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Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:04 pm
by dragonfett
This one has been rattling around the back of my brain for a while. Do you think that armor sized for larger than humans should have more S/MDC?

For example, Wolfen can be as much as nearly twice as tall as a typical human, so any armor fitted to them could have 80% more S/MDC. Granted Wolfen can also be a little taller than some exceptionally tall humans.

Also, how much extra would it cost to customize power armor for non-humans, such as a Rahu-Man.

Now obviously not all armors can be customized for non-humans, such any CS armors.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:30 pm
by Mechghost
Maybe to a degree, if it's a modified suit of armor, and not a full build. I wouldn't go more than 25% at most though.

As for as Power Armor goes, it would generally have to be a custom build so you would need a full shop to make components and assemble them, plus a design team etc etc. so I generally disallow it in my games.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:33 pm
by glitterboy2098
IIRC, PFRPG has some rules about larger/smaller armor and how the damage capacity is adjusted. i suspect the same rules could apply to MDC armor.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:12 pm
by Q99
My impression is that there's more to the amount of protection/mdc in it than just material amount.

Like, if you make an armor to fit someone twice as tall, it won't have twice the MDC, because it's still the same thickness.

You *can* make armor thicker to suit bigger wearers, but it's not automatic, you need a bulkier design that takes advantage of the strength.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:39 pm
by Bill
It needs to be a customized suit anyway. In the past I've increased the standard value by as much as 50%. It was very expensive.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:27 pm
by dragonfett
glitterboy2098 wrote:IIRC, PFRPG has some rules about larger/smaller armor and how the damage capacity is adjusted. i suspect the same rules could apply to MDC armor.

Do you know where I could find said rules?

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:23 am
by say652
My technique.

Take 100mdc heavy combat armor weight 40lbs.
For a being 80% larger than a human
Mdc180 and weight64lbs. An 80% increase of size, protection and weight.

Least thats how I do it.

Power Armors get a little wonky.
A samas 80% larger would more mdc more weight and unfortunately a slower flight speed....

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:10 am
by TheGeneralCube
say652 wrote:My technique.

Take 100mdc heavy combat armor weight 40lbs.
For a being 80% larger than a human
Mdc180 and weight64lbs. An 80% increase of size, protection and weight.

Least thats how I do it.

Power Armors get a little wonky.
A samas 80% larger would more mdc more weight and unfortunately a slower flight speed....

Totally in favor of the Heavy Combat Armor Weight idea. My idea for 'Power Armor' would be the alternative, "hollowing out" robotic armor. For larger than human, the Coalition's UAR-1 Enforcer Robot gutted out and left with exoskeleton hydraulics and armor could work. So reduce armaments, (definitely no shoulder missiles or mid-section missiles), reduce ammo capacity due to lack of storage space, no/limit sensory equipment. Maintaining current MDC armor stats seems reasonable. I (as a GM) would make it super expensive, the unit itself goes for 28 million credits on the black market, then the cost of gutting and character refit.

My thoughts. -GC

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:29 am
by say652
For Power Armor, for each 20% increase in size, decrease speed by 5% so a Samas 80% larger, heavier and 80% more mdc would suffer a 20% decrease in speed running and speed flying.
Cost is multplied by size increase times two.
Thats 1,600,000 credits times 1.6 or 2,560,000 credits. New cost is always used.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:36 am
by say652
So 80% larger Samas.

Weight:612lbs without railgun.
Height:14.4 feet.

The suit also loses its Robotic Strength instead it provides its wearer with +18 to Supernatural strength. If the wearer doesn't have Supernatural strength they cannot operate this suit.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:56 am
by ShadowLogan
glitterboy2098 wrote:IIRC, PFRPG has some rules about larger/smaller armor and how the damage capacity is adjusted. i suspect the same rules could apply to MDC armor.

I'm not sure about the PFRPG, but Rifts does have a few specific examples of normal/giant size:
-NG-A10 in Merc Ops
-NE-BA-26 in Naruni Wave2
-Mark 1 and Mark 2 Body Armor in SA2 might apply

So it should be possible to work it out. The giant size has more MDC, but it's not double.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:13 am
by say652
Glitterboy designed for a RahuMan he is 15' 500lbs.

