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New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 5:56 am
by Lori
New Elemental Spell Magic:

Air Elemental Magic (7)
Command Winged Insects
Buoyant Cushion
Sense Motion
Silent Assistant (Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence)
Steal Breath
Tropic Swirl
Throw Voice

Earth Elemental Magic (7)
Bowling Stones (Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence)
Glass to Sand
Polish Mineral
Ripen Plants
Rock Climb
Undisturbed Earth
Warp Metal

Fire Elemental Magic (10)
Carpet of Fire
Direct Flame
Glass to Sand*
Ice to Water*
Little Flame Friend (Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence)
Realize Smoke
Shape Glass
Smokeless Fire
Summon & Command Fireflies
Water to Vapor*

Water Elemental (9)
Create Fountain
Hydrostatic Sense
Ice to Water
Redirect Current
Unsaturated Material
Water Tendril
Water Tentacle (Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence)
Water to Vapor

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:01 am
by Lori
Air Elemental Magic

Command Winged Insects
Level: Two
Range: 30 foot (9m) area per level of experience.
Duration: 5 minutes per level of the warlock
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Eight

The Warlock is able to command a variety winged insects within the range of the spell. Most common insects to respond to the spell are bees, flies, wasps, mosquitoes, moths, grasshoppers and butterflies. Being compelled, the insects will obey one command issued by the warlock; however the command must be short and simple consisting of no more than seven syllables. The magic of the spell relies heavily on what the warlock wants to achieve with the task, more so than the specific words which are spoken. That being said, speaking aloud is vital for the caster to focus himself and to broadcast his intent to the insects through magic. The insects will perform the command for the duration of the spell and without rest or until they die with no concern for themselves.

Populations of winged insects in a given location can greatly vary. The default is 3D6 per level of the warlock, as the range of the spell increases. The richness or vicinity of plant life and/or fresh water may increase this number as much as x2 to x5 (roll D4 and multiply by the base number) and a large hive of wasps or bees may increase this number tenfold. This spell has no effect in wintery conditions; most winged insects are larvae or hibernating.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:03 am
by Lori
Buoyant Cushion
Level: Four
Range: Self or 10 foot (3m) radius.
Duration: Two minutes per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None; Special
P.P.E.: Eighteen

This spell enables the warlock to create a protective barrier of swirling air. The warlock can cast the cushion around himself or in the shape of a 10 to 20 foot (3m to 6m) high dome, with the radius of the dome being one half equal to the height. If the warlock casts the spell on himself, he is restricted and can to only move half his normal speed, as the barrier creates some resistance to the warlock; cast as a dome, the swirling barrier cannot be moved. The only way to get through is for the cushion to be destroyed or for the enchantment to be cancelled or dispelled. Not even the warlock can penetrate what he has created without dispelling it! The magic of the spell creates a three inch (7.6cm) thick cushioning field that absorbs and partially deflects direct force. The swirling air of the cushion functions by redistributing force equally around the cushion back the exact point of contact. This distribution of force is nearly instantaneous throughout; from the time force is introduced, to when the buoyant reaction of the field pushes back. Though the Buoyant Cushion is almost invisible, the reaction on the cushion is similar to watching a rubber ball make contact with a hard surface; the ball warps but when the impact is completed the rubber of the ball snaps back retaining its regular shape.

The Buoyant Cushion protects the warlock or a specific area. Though it is not an air tight bubble the swirling wind of the cushion does protect from exposure to natural fire, gases or air born poisons. The wind of the cushion will put a fire out as well as keep gases from entering. The cushion has 25 M.D.C., add 10 M.D.C. per the level of experience of the warlock. The cushion also restores itself at a rate of 2D6 per melee round! The cushion yields no resistance (protection) from most lasers, and magic or psionic attacks which are not bound to the physical laws of force can pass through the barrier unaffected. Attempting to run through the field requires the character to roll standard saving throw vs magic. A failed rolled is equal to running directly into a brick wall, the character is stunned and directly loses two melee attacks/actions. Any and all effects apply to mortal (S.D.C.) beings, as well as magical and supernatural creatures.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:05 am
by Lori
Sense Motion
Level: Three
Range: Self; 10 foot (3m) radius per level of the warlock.
Duration: Five minutes per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Twelve

The spell empowers the warlock to sense any source of motion in the air surrounding them. The warlock feel (how close or far) any displacement of air brought on by physical movement. Literally, a butterfly can’t flap its wings within the spell radius without the warlock knowing about it! The warlock cannot see the invisible but they will defiantly feel the presence. This spell renders the warlock impossible to be snuck up on or be surprised. The spell grants the warlock +3 to perception and initiative and +1 to parry and dodge.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:07 am
by Lori
Silent Assistant (Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence)
Level: Four
Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Eighteen.

