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Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:43 pm
by ghost2020
So i received my free gifts from the Rifter subscription.

I opted for Visions of the Future and the two art prints. All very cool and thank you!

I also received a baggie with Robotech Tactics cards - REgult Squad mini and regular sized cards.

Anyone else get these?

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:05 am
by TechnoGolem
I haven't gotten a subscription to the Rifter but I did get them from one of my X-Mas Grab Bags.

Honestly, I just threw them away. I avoid miniature games that require me to assemble figures, paint them, and build my own terrain. I've tried a couple of different ones and it has always ended very badly and cost way too much money. If the game had been something along the lines of Star Wars Miniatures (premade/painted miniatures and played on maps) I would have tossed money at it.

Sorry, I don't mean to sound negative but games like Robotech Tactics are just not for me. It's great for people that like those kinds of games. I've seen several people say they dislike several miniature games, that I loved, for the opposite reason that I dislike Robotech Tactics.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:50 am
by ghost2020
Robotech Tactics appeals to the more hardcore miniature wargamer type. The people who have done WH40k, etc.

You're just not the demographic for that, and that's ok. It's just not for you.
I am also not a miniature gamer in any sense.

Was just curious on the cards, wasn't sure why i got them or if it was an error.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:17 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Personally, other than just a cool collectible, having the cards without the miniatures doesn't really make sense. I backed the game and just got done assembling 56 battlebopds of various types. I love the miniaures and can't wait to get some good games in with some buddies.

That said, there are many members of my group that are not miniature gamers in any way. like you, These types of games just don't appeal to them.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:52 pm
by ghost2020
Hate to throw the cards away. :(

Seems strange that Palladium would just send them out with orders.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:26 pm
by TechnoGolem
ghost2020 wrote:Seems strange that Palladium would just send them out with orders.

Not really, I'm sure the cards are cheap and that they hope they can drum up more interest in the game if people get some piece of the game.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:25 pm
by kaid
It also maybe have been accidental god knows they are shipping out a ton of the robotech stuff something may have just dropped in the package and was not noticed.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:08 pm
by Cyrano de Maniac
I got them too, and ordered the same Rifter Super Subscription package as ghost2020. I was an RTT backer (even though that's not my thing -- I did it because I collect all things Palladium), and assumed that maybe they were cards that were supposed to come in Wave 1 but got forgotten. To tell the truth, I haven't even *opened* my Wave 1 carton, so I have no idea if the cards I got were missing or not.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:45 am
by agent_orange
Thats so cool :) It's awesome that distributors AND rifter subscribers get tactics stuff before the backers. I love that!

What is Rifter anyway? I got some spam mail telling me I should get it.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:53 pm
by Jerell
Rifter is a quarterly 96 page Palladium gaming supplement that has stuff like adventures, stories, new OCCs, new monsters, magic, gear, locations, ect. Most issues have something for Rifts, plus other game(s), like Palladium Fantasy, Heroes Unlimited, Splicers, Beyond the Supernatural, or Nightbane. Sometimes there's general Gaming articles, such as 'Gaming with Kids,' or stuff on GMing.

Personally I find some of the Rifters indispensable, especially the ones that expand stuff I'm keenly interested in like True Atlanteans. But most issues have good stuff in them, wether it's something I play or not, I find them well worth the price.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:14 am
by agent_orange
Cheers for that, so it's for the RPG stuff then. Nothing actually to do with Robotech Tactics

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:34 am
by whassupman03

TechnoGolem wrote:I haven't gotten a subscription to the Rifter but I did get them from one of my X-Mas Grab Bags.

Honestly, I just threw them away. I avoid miniature games that require me to assemble figures, paint them, and build my own terrain. I've tried a couple of different ones and it has always ended very badly and cost way too much money. If the game had been something along the lines of Star Wars Miniatures (premade/painted miniatures and played on maps) I would have tossed money at it.

Sorry, I don't mean to sound negative but games like Robotech Tactics are just not for me. It's great for people that like those kinds of games. I've seen several people say they dislike several miniature games, that I loved, for the opposite reason that I dislike Robotech Tactics.

I'm not much for miniature games myself, so I'm in the same boat as you. This is because I really don't have the workspace, time, and players to deal with. However, if I got the cards like you did, I might have kept the cards in a safe place, where I could then give them to someone who wanted to try Robotech Tactics when I couldn't. Personally, I figure that it's better to donate something rather than discard it. :roll: But anyway that's the way I would have done it. Still, I'm not harping on what you did either, that's just the method that I would have used. Anyway, please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.

whassupman03 8)

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:40 pm
by glitterboy2098
they went out in the grab bags too. or at least mine. since the artilelry squadron did show up in the battlecry i ordered, i suspect that they just sent out freebies to encourage people to look into RTT.

Re: Free Gifts from Rifter subscription.....robotech cards?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:48 am
by Forar
whassupman03 wrote:However, if I got the cards like you did, I might have kept the cards in a safe place, where I could then give them to someone who wanted to try Robotech Tactics when I couldn't. Personally, I figure that it's better to donate something rather than discard it. :roll:

A couple of cards would be all but useless to someone who 'wanted to try RRT' and had nothing else to speak of from the game.

To give it a shot, one would either need to pick up the core box (which contains these very cards plus the rule book and figures necessary to use them), a VT expansion (also contains the cards) or play with figures from someone else, who probably has the cards.