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Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:04 pm
by flatline
Has anyone ever run a campaign where the PCs were campaigning on behalf of the fledgling Naut'Yll empire?

I've been fascinated with the possibilities ever since I re-read Underseas.


Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:19 pm
by flatline
As an amphibious race with a dependency on water, space travel is probably unappealing. They could build ships with some water filled compartments, but much of their time would have to be spent in their suits. But they also embrace magic, which means they can extend their empire via dimensional travel.

With this in mind, I would imagine that they have many small, highly autonomous expeditionary groups that travel from world to world via dimensional portal (or similar) looking for good candidates for colonization.


Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:53 pm
by taalismn
Sorta related, but I recall way back in the day one of my colleagues could play a (Star Wars) Quarren assassin, and would gargle his lines(he rather anticipated the 'Zoidberg' gargle-delivery) whenever his character had to speak. Very amusing, though occasionally we'd worry about him straining something or choking in mid-sentence.

Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:33 pm
by flatline
taalismn wrote:Sorta related, but I recall way back in the day one of my colleagues could play a (Star Wars) Quarren assassin, and would gargle his lines(he rather anticipated the 'Zoidberg' gargle-delivery) whenever his character had to speak. Very amusing, though occasionally we'd worry about him straining something or choking in mid-sentence.

Ha! I played a couple of times with a GM that encouraged that sort of thing.

It was terrible.


Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:38 pm
by flatline
There are lots of different powers on Rifts Earth that the Naut'Yll will want to collect intelligence on. That could lead to a campaign anywhere on Rifts Earth. Maybe missions to acquire example technology for the Naut'Yll scientists to examine in order to understand the capabilities of potential allies/enemies.

Or maybe the group goes on their mission and decides never to return. Lots of potential for just about anything.

I sort of feel bad that when Underseas came out, my group glossed over the Naut'Yll because they didn't fit in with our current campaign.


Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:23 pm
by Slight001
flatline wrote:I sort of feel bad that when Underseas came out, my group glossed over the Naut'Yll because they didn't fit in with our current campaign.


The problem is underwater campaigns/games really only appeal to a particular subset of individuals. The few I've had the chance to play alongside (haven't GM an underwater campaign) had a lot of difficulty wrapping their minds around not only the 3 dimensional combat and the way water effects movement (it is truly shocking how many can't/won't swim...) or just how dangerous being underwater in a "tin can" can be.

Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:05 pm
by Premier
Slight001 wrote:
flatline wrote:I sort of feel bad that when Underseas came out, my group glossed over the Naut'Yll because they didn't fit in with our current campaign.


The problem is underwater campaigns/games really only appeal to a particular subset of individuals. The few I've had the chance to play alongside (haven't GM an underwater campaign) had a lot of difficulty wrapping their minds around not only the 3 dimensional combat and the way water effects movement (it is truly shocking how many can't/won't swim...) or just how dangerous being underwater in a "tin can" can be.

Well-spoken both of you guys!!!
It certainly is very intriguing and harvests a nice spicy flavor "if" the campaign is well-rooted or the goal to obtain something precious places such environmental campaigning as a part of the game, but is not consumed by it. Quality amphibious transports tend to help keep bridge the vibe from what I have experienced, but it certainly brings out the tension and fear in some players, with so.. many nasties lurking and vulnerabilities, even atop of the surface. There is something primal about that deep blue sea that brings out the intensity, I tell ya.

Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:23 pm
by taalismn
Premier wrote:[ There is something primal about that deep blue sea that brings out the intensity, I tell ya.

It's the giant squid scene from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea...traumatized entire generations of kids. :twisted:

Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:12 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
A Naut'Yll campaign would be a great opportunity to do lots of underwater TW and expand corlite shaping magic.

Re: Anyone ever run a Naut'Yll campaign?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:42 pm
by flatline
It doesn't have to be underwater. But it would be hard to not have water be part of it.

Sustain would probably go a long way to keeping everyone alive and healthy, but I imagine it would be a soul sucking experience to be out of water for days on end. Good roleplaying material.
