of how much of its boosted SPD the VF-1A used during the Movement Step, the VF-1A must move the full 24 inches of its boosted SPD during the Resolution Step.

Go forth and discuss. Maybe if anything we can come up with things that Palladium hasn't thought of yet for the official errata and get it added/expanded.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:03 pm
by Malcontent-Khyron
I love your enthusiasm and I agree with a few good points but I really feel like most of this is not errata/FAQ unofficial or not, It's damn near a game rewrite, no official rules change would ever be so massive save for a whole new edition that being said they seem like fun house rules but, for fairness sake i'll break down what I mean.
jaymz wrote:1. Initiative and Ties....Leadership does not break the tie which is RAW. Just re-roll the dice until someone wins. Note: This includes the modified total so that if you have a faction that gets a +1 due to a Cat's Eye or something being on the table and the modified results are a tie you will still re-roll. Since Zentraedi will always have a Glaug with a Leadership of 4 the present rules means that basically Zentraedi will win all ties for initiative.

Your not wrong Glaugs win ties. However not only is this one of the few advantages Zent. have in wave one, but they are VERY killable. Glaugs have less MD than and UEDF destroid and only 2-3 are normally fielded so once they are gone, the shoe switches and UEDF win every tie. honestly it seems fair to me.

jaymz wrote:2. LOS....When you wish to determine if one mecha has LOS to another, draw an imaginary straight line from the center of the acting mecha’s torso (or hull for nonhumanoid models) to ANY part of the target mecha’s torso (or hull for nonhumanoid models). The acting mecha has LOS to its target if that line is not blocked by anything other than mecha from the same squadron as the acting mecha. Note: the base and flight stand do not effect LOS.

Totally Agree with this wording. And this actually should be real errata.

jaymz wrote:3. This one is just an option that I thought of to improve the chances of a better pilot being able to survive those 4+ missile hits by using his higher GN to improve his chances much like rick does a few times using the GU-11 to shoot down missile volleys. This changes things to active and passive Anti-Missile defense.

I wont requote the whole thing to save space. I Like this as a houserule or something to be adapted when used in combination with the RPG. but im afraid it makes blast missiles Terrible. And while I agree they are currently "too good" I think this goes to far the other way.

jaymz wrote:5. When boosting units like a Veritech. If you make 2 attempts in case one fails but both succeed, you can choose to ignore the extra result but still pay the command points. This means you can no longer "fly" a veritech off the table by accident. Note FPA can boost and since they do not have the Afterburner trait they do not face this risk.

6. Units that boosted off the table can return from the players edge/deployment are in D3 turns. This to add to #5 if people prefer the RAW.

A good pilot has to know when to take a risk and suffer the consequences I completely disagree with these.

jaymz wrote:7. Units with Life is Cheap generate one CP for every 2 units or 1 per 3 for every 3 infantry in Skirmish games.

I can go either way here honestly i think the current 2 on 6 demo plays pretty fairly though.

jaymz wrote:8. Aircraft can be attacked in HTH by units with Flight BUT they cannot be "engaged" and be forced to expend command points to leave combat.

The way I understood the current rules they can be attacked by anything but never engaged. Since engage is not actually a prerequisite for attacking. and why just flight? what about hover or jump?

jaymz wrote:11. Blast Missiles
Weapon systems with the Blast ability cause huge explosions that have the chance of damaging not only the target figure or location, but also other figures or structures nearby. When a figure makes a Blast attack, the roll to Strike is made as normal to see if it hits its intended target. Direct fire weapons such as the cannons on the Monster can be targeted to hit any spot or location at a DF of 5. Missiles with the Blast trait must be fired at a terrain feature such as a tree or building (something over ¾ inches tall) or at a unit such as an enemy mecha and the blast template is centered over the target. Missiles with the Blast trait cannot normally be targeted at a specific spot such as a corner of a building or spot on the ground. Only missiles with the Indirect Fire and Blast traits can be targeted at a specific spot at a DF of 5.

Strongly agree

jaymz wrote:12. Gravity Scenario Rule

I agree with some of the points made on this and disagree with others but either way I think its too cumbersome and would slow the game down considerably.

jaymz wrote:13. Shock Batons Vs Aircraft and Vehicles

Could be fun houserules.

jaymz wrote:14. Vehicles (Hand to Hand Change and Vehicle Addition)

I must be missing something because I thought this was how it worked?

jaymz wrote:15. We still need infantry rules.....

We have Zentreadi Infantry rules that are pretty clear. Or are you refering to Humans? Because really? they have nothing on the other units in this game to contribute. And they were almosts non existant in the anime.

jaymz wrote:19. Cover, If you have LOS to an enemy model but that unit has cover from another friendly unit you would count that cover as heavy for game purposes. Missed shots do not strike the other model. It’s the risk of trying to shoot past a unit and trying to take out something like a Glaug.