Rahu Glitterboy.
19.76 feet tall.
4,560lbs weight.

+18 SnPs.
Run spd:47mph.

Vehicle dents the pocket at 70 million credits!!

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:11 am
by Crow Splat
I wouldn't make it a linear relationship. Yes there is more mdc material in the armor but the armor isn't any thicker. So unless you are getting hit across a large percentage of the surface area of the armor, your actual protection doesn't increase.

Like modern body armor, an 8"x10" plate of ar500 stops the same bullets that a 4'x8' sheet stops. The only way the larger plate protects better is by taking more hits over a larger surface area, but a competent shooter is going to go for the same spot every time and at least get close.

I would say 3 to 5% increase for every foot above six in pilot height would be reasonable.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:33 am
by say652
The increased mdc is justified by the increased surface area AND the increased weight, which both combined are detrimental to speed and Flight of these oversized versions of normally smaller Power Armor.
Other than most giving a bonus to Supernatural strength, use punch, kick, throw damage for Snps+18 in hand to hand all other features are the same for the Increased armor.

Both the 10 foot and 20 foot Glitterboy deal 3D6×10mdc to a range of 10,000 feet. Both need to engage pylons(these also increased by 90% for an 11' deep anchor point on the giant one)

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:54 pm
by Crow Splat
But that's not a valid justification. The justification for increasing mdc at all is because shots that would normally miss a man sized target would hit a larger one, and likely hit less damaged sections of armor. If you increase mdc then you need to give bonuses to hit as well. But a skilled shooter should not have any more trouble punching through a man sized section of armor, whether the section is actually man sized or the size of a barn.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:07 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Each Power Armor should have it's own xDC stat.

The problem with scaling the xDC with the size of the armor is that the bigger something is the more weight that goes to Structure of the PA rather then the Armor of the PA.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:28 pm
by say652
If a standard GB is lets say 10 inches thick one that is increased 90% would be....19" thick.

Actually thinking about designing a triple railgun for the Giant size version.

Super Boomer.
1D6×100mdc to a 6foot radius. per triple blast. Range 10,000 feet.
The sky is filled with 600 hardened projectiles traveling at mach2 the massive Sonic Boom radius 600 FEET! 1/2 effect 900 feet unfortunate unarmored characters at 1200 feet suffer 1/4 of the deafening effect. When fired even targets fully armored suffer the deafening effect. Objects within 200 suffer 1D4md SonicBlast and are knocked down, save is same all ranges. 6D6 vs a Parry a Dodge all ranges and a Roll with punch all bonuses apply costs 3 Attacks not actions to roll a save vs the 1 attack lost just eating the damage and penalties. One failed roll and the save fails. And 4md is taken.
A save in eba halves all damages and effects.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:44 pm
by say652
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Each Power Armor should have it's own xDC stat.

The problem with scaling the xDC with the size of the armor is that the bigger something is the more weight that goes to Structure of the PA rather then the Armor of the PA.

As stated earlier good Kitty, the armor only enhances the wearers Supernatural strength.

A limit to this monster.
Power system: Nuclear; average Energy life is 4 Years.
Each SupperBoomer attack counts as 4 actions.
The armor takes 1/100th of damage dealt.
Each Shot costs 3 Boomgun rounds.
Fired as a Burst. No aim, Sniper or Called shot bonuses apply because its a 3 round burst.
No aimed burst with this weapon.
The Rahuman Pilot must roll Ps+18 vs 9D6 every shot, failed roll deals 1D6md from whiplash.
Four failed rolls in one battle signal Fatigue and supernatural endurance bonuses to Fatigue no longer apply. Treat Physical Endurance as normal human Endurance for the rest of the Battle. Rahuman often collapse on the Battlefield trying to handle the Super Boomer.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:53 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
say652 wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Each Power Armor should have it's own xDC stat.