The Silent Assistant is a fragmented elemental essence, that when summoned assists the warlock in his physical movements. The essence tethers itself around the body and limbs of the warlock. The essence can only be sensed by those that can see the invisible or sense elementals. For those few who can sense or see the essence the presence of the being is a loose string of thin links made of semi-transparent or cloudy material. On the warlock the links are loosely wrapped around the warlock’s body. Under the Silent Assistant’s influence the warlock’s own body feels lighter and is able to handle the strains of physical activity much better and for a prolonged duration without suffering the effects of tiring.

Silent Assistant Bonuses:

The Silent Assistant does not perceive attacks or threats to the warlock but only helps the warlock physically respond (by reading the spine) and move more easily. The essence cannot be damaged by any type of physical attack or be used as a shield. Spells that negate or dispel magic will affect the essence, sending it back to its home dimension.

Strike, parry and dodge: +3.
Spd: +10; including flight, though the essence does not grant the power of flight.
Jump: +1D6 additional feet
Maintain Balance: +35%
Other: Warlock tires from physical activity at one third the normal rate before needing rest or recovery.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:09 am
by Lori
Steal Breath
Level: Three
Range: Touch or 10 feet (3m) per level of the warlock.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None or standard.
P.P.E.: Ten

By touching or focusing on the chest, throat, or mouth of a target the warlock can forcefully withdraw air, vapor, or water from the lungs. The spell only works on beings/creatures that require air to breath and can be used to negate some of the possible side effects suffered from air born poisons or vapor. The spell can also withdraw water from the lungs and help clear an airway, such as in the case of drowning.

The spell can also be used as an attack to momentarily halt regular breathing by withdrawing the air of a single breath from the lungs. Though minor, having breath suddenly taken is exceedingly uncomfortable (roll saving throw vs magic). If the victim is casting a spell or using psionics, a failed saving throw means that concentration is lost for the duration of the melee round. Magical and supernatural beings are immune to the spell, but all air breathing victims suffer the following.

Effects: Victim loses two melee attacks or actions: Directly, when the victims turn in the order of initiative comes that is when their actions are taken away; if the next melee round would be the following sequence the character automatically loses initiative and the first attack/action of the new melee round. Performance of any skill is -35%. For the remainder of the melee round in which the spell takes effect, the victim is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:10 am
by Lori
Throw Voice
Level: One.
Range: 30 feet (9m) per level of the warlock.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Five

The spell enables the warlock to throw the sound created by his natural voice (seemingly) away from himself to any location within the range of the spell. The volume of the warlock’s voice can be a whisper or a shout, but the verse must be short: nine syllables max. Those watching the warlock will see his lips moving, yet (if spoken loud enough) his voice is perceived some distance away. The location at which the warlock throws his voice to is precise, within an inch or two of the intended destination.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:11 am
by Lori
Tropic Swirl
Level: Two
Range: 50 foot (15m) radius.
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six

The warlock is able to create a warm breeze that gusts at about 5mph (8km). On a cold winter night the spell can increase the temperature 1D6 degrees per level of the warlock, or if the warlock casts the spell within an enclosed space, a room, cave etc., the temperature can be increased by 2D6 degrees per level of the warlock. Regardless of the environment, eighty degrees Fahrenheit (27c) is the maximum the temperature can be increased; the spell has no influence on temperatures which are warmer than eighty degrees.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:13 am
by Lori
Earth Elemental Magic

Bowling Stones (Summons up to Four Fragmented Elemental Essences: Factures)
Level: Four
Range: Immediate area; 20 foot (6m) radius
Duration: 20 minutes per level of the warlock
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Eighteen

The spell enables the warlock to summon and command up to four fragmented elemental essences, known as fractures, from a greater earth elemental. The stones can be directed by the warlock to attack or destroy a specific target, but the warlock must retain a certain amount of his concentration on the target (and the stones) for his directions to be followed. The stones act in unison, cannot be commanded individually and only respond to the warlock’s use of elemental language.

