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Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:56 am
by Bill
Kevin Siembieda wrote:Rifts® is heating up

There has been a flurry of interest in Rifts® by third parties these past few months. Nothing big like a Walt Disney movie yet (waaahh, are they ever going to make a Rifts® movie?!), but a few things we think you’ll find fun and exciting.

Something new and exciting. In an effort to truly expand Rifts® across the Megaverse®, in cooperation with Palladium Books, another role-playing game company is currently adapting the Rifts® Earth setting to that company’s RPG system of rules, as well as producing adventure sourcebooks. This is only the second time in Palladium’s history that an outside company will create new game material under a different set of rules. Rumor Squashing: No, Palladium is NOT going to stop publishing Rifts®, nor change to a completely different set of rules. Far from it. In fact, Palladium expects to release six new Rifts® titles in 2015 and 98% of all Rifts® titles are in stock and available for purchase right now! The idea is that by offering Rifts® via another game company’s set of popular rules it creates a parallel dimension of gaming enjoyment. An expanding Megaverse®, if you will. This is a bit of an experiment, but we are excited to see how it all unfolds.


I apologize that I cannot reveal who these partners are or when you can expect their products, at least not yet. These other companies will make the big, full announcements when they are ready; probably sometime over the next 4-10 months. When they do, I’ll be sure to let you know and provide more details.
Weekly Update

The only way I'd be happier right now is if the unnamed company called me to work on the project.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:11 pm
by Daniel Stoker
I'd heard some rumors about this a few years back and it'll be interesting to see if it's the same company as what I'd heard brought up as I think they could do a good job.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:53 pm
by Glistam
Hopefully the "new" company's rules translate the setting in such a way that it keeps the feel I currently enjoy. I really hope it's not d20.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:38 pm
by glitterboy2098
not a new edition. it's a spin off.

a new edition would replace the existing game.
a spin-off can exist parallel to the existing game.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:58 pm
by Killer Cyborg
I'm really curious how this will turn out.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:20 pm
by Bill
glitterboy2098 wrote:a new edition would replace the existing game.

Only in games and textbooks has this been true. A new edition is traditionally a revision and expansion of an existing volume. Replacement value is left up to the consumer.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:23 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Bill wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:a new edition would replace the existing game.

Only in games and textbooks has this been true. A new edition is traditionally a revision and expansion of an existing volume. Replacement value is left up to the consumer.

This is a game.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:28 pm
by Bill
Because it has been true doesn't mean it should be. It's still a new edition, by my reckoning.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:14 am
by Tricky110974
Savage Worlds? Fate? Hero System? Green Ronin's new AGE system?

What could it be?

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:57 am
by Library Ogre
TBH, I'm more interested in its implications for different games in Palladium's fold. Palladium Fantasy obviously interests me, and we've got an intermittent Systems Failure game, but licensed stuff like TMNT and Robotech, too, as the conversions to this mystery system could provide a framework for converting those games, too.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:58 pm
by FatherMorpheus
Tricky110974 wrote:Savage Worlds? Fate? Hero System? Green Ronin's new AGE system?

What could it be?

My bet is on the Breachworld system which was recently released. Though Savage World or Hero System might be cool. Fate I think would break players who are used to Palladium.

Personally I would love to see it based on Open D6. :)

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:02 pm
by Glistam
Maybe the Storyteller system? :D

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:14 pm
by glitterboy2098
FatherMorpheus wrote:
Tricky110974 wrote:Savage Worlds? Fate? Hero System? Green Ronin's new AGE system?

What could it be?

My bet is on the Breachworld system which was recently released. Though Savage World or Hero System might be cool. Fate I think would break players who are used to Palladium.

