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What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:19 pm
by flatline
Obviously the Temporal Warrior, Temporal Wizard, and Temporal Raider start with temporal magic.

The Naut'Yll Devastator (Underseas p150) can have the same spell casting and special abilities as the Temporal Wizard, just with a more combat oriented skill set.

Prometheans can trade skills for Temporal magic spells. The Promethean Time Master OCC is probably the only mystic that can learn Temporal magic.

Surely there are others that I've missed.


Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:55 pm
by random_username
Paradox Shaman; and Spirit Man-Monster [also a great base for recurring evil NPCs]. (W15:Spirit West).

Shifter - Link To Supernatural - God Of Magic - bunch of spells from a single branch of magic which can be Temporal Magic. (RUE, D7)

In theory the Elemental Shaman - only type that does not specifically exclude paradox spells as available shaman spells. However there spell selection is limited to their current level so there would have to be a 1st level temporal/paradox spell for them to select that one only at 1st level.

In theory the Mystic - non-indian yet close to nature and/or similar outlook as a shaman. (see W15p70) Similar issues to the Elemental Shaman. However, there are so many Mystic Variants with differing level access and special spell access that may be possible to have one or more at first level. The lowest Temporal Spell tends to be 7th level though Rifters/homebrew/forums/etc might have lower.
Side Note: Mystics/Mystic variants have many mods available for them (Sea-Inquisitor W7:U, Information Broker BM, etc). Two interesting mystic variants are found in W18:MR: Born Mystic (note intro paragraphs for extra spell access) and Gypsy Fortune Teller (note the effective spell gain at 15th level hehe).

Paradox Spells are also Temporal Spells. (BoM, W15)

Additional Temporal Spells are found in the last few pages of D13:F3G.


Example of a possible homebrew 1st level temporal magic spell.

Temporal Quick Strike (1st level, Temporal Magic Spell, Homebrew)
Range: Self
Duration: 1 melee/level.
Saving Throw: None.
PPE: 6.

Once per melee the caster can make a single action at what seems to be exceedingly fast speed.
This gives a momentary edge to the caster in the form of +1 strike (any/all types:back flip/ranged/melee/etc), +50% to maximum movement speeds and leaping distances (minimum of +5 to Speed and +5' leaping distance), +3 initiative (that attack only) and impervious to target's attempts at simultaneous strike.
A target protected by Resistance to Time Warps/Stop Time (D13p127) is completely immune to all except the speed and leaping bonuses (eliminates the strike, initiative, simultaneous strike immunity).
Occasionally referred to as the: Ninja Strike, Sucker Punch, Rope-A-Dope, Catching/Jumping The Target, etc.

Just tossed together some appropriate concepts with very limited yet useful bonuses/benefits to make this spell. Decided it made sense to be among the higher PPE casting costs for 1st level spells. Had considered further limits and lower % bonus though ultimately this combo seemed the most appropriate - thematically, functionally, corresponding PPE cost.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:47 pm
by Glistam
Certain Temporal Magic spells are available in the invocation lists in Heroes Unlimited and Palladium Fantasy, so any mage from those settings can learn those as per their class write-ups. Though as I think about it, I believe only the Heroes Unlimited magic using classes can select these higher level spells at first level.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:52 pm
by eliakon
flatline wrote:Obviously the Temporal Warrior, Temporal Wizard, and Temporal Raider start with temporal magic.

The Naut'Yll Devastator (Underseas p150) can have the same spell casting and special abilities as the Temporal Wizard, just with a more combat oriented skill set.

Prometheans can trade skills for Temporal magic spells. The Promethean Time Master OCC is probably the only mystic that can learn Temporal magic.

Surely there are others that I've missed.


It would also depend on the specific GMs stance on how Temporal Magic works in their game. (I.E. is it a 'sub-set' of invocation magic similar to Necromancy, or is it class restricted and thus more like Elemental Magic)

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:06 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
the Vanguard Translocator starts with a flat list of spells at level 1 with no variance, but learns 1d4 spells per level after that, including any and all temporal magic.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:55 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The mystic study power cat. can learn some under the L10 level cap for starting spells. Course the only spell listed in rifts Temp. spells, that is also listed in the HU2 spell lists within the limitations is D-Pocket.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:51 am
by Glistam
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The mystic study power cat. can learn some under the L10 level cap for starting spells. Course the only spell listed in rifts Temp. spells, that is also listed in the HU2 spell lists within the limitations is D-Pocket.

There is also Sense Dimensional Anomaly, Time Capsule, and Age. Heroes Unlimited 2 Spell List.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:11 am
by Glistam
A Priest of Light from Palladium Fantasy could cast a Temporal Magic spell at first level if they succeed in their percentage chance for a Prayer of Intervention.

An Apprentice Time Lord from Transdimensional TMNT gets access to all the Temporal Magic in that book, which is arguably far superior to the Rifts version of Temporal Magic.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:19 am
by flatline
It seems like an oversight for the Space Warlock OCC (Three Galaxies p83) not to have an option to be a temporal practitioner.

A GM could house rule something for Godlings and Demigods (godling power category #10) but since temporal spells are all level 7 or higher, if you just follow the pattern given for Shifter or Ley Line Walkers, the godling/demigod wouldn't actually get any temporal spells until level 7 which kind of defeats the purpose.


Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:26 am
by masslegion
The Chiang-Ku Dragon can learn be a temporal wizard.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:42 am
by Glistam
According to Dragons and Gods, when a Dragon reaches full maturity (regardless of level) they learn a handful of special spells of legend, which are basically the Temporal Magic spells Time Capsule, Dimensional Envelope, and a modified version of Temporary Time Hole.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:04 pm
by Kagashi
Not quite on target with the topic, but Expel Demons or Deevils and Teleport Self are presented on page 47 of Megaverse Builder and are available to Temporal Magic OCCs as well.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:12 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Glistam wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The mystic study power cat. can learn some under the L10 level cap for starting spells. Course the only spell listed in rifts Temp. spells, that is also listed in the HU2 spell lists within the limitations is D-Pocket.

There is also Sense Dimensional Anomaly, Time Capsule, and Age. Heroes Unlimited 2 Spell List.

Stands corrected.
I tend to forget about the spells in the HUGMG.

Re: What classes can learn temporal magic at level 1?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:13 am
by Tor
Glistam wrote:An Apprentice Time Lord from Transdimensional TMNT gets access to all the Temporal Magic in that book, which is arguably far superior to the Rifts version of Temporal Magic.

For the most part they're entirely different flavors.

There is some overlap and in those cases I agree the Time Lords hols a slight advantage. The anti-temporal spell of theirs blocks a whole planet for example, while the PPE version is less.

The biggest advantage is mostly just the ability to go backward in time at all though.