I strongly agree with this as well

jaymz wrote:20. The GU-11, can Rapid Fire in Guardian or Battloid (loses Rapid Fire in Fighter Mode) but at the cost of an additional command point may Rapid Fire an additional time in Battloid only (3 Shots at 2 CP’s).

21. Special Characters and the Reinforcements Faction Rule….

22. How many of each Special Character is allowed in the game at any given time? Can you place more than one in a single squadron?
Only 1 of each character can be on the table and players can place them however they wish.

I agree and would like to add that Grell needs to work with Malcontents Its the only way to makes sense with the cannon storyline.

jaymz wrote:23. Close Formation, All events within a given step of an Activation happen in the order that they are performed by the acting player. For Example: The acting player activates a squadron of Valkyries, moves, and then fires on a squadron of Regults during the combat step. Each Valkyrie attacks in any order desired by the attacking player, and any resulting losses among the Regults are taken off the board immediately as they are destroyed. Then the acting player can have the next Valkyrie attack in the order desired, by simply choosing which one fires next. The order in which they attack does not need to be determined ahead of time, but can be adapted to the situation as enemy figures are destroyed.

If the same squadron was in Close Formation all of the attacks would be considered simultaneous and are declared and then rolled at the same time. For Example: The acting player activates a squadron of Valkyries, moves, and then fires on a squadron of Regults during the combat step. If all of the Valkyries are in Close Formation than the players declares the attacks for each Valkyrie before making any attack rolls, any resulting losses among the Regults are NOT taken off the board immediately as they are destroyed but after all the Valkyries have resolved their attack rolls.

To my understanding this is exactly how it works or should work, as well.

jaymz wrote:24. 3. Command Points and Movement

Correction #1
Finally, any mecha that successfully boosts its SPD must move a minimum distance equal to its own SPD since it is moving flat out. NOTE: If a mecha makes multiple attempts at boosting its speed and has paid the appropriate amount of Command Points and more rolls are successful than what is desired by the player then he may then ignore the results of any extra rolls. For Example: A VF-1A is the last unit in its squadron and the player wants to have it boost its SPD during its activation. Since the PIL is only a 2 the player decides to attempt to boost twice to increase his chances and pays 2 Command Points. The player rolls a 5 and a 6, achieving success both times. Since boosting his SPD twice would make the unit fly off the table the player chooses to ignore one result, he still has to pay 2 Command Points, and is allowed to boost his Valkyrie only one time taking it out of immediate danger but not out of the game.

Correction #2
If any Command Points were spent to boost the figure’s SPD during the Movement Step, the full amount of the boosted SPD must be moved (in inches) during the Afterburner movement according to the number of success roles used by the player. For Example: A VF-1A in Fighter mode opts to boost its SPD to 24 during the Movement Step, but only moves 14 inches, wasting part of the extra movement gained. Regardless of how much of its boosted SPD the VF-1A used during the Movement Step, the VF-1A must move the full 24 inches of its boosted SPD during the Resolution Step.

I love #2 and disagree with #1 for reasons stated above.

On an additional note. I also think we as a community to to Agree on how victory points are calculated when armies full of life is cheap are on the board. My local group has tried a number of ways to score this properly and things just don't seem to fit.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:30 pm
Infantry have a place alongside Micronized Zentradi, EBSIS soldiers and many other types of ground troops. No MDC but a simple save that must be made on a D6 or be destroyed. A weapon that does 1 MDC and maybe some kind of effect that would work as area denial.

People playing in the era afterwards with Malcontents could find a use for such rules.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:21 pm
by jaymz
Malcontent-Khyron wrote:snippage

Actually I didn't write this. One of the play testers did. :) I am just funneling it over here, as well as encouraging discussion on the proboard link above about it.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:48 am
by Kryptt
PANZERBUNNY wrote:Infantry have a place alongside Micronized Zentradi, EBSIS soldiers and many other types of ground troops. No MDC but a simple save that must be made on a D6 or be destroyed. A weapon that does 1 MDC and maybe some kind of effect that would work as area denial.

People playing in the era afterwards with Malcontents could find a use for such rules.

The problem is the EBSIS no longer exist in RT. Besides now it just feels like the game is being turned into battletech only with much better looking mecha. To me that just seems like something that should stay within the realm of the RPG.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:50 pm
Kryptt wrote:
PANZERBUNNY wrote:Infantry have a place alongside Micronized Zentradi, EBSIS soldiers and many other types of ground troops. No MDC but a simple save that must be made on a D6 or be destroyed. A weapon that does 1 MDC and maybe some kind of effect that would work as area denial.