Personally I would love to see it based on Open D6. :)

actually no, Jason Richards has already said he's not doing it.

from his facebook page:

Jason Richards wrote:A note from Jason Richards Publishing:

I feel amazing. I feel amazing that even a single person would believe that I have the clout to get to publish a licensed version of a legendary game like Rifts from a legendary company like Palladium Books Inc.. To see that thought published independently across a variety of sources from a number of different people online, well... that's really, really cool. I appreciate the confidence.

As great as the speculation would be for business, I must end that speculation. Sadly, no. Not me. Even if I was inclined to tackle something like that, now would not be the time. I still am working off a huge debt to my faithful backers/fans/friends who made Breachworld possible. Delivery of the things that I have already promised is the MOST important thing. Plus, I would never be able to produce the volume of work that this project will demand, at least not right now.

I have STRONG suspicions as to who the lucky company will be, though I have no inside info at all. I'll hold my tongue and hope that somehow I can be involved down the road.

In the meantime, ‪#‎Breachworld‬ is awesome. You should play it, talk about it, and share it with your friends. Buy a copy for yourself and one as a gift. The more people are playing Breachworld, the bigger and better it will be.

Okay, enough of that. Back to writing about post-apocalyptic dinosaurs. ‪#‎BestJobEver‬

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:43 pm
by Lori
Daniel Stoker wrote:I'd heard some rumors about this a few years back and it'll be interesting to see if it's the same company as what I'd heard brought up as I think they could do a good job.

Daniel Stoker

What company was that?- :D

Agree w/ the rest, this is an exciting bit of news. Can't wait to find out what company and I hope it turns out...

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:53 pm
by FatherMorpheus
glitterboy2098 wrote:
FatherMorpheus wrote:
Tricky110974 wrote:Savage Worlds? Fate? Hero System? Green Ronin's new AGE system?

What could it be?

My bet is on the Breachworld system which was recently released. Though Savage World or Hero System might be cool. Fate I think would break players who are used to Palladium.

Personally I would love to see it based on Open D6. :)

actually no, Jason Richards has already said he's not doing it.

from his facebook page:

Jason Richards wrote:A note from Jason Richards Publishing:

As great as the speculation would be for business, I must end that speculation. Sadly, no. Not me. Even if I was inclined to tackle something like that, now would not be the time. I still am working off a huge debt to my faithful backers/fans/friends who made Breachworld possible. Delivery of the things that I have already promised is the MOST important thing. Plus, I would never be able to produce the volume of work that this project will demand, at least not right now.

I have STRONG suspicions as to who the lucky company will be, though I have no inside info at all. I'll hold my tongue and hope that somehow I can be involved down the road.]

Oh, well. Never mind then. That is fairly strong wording for a No. OK. Next idea?

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:13 pm
by Bill
The winner is Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds. I've never played SW, but I've heard good things.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:18 pm
by FatherMorpheus
Bill wrote:The winner is Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds. I've never played SW, but I've heard good things.

Wow! This is really cool. I've played SW a bit in the past few years. I'll be very interested to see how they adapt Rifts to the Savage Worlds system.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:51 pm
by Bill
Planned release is Christmas. Pinnacle's marketing people are very responsive to email too. :D

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:04 pm
by Daniel Stoker
But since this is a Palladium product I'll note they didn't say which Christmas it would be released in time for. :p

Daniel Stoker

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:19 pm
by Lori

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:30 pm
by BuzzardB
Welp I guess that means I can stop my work in converting Rifts to Savage Worlds...

This is great news indeed.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:29 am
by One Hand Clapping
Holy hell, that is sweet news!

I like the Savage Worlds system. It's not my favorite one, but it's a fairly solid and very playable system with a small learning curve. It also has lots of optional accessories that players can take advantage of, such as special dice, action decks, and tokens.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:39 am
by torjones
Bill wrote:The winner is Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds. I've never played SW, but I've heard good things.

For a while there, I was afraid you were going to say Synnabar... :eek:

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:37 am
by Killer Cyborg
torjones wrote:
Bill wrote:The winner is Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds. I've never played SW, but I've heard good things.