The problem with scaling the xDC with the size of the armor is that the bigger something is the more weight that goes to Structure of the PA rather then the Armor of the PA.

As stated earlier good Kitty, the armor only enhances the wearers Supernatural strength.

A limit to this monster.
Power system: Nuclear; average Energy life is 4 Years.
Each SupperBoomer attack counts as 4 actions.
The armor takes 1/100th of damage dealt.
Each Shot costs 3 Boomgun rounds.
Fired as a Burst. No aim, Sniper or Called shot bonuses apply because its a 3 round burst.
No aimed burst with this weapon.
The Rahuman Pilot must roll Ps+18 vs 9D6 every shot, failed roll deals 1D6md from whiplash.
Four failed rolls in one battle signal Fatigue and supernatural endurance bonuses to Fatigue no longer apply. Treat Physical Endurance as normal human Endurance for the rest of the Battle. Rahuman often collapse on the Battlefield trying to handle the Super Boomer.

*scratches head how my comment about xDC got responded with something about SNPS.*

SD/MD are damage ratings
SDC/MDC are armor ratings

When xDC is used it is saying 'is talking about ether/both SDC and/or MDC'.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:00 pm
by taalismn
Modular Body Armor, folks.
And I'm working on a knockoff adaptation of the Gargoyle Power Armor for use for both normal-sized humanoids*in which case, it's a robot vehicle) and for other oversized humanoids(in which case it's power armor). :D

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:09 pm
by RiftJunkie
I had to vote for "other". Any re-work of "human" armor (especially power armor) is a custom job. There are examples out there for non-humans: the Kreegor have a few, so do the Arkons and Gargoyles. Human power armor is not easily made into something else. Any deviation means it is a NEW power armor and would need to be treated as a prototype with all the bugs until a proven design is found. That's my view. House Rule it however works best for you.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:51 pm
by psam_rage
My 2-cents on larger armor. (Playing a Titan at the moment so I did a TON of research)

Rules for large humanoid body armor (13'-16' | 17'-28') are in:
The named Pogtalian Dragon slayer in the original Vampire Kingdoms book
and the entry on Pogtals in D-Bees of NA

Dragon Death Power Armor (South America 1, pg. 141) [Scaled for 18-24' Tall humanoids] (Its on the high end of power armor costs but FAR LESS than most robots)
Its basically a giant SAMAS just w/o wings (still flys using MASSIVE jetpack)

Note Cibola also stats some Naruni Guns scaled for giants.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:07 am
by Crow Splat
say652 wrote:For Power Armor, for each 20% increase in size, decrease speed by 5% so a Samas 80% larger, heavier and 80% more mdc would suffer a 20% decrease in speed running and speed flying.
Cost is multplied by size increase times two.
Thats 1,600,000 credits times 1.6 or 2,560,000 credits. New cost is always used.

I think you may need to recheck your math based on this and some other posts. If you increase height and armor thickness by 80%, your weight would actually increase closer to 640%. You add 80% more mass for your height then another 80% more mass for the armor thickness. To figure total mass those numbers are multiplied. Doing things that way makes armor really heavy, really fast.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:29 am
by say652
Crow Splat wrote:
say652 wrote:For Power Armor, for each 20% increase in size, decrease speed by 5% so a Samas 80% larger, heavier and 80% more mdc would suffer a 20% decrease in speed running and speed flying.
Cost is multplied by size increase times two.
Thats 1,600,000 credits times 1.6 or 2,560,000 credits. New cost is always used.

I think you may need to recheck your math based on this and some other posts. If you increase height and armor thickness by 80%, your weight would actually increase closer to 640%. You add 80% more mass for your height then another 80% more mass for the armor thickness. To figure total mass those numbers are multiplied. Doing things that way makes armor really heavy, really fast.

Yes are correct. I did Not calculate area correctly much obliged and shall be reworked.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:31 am
by say652
say652 wrote:So 80% larger Samas.

Weight:2412lbs without railgun.
Height:14.4 feet.