Left undirected, the stone fragments roll, bowl and cause general mayhem usually in a roundabout pattern within the 20 foot (3 to 6m) range around the warlock. By magic, the fractures are bound to the warlock and perceive his presence, so they will not harm the warlock. In this behavior the stone fragments do not distinguish or perceive the friend or foe of the warlock. Directing the stones requires two melee attacks per melee round; generally reduce the character’s actions/attacks by two once summoned.

Summoning Special: Summoning Bowling Stones has a % chance of calling the maximum of four stone fractures. The success of summoning each stone is rolled separately for success at 34% each, plus +4% per level of the warlock. If all rolls fail then the energy is expended and the warlock has failed to summon any stones.

Bowling Stone(s):
The stone fractures have only the ability to sense (through magic) objects around them, they have no vision, no sense of touch, and only understand elemental speak. It is only through communicating with the summoning warlock and by his guidance that the stones can be put to practical use.

Natural A.R.: 16 (due more to size)
Hit Points: 10; S.D.C.: 20
Attribute Equivalents: I.Q. 5, M.A. 2, M.E. 8, P.S. 10, P.P.17, Spd 24.
Natural abilities: Made of solid rock, one foot in circumference (the size of a softball), and sense creatures/beings 100 feet (30m) including the invisible, doesn’t fatigue, and is impervious to cold, heat, poison and disease. Regenerates 1D4 S.D.C. per melee round and only follows the elemental commands of the warlock. Magic fire does half damage and water magic does full damage.
Bonuses/Combat: Two attacks per melee (each). The stone fragments can launch themselves off the ground at a specific target directed by the warlock and will attack until redirected by the warlock. The attack does: 1D6+3 S.D.C. damage and is +1 to strike. General damage, to structures or creatures as the fractures roll and bowl around in around a warlock is 1D6 S.D.C.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:16 am
by Lori
Glass to Sand
Level: Three
Range: Touch.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Ten

The spell empowers the warlock to transform glass as well as (fire treated) ceramic material into sand. The physical transformation flows through the glass from the warlock’s touch. For a window, the spell can transform a 5x5 foot (1.5x1.5m) square pane of glass up to one half inch (1cm) thick; this is just over 160 lbs (72kg) of glass. The transformation is practically silent, as the glass turns to sand and the sand sifts to the ground. Windows which are larger or framed by wood or metal may require multiple castings to transform, as these windows are too big for full transformation or made up of more than one pane of glass. Ceramic material can be transformed to sand at a rate of 10lbs (4kg) per level of the warlock. This spell has no effect on mirrors or M.D.C. glass.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:18 am
by Lori
Polish Mineral
Level: One
Range: Touch
Duration: One minute.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Two

This spell enables the warlock to improve the luster of a gem by rubbing it with the flesh of the fingers/hands along with casting this spell. The spell increases the value of the gem by 2D4%, reducing most surface imperfections. A warlock with the Gemology skill can increase the value by twice the percentage rolled. The spell cannot be used more than once on a specific gem.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:19 am
by Lori
Ripen Plant
Level: One
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Three

The spell surges the all of the fruit of a specific plant to a ripened state, ready for consumption or use. Fruit which has been picked (too early) can be ripened or if already ripe, spoiled, though if a crop of picked fruit was together each piece of fruit would require a separate casting for spoiling or ripening.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:20 am
by Lori
Rock Climb
Level: Three
Range: Touch
Duration: One minute per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Twelve

Casting the spell the warlock is able to create impressions in natural rock which can be used as hand holds and foot supports for climbing. For the duration of the spell solid rock gives way by concentration and simply pushing the stone inward with the bare flesh of the hand. The indentions remain in the rock even after the spell duration has elapsed meaning anyone (whether team member or enemy) can use the impressions for climbing. While using the spell and making handholds, the warlocks climbing speed is reduced in half. This spell does not work with brick, concrete or on any “man-made” stone structures.