For a while there, I was afraid you were going to say Synnabar... :eek:


Man... that'd be the one system that would crank things UP a notch.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:26 am
by SpiritInterface
torjones wrote:
Bill wrote:The winner is Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds. I've never played SW, but I've heard good things.

For a while there, I was afraid you were going to say Synnabar... :eek:

I was afraid that it would be a return of Myrmidon Press.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:10 am
by Nekira Sudacne
SpiritInterface wrote:
torjones wrote:
Bill wrote:The winner is Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds. I've never played SW, but I've heard good things.

For a while there, I was afraid you were going to say Synnabar... :eek:

I was afraid that it would be a return of Myrmidon Press.

Didn't they go out of business? they havn't published anything since 1997

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:32 pm
by Bill
torjones wrote:
Bill wrote:The winner is Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds. I've never played SW, but I've heard good things.

For a while there, I was afraid you were going to say Synnabar... :eek:

Not this time. Though Raven McCracken claims the new edition of Synnibarr is ready for print on his Facebook.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:23 pm
by Tiree
I have a copy of his Kickstarter version. It is truly epic!

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:11 pm
by Josh Hilden
Evil Beagle Games and PEG doing RIFTS... I'm stoked.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:55 pm
by slade the sniper
For some reason...I would rather have more NEW Rifts stuff than a new rule system...

BUT, I will probably end up buying it. The only good thing is that there is a lot of additional settings that Savage Worlds has to act as worlds and times to use with Rifts.


Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:38 pm
by mellowmaveric
I'm curious as to what will be converted going both ways.
Will this give Palladium access to more writers to help catch up with late projects?
I don't really see any special licenses they might bring on board other than Deadlands.
I'm curious as to what brought this about and if one of the companies is working on acquiring the other.
Will books be copied verbatim excluding the new rules conversions?
Time will tell with all of this I guess.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:56 pm
by Zamion138
mellowmaveric wrote:I'm curious as to what will be converted going both ways.
Will this give Palladium access to more writers to help catch up with late projects?
I don't really see any special licenses they might bring on board other than Deadlands.
I'm curious as to what brought this about and if one of the companies is working on acquiring the other.
Will books be copied verbatim excluding the new rules conversions?
Time will tell with all of this I guess.

I would give it a 0% chance the books would be copied verbatim sans the rules.

I dont think you will see the savage worlds version of juicer uprising, england, phase world.....ect. Probably be all new locals and settings ,Im think more like manhunter was. Could be wrong but for sure not verbatim copies.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:06 pm
by mellowmaveric
Shhhhhh. Not supposed to talk about Manhunter.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:18 pm
by Zamion138
Why not Manhunter was sweet as sweet could be as a stand alone setting.

The compies dont work together anymore and the books not for sale anymore but never have i been told dont talk about manhunter and its low mdc goodness. Its not a secret that used to be made and now it isnt. Thats like saying dont talk about Nightspawn.......I dont call it nightbane often.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:34 pm
by Bill
slade the sniper wrote:For some reason...I would rather have more NEW Rifts stuff than a new rule system...

BUT, I will probably end up buying it. The only good thing is that there is a lot of additional settings that Savage Worlds has to act as worlds and times to use with Rifts.


I think that it would require Mr. Siembieda to relinquish more editorial control than he'd be comfortable with to open up his world to another company's writing staff. However, his announcement indicated that six more Rifts supplements are planned for this year. Even if things are delayed, we'll probably get at least two of them.

If they do rehash any of the older supplements for Savage Rifts, I hope they do Wormwood. It's a fan favorite in general, as well as a personal one, and I think it would be a beautiful thing to see polished and expanded upon.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:14 am
by Shark_Force
there are always 6 (or more) new rifts books planned for "this year".

on the plus side, while i'm not optimistic about 6 new rifts books coming out in the remaining months of the year, it is on course to at least have more than 4 books total come out this year, which is an improvement over the past several years.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:14 am
by torjones
Tiree wrote:I have a copy of his Kickstarter version. It is truly epic!