The suit also loses its Robotic Strength instead it provides its wearer with +18 to Supernatural strength. If the wearer doesn't have Supernatural strength they cannot operate this suit.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:04 pm
by masslegion
say652 wrote:
Crow Splat wrote:
say652 wrote:For Power Armor, for each 20% increase in size, decrease speed by 5% so a Samas 80% larger, heavier and 80% more mdc would suffer a 20% decrease in speed running and speed flying.
Cost is multplied by size increase times two.
Thats 1,600,000 credits times 1.6 or 2,560,000 credits. New cost is always used.

I think you may need to recheck your math based on this and some other posts. If you increase height and armor thickness by 80%, your weight would actually increase closer to 640%. You add 80% more mass for your height then another 80% more mass for the armor thickness. To figure total mass those numbers are multiplied. Doing things that way makes armor really heavy, really fast.

I'm sorry i don't believe this is correct.

Let's start with 1 and increase by 80% = 1+(1*.8) =1.8 for an 80% increase in one dimension say height. Now we take 1.8 times more material than original/weight and increase the overall thickness of said armor by 80%. So start with 1.8 + (1.8*.8) = 3.24

So a an object that is 80% larger and then the material used is also 80% thicker is only 3.24x's (324%) heavier than the original not 640% heavier.

unless if the 80% larger is used in 2 dimensions before making the third dimension 80% thicker then it would be closer to 640%, but would be 5.832 times or 583% more material/ heavier. 583% and 640% is pretty close but still different enough to consider if the armor increased its width by 80% as well.

Additionally if this is a power armor, weight is not only based on the weight of the armor plating itself, but also on motors, hydraulics, power supplies, etc. which might not be increase in weight directly proportional to the weight of what it has to move.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:09 pm
by say652
So for game purposes 6.4 multplied by weight is a fair weight increase for armor 80% larger.
So quick and dirty math
Take percentage increase and multiply by it self then tack a decimal point on the end and theres your multiplier.
90% increase in size, mdc would equa weight multiplied by 8.1

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:12 pm
by say652
say652 wrote:Glitterboy designed for a RahuMan he is 15' 500lbs.

Rahu Glitterboy.
19.76 feet tall.
19,440lbs weight.

+18 SnPs.
Run spd:47mph.

Vehicle dents the pocket at 70 million credits!!

Weight corrected it turns a 1.2 ton armor into a nearly 10 ton Armor.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:39 pm
by Crow Splat
Masslegion's math may be more exact than mine, admittedly they was rough calculation on my part and would be how I would figure it on the fly to keep from slowing down games.

The point still stands that you can't just multiply all stats by 80% and call it a day.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:00 pm
by Alrik Vas
The general idea isn't bad, but I wouldn't give them extra armor unless their size made them easier to hit. The game doesn't support that as far as I know, so I dint give extra armor.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:10 pm
by say652
It can work. At least it does for me. This was another reason I switched to Heroes unlimited.
The mdc is pretty much standard for an sdc version of any of these robots. The armor is a full body exoskeleton with Heavy Bionic Armor with an Icarus Flight Sytem Helmet layered sdc to mdc 1:1.
only I didn't use was a Robot Armor Rating. The sdc weights are lower and strength is higher.
For an mdc realm Heavier and weaker for Giant Size Robot Vehicles seems wonky but the increased MDC compensates.
A Giant Triple BoomGun Cannon carrying Four Armed GlitterBoy Should bw that much more Powerful rules or Not.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:55 pm
by Alrik Vas
Yeah, but we're taking a one of a kind suit regardless. For that purpose go as crazy as you want.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:45 pm
by psam_rage
Also converting power armor for use by non-Human Equivalent troops is near impossible you would need a complete custom built as stated earlier, the rules for that are in SB1:revised.

