RiftJunkie wrote:I always had the impression that the Great Houses either had safe "meeting places" or if the Jacker was allowed in, they had "decontamination protocols" to follow. Have the TJ go into a tent/room/whatever, strip down and store all of his stuff. Then the TJ moves into the next tent/room/whatever and get screened by HA with Electromagnetic Vision to root out any tech. Then he moves into another tent/room/whatever and gets a "pat down" by an expendable biotic or Homunculus to be safe. If at any point the TJ holds out on tech, he is immediately destroyed on the spot. If the TJ complies, he could be allowed temporary access to the Great House. Am I that far off?
something along those lines sounds fine for visiting.
the thing is, how many technojackers do you think are gonna be totally ok with being treated like they're a biohazardous material for their entire life? in order for them to live with regular splicers folk, both sides need to be totally ok with it. (and remember, from the technojacker perspective, splicers are the dangerous people... the technojacker can go all over the place carrying their favourite laser rifle with no problems... as long as there are no splicers around to trigger the nanoplague which will cost them their favourite weapon and threaten their lives).
plus, once again, remember that technojackers cannot use biotechnology... for whatever reason, they cannot form the neural connection that is required. in a splicers city, that probably extends to all sorts of things... imagine if you lived in north america and all the technology doesn't work for you; you can't drive a car (but can ride in someone else's), automatic doors don't open for you, you can't make phone calls without someone else's help, the hospitals can't treat you for anything, etc.
you have a very visible disability that singles you out as being different. combine that with suspiscion that maybe the machine deliberately created you as a spy, and any memories of accidents that happened (either before the protocol for entering cities was properly established, or as a result of failures in the protocol to perfectly detect potential threats after it was established), and quite frankly, i don't think most technojackers are ever going to truly feel welcome in a splicers city.
i think that, as the setting is given to us, it makes perfect sense for technojackers and regular splicers to have an uneasy alliance that causes neither of them to fully feel comfortable living with the other. both want the same goal generally speaking (the defeat of the machine), and both value the resources the other has available to them (the technojacker's ability to take over machines and use the devices that read splicers currency are of great value, and the splicers have truly incredible war machines that individually and collectively outclass anything the technojackers could hope to have)... but neither of them can use the other's technology directly, and when you get them together they're a hazard to each others' lives.