Yeah, but does it still vie for the title of "Worst Gaming System Ever?" :eek:

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:39 am
by Kagashi
So...does this new system suck? Is it superior?

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:44 am
by blackwingedheaven
Kagashi wrote:So...does this new system suck? Is it superior?

As a huge fan of Savage Worlds, I'd say that it's one of the best pieces of game design to come out of the last decade. It's a medium-crunch system that is primarily a traditional RPG, with a slight narrativist conceit in the form of "bennies"--basically fate points/hero points/whatever. Rifts will be a great match for it.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:51 pm
by Zamion138
Kagashi wrote:So...does this new system suck? Is it superior?

I read a bunch of reviews when it first came out, it seemed alittle to uncrunchy and simplified for my tables taste. To be fair I have only read reviews and for all I know the editions changed multipul times and now its much more detailed.
When I looked into it just seemed kinda tri-stat simple which isnt horrible just not my cup of tea. Espicaly skills its such a paired down list anyone who is used to palladiums lore:broad but singular study area, and history and archology are seprate skills will not enjoy the take reserching and knowing.
Again just from reviews never sat down and played it but does seem to be a bit simplistic.
So not bad for all people , and at least you dont die in char creation (im looking at you GDW)

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:10 pm
by FatherMorpheus
Kagashi wrote:So...does this new system suck? Is it superior?

I've played Savage Worlds a bit in the past few years. A game based in the Firefly world and a game based in Marvel Superheroes. The system is simple end easy to understand.

The simplicity will make playing Rifts a lot easier. It will streamline it for the first time players. You can make a standard SW character in about 30 minutes. That is really nice.
In a nut shell, the mechanics are based on different die types. Really strong, then you might have a D12 for your Strength. Not very smart, then you a D4. The target for almost everything is 4. Get a 4, you succeed, below you fail. Big penalties are +2/-2. Average is considered D6.
Thematic or World Settings System of Savage Worlds really great. It helps you tweak the setting of a world to your liking. There are pirates, superheroes, space sci-fi, fantasy and even Wild Wild West undead western themes.

One of the mechanics are too simple for some of the complexity of combat in Rifts. The feel might need to be tweaked a little bit. You also don't have the attack/dodge/parry/roll in the system. This can be fixed, but it isn't there.
Skills are much more limited, well not limited but much more broad.
The gear isn't there. The game focus is on role-playing, which is great. But the gear is fairly generic and not very deep.
Balance. It is built into the system really. Rifts doesn't have any real balance built into the game. This could make things really odd.

All in all, I'm excited to see the attempt and will most likely buy the book if for no other reason than to show support for an updating of the system.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:34 pm
by Damian Magecraft
FatherMorpheus wrote:
Kagashi wrote:So...does this new system suck? Is it superior?

I've played Savage Worlds a bit in the past few years. A game based in the Firefly world and a game based in Marvel Superheroes. The system is simple end easy to understand.
unless those were homebrew campaigns those are Cortex (by MWP) a similar system but not Savage Worlds.

The simplicity will make playing Rifts a lot easier. It will streamline it for the first time players. You can make a standard SW character in about 30 minutes. That is really nice.
In a nut shell, the mechanics are based on different die types. Really strong, then you might have a D12 for your Strength. Not very smart, then you a D4. The target for almost everything is 4. Get a 4, you succeed, below you fail. Big penalties are +2/-2. Average is considered D6.
Thematic or World Settings System of Savage Worlds really great. It helps you tweak the setting of a world to your liking. There are pirates, superheroes, space sci-fi, fantasy and even Wild Wild West undead western themes.