People playing in the era afterwards with Malcontents could find a use for such rules.

The problem is the EBSIS no longer exist in RT. Besides now it just feels like the game is being turned into battletech only with much better looking mecha. To me that just seems like something that should stay within the realm of the RPG.

I guess it's all in how you want to play it. If EBSIS was taken out of the new RPG setting, are the Soviets ignored altogether? They provided very interesting setting and content for action in South America and in Thailand regarding smugglers and even with Zarya and her Asian Zentraedi waiting for the Robotech Masters. EBSIS agents wanting to hijack your mecha so they could reverse engineer technology seems more in spirit of that era than generic Zentraedi encounters over and over.

What was their decision in regards to taking them out?

I'll more than likely still model EBSIS Zentraedi elements.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:58 pm
by jaymz
EBSIS were a completely made up creation by Palladium books and never actually existed in Robotech.

HG is holding them to canon this time around so that means no EBSIS, no Merchant Republic, No Zaria Zentraedi, NO crashed Masters (Return of the Masters), no Strike Force mecha so on and so forth.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:17 pm
Didn't know they were being held to strictly show related material. That's sad to hear. HG enjoy ruining everything heh.

I'm surprised we even got a Breetai character since I'm pretty sure they said no actual faces are allowed to be modeled. I suppose that leaves it open for an independent sculpture to make us all a "Cyborg Pirate" head that looks just like him.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:39 pm
by Pythdamion
The problem with LOS going to any point of the hull is that it makes it easy to snipe individual mecha within a squadron which can be extremely unfair to Zentradi players as all their Glaugs disappear from the center of a squadron even when surrounded on all sides by other mecha. Aiming to the center of a mecha keeps it fair. Do agree on the cover from all mecha but your own squadron.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:27 pm
by Mike1975
Pythdamion wrote:The problem with LOS going to any point of the hull is that it makes it easy to snipe individual mecha within a squadron which can be extremely unfair to Zentradi players as all their Glaugs disappear from the center of a squadron even when surrounded on all sides by other mecha. Aiming to the center of a mecha keeps it fair. Do agree on the cover from all mecha but your own squadron.

I would say yes and no on this one. Yes you can shoot at a Glaug in the pack but with heavy cover. With a DF of 7 shooting a Glaug like this is likely wasting shots. Now that being said. This rules was specifically discussed with gamers with tourney experience since present rules allow the proverbial stick to block straight LOS which is also ridiculous but some players, especially in a tournament, will fight to enforce it if it will help them win a free mini or two.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:21 pm
by Forar
Let's not minimize the matter regarding "winning a free mini or two". Whether there's $10 on the line or $10,000 (or hell, just bragging rights), a rules set will be stretched to the breaking point in both directions; the most hardcore and literal interpretations of the rules, versus the most excessive twisting hinging on a single word choice.

Edit: you might not be trying to minimize the concern, but that addendum feels like it.

The rules set needs to be able to withstand that kind of intensity of focus, requires Errata to fix anything that falls short, and a FAQ to clarify major points of interpretation.

In a game with any measure of complexity there'll always be some minor fringe cases that pop up once a year, and nobody reasonable is expecting PB to account for every single one of a million possible combinations of units, terrain, encounter/battle conditions, etc. But there's some fairly major stuff that's been sitting unanswered that needs to be in an official Palladium Books capacity.

I remain a supporter of the community coming to conclusions based on their reading, previous experience and games of RRT, but that doesn't absolve the need for someone with Final Say(tm) to be able to put down some Knowledge(c) and keep everyone on the same page.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:47 pm
by jaymz
No argument here on that regard Forar...except of course....we don;'t have any of that yet as it is still "in the works"

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:45 am
by Forar
And if the community steps up in the meantime, all the more power to them!

But it won't be nearly as binding for competitive play as something they make themselves, so hopefully they get the FAQ/Errata up and going soon.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:07 pm
by jaymz
Define "soon" :D

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:23 pm
by Phaze
jaymz wrote:Define "soon" :D

First official FAQ is written and being reviewed by the staff. I don't have a definitive time for release, however.

Also, we are also working with Jeff and Wayne on a avenue to get questions answered quickly on the forums, then followed up with an errata.

I will do my best to keep you posted.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:51 pm
by Malcontent-Khyron
Forar wrote:Let's not minimize the matter regarding "winning a free mini or two". Whether there's $10 on the line or $10,000 (or hell, just bragging rights), a rules set will be stretched to the breaking point in both directions; the most hardcore and literal interpretations of the rules, versus the most excessive twisting hinging on a single word choice.

Edit: you might not be trying to minimize the concern, but that addendum feels like it.