Bonuses: On a sheer climbing face those who use the hand holds and have the climbing skill receive a +15% bonus to their climbing ability. The Warlock receives a base climbing skill in using this invocation to climb of 60% (which does not increase as a standard skill) or a +25% bonus if they already have the climb skill.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:22 am
by Lori
Undisturbed Earth
Level: Two
Range: Self
Duration: Five minutes per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Seven

The spell endows the warlock with the ability to walk and even run across natural earthen surfaces and leave almost no trace of their footfall. No matter how soggy, soft or brittle the terrain, the warlocks step causes only the slightest impression (if any) as well as their footfall creates no sound. Those trying to track the individual without a line of sight suffer -35% to their tracking skill percentage. The warlock can attempt to prowl at 25% or add +15% to his skill ability after casting the spell.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:23 am
by Lori
Warp Metal
Level: Five
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Twenty

The warlock is able to warp or bend up to 20 pounds (9kg) of metal plus an additional 10 pounds (4.5kg) of metal per level of experience. The spell can be used to ruin or repair mechanical parts and devices (axles or gear works). The raw poundage the warlock is able to manipulate only includes the amount he needs to warp the metal; for instance, warping an axle would only include the point at which he was bending, not the entire weight of the axle. Warping parts that are in motion as the warlock casts the spell are going to be difficult if not impossible; the warlock has to have physical contact with the metal.

The spell can warp, as well as cause some damage to M.D.C. armor and plating for vehicles. The spell does 2D4 M.D. plus 1D4 M.D. per level of the warlock. Using the spell on the axle of an M.D.C. vehicle will likely disable it.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:27 am
by Lori
Fire Elemental Magic

Carpet of Fire
Level: Four
Range: 90 feet (27m) per level of experience of the warlock
Duration: One melee round per level of experience of the warlock
Saving Throw: Standard or Dodge; if applicable
P.P.E.: Twenty

The warlock can carpet a very specific area with burning flame. The carpeted area is 5 feet wide by 15 feet long but can be manipulated to any shape as long as the fiery carpet remains within 75 square feet (23m). The carpet can be cast and will burn independently on any surface including a wall or ceiling for the duration of the spell, and most likely if the surface is combustible burn beyond the duration of the spell and grow beyond the area designated by the warlock. M.D.C. materials are unaffected by the carpet but the fire burns independent of them nonetheless; S.D.C. (nonliving) materials take damage equivalent to 1D6x10 S.D.C. of fire damage per melee round.

The carpet can even be cast to envelope a single living being (requires saving throw vs magic). For a mortal (S.D.C. creature) If a saving throw vs magic is failed the carpet burns directly onto the victim and does 1D6x10 S.D.C. per minute of the spells duration, with damage taken after the end of the melee round, though an additional saving throw is rolled at the beginning of the new melee round. Those who fail the second saving throw vs magic damage is again subtracted at the end of that melee round. The nature of the elemental magic even effects supernatural and magical creatures. For Rifts the damage is 5D6 M.D. per melee round; for Palladium Fantasy the damage is 1D4x10 S.D.C. per melee round.

Casting the spell directly at the ground or feet of a victim, that victim has the opportunity to escape damage with a successful dodge. Those that fail or for those trying to cross over the Carpet of Fire suffer damage; for any creature the damage is the same for having the carpet cast on them-divided by half, round up to the nearest whole number. The spell does no damage to M.D.C. materials.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:28 am
by Lori
Direct Flame
Level: Two
Range: 30 feet (9m) per level of the warlock
Duration: One minute per level of the warlock
Saving Throw: Dodge
P.P.E.: Eight

The spell empowers the warlock the ability to manipulate foreign or independent fire(s) which are not immediately under the warlock’s influence. The warlock can guide (not extinguish) flame in way as to provide a safer path rough a burning building or forest. Smoke can be cleared and manipulated in a similar fashion. Flames can be directed to enclose a specific area, but cannot be guided or used to attack a specific being.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:28 am
by Lori
Glass to Sand
Identical to the 3rd level spell listed under Earth Elemental Magic.