One of the mechanics are too simple for some of the complexity of combat in Rifts. The feel might need to be tweaked a little bit. You also don't have the attack/dodge/parry/roll in the system. This can be fixed, but it isn't there.
Skills are much more limited, well not limited but much more broad.
The gear isn't there. The game focus is on role-playing, which is great. But the gear is fairly generic and not very deep.
Balance. It is built into the system really. Rifts doesn't have any real balance built into the game. This could make things really odd.

All in all, I'm excited to see the attempt and will most likely buy the book if for no other reason than to show support for an updating of the system.

a fair if limited assessment of the system.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:54 pm
by Library Ogre
I mostly agree with FatherMorpheus on the system, but feel he leaves a couple things out.

First of all, your character is what's called a "Wild Card", which means that whenever you roll a die, you also roll a d6, and take the better of the two. Some enemies will get this benefit as well, depending on the GMs discretion. It makes protagonists and significant antagonists more likely to succeed.

He also left out that all dice explode... roll a 4 on a d4, and you get to roll again and add it, until you stop rolling 4s. This is important for a couple reasons: a) in combat, especially, your TN is sometimes higher than 4 and b) multiples of 4 (or multiples of 4 above your TN) are better. An 8 is a raise, which means success plus. A 12 is even better. If you somehow pull off a 24, you've done something incredible.

I also disagree about gear. While the gear list in SW isn't as big as the one in Rifts, I also feel there isn't terribly much difference between the various pieces in Rifts... in general, most laser rifles aren't terribly different from other laser rifles, or they're stupidly broken.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:59 pm
by Gordon
Savage Worlds is no less "crunchy" than the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. The 25-30 lists of skills per character has all but done the way of the dodo in modern Role Playing Games. Savage Worlds actually about as many base skills by default than DND5 (Piloting being really the only skill on Savage Worlds list that DND5 wouldn't cross-over genre wise).

It's a fantastic, fun, and simple to run (VERY GM friendly) Role Playing Game which depth is added by the narrative mainly by the GM, but also by the players depending on the type of GM.

There are no character classes, but SPF and team could easily create "archetypes" with suggested paths for improvement in Edges, Skills and Attributes to emulate the OCCs and RCCs of Rifts proper.

All the tools to create Rifts in Savage Worlds exists solely in the Basic $10 Core book, but the Science Fiction Companion, and Super Powers companion would certainly help. I definitely suggest if you have *any* interest at all to pick up the $10 core book. It's a solidly packed (i.e. fluff and frills-free, with the exception of 8 full page world book ads at the front for inspiration ). My only complaint would be on some of the indexing could be better, but the sections are laid out fairly easily.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:13 pm
by DhAkael
Not really caring one toss. *shrug* If it helps keep TRUE Rifts(tm) afloat and help in sales of TRUE Rifts(tm) products published by PBooks to those RP'rs who want to see the original game...great.
I just can't feel anything but apathy towards yet another attempt by one game company to try and "make the game their own".
It sucked when S.J.G. GURPS'd everything (I particualrly loath their take on Traveller), and looking at what's happening in the latest Battletech(s)? *shudder*

Thank you, but much as I have issue with K.S. at times, HE and PBooks will be getting my Rifts dollars... not these pretenders.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:18 pm
by Bill
DhAkael wrote:Thank you, but much as I have issue with K.S. at times, HE and PBooks will be getting my Rifts dollars... not these pretenders.

I was wondering when a dissenting voice would be heard. Thanks for contributing! Given that KS is getting paid for the licensing fees, which will only continue to flow if the product is a success, you probably ought to buy the book anyway if your motivation really is to support him. You can send it to me, if you really don't want it. ;)

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:53 pm
by kaid
slade the sniper wrote:For some reason...I would rather have more NEW Rifts stuff than a new rule system...

BUT, I will probably end up buying it. The only good thing is that there is a lot of additional settings that Savage Worlds has to act as worlds and times to use with Rifts.