Robot R.C.C.
Skip Step one
Skip Step two
Since you probably aren't at level one you can skip step 3. (Unless you are using this to make an exotic RPA Pilot.
Skip Step four
Step five: If making true power armor take one of the humanoid choices and make sure it is 2-5' taller than your character. Robot is anything larger than that.
Step 6: Any
Step 7: If power armor legs should match the pilots, robot any
Step 8, 9, 10: Have fun (Don't take 360 Degree Rotating Body Segment on Power armor!)
(Increased Attacks per Melee Round doesn't fit, unless you convince your GM that it is for RPA:Elite [but moderate it!])

Centaur Power Armour (Would never happen but hey its a good example)
Step 5: Partial Humanoid & either if the centaur is small Animal: Basic Horse (Large) or if the centaur is larger use Giant Animal
Step 6: Doesn't matter (One year TW-Generator to be used with the Techno-Wizard Robot Pilot from R60 perhaps?)
Step 7: Large Animal legs
Step 8, 9, 10: Anything except you probably wouldn't take the cosmetic enhancements like skin and fur.

It is THAT simple.

Though you would need to commision the design, and draw it up w/ Robot Electronics, Robot Mechanics, and Weapons Engineer at least.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:13 pm
by eliakon
psam_rage wrote:Also converting power armor for use by non-Human Equivalent troops is near impossible you would need a complete custom built as stated earlier, the rules for that are in SB1:revised.

Robot R.C.C.
Skip Step one
Skip Step two
Since you probably aren't at level one you can skip step 3. (Unless you are using this to make an exotic RPA Pilot.
Skip Step four
Step five: If making true power armor take one of the humanoid choices and make sure it is 2-5' taller than your character. Robot is anything larger than that.
Step 6: Any
Step 7: If power armor legs should match the pilots, robot any
Step 8, 9, 10: Have fun (Don't take 360 Degree Rotating Body Segment on Power armor!)
(Increased Attacks per Melee Round doesn't fit, unless you convince your GM that it is for RPA:Elite [but moderate it!])

Centaur Power Armour (Would never happen but hey its a good example)
Step 5: Partial Humanoid & either if the centaur is small Animal: Basic Horse (Large) or if the centaur is larger use Giant Animal
Step 6: Doesn't matter (One year TW-Generator to be used with the Techno-Wizard Robot Pilot from R60 perhaps?)
Step 7: Large Animal legs
Step 8, 9, 10: Anything except you probably wouldn't take the cosmetic enhancements like skin and fur.

It is THAT simple.

Though you would need to commision the design, and draw it up w/ Robot Electronics, Robot Mechanics, and Weapons Engineer at least.

And now we know what the Cyber-Horsemen of Ixon wear into battle :D

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:30 pm
by psam_rage
eliakon wrote:And now we know what the Cyber-Horsemen of Ixon wear into battle :D

The only problem is that both centaurs and the Cyber horsemen specifically prohibited any RPA class.

In both cases I think this is because the are NO Robots or power Armor designed for them, though in the case of centaurs it is also a case of their racial Cleithrophobia. (The normal Centaurs ARE HERD CREATURE.)

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:37 pm
by eliakon
psam_rage wrote:
eliakon wrote:And now we know what the Cyber-Horsemen of Ixon wear into battle :D

The only problem is that both centaurs and the Cyber horsemen specifically prohibited any RPA class.

In both cases I think this is because the are NO Robots or power Armor designed for them, though in the case of centaurs it is also a case of their racial Cleithrophobia. (The normal Centaurs ARE HERD CREATURE.)

Oh I agree completely for the normal centaurs. They are way to anti-tech, and open air for power armor (I can see them taking to Biomancy though, with the wood and chitin armor)

Cyber Horsemen cant be RPA, but they are not prohibited from taking the pilot power armor skill if I recall correctly, which suggests that it could be possible. I can see the elite military of Ixon (where ever, and what ever that is) wearing power armor. I also think it would likely be very expensive and even more of a 'heavy military' item than among humans. Especially considering their tendency to use bionics. They don't seem to need the strength or built in tools for 'civilian' uses....but for heavy military use I could see it.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:44 am
by Q99
masslegion wrote:
Let's start with 1 and increase by 80% = 1+(1*.8) =1.8 for an 80% increase in one dimension say height. Now we take 1.8 times more material than original/weight and increase the overall thickness of said armor by 80%.