Ice to Water
Identical to the 1st level spell listed under Water Elemental Magic.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:30 am
by Lori
Little Flame Friend (Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence)
Level: Five
Range: One mile per level of experience of the warlock.
Duration: 24 hours per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Eighteen

This spell enables the warlock to summon and command a fragmented elemental essence. Though slight among other essence fragments, the little flame friend will follow the warlocks commands to the syllable. In appearance, the essence fragment averages one to three inches (2.5-7.6cm) tall, or the size of a flame produced from a large candle, but this is not the actual dimension of the creature, as it can bend and stretch itself to seemingly impossible shapes. This enables the Little Flame Friend to pass under doors, through key holes etc.

Little Flame Friend:
The Little Flame Friend can lift up to 50 pounds (22kg) without any hindrance to its movement or speed. The fragmented elemental essence remains with the warlock until the spell’s duration elapses, it is released, or it is destroyed. Its physical presence gives off a light source equivalent to small torch. The essence is exceptionally strong for its diminutive size however; it does not possess supernatural strength.

H.P.: 15; S.D.C.: 30
Attributes: I.Q.: 11, Spd: 88 equal to 60 mph (96 km).
Combat: Four physical actions per melee round or two by magic. The Little Flame Friend does not engage in standard attacks, kicks-punches etc.; due mostly in part to its size, but can perform an attack called a flame lick which is burning attack which does 2D6 S.D.C. or use magic. The essence can leap or bound up to 100 feet (30m) in one action propelling itself from a wall or even a ceiling; however despite this ability the essence cannot maintain flight. +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to dodge.
Magic: Can cast all fire elemental magic from levels 1 and 2; P.P.E.: 35

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:31 am
by Lori
Read Smoke
Level: Two
Range: Line of sight
Duration: One minute per level of experience of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six

This spell enables the warlock the ability to know of the material that is in a state of combustion and on fire by viewing the smoke. Through the spell, warlock can distinguish the difference in the smoke produced by specific combustible materials without actually any preconceived knowledge of what is burning. In the case of a forest fire the spell may allow the warlock to detect that a village is nearby, as the large columns of billowing smoke which are made up of forest wood also reveal traces of burning cloth, hair, flesh. Smaller smoke plumes may reveal the level of technology to a community, whether the fire is made of wood, coal or gas.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:32 am
by Lori
Shape Glass
Level: Three
Range: Touch
Duration: One minute per level of the warlock
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Twelve

Once cast the warlock can manipulate and change the shape of glass by hand and/or with his breathe. The glass can be shaped, stretched, thinned, or thickened as the warlock desires, as well as separate pieces of glass can be combined into a single piece, as long as the chemical composition of the glass is the same. Coloration though a magical process of refraction can be added to the glass or taken away by the warlock. The spell does not work on M.D.C. glass but the shape and utility of how glass can be manipulated is only limited by the warlock’s imagination.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:33 am
by Lori
Smokeless Fire
Level: One
Range: 40 feet (12m)
Duration: One hour per level of the warlock
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Four

The spell renders the smoke and particles in gases almost completely invisible to the naked eye. The heat carried from a fire can still be detected or sensed (by technology) but the smoke is transformed, resembling a clean and clear vapor, that in full daylight bends direct light similar to how heat wave behaves on a hot summer day. The spell can be cast on any existing fire 10 feet (3m) or less in circumference. Larger fires can be manipulated with the spell but, require more than one casting for the desired effect.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:34 am
by Lori
Summon and Command Fireflies
Level: Three
Range: One mile area
Duration: 30 minutes per level of the warlock
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Twelve

The spell enables the warlock to summon & command fireflies. Fireflies can only understand and follow a few simple commands. 1) They can be commanded to stay near and follow the warlock. 2) They can be commanded to gather within a specific area, typically around 100 foot (30m) radius. 3) They can be commanded to follow a specific individual (Spd: 22; 15 mph/24kph).
A couple thousand species of firefly are known to exist on Rifts earth and the world of Palladium, but these species are most abundant in rain forests or swamps and do not inhabit areas beyond temperate or tropical climate zones. A warlock summoning fireflies will find that the number he can successfully summon per instance can greatly vary. For temperate climate, (wooded areas, some savannas) the warlock can summon 3D6x10 fireflies; for tropical climate, (rainforests, swamps-bogs) 6D6x10. There is a 50% base, and increase of +2% per level of the warlock that even more fireflies can be summoned based on season. If the roll is successfully under the total multiple the total times two if the season is a rainy (spring-fall); multiply the total times three if the warlock is summoning under hot conditions (summer). Fireflies are nonexistent wintery conditions.

The process of bioluminescence in fireflies is dramatically increased in frequency, though not directly through the spell, because it is part of the insects mating ritual and the density in which the spell gathers them. Though infrequent, fifty fireflies summoned with this spell radiates a light source equivalent to a low burning torch with enough light to be seen by normal vision from 100 feet (30m) away.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:34 am
by Lori
Water to Vapor
This spell is identical to the 4th level spell listed under Water Elemental Magic.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:36 am
by Lori
Water Elemental Magic

Create Fountain
Level: Seven
Range: Immediate Area
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Seventy

The spell creates either a natural flowing spring fountain or geyser (1%; think old faithful). For the spell to have success, ground water, whether an underground flow or natural aquifer must be sensed less than 50 feet (15m) per level of the warlock underground. Once cast, the spells effect is immediate, but it will take approximately one week per 10 feet (3m) of earth from the source of the ground water before the new flow reaches the surface. The fountain or geyser will last as long as ample ground water is available whether this is a week, one year or a thousand years is based on the abundance of the water source.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:37 am
by Lori
Hydrostatic Sense
Level: Two
Range: 500 feet (152m) per level of the warlock.
Duration: One minute per level of experience of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six

Casting the spell the warlock is granted the ability to sense specific things above and below the surface of a large body of water; an ocean, lake, river, stream etc. On an ethereal level the warlock feels all motion which occurs within the water, from the flow or current, the depth of the water, to the shapes and contours of the (bedrock) bottom. The warlock can sense the presence of aquatic species as well as any creature below the water, including boats or vehicles on the surface. Feeling the static produced by the raw motion of the water gives the warlock a very specific image enabling him to know immediate threats, whether the threat is natural or supernatural in nature. The spell awards +4 to initiate to the warlock concerning threats that arrive by way of water.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:37 am
by Lori
Ice to Water
Level: One
Range: Touch
Duration: Modest flow; two minutes.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Two

The warlock can transform ice or snow into a gentle flow of water at the touch. Upon casting the spell, the effects transform up to (roughly) 17 pounds (7kg) of ice into 2 gallons (7.5L) of water. On a block of ice or packed snow the magic of the spell causes a slow melt reaction from where the caster touched, which draws the water into a single flowing stream and allows for easy collection. In total the process takes about two minutes, though the quality of ice/water, whether poor quality or good for drinking, is unaffected by this spell.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:38 am
by Lori
Redirect Current
Level: Eight
Range: Disrupts current for a two mile radius; major body of water.
Duration: One hour per level of experience of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Seventy-five

The warlock can change the natural flow or current of a large body of water and redirect that current to their will. This spell can move hundreds of thousands of gallons of water. If traveling by boat the mage can change the current in order to speed up travel, typically as much as x2 to x7 (roll;1D6) to what the maximum speed of the boat would be normally; if the vehicles is oar driven, gas or electric, this speed can be maintained at half the energy. The spell can be used to hold large ocean vessels in a pattern or stationary position, to push them away or bring them closer; the current directed by the mage is so strong that boats can be sent into rocky outcropping or coral and wrecked. As long as the vehicle depends on water for propulsion, or are sail driven this spell makes the vehicle at the mercy of the warlock. Boats which are 10 feet (3m) or smaller as well as swimmers can be pulled directly under the waves (each attempt takes up one melee action for the warlock); victims are required to attempt to roll under their skill percentage to avoid capsizing or drowning.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:39 am
by Lori
Unsaturate Material
Level: One
Range: Touch; Self or other.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Four

The spell instantly evaporates water, liquids and moisture from cloth, wood, or any common material that can be saturated when exposed to water or liquid. The warlock can use the spell on his own clothing or another; or use the spell to dry a 3 foot by 3 foot (0.9x0.9m) area of materials such as chopped wood. The spell does not remove water from living things such as plants, humans, nor does it work to remove water/moisture from ice, vapor or fog. It can be used to remove water/moisture from mud or earth; however water which has pooled as a body of water or is grouped independently cannot be unsaturated with this spell.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:40 am
by Lori
Level: Two
Range: Twenty feet (6m), plus five feet (1.5m) per level of experience of the warlock.
Duration: One minute per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: Dodge
P.P.E.: Seven

The spell creates a basketball size sphere of water in the hand of the warlock which the caster can aim and throw at a target. The water sphere is directed by magic, +3 to strike and right after the first sphere is released the next sphere forms almost instantly in the warlock’s hand. Upon hitting a target a single sphere has enough water to put out the average campfire. The sphere does 1D4x10 M.D. to vampires and M.D.C. creatures which have a vulnerability to water.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:41 am
by Lori
Water Tendril
Level: Four
Range: Immediate Area
Duration: Twenty minutes per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Twenty

Casting this spell allows the warlock to create and control a tendril appendage which is made up of water. By way of magic, the tendril is as sensitive to the warlock as his own hands and can be shaped and manipulated as the warlock desires. The tendril has 5 S.D.C. and the warlock can shape and squeeze the tendril between any of a number of thresholds which are not water tight, and control the tendril well enough on the other side to unlatch door locks or open windows. The warlock may be unable to see where the appendage is, but can guide it by feel. The appendage consists of around five to eight gallons (19 to 30 liters) of water, has a P.S. of 8 and can stretch (thinning) and reach to a distance of 30 feet (9m) without the warlock having any loss of control. At all times the tendril must remain in physical contact with the warlock, breaking the connection dispels the magic.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:43 am
by Lori
Water Tentacle (Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence)
Level: Eight
Range: Unlimited
Duration: 30 minutes per level of the warlock
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: One Hundred Twenty

This spell enables the warlock to summon and command a fragmented elemental essence from a Greater Water elemental. This free flowing essence fragment has only one restriction to it: in order to be summoned the warlock must be located at or on a large body of water or be within 100 feet (30m) of the bank or shore or a large body of water. After summoning, the essence obeys the warlock with no restriction as to the distance the warlock can send the creature from him, however though the creature can stretch a good distance it cannot move over land.

Water Tentacle:
M.D.C.: 1200
Attributes: Made up of around 12,000 gallons (45k-liters) of water, I.Q.: 6, supernatural P.S.: 40, Spd 50. Bio-regenerate 1D6x10 per melee round; has nightvision of 1000 feet (305m) and is impervious to M.D. lasers, cold, disease, poison and of course drowning.
Magic: Can cast all First & Second level Water Elemental Magic; P.P.E.: 90.
Combat: Seven physical attacks or three by magic. Inflicts 5D6 M.D. with a tentacle swat attack, 1D6x10 M.D. with a crushing attack (counts as two attacks), +2 to strike. If commanded by the warlock to engage in a fight, the essence does not parry or dodge attacks. Energy attacks and magic weapons do full damage. Heat and fire based attacks inflict double damage.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:44 am
by Lori
Water to Vapor
Level: Four
Range: 500 feet (152m)
Duration: Two hours per level of the warlock.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Twenty-five

The warlock can transform water into a large vapor cloud which the warlock can move with him and manipulate. The vapor cloud has a maximum speed of 15 mph (24kph) and can be sent away or hover above the warlock at a maximum distance of 500 feet (152m).

The spell transforms up to 100 gallons (379 liters) of water per level of experience of the warlock into a dense vapor. This spell cannot be performed without an actual source of real water be it a river, lake or ocean. The area of the vapor cloud (similar to the create fog spell, though much denser) is 50 feet per level of experience of the warlock. All beings inside the fog except the warlock are -3 on initiative, strike, parry and dodge; locating targets inside the vapor cloud from the outside is impossible by the naked eye. When the magic expires or the warlock dispels the enchantment the vapor returns to its original form of ordinary water. Releasing the vapor cloud near the ground will create a flash flood, releasing the vapor into the atmosphere creates a dense rain within the area of the cloud, lasting one minute per level of experience of the warlock.

Re: New Elemental Spells

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:44 am
by Lori
Enjoy! ;)