The rules set needs to be able to withstand that kind of intensity of focus, requires Errata to fix anything that falls short, and a FAQ to clarify major points of interpretation.

In a game with any measure of complexity there'll always be some minor fringe cases that pop up once a year, and nobody reasonable is expecting PB to account for every single one of a million possible combinations of units, terrain, encounter/battle conditions, etc. But there's some fairly major stuff that's been sitting unanswered that needs to be in an official Palladium Books capacity.

I remain a supporter of the community coming to conclusions based on their reading, previous experience and games of RRT, but that doesn't absolve the need for someone with Final Say(tm) to be able to put down some Knowledge(c) and keep everyone on the same page.

You couldn't be more right Especially iun tournament play. Even sometimes local shop exhibition games will strech highly litteral interpretations of rules for that extra plus one to a roll. And while i'm often personally annoyed by these gamers they exist and they make up a decent portion of our community and need to be considered always.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:09 am
by Mike1975
Forar wrote:Let's not minimize the matter regarding "winning a free mini or two". Whether there's $10 on the line or $10,000 (or hell, just bragging rights), a rules set will be stretched to the breaking point in both directions; the most hardcore and literal interpretations of the rules, versus the most excessive twisting hinging on a single word choice.

Edit: you might not be trying to minimize the concern, but that addendum feels like it.

The rules set needs to be able to withstand that kind of intensity of focus, requires Errata to fix anything that falls short, and a FAQ to clarify major points of interpretation.

In a game with any measure of complexity there'll always be some minor fringe cases that pop up once a year, and nobody reasonable is expecting PB to account for every single one of a million possible combinations of units, terrain, encounter/battle conditions, etc. But there's some fairly major stuff that's been sitting unanswered that needs to be in an official Palladium Books capacity.

I remain a supporter of the community coming to conclusions based on their reading, previous experience and games of RRT, but that doesn't absolve the need for someone with Final Say(tm) to be able to put down some Knowledge(c) and keep everyone on the same page.

If I did not think clarifications were important I would never have started this in the first place. Anything that is not clear needs to made clear ASAP. I know that tournament rules and such do not exist yet but players need clarification before additional frustration comes into play.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:44 am
by jaymz
Phaze wrote:
jaymz wrote:Define "soon" :D

First official FAQ is written and being reviewed by the staff.

That's good to know understanding s the staff at PB while they have played the game, do not have a very in depth knowledge and understanding of the rules themselves seeing they didn't write them, Carmen did. That to me seems a bit problematic for going over written errata and/or a faq.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:00 am
by Phaze
jaymz wrote:That's good to know understanding s the staff at PB while they have played the game, do not have a very in depth knowledge and understanding of the rules themselves seeing they didn't write them, Carmen did. That to me seems a bit problematic for going over written errata and/or a faq.

It was already sent out to everyone that was involved in the creation of the rules and has returned. The PB staff is reviewing it for approval.

Keep in mind, this is a living document. It will answer most of the questions but may end up leaving a few out or creating additional ones. Errata and FAQs must continue to grow, so if your question didn't get answered or you have another one, please post it and we will endeavor to try to get them answered.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:10 am
by jaymz
Phaze wrote:
jaymz wrote:That's good to know understanding s the staff at PB while they have played the game, do not have a very in depth knowledge and understanding of the rules themselves seeing they didn't write them, Carmen did. That to me seems a bit problematic for going over written errata and/or a faq.

It was already sent out to everyone that was involved in the creation of the rules and has returned. The PB staff is reviewing it for approval.

Keep in mind, this is a living document. It will answer most of the questions but may end up leaving a few out or creating additional ones. Errata and FAQs must continue to grow, so if your question didn't get answered or you have another one, please post it and we will endeavor to try to get them answered.

Ok. Hopefully they get this out sooner rather than later.

Re: Unofficial Errata

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:50 am
by Forar
Of course it should be a living document. Nobody sensible expects a rules set to 'get into the wild' for a couple of months and then have everyone come together and produce a perfect, infallible version 1.1.

But Wayne's been answering things on Mike's page, so clearly at least some of them have had the time to read questions, think matters over/refer to play testers, and produce answers. I don't think it's too much to ask that those answers be available on Palladium's own page in a clearly and easily accessible location.

I mean, hell, we've already got one each of Errata and FAQ:

VT only have 6 LRMs, not 8, plus a points cost adjustment.

Q: How often can the GU-11 be fired?
A: Once in Fighter with a range of 12", Twice (if a command point is spent) in Guardian mode at a range of 12", and up to three times (once per Command Point spent, with a max of two per turn) in Battloid mode with a range of 24"

Bam, we're started! New answers and clarifications to be added as the days and weeks go by!