I do want to note how scaling up the coverage doesn't automatically imply scaling up the thickness either. I'd think most of the time, you'd be talking the same thickness, even.

If you're using similar parts, i.e. making a SAMAS but taller, or such, then especially so.

Adding thickness is a separate thing, that shouldn't automatically come up just because you're making an armor for someone bigger.

Crow Splat wrote:I wouldn't make it a linear relationship. Yes there is more mdc material in the armor but the armor isn't any thicker. So unless you are getting hit across a large percentage of the surface area of the armor, your actual protection doesn't increase.

Like modern body armor, an 8"x10" plate of ar500 stops the same bullets that a 4'x8' sheet stops. The only way the larger plate protects better is by taking more hits over a larger surface area, but a competent shooter is going to go for the same spot every time and at least get close.

I would say 3 to 5% increase for every foot above six in pilot height would be reasonable.


say652 wrote:If a standard GB is lets say 10 inches thick one that is increased 90% would be....19" thick.

Actually thinking about designing a triple railgun for the Giant size version.

Super Boomer.
1D6×100mdc to a 6foot radius. per triple blast. Range 10,000 feet.
The sky is filled with 600 hardened projectiles traveling at mach2 the massive Sonic Boom radius 600 FEET! 1/2 effect 900 feet unfortunate unarmored characters at 1200 feet suffer 1/4 of the deafening effect. When fired even targets fully armored suffer the deafening effect. Objects within 200 suffer 1D4md SonicBlast and are knocked down, save is same all ranges. 6D6 vs a Parry a Dodge all ranges and a Roll with punch all bonuses apply costs 3 Attacks not actions to roll a save vs the 1 attack lost just eating the damage and penalties. One failed roll and the save fails. And 4md is taken.
A save in eba halves all damages and effects.

Resigning a weapon to be bigger would be way more complex still. Those don't just scale up, those have different parts that need to be different sizes, different sizes aren't always tied to more power, etc..

Making a giant boomgun like that is way more complex than even just making a different fitting armor.

RiftJunkie wrote:I had to vote for "other". Any re-work of "human" armor (especially power armor) is a custom job. There are examples out there for non-humans: the Kreegor have a few, so do the Arkons and Gargoyles. Human power armor is not easily made into something else. Any deviation means it is a NEW power armor and would need to be treated as a prototype with all the bugs until a proven design is found. That's my view. House Rule it however works best for you.

SA1 has a giant-power armor, and Vampire Kingdoms/D-Bees of North America have some four-armed snake people with their own specific armor.

Also, Warlock Marine armor and Lemuria bio-armor fits anything, they adjust to match.

Then there's some body armors made for a variety of species in the Achilles Republic and the like.

Most others will be custom jobs.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:37 am
by say652
No no no no. Because I feel this way and your wrong. Kinda hear this a whole lot over here peeps. Also showed that hu is a better robot building system.

The 3 barreled boomgun stays now. Your nays made sure o that.
And my correct and updated Upsizing Armor math stays as is also.

Why?? Because if tge numbers work oyt to be rhe same as the sdc versions, that mdc is kinda Like sdc without AR.

Face it the systems overlap. The math overlaps.

Sdc is a superior rpg tool.
Mdc.....yea its simplfied sdc realms.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:46 am
by Q99
Hm, is your triple boomgun intended to be three normal ones effectively strapped together? A bit like the fat Glitterboy's from Triax 2?

That's still a serious, serious design job, but I guess doable... even most giants probably still need anchors there, though.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:52 am
by say652
Or Four Arms, Supernatural strength an Exoskeleron to increase that strength and still take damage from the recoil most of the time.

But basically yes, 3 BoomGuns melded together with one trigger and three additional handholds to are needed to hang on to this monster.

Several Rahumen have died just firing the weapon. one was torn in half head, chest and four arms attempting to fire the original Four Barrel version of the SuperBoomer.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:02 am
by say652
So far only RahuMen are the only ones able to benefit from the superboomer.
Added fact most Rahumen pilots lose hearing in 2D6 weeks after acquiring this armor. So the local chopshops often increase costs of amplified hearing and sound filters by as much as 300% when ever a "FourArm Finger Talker" enters a town.

Two Suits have been sighted in NA the cs engaged one suit losing 40 men to one RGB before the bombardment suddenly stopped.
Further investigation revealed the Pilot Broke his own neck Firing the massive maingun.
illegal in CS territories all units will be engaged with LRM's if encountered.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:51 am
by Crow Splat
@Q99: The math that @masslegion and myself posted was a response to @say652 saying that he was increasing thickness of armor plates as well to justify increased MDC. We were pointing out that if that is the case then his original weights were really low. Just thought I would clarify as it seemed you may not understand.

Personally, I'm with you. I would err on the side of not increasing MDC, or increasing it slightly but making a hit count on increasingly lower rolls, proportional to size, to reflect shots that would miss a human having a better chance of hitting bigger targets.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:19 am
by say652
Lemme see to be effective the PA needs a solid 1/4 mile between it and any possible friendlies to avoid injuring them.
Negative 1: Solo on the battefield. Lone Target.

Negative 2: the pilot and armor take damage for each shot fired. I hit you, I still bleed.

Negative three 3: The Ammo drum holds 300 rounds. Or 100 shots. On Average you take 2mdc as the pilot. Out of 100 rolls thats around 200mdc damage at the low end for a creature that has 360mdc at most. The negating Supernatural PE after four missed contests means. These guys also fatigue as normal humans. After about an hour of battle, the negatives start to add up.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:18 pm
by eliakon
Just as a mention here but.....
This 'super boom gun' is a starship rail-cannon level weapon......

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:31 pm
by say652
Exactly. Find some d-bee race Almost strong enough to handle it, use just enough enhancement protection so they can barely survive a battle using it and badoom!

A weapon so powerful, hopefully thousands of Rahumen and similiar beings slaughter themselves.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:16 pm
by Alrik Vas
It's just a triple boomgun? Devastator mk2 mount single guns as forearm weapons. This is not a difficult thing for the existing technology.

In another thread we worked in some math and really it's just a question of the platform's mass. Get a 6 or so ton PA+pilot and a recoil suppression system ava it will work with rifts math.

Or...real math you can get a 60 ton mech.

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:39 pm
by say652
Perhaps the faulty recoil suppression is purposely desogned that way...

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:05 pm
by masslegion
Crow Splat wrote:@Q99: The math that @masslegion and myself posted was a response to @say652 saying that he was increasing thickness of armor plates as well to justify increased MDC. We were pointing out that if that is the case then his original weights were really low. Just thought I would clarify as it seemed you may not understand.

Yep true

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:05 pm
by say652
My math was two dimensional I appreciate the the more accurate three dimensional and more accurate formula

Re: Armor and Power Armor for non-humans

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:06 pm
by psam_rage
say652 wrote:Exactly. Find some d-bee race Almost strong enough to handle it, use just enough enhancement protection so they can barely survive a battle using it and badoom!

A weapon so powerful, hopefully thousands of Rahumen and similiar beings slaughter themselves.

Or admit you are cheesing and start using a Trio-Nova Plasma weapons...

(or pair of G-1000 Gigasaurus Rex)
P.S.- No I can't take this seriously anymore. I <3 the Boom gun but its fluff is so backward, "ONLY chromium" can handle mach 5 launches.

The Navy's MJ32 prototype launches 7lb (I think) projectile, 220 miles, with a muzzle velocity of ~Mach 7.5.
Now I will admit that is A NAVAL CANNON, but a mach 5 tungston pill bottle as the end all be all? No.
Beside there are numerous rules stating you CAN NOT use multiple boom guns under any circumstance. (This is me Ignoring the glitter Volus and South Amreica)

P.P.S- My titan out weighs and out strips your Rahu-mans P.S., and a Mystic Kuznya can come close to me in PS.