Honestly the more avenues for rifts the better overall for palladium. Some people love the setting but just do not love the game mechanics so having it available with a different set of mechanics may encourage some people who lost interest to get back into it and the more interest in rifts leads them back to palladium especially if there are some reasonable conversion rules in place.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:06 pm
by kaid
Mark Hall wrote:I mostly agree with FatherMorpheus on the system, but feel he leaves a couple things out.

First of all, your character is what's called a "Wild Card", which means that whenever you roll a die, you also roll a d6, and take the better of the two. Some enemies will get this benefit as well, depending on the GMs discretion. It makes protagonists and significant antagonists more likely to succeed.

He also left out that all dice explode... roll a 4 on a d4, and you get to roll again and add it, until you stop rolling 4s. This is important for a couple reasons: a) in combat, especially, your TN is sometimes higher than 4 and b) multiples of 4 (or multiples of 4 above your TN) are better. An 8 is a raise, which means success plus. A 12 is even better. If you somehow pull off a 24, you've done something incredible.

I also disagree about gear. While the gear list in SW isn't as big as the one in Rifts, I also feel there isn't terribly much difference between the various pieces in Rifts... in general, most laser rifles aren't terribly different from other laser rifles, or they're stupidly broken.

I would agree with the gear part at least for weapons. In the end most hand weapons and even vehicle weapons in rifts break down to some pretty generic range/damage/payload with some outliers so it would be pretty easy to condense those down for a more stream lined system.

Honestly it sounds like a good choice. Those who want more number crunchy detail the normal palladium system is good for those who want more free form role playing and more stream lined easy to use game play this could be a good way to access those customers. God knows there are a lot of RPG systems like that now so clearly there is a market for that more stream lined experience.

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:09 pm
by FatherMorpheus
Damian Magecraft wrote:
FatherMorpheus wrote:I've played Savage Worlds a bit in the past few years. A game based in the Firefly world and a game based in Marvel Superheroes. The system is simple end easy to understand.
unless those were homebrew campaigns those are Cortex (by MWP) a similar system but not Savage Worlds.

a fair if limited assessment of the system.

We used Savage Worlds rules in the a Firefly Universe or Marvel Superheroes world. While it didn't match up 1:1, SW lends its self to being very flexible in that way.

I never played using the official Firefly or Marvel RPGs. Though I have a few of the books. :D

Re: Exciting News! New Edition!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:03 pm
by torjones
Mark Hall wrote:I also disagree about gear. While the gear list in SW isn't as big as the one in Rifts, I also feel there isn't terribly much difference between the various pieces in Rifts... in general, most laser rifles aren't terribly different from other laser rifles, or they're stupidly broken.

I've gotta disagree with you here. About a year or so ago I did an analysis of the weapons on rifts earth. There are no two weapons with the same stats. I'm not talking about things like weight either, as weight doesn't really affect choices in game. Even looking at the Laser Rifles, and looking at the 3d6 MD rifles, of which there are a lot (21 as of NG1), something is always different, be it payload, or range, or special feature, or whatever. It may seem like they're all the same, as they are all laser rifles and they all deal 3d6 damage, but the shortest range is only 1000' and the longest range is 3000'. Some can only take short e-clips, some can only take long e-clips. only 6 can take an e-canister. Interestingly, the two 3d6 laser rifles that can take an e-canister and get 100 shots per e-canister, neither can take a long e-clip. one however gets 30 shots per short e-clip and the other only gets 10 and costs more than double what the other costs and weighs about 5 times more as well. (AT-88 vs Double Dealer Laser Cannon for those who are interested.) It really is interesting once you get looking at it. No two weapons, even across all the different weapons types, are exactly the same. 3d6 MD laser rifles are the closest in similarity, but the features are all different. (+1 strike, +1 strike but only on an aimed shot, not effected by being underwater, payload, and range) I would be quite surprised if KS didn't have a spreadsheet similar to this one, just to make sure that there weren't duplicate weapons, otherwise it would be miserable to keep track... Then again, I suppose it could be just blind luck.