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Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:21 pm
by Lenwen
In your guys games. Does Lord splynn have the capability to grant super powers of any variation (or those not listed) in any palladium book ?

If yes, can you support your reasoning ?

If no, can you support your denial reasoning?

Re: Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:01 pm
by Bill
While not Heroes Unlimited style super-powers, biowizard transmutation (WB2, p107) can grant a wide range of superhuman abilities to a characters. If a player were to request that their character be granted a power through transmutation that isn't represented in the book, I would be inclined to say yes; though I would have to weigh it carefully against existing options and possible impact on the rest of my campaign. For example, if the player were requesting super-speed, I would probably point them toward the Spine Twister instead. On the other hand, say the player wanted something equivalent to HU's Chameleon power. It hasn't already got a biowizard equivalent, so I'd have to decide whether the biowizard transmutation would allow the character's clothes to change and if there are any other caveats I'd add to the power. Perhaps it's derived from a parasite. I'd otherwise have no objection.

Re: Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:03 pm
by Library Ogre
Yes. If nothing else, magic tattoos (and T-man transformation) and biowizard symbiotes are effectively superpowers. Even assuming a bare 7 tattoos, you've made a person with +42 PPE and 70-77MDC. Even with only a single power tattoo, and 6 simple weapons, this person is running around wearing the equivalent of body armor and able to conjure forth some sort of superpower at least once per day.

They may be more Hourman than Superman, but they're still superpowered.

Re: Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:12 pm
by Carl Gleba
I'm with Mark on this one. Also to add if I had a player who really wanted it I would say you could probably use the biowizard chambers. I created a variation of this in Dyval. Can't recall the deevil lord that has this, but the Splugorth are a power on par with deevil and demon lords.

Re: Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:56 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Carl Gleba wrote:I'm with Mark on this one. Also to add if I had a player who really wanted it I would say you could probably use the biowizard chambers. I created a variation of this in Dyval. Can't recall the deevil lord that has this, but the Splugorth are a power on par with deevil and demon lords.

I'm with Gleba on anything dealing with Atlanteans.

Re: Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:06 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
Yes. The ability to grant superpowers would be seen as a commodity like every other power or ability to come from living creatures. I use a couple of way's of granting superpowers from the Splugorth. First is the good old bio-wizard symbiote, something nice a debilitating. Second, the rune weapon. Third, the magic ritual, kept for loyal minions, because there are no side effects.

Re: Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:46 am
by Jorick
I think the Splugorth techs are fairly well outlined. As mentioned above, basically bio-wizardy and tattoos. The alien intelligence itself is not capable of granting powers straight up through force of will (aside from bonuses/abilities one might find in Shifters and Witches). They learn techniques and apply them. So, if the question is can a Splugorth simply grant powers willy nilly, then no.

However, one could easily imagine that the Dimensional Market of Splynn has individuals like Gene-tech, or some ancient powerful person who knows a lot about genetic manipulation, and is willing to provide "powers" for a price. So if the question is "can a character go to Splynn and get some cool powers (powers in the HU sense)" then yes. Why not?

Re: Atlantean capabilities.. (not its military)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:43 pm
by eliakon
If you need a source of superpowers for an Atlantean flavor super being. Its right there in the HU book. The Experiment Class.
Presto its a Bio-Wizard experiment. Done.

There is plenty of precedent in the books for repeatable experiments granting a consistent set or related set of powers with a consistent set of side effects. Which is the sort of thing that the Splugorth like to collect....