Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

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Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

Unread post by Grafsburg »

It's been about ten years since I've actually played Rifts, and I'm looking to get back into it and run a game for my usual gaming group. Back when I last played Rifts, we used the combat rules straight out of RUE, and I wasn't even aware that ranged combat had been revised a bit in the Game Master's Guide. After a quick look-through, I actually like them quite a lot, but I did have a couple questions about them.

To hit a stationary target within 60 feet you have to roll 5 or better, 61 feet away or more you have to roll 9 or better, and to hit a target moving 40+ MPH you have to roll 10 or better. My question is, how does this affect the target number for called shots? When making a called shot, you miss on 1-4, hit the main body on 5-11, and hit your target on 12 or higher. Does making a called shot against a target moving 40+ MPH mean you miss on 1-9, hit the main body on 10 or 11, and hit your target on 12 or higher? Or does it mean you miss on 1-9, hit the main body on 10-16, and hit your target on 17 or higher? I personally think the latter makes more sense and makes the game a bit more challenging (obviously popping off a headshot is going to be a lot more difficult when your target is zooming along at 50 miles an hour) but I'm curious what other people think and how they've handled it.
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Re: Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

Unread post by Bill »

GMG (2001) predates RUE (2005), so technically RUE takes precedence. However, if you prefer to use the modifiers from the GMG, that's cool. To answer your question, I'd say that a called shot against an opponent at range (61+ feet) is unaffected (12+), and that against a fast moving target it can't be done without special training (sniper or trickshooting of some sort, probably from one of the New West classes); with training it's also unaffected (12+).
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Re: Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

It's essentially the same thing, but I remove the target numbers and make everything penalties. That way your 8 on ranged attacks is the norm. After that, you're moving, your target is moving, you make a called shot...It ask drags you down. You shoot wild at a moving target it's upwards of -8 (-6 wild shot, -1 for target moving, another -1 if they're moving faster than 40mph) then more for called shots, -4 base, -3 more for a difficult shot. So you can rack up a -15 shooting on the run trying to get a headshot on a target moving 50mph. Seems rough. But is your very skilled and have good gear, you might still have a decent chance.
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Re: Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

Unread post by Mechghost »

Alrik Vas wrote:It's essentially the same thing, but I remove the target numbers and make everything penalties. That way your 8 on ranged attacks is the norm. After that, you're moving, your target is moving, you make a called shot...It ask drags you down. You shoot wild at a moving target it's upwards of -8 (-6 wild shot, -1 for target moving, another -1 if they're moving faster than 40mph) then more for called shots, -4 base, -3 more for a difficult shot. So you can rack up a -15 shooting on the run trying to get a headshot on a target moving 50mph. Seems rough. But is your very skilled and have good gear, you might still have a decent chance.

There's no -4 to hit on called shots as a base penalty in RUE, it only mentions possibility of penalties based on target size, and uses 2 actions (Aimed Called shots are +2 to hit but are 3 actions)

Page 361 RUE (sorry can't copy it here for you)
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Re: Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

Unread post by Bill »

Correct! Previous versions of the rule indicate that a called shot requires a 12+ to be successful. RUE however does not make that distinction. If Grafsburg prefers to use the RUE rules, rather than the GMG guidelines making a called shot against a target moving at 50 mph, would have a penalty of -2 (moving target and its speed); requiring a 10+ to hit. An additional penalty, typically -4 or -5, for the size of the called shot target may also apply. Distance penalties only come into play when attempting to exceed the published effective range of the weapon; which could happen pretty quickly if you're shooting at a fast moving target.
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Re: Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

I'm familiar with the actual rules. I make the higher requirement a penalty. Difference between 12 and 8 is 4.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Called Shots and Target Range/Speed

Unread post by Tor »

Noticed this 2008 thread viewtopic.php?f=8&t=86675 refers to 'firing on a moving target' in RUE which I found on page 361 under "Penalties". It is in the right column under 'Shooting Wild'.

I am not sure about how the 'additional 50mph' works though. Does that mean -2 begins at 70mph?

This means to fire at a full-speed Speedster Hovercycle you would be -5 to strike right? Or -3 to hit someone using a Wilk's jet pack?

-4 to strike a gas (knockout or tear) or fire-retardant SHORT
-6 to strike a smoke MINI or smoke SHORT
-9 to strike a light frag SHORT
-10 to strike a HE/frag MINI or light/medium HE SHORT or medium plasma SHORT
-13 to strike a medium AP short
-20 to strike a light frag MEDIUM or smoke MEDIUM
-24 to strike a plasma MINI or HE (light/med/heavy) MEDIUM or Multi-Warhead Medium
-28 to strike an AP mini / plasma MEDIUM or frag (light) LONG or medium/heavy plasma LONG
-32 to strike a medium AP medium
-40 to strike a HE (medium/heavy) or AP (medium) LONG or Proton LONG or Nuclear (medium/heavy/multi)

I think these penalties to the strike roll based on speed are far better than requiring a larger to hit roll.

Ideally the to-hit should alwaysd be the same (5+ for all, 1-4 misses) and we should account for difficulties by having situational strike penalties instead of higher to-hit rolls.

Wherever possible this exists I like it since it doesn't mess up considerations like armor-AR or natural-AR.

Even those could be done using penalties though. Something with AR 6 could just be instead represented as "AR range 1" where you apply it as a penalty to a successful hit, if the penalty makes the hit miss then it is like rolling under the AR, and if the penalty still results in the hit, it is like rolling